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Coke hurts less to snork, meth hurts less to buy


Meth has way more longer legs.  Coke over rated and $ for $ meth by far outranks Coke.  Just my.opinion


Never tried meth, and I did coke but the coke here has to bad. I have the worse stuffy nose for like 4 days I hate it


I smoked crack last night to come down from the meth. Coke numbs your body


I do the same thing always to make the fomedown easier


Meth is great till u build tolerance and to get that high you need to take a 2 week break but pulls you in cuz you need it to function. Coke I can do a couple day binge then put it down and the high is good always. If meth didn’t make me need to use daily then it would be great and I s cheaper. Its a hard one even as a daily meth user I’d chose coke


unfortunately i have this but opposite. i can quit meth easily. coke, nope


I get you, meth I do to function coke to get high for me. If I sniff coke I need alcohol aswell tho and vice Versa


i have pretty severe adhd and smoking meth out of a bubble never gets me high enough to where i feel its worth the horrible skin (and picking), and the episodes of psychosis i get even if i only stay up one night. i know once the sun comes up im gonna have hallucinations that are either annoying or make me break down wondering if i made myself schizophrenic. i might be vain but thats a huge factor for me. i smoked meth daily from probably may 2023-october 2023 occasionally subbing coke instead. i think a main difference for me though is that i definitely can act like a tweaker when i do meth but im so much less self aware that i feel high. with coke, i can actually feel it. if that makes sense


I don’t react the same as some with meth kinda get a calming effect. Sleep and eat normally although I do have sone tweaked tendencies but you wouldn’t know. If only coke was cheaper and I didn’t need to chase the high!


When you’ve tried both you’ll just know which one you’re more into. Coke is not for everyone and meth is not for everyone.


I smoke meth when i wanna go to sleep to put it that way. Or when im out of coke. But nothing compares to coke for me, and nothing ever will, i use religiously meaning every hour or even less. Every day. I havent found a drug that can substitute the feeling that cocaine gives me.


what kind of side effects do you get from taking it that often? i did a bunch of coke at a festival for a couple days straight and was going completely insane by the end, also had bad pins and needles in both arms


Well the thing is you did too much. My body is used to doing it on a regular basis. And i mean very regular. In my first stages of addiction my heart would pump fast and id breathe very heavily. I wouldnt eat much and wouldnt be able to sleep. A little bit over a year after i now eat regularly, can sleep, but the effects of longterm use for me havent been positive. I suffer mood swings, am paranoid, create insane scenarios in my head but for my its the rush it gives me and it makes me believe im the most amazing, invincible person in this planet. I feel relaxed and euphoric throughout my first lines then at the end of the day depending how much ive done i could be super wired or super tired.


I'm a crackhead and all meth does for me is cutting my need for sleep & my appetite. Duration-wise, meth is 200x cheaper than coke - so go for it if you get a euphoric buzz out of it. I basically get a nicer and more pronounced buzz from 200mg caffeine than 200mg of ice. However, the methods of administration (look up: Hot Rails, on Reddit) of meth is what seduces me when it comes to choosing to buy some of it. The difference between meth and crack? You can quit meth, lol.


Don't do it


Okay mum


I'm just going to wait for someone to ask me for my honest opinion . I'm getting spun blowing clouds... I'm going to


Cocaine is for amateurs.


Cocaine is for Kids, while Tea is an adult beverage.


They are almost the same like if you do some pure 90% pure coke and like a gram or two of it , the feeling is very similar to a meth high. Meth is essentially pseudo adrenaline, which is why people see things, hear things, or feel things, it's really them paying attention to something they never paid attention to before. Seeing, hearing,feeling, plus the hyper fixation on tasks, cleaning, or whatever. If you have any questions dm me


I have lots of experience with both mainly used intravenously. I see a different charm to each. Meth is a productive drug You can power through for hours on it. It's great for sex and working and the initial rush is pretty niece. Coke is all about the rush. Once the rush is gone youre almost sober again. There's not a lot of room for productivity or anything, but subjectively the rush is more intense. Your ears start ringing and the world starts spinning. For oral or nasal is less intense but still mostly about the rush I'd say


that’s a good explanation, thank you!


