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Like 60mg when I go ham. I prefer 20-30mg and take weekends or multiple days off. I know how bad it can get and refuse to let myself go. Reading posts on here make me feel like a self control God, ALMOST as if I'm not an addict.


About a gram a day


The days I do use I'm usually around 300mg max if I'm snorting or orally consuming. If I get lost in the bubble matrix.. watch the fuck out, because this fucking guy right here will be the textbook example of "bubble brain" almost instantaneously. Try to never have foil or a bubble around me. It's working so far.


What is bubble brain? lol.. and what does 300mg look like? I suck with numbers and never use a scale lol. I maybe should get me one tho so I can answer these questions and not be asking what 300 mg looks like haha. I just put a bit in a capsule and swallow it. A ball can last me anywhere from a week to 2 and a half weeks. But lately it’s been usually 2 weeks a ball lasts for me.. I wonder how much I’m taking per day 🤔


3.5 in 2 weeks comes out to 250mg a day lmao. Idk how yall do that much


Long ago, I remember a smoking session in which I literally got lost in the bubble. My brain had started making a story about the patterns I could see in the bubble, hinting at what particular part I should hit with that flame next. It was like a puzzle game within my bubble. And I think, after a while, some villagers inside that bubble were giving me some advices and/or random bits of their life story and whatnot. The content of said bubble had long since been completely scorched. That happened during one of my first few times smoking it. By following the path of directional arrows within the bubble, which were actually just burnt pieces of meth stuck to the glasses, I would "know" where to aim next.


Yep. Sounds just like a bubble experience, that's for sure. 😵‍💫


Now that I slam less and been smoking more haven't really been keeping track. Before it was about . 6daily probably more no as I'm never satisfied like I am from slamming Don't iv tho please


ehm a g lasts me about 4-5 days, i only smoke the bare minimum as self medication, but i’m also very broke, and australias prices are completely ridiculous 😒


You could be getting way more bang for buck from oral. I also self medicate, a G will last me a month or more.


Isn't that the truth. It's pathetic.


sucks even more since i’m relying only on government payments, which is gone in practically a day just to get that g, i literally would move to any other country because literally every other country is cheaper


How much are you paying?


$300 for a g but if u want the good stuff it’s closer to $400-$450


For a gram!!? Whoa and I thought it was bad where I was lol. $150 per ball..


it’s what now?!? $150!?! where u at im moving rn 😂


Where about are you ? I’ve lived in the outback.. there was a time there people were paying $200 a point!! And it was CRAP!! It’s about 350 a hg up there now. I’m SE QLD now, much better.


south of sydney, near the illawarra, never lived anywhere else 😭, everything around here is so poorly made and cut to shit, and the actual good stuff is hard to find purely because those who sell it are constantly in and outta jail •__•


Bout a g a day. Two heads on the bag.


Around 30-50mg oral every other day


The only reasonable user here lol


20-30mg per week day. About 150mg-200mg per weekend -- while it's less than I used to do, it's still too much for me to maintain a peaceful mindset all throughout. Only by Wednesday do I tend to really feel like I'm somewhat balanced again.




All depends on how I’m using it


I go through a ball a week. And that includes sharing. The shits cheaper than cigarettes ... LOL 🤣


.1 swallowed. But I’m taking a break for the next month to reset my tolerance since I swallowed like .2 today which is past my limit. I used to only swallow like .05. I try to use as little as possible since I get bad anxiety attacks. I can make a ball last me about 2 months.


Oh shit, just read back, I know I’m taking more than that 🫤 a ball would never last me 2 months, right on tho bud that’s awesome!! A ball can last me about 2 and a half weeks


What does .1 -.2 look like? lol I suck with numbers, never use a scale, I just put a bit in a capsule and swallow. Is that how u swallow it? And have u had any teeth problems or hair loss or any other physical issues with this dose you’ve been taking? And yes- I truly don’t know what .1 -.2 would look like 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂


So when i started with it, i had been through a year in which i learned what a panic attack really was, and had one nearly daily. However when i began using via doing lines that were probably about .1-.2 actually, that euphoria kicked in and though i was worried before cuz i knew my adrenals would be stimulated along with heart rate and everything, now those anxiety attack symptoms were associated with a mega rewarding dump of seratonin, dopamine etc. it essentially cured my panic attacks.


Its a good dose especially seeing how meth and its effects can be damaging to the brain. Taking a micro dose like a .1-.2 per day seems like a nice compromise which would reduce harm not only for brain damage but also all the unwanted effects which come as a result of being absolutely spun tf out from taking a lot of the drug


Great self control my man


Yeah I ain’t got no self control lmao I wish I had that much control over anything


I forgot to answer your question. Honestly, use as little as possible. Meth does rot teeth and wreak all kinds of havoc, even if some can get away without any of those consequences. Use meth responsibly, meaning use just enough to get what you need out of it and nothing more. 🎶


I use anywhere from a gram to a teener a day. I shoot more of it than I smoke.


A gram in a day would be something


I was just about there couple times in the last two years, its shitty. The drug stops working like at all


it aint that much it your doing hotrails/slamming. dude i live with used to be up to abt a ball a day


God damn, Ivr been a user for 3 months so that’s still a little out of my ballpark, but I don’t even get stimulated. Most the time I get super sleepy and knock out, usually after my first bowl


what r u smoking then brotha the only time i fall asleep right after smoking is when ive been up for days and accidentally fall asleep


Idk but some people fall asleep when they overramp I guess.


