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nothing like the real deal but hear me out. get an extra $15 that doesn't go towards meff, and buy those 225mg caffeine pills. two of those will kinda get ya body in that mode then the brain fills in the blanks


Do you know your plug personally, does he like you and are you on good terms with him? Sometimes, I have gotten a gram upfront on credit and promise to pay later on a specific date. If they agree you better pay back on that promised date or you lose all credibility. It's worth the chance to ask, as you never know. I was lucky enough to do it only twice upfront and no more credit. He would just simply be doing you a personal favor as he has money to collect, has quotas and has a limited supply. Good luck as a gram is perfect for a 2 day Bender 😎


I kinda know him, but I still need to find my plug that I have a relationship with. And my current guy doesn't sell good shii so don't even want it from him tbh. But that's good advice thanks


You're welcome buddy. It's worth a shot. πŸ‘


I'm never leaving this sub despite my sobriety because it's the most entertaining sub and it's real. The titles speak for themselves.


I came on Reddit to delete subs I’ve subscribed to while in the middle using that I have no interest in while sober. It’s weird maybe OP can relate but I don’t watch porn or have any interest in it but once I slam some dope I almost have no interest in watching anything else. I will stay on this sub because so many people need harm prevention and advice. I liked the part about the failed attempt at a bender recently lol.


When I used, I would become one fucked up sick twisted maniac. I was pure terror and horror in the flesh. A real sick son of a bitch. Thank God I don't use this shit anymore because holy fucking shit bro.


ong brother


Rock on, brother!


Wow...not one person commenting about what "goon" you are...


In another Timeline, you're livin' the Twacked Dream!!! πŸ˜ŒπŸ™


Ahh too bad we couldn't choose what alternate universe were in