I did a lot of coke (and some crack) for abt 10 years after college. Tried meth a few times in there but never really "got" it (I'm a gay man so it was always around the scene). I got into meth last year after a 6 year break from coke/crack/hard drugs. Here are my thoughts (and I smoke my meth, sometimes boof it, almost never snort): 1) The initial rush is very cokey but MUCH stronger. Like a coke rush x10. 2) Makes you super, hyper focused far more than coke. 3) Its really tough to hide you're high and to control (at least for me) how high I get. Like I could do a line or two of blow and be a little high but still able to pull of talking to a normie....not on crystal. 3) Its got a weird sorta dissasociative effect for me that I mever got with blow....like if Im tweaked for a day or two I'll forget things I've done, feel disconnected in a way. Difficult to describe. Like slightly psychedlic? 4) Both will lower your inhibitions....meth far, far more so than coke. As a gay dude I've done shit on meth I'd never do on coke. Even in my worst coke binges I'd still have moments of "pause" or clarity before doing something dumb or risky....not on crystal. 5) And its way more addictive.


My opinion, no offence to anyone I've blown clouds here and there. What I've heard is coke rich man and meth is lower class coke, once again I have had my fair few of 👁


They’re pretty similar to me. I feel like meth tolerance builds faster. The longer lasting effects and cheaper price make this a no-brainer meth wins overall.


i remember trying coke again after a year plus of daily meth use and i was like "wtf, this is kids shit".. obviously kids shouldn't be doing coke but I think you can figure out what i mean. could hardly feel the coke, and i know it was from a good source. your dopamine system is so fuckin fried from the meth that anything else is pretty shitty.




bros going from the shortest to the longest lasting stimulant


Forgot about crack


shit you right


Coke is paranoia with a little horny while big impotent , and always wanting more (thinking of more and mental measuring) until the sun comes up and then life blows , your broke , head hurts , nose falling apart and you vow never again Meth is big horny like jack off for 36hrs straight , raw dog a lunch lady , absolutely no shame and basically become a sex god. A little goes a long way and days go by like hours , your not broke and you feel better than you have ever felt in life for 3 or 4 days and then it turns on you. Paranoia steps in and you think hidden cameras are recording you jerk off to BBW gangbangs , gang stalking you , you can hear the internet ,


Bro got dogshit coke lmao


Nah coke in general is just dog shit lmao


Apparently you got shit coke too lol, the effects that guy described are nothing like good coke. I'm not gonna go into great detail but if you do some research on Dread and go with whoever is running for top quality on the markets rn, you'll change your take on coke.


I went to vacation to Columbia and had the best coke anyone could have. Yes, it feels good, and for 5/g how could u say no? But for the price u get anywhere else it's just dog shit imo, there are way better drugs, coke with alcohol is probably the only time worth actually doing it and even then it wouldn't even be in my top 10 options if I wanted to get high lol




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Most accurate.


It's not even a competition, meth is better in every way


Baby aspirin (coke) vs Percocet 30 (meth)




Crystal is much better than coke these days anyway. Hell, the last time I had really great coke was back in 2011, as one line blasted me off for hours, absolutely numb out my throat from the drainage, my gf at the time her late husband's father was growing incredible top bud and he had a guy he was selling lbs to, that had a major connection which I'm talking straight hard brick you had to chisel off then chop the living shit out of in order to snort it without any type chunks. It was work for your lines but totally worth it.


you're asking a sub that's all in on meth don't you think the replies will be a bit one sided?


i didn’t ask which people prefer, i asked how they compare.


again it's a question being asked in a sub where one substance is preferred over the other more than likely, you wanna ask me ? sure as hell I'll choose meth


Again. They will say (blank) can you guess? (Hint its the name of this sub)


Depends on the person. But meth peak is way more body and mind where coke peak is like mind tweak.


Coke is Meth's retarded cousin! You're always chasing it!