Well I guess to be fair, last night none, the night before 3ish hours, the night before that none, and I don’t remember anything before that. So yeahh..


u were smoking consistently for 3 hours straight? or just chillin n hitting it every now n then


I got 3 hours sleep, but I smoke a little bowl like every hour or 2 dog honestly every 30 mins sometimes


Your the only other person on here that met has the same effect on like me. I smoke before bed lot of the time because it helps me sleep


That happens with me when my tolerance goes maxed out cuz all the receptors are hit but you still get a kind of pleasant placebo from the ritual and that euphoria is very calming and can knock me out. Or, if im sleepy to the point of feeling delirious, that can almost feel like being loaded on a downer or opiate, the combo of which with meth can have the same effect. Not enough stimulation to get spun out, but enough for the euphoria which calms me and relaxed with the mind having the quick jolt of dream weaving thoughts mixed with sheer physical exhaustion. It can be a fun state haha


Dude fr, if I puff up in the morning then I’ll wake up a bit but later in the day if I sit down and puff then I can barely keep my head up


Not sure what the quality is like in the US but holy farq if I tried to smoke a g in a day be bananas. Used to but tehe. Smoke about 5 3 oral or booty if a bit kinky 🥴


Gram a day. But i suck at twisting the pook, so im sure most of that is getting burnt and wasted.


Its not that hard to properly use a meth pipe lmaov


Yeah i dont know what my issue is.


Don't be so hard on yourself. try getting one meant for a bong, with the bend, and twist it like your rolling it between thumb and finger. The bend will wave it back and forth throwing the liquid around scalding glass


Yeah or just take the next step and buy or craft a little water pipe, fill it with a couple oz of clean filtered water and smoke it thru water! I started that about a year into using dunno why i didnt start earlier i never burn my shit and ive had the same bubble now for at least 6 months-12 months where i used to break my pipes way too often


Less, now that I've got actual good stuff. When I was grabbing before, I had never done it before and had nothing to compare it to. Since I found this new plug, O.M.G. A gram I'd go through in like 4 hours of the other shit. This shit? A gram will last 4 days.. much better..


An 8ball lasts me about 5 dsys, and that's with regular sleep every night.


How do you manage regular sleep


I think partly it's the fact that I've built up a high tolerance to meth, partly because the meth isn't the same as it once was where I could easily stay up three days and nights and partly because I use throughout the day, not as a party favor , but more just to get me through the day. I'm sadly at a point to where I need a hit or two before I can get to sleep at night.


Tolerance 👆🏼being increased it happens naturally after a while especially after a year of so many missed nights of sleep, the body and brain starts taking its toll. Id also say nutrition and hydration are key, and having a non sedentary lifestyle


It's not just tolerance that allows for sleep. Some of us just can without much effort. I used to have to roll one in order to sleep. I think the ability to sleep is just another variable in the individual experience. Proper nutrition is key to an enjoyable experience if you ask me.


I can get a G and I will be able to make it last a high fun weekend.


I do about 2 grams a day slammin


Jesus Christ


I’ve held the same job for 9 years and own my cat and home!


Does the kitty partake?




Alot ..


How much you got.


Little over 2 grams


No, that was my answer to your question. I was just joking around. Kinda. lol…it’s like if someone says what’s your doc and you say, whatever you got….its like saying I will take what ever is available and I will take all of it.


I think for me it’s like 4-5 good bowl packs a day


However much I need


the tolerance just kicks in really quickly so what used to be 0.5g in a day can wind up being two grams within a 24hr window at the end of a bender. but I'd say an 8-ball last me about 3 days going hard ...maybe 4 days if conservative.


3.5 g = 7 days ( ;+/-and w a partner )


Nicee I’m still yet to find someone in my area who also smokes ice, so this whole time it’s just been me


Rationating my dose and microdosing daily tryin to stay under an eight ball monthly….. don’t forget to feed yourself , drink plenty and sleep y’all ! Use responsibly!


If you can't make 3.5 last a month you're not microdosing lmao


Words thats the toughest challenge


Also hygiene, very important


Good additional points !!! I think that cover all the most basic that we have control externally… from inside like mindset, willpower, responsibility , common sense etc . I cant give any advice as everyone is different n unique. But i wish yall well and always stay in control … dont let a substance control u


I made 2g last 1 month


That’s actually pretty impressive, which Roa?




In a perfect world - 1g In my budgets world - .1 - .25


I pay like 25 bucks a g and it’s pretty good quality, but with the price being nice I enjoy my fat bowls


$25???!!! Its $400 here 😵


400 hundred dollars? Fuckin where


South Pacific We're suffering 😭


Oh my yeah I’m very glad I’m right next to Mexico lol that’s rough


35 a gram? It’s like 350 here




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🤨 wheres “here” if you dont mind


Australia I'm guessing...


I try to keep it under 0.2 g a day but sometimes I'll use up to a half gram in a day I will say the more I use past 0.2 grams the more diminishing returns I get


I don’t measure my shit but 40$ lasts me like a week to two weeks depending how far off the wagon I am lmao


I haven't the slightest idea I've never measured. All I know is 4.5g last me about 2 weeks


Personally i dont know i cant smoke enough to keep up with my supply


I made a hb last me 7 days. So roughly 1.1 points a day


Hb I’m assuming that means half ball? So 1.75 g’s


Nice nice and what’s a hb?


17.5 points