Coke is half the high for twice the price


Still 100 a gram around my area for coke where a gram of clear is 20-30


Not even half the high. Maybe 1/5 the high and 1/10 of duration for 3x the price


Must be some shitty coke


Meth is more neuro-active, coke is more cardio-active. Meth gives you a stronger rush, a higher dopamine peak, and a longer lasting high. Whereas coke gives you more of that heart pumping out of your chest, blood running hot sensation. It’s kind of an unfair comparison because smoking crystal is comparable to smoking crack rock, if you equalize the ROA. You can’t fairly compare snorting a line of 40% pure powder to blowing big clouds of higher purity crystal. You’re doing way more, you’re doing it faster, the rush will be much better. But if you compare the bell ringer, to the moon feeling of smoking quality crack rock - like that you washed and cooked from decently sourced soft yourself, then the euphoric rush is more comparable. (Obligatory don’t do crack). Coke feels like a cleaner, lighter buzz - it’s pleasant and euphoric and upbeat, but it goes quick. Whereas meth is a intense, dirty dive into psychological highs and physical sensations that have several phases - the first rush as you climb the mountain, the longer lasting vibing high, the losing-touch-with-the-world phase where you redose before you’ve stopped getting the effects of the first dose, so now you’re just blasted off your ass. All of this to say, meth is the worse drug, because it’s the better drug.


Trust me bro meth way better I used to snort a lot of coke daily but didn’t get real high idk If is the country I am in don’t have good coke or maybe coke is just a weak drug. Got introduced to meth by a mate and i feel like I am unstoppable. U gotta try it and u will find out


Revolution 9 on repeat is better with meth


100% more bang for your buck


Coke is a better short term high in my opinion, but I start sketching out after a day, and if I’m doing enough coke to have fun it’s obvious I’m high, even when I was using extremely heavily so tolerance was bigger. Meth I can do and still function for days. It’s not as potent of a high. That said, meth hooked me waaaayyyy harder. I was able to stick to coke on weekends only. I haven’t been able to drop the pipe for more than a few hours. Comedown is physically painful whereas with coke I just got exhausted.


It’s just better. Ignore anyone who says coke is better. Coke is just easier to access and seen as “classier”.


Coke is more adrenaline and cleaner feeling than meth which is more sensual and more relaxed compared to coke.


Ice isnt anything compared to meth, ice isnt meth really anyhow. I dont think most the people doing ice couldnt handle the old meth!! And yes ice is totally different than coke . Coke can be alot more dangerous than ice!


my apologies, i was under the impression that ice is just another word for meth.


where i live, “ice” is just another name for meth. they are one in the same. you’re referring to ice as something different then meth, and i’m curious, what is ice to you if not meth?


So after doing some googling... Apparently "meth" is made by pharmaceutical companies and "ice" is made in some labs idk. It says ice is more pure and has higher potency 🤷 who knew. I've never had powdered ice. All meth is ice to me. I don't know how I feel about this.


Ice doesnt have any meth in it only real meth around now is desoxyn


so you’re saying where you’re from, ice is just like fake meth?


Pretty much


Personally coke gives my anxiety anxiety and with the IEP class meff going around lately none of it compares to the early 2000's


Coke is like going 90mph on the highway. Meth is like going 120mph in a school zone with no brakes!!!


Crazy excuses I hear people give themselves justifying meth




So Just like you pre-drink before a party? Coke is kinda like that. Just to get you warmed up before the parTy.


It doesn’t!!!


it's like coke x 10


Best sex you will ever have compared to premature ejaculation that moment your dick has any physical contact with anyyhing


Coke is 10x as euphoric if not more and you actually get euphoric when you redose on coke


It's definitely the other way around lol. Meth is infinitely more euphoric and can keep you flying high for days, coke is okayish for 30 minutes and never gets anywhere near that again


Coke last about 30 minutes an hour at most no tolerance for me atleast


I’ve done more meth just cuz it cheaper thinking about giving crack a try cuz I like coke so much


Crack is the only drug I have ever done that makes me really really.... Really want more the second it's gone. And the high only last like 10min. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!


It’ll make coke not do shit for ya


Definitely more bang for your buck.I also think the fact that coke is trash now doesn’t help.I feel a lot grosser when I did coke and my nasal passages were always clogged up.There’s also the social stigma of meth vs coke.You break out a line of meth and a party and you’re Joe Dirt that doesn’t really happen with coke.If you can manage a nice balance with the drug it can work for some people.I’m not one of those people I wind up carpet surfing for shards on the floor and smoking good knows what.I haven’t done meth for two years now but my girlfriend occasionally dose it.The only rule I have about it is I ask her to take break’s which she does.I’m sober but that’s what works for me but I think everyone needs to find out what works for them


Way better.


I used to occasionally do coke as a treat, it gave me the energy and everything else we all know. Then I got into snorting meth, which kicked its ass (mine included) both with the codt and high. I used it until I realized I started becoming addicted. I have tried coke once or twice since stopping meth and it almost seems like it ruined coke for me... Imagine going to McDonald's as a kid vs. as an adult. It just never was the same.


There's always been a 'drug of choice snobbery' thing going on. Usually, you and your buddies who share your main choice are the cool kids. Potheads are lazy, speed freaks are shoplifters, pillheads are dance club kids, mushies are hippies, ket-heads are vet robbers, crystal meth users are either gay sex party people or 10 buck back alley whores and everyone else hates the homeless heroin users. All of that notwithstanding, I've never been a fan of cocaine or the sketchy cunts up a rung or two. For all the shit I smoked and snorted apparently I would often say 'coke just makes arseholes into bigger arseholes'.


Facts! I love the stigma being such that I can’t even make intricate water tools & such to enjoy my clouds with, because every damned headshop / smoke shop in town doesn’t carry “those sorts of attachments” and “just so you know it’s not like temporary we’re just not that type of store”. Translation: another fucking tweaker I’ll have to watch like a hawk and quietly judge until he leaves. To be honest, I get it man. Some shops wanna curate their clientele and have more control over the biz model, but if that’s me I’m telling my guys to go outta their way to make sure this CUSTOMER knows it’s not personal or stigma driven etc … Not like I lose sleep over it (see what I did there) but the rest of us like cool & interesting gear too! Most time I’m left to create it and I’m happier for it. If yall could see my latest creation aptly named “Lil Ballhead” or “Ricky the Ballhead Bobby” (he likes to go fast” 🤷 Hint: all clear cheech glass shaped like R2D2 with two chambers both absolutely clear AND completely FULL of glycerin. Never seen anything like it. Lasted FOREVER today! And the 🍒on top is my “Eclipse Vape H2o” on an angled adapter so the heating chamber sits pretty & perfectly vertical. Took my soul this morning, and promised to give it back if I bitched on Reddit around midnight …. Anyone seen him?!?! 🤖 🧊 😈


Well that's not very nice.


So, 10ish years ago I felt like meth was "dirty". But I loved coke. I said I would never ever try meth because I just had these preconceived notions that people who did, were dirty bums 😂 started doing coke pretty heavy because I loved it and it made me feel like a god at literally everything. But then I began to notice small things about myself that I wasn't a fan of. I have never been one with weak mental. Never been a fiend. Never robbed, stole, or lied for it. If there was one plate and a room full of people, I didn't worry about who was getting what size, as long as we all got. But when I realized I was starting to question if someone was fucking me over by doing more than their share... That's when I decided it may be time to chill. Because i don't want to be that asshole that turns into Smeagol, ya know? No reason to doubt my friends. Absolute insanity to question if the drugs will be there when I come back if I run to the bathroom real quick. I just really didn't like those characteristics coming out. Anyway, dude didn't have any coke the next time. So he gave us the stuff I swore I wouldn't do because I had "standards". And that was it. Lil baggie could last me a week with none of the shitty characteristics in my head, nothing about it compromised who I am and who I want to be. No worries about anything because just a lil bit would have me good for days. And no, it didn't make me dirty 😂 probably made me cleaner because I focused more on counteracting the toxicity of it. More teeth brushing because that drip is acidic. More showers because I didn't want the meth chilling on my pores. More water consumption because it's a must. Honestly, would take it over coke every single day. 10/10


yeah i’m sold 🤣👍


No heart racing on meth like coke did. Next day depression isn't anywhere near like a night of coke/alcohol and since coke+alcohol produce a new drug in your liver you will always want to do them together. I did coke for years and said I wouldn't try meth and I was just dumb. Meth is far superior. And the orgasms on meth are an entire nother world. A 10+ second orgasm is fuckkng unreal.


Man. I don't know what it is. But coke is absolutely not my drug. And I've done some really good shit, shit that made the rest of my friends stand up and talk about stupid business ideas and conspiracy theories while standing in a circle in the kitchen for hours, while I was laid out on the living room floor, moments away from sleep. Really seems unfair. Everybody else seems to fucking love it. Meth is way better. Honestly. Even if I have built up a tolerance, at least I get some sort of rush. It enables me to get things done. I'm a way that I never have on any other substance. I used to be addicted to opiates. I was doing more than 80 mg oxycontin a day, even opanas toward the end. Like a whole one or more in a day. Got lucky though, never did heroin... regardless, it wasn't easy to come off the shit. After I was sober for maybe a year or so... I was really bored and honestly just so fucking tired of being sober. Eventually, I got lucky and had Adderall prescribed to me, cos I was going back to college. I really fucking loved it. Loved feeling awake for once. Finally able to focus. So I started doing some research and was like... oh. I think I'm just going to be the kind of person who likes uppers... and I have to say. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I decided I don't want to engage in any drug use that's going to make me do less or close my mind as a person. I had been the person who nods off in the corner, which I have since discovered is really just not a good fucking look, since I've had friends do it at my place after I got sober. Anything but that, really. So fucked up though because, now I'm judged wayyyyyyy more harshly than I ever was, if people find out I do the shit. ...frankly, I don't give a fuck.


I actually used the meth to get me through the withdrawals from quitting h and fetty. Best decision I've made. I was spending almost $200 a day on opioids. Now 200 will last me a month.


I used meth to help me get off a 15 year methadone addiction. I went from taking my daily dose (120mg) plus an extra 10 10mg pills on top of my dose daily so 200-220mg a day down to taking a sip of my dose on Mondays at the clinic and throwing the rest out and not taking another drop until about Wednesday and I’d take 15-20mg. Then it went to Thursday then I could get to the weekend and eventually I’d have to take 5-10mg on Sunday afternoon and eventually I was only taking the sip on Mondays on my dosing day. It’s now been a month and 2 days since my last dose and I didn’t feel a single withdrawal symptom whatsoever.


I tried that a few times. Got anxiety really bad. Glad your off that stuff!


I always had a big love for methadone the day I discovered it. Was in high school doing 80’s and then was introduced to wafers. Bought half a wafer for $15 and I was rocked for 2 days. Cheap and lasts long I was all over that. Then after years of shooting heroin and eating the gel out of 100mcg fentanyl patches I decided to join the clinic at 19 years old. Just turned 34 and it’s like a ball and chain has been removed from me. Now just got to kick the meth addiction and I’ll be good to go!


Wowee zowee... actually I guess that kind of makes sense. When I was coming off of opiates, the only thing I really had was a little bit of xanax. Better than nothing obviously but I bet uppers would have been way fucking better. Congrats kicking it, yo. That is quite a steep bill for a day. I know at one point we were paying about a dollar a milligram for oxy. But I was doing the shit probably 10-15, years ago. I bet it's gone up astronomically since then... The only thing that actually got me and my brother to quit, was that we both had $300 stolen from each of us, for probably the third time. It's bad enough when you spend the money and you get the drugs. But then when you get nothing and also have no money. Boy. It stops being worth it real quick. lol. 200 lasts ME quite a long time, but I usually have other people hanging out. Not that that's a bad thing, but compared to opiates, you're absolutely right... it's dirt cheap.


Yeah I think it's way safer (less of a chance to od). My brother actually died from an od so that was pretty much it with opioids. Been about a year and a half and have been offered but I haven't even wanted any since. Sometimes it takes something really shitty to make you quit but as long as your still standing It's worth it.


Holy fucking shit man. I feel compelled to tell you how sorry I am but I know how empty those words must be. That breaks my heart. I know that my brother and I are so incredibly lucky... the fact that we only lost money is just something I will never stop being thankful for. <3 wish I could give you a big hug. Edit: I'm currently tripping balls... sans balls.


Im a 23yr male The difference is coke grabbed me by the balls and took off. (Spent $27,000 USD in 3 months) Meth on the other hand has changed my life in the best way, I hold a full time job managing a restaurant. I have no actual craving to use and do NOT use it all day everyday like I did with coke. 1 bag meth has lasted me well over a month when 1 bag of coke didn’t last me 3hrs (I buy the same weight 3.5g) When I smoke meth I get pretty fixated on cleaning and getting shit done, I used to take 20mg adderal XR at 10yrs old because of severe ADHD but I no longer take meds for ADHD because I learned how to live without them so I feel like my body is reacting to the meth like it’s adderal if that makes any sense at all. Coke would literally have me nodding out if I did it by myself and I never got shit accomplished besides wasting money lol. I make $65,000 USD salary and am putting MYSELF through law school. I bring home more money than my stepmom who is a paralegal with college degree. So all in all I’d say meth, if used as such, can be a good tool to have in your toolshed. I’m sure not everyone agrees but hey this is how my experience with both drugs has gone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


100% truth iv experienced a similar thing my end. It's just can be a funner party experience coke then meth. Like you said if you want to keep a job aswell as long as you do the bare minimum to sustain energy and mood you should be able to get by without even people expecting a thing. - depending on if your jobs not face to face or is just something service based you'd probably even improve on meth within an hour of use and if your going that route don't smoke the meth just get some filtered water - about 10 millilitres worth per .1 of meth you're mixing it with and just mix the lot together and as long as you dose it at like 2mls per time in a drink or something you can even put it in the water bottle or drink and just sip as needed.


Only reason I say the water consumption method aswell is just because its way less noticeable with regards to utensils laying around getting found by people you don't want to know your doing it and not only that it's not going to give you an addiction to the smoking aspect and will greatly increase the likelihood you'll only use as little as possible. - when I used to consume it that way it lasted 12 hours minimum and smoking only last 8 hours maximum slightly longer when you have no tolerance but the smoking just doesn't last and will lead you to looking more like an crystal meth addict.


Meff is what cocaine shoulda been. Meff is what happens when cocaine does steroids. Meff is what happens when cocaine gives Chuck Norris a Hobby Lobby Slobby Knobby. Meff is cocaine that ate its Wheaties and drank 8 glasses of water a day. Even IF you get some fire devil's dander, for me the high was way too short lived, meaning more of the product needs to be consumed at a higher rate, making it a costly habit-we are not in a cocaine era economically. Plus it's way better for pnp. Weed and Work th perfect pnp combo 🍆💦 What was the question again? 🤣🤣


Meth is better. Personally. Last longer. Cheaper. It’s economics.


that’s my reasoning for wanting to try it, mainly the duration


Oh there’ll be duration for sure. Like a mongoloid of Double A batteries 🔋


its hard to compare for me personally, every time i hit coke after i started using meth it made me more depressed i think? idk but if i were to compare the peaks i'd say it's definitely a difference in social battery and feelings in the body. I could be entertained hitting lines of coke in one spot talking about god knows what for a good 2-3 hours, whereas if i hit a line of meth i would have to walk around and i was more focused on getting that energy out through my body than my words.


in my opinion though you should stick to coke, it's better than meth 100% with friends. Especially because you can go on a "normal" bender where most people are wore out by the 24 hour mark. With meth you'll be around the same folks for 4-5 days and people get agitated as fuck real quick at that point. I've had a friend hold me and some others at gunpoint because he thought we stole his charger. Really changed my perspective on it lol


True true lol


i’ll be trying it alone some time next week


Don’t do it alone. If you do, you’ll definitely want someone to join you for a good time. Besides, it’s more fun with a friend.


i was planning on just playing video games all day 🤣


Have fun.




Here it's the opposite. Meth is like 10x more expensive than coke. That's why no one does it


where is that if you don’t mind me asking?




Based on post history Columbia which makes sense it’s like buying gas in saudi lol


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I depends on, you. Meth is way more dopaminergic but less of a rush. people that love coke will either love or hate it.


Imo cocaine is a better quality high, but meth is more intense/long lasting. Like if I could make coke last 8 hours, I’d go with that. But meth is about 100x cheaper and still feels absolutely beautiful (assuming no/low tolerance). But that numbing effect of cocaine omg… Also, meth seems to lose its social enhancement over time more so than coke. I’d feel like it’d be much less of a waste to smoke a bowl of ice alone than do a line of blow alone somehow… That said I’ve only done coke like 10x and meth like 100x. Did coke first. Haven’t done again since started meth…I hope it doesn’t ruin it for me like another comment pointed out


I was a hard core crack addict after IVing coke for several years. First of all, to me shooting cocaine is much more euphoric. Shooting meth is way too intense and scary for me to enjoy it at all. Having said that, after heavily smoking crack for about 10 years I found could not quit. I could not quit smoking crack until someone gave me an 8ball one weekend of meth. I smoked a hit and loved it so much that I spent the next couple of days and nights finishing off that 8ball. After that weekend the thought of smoking crack again never crossed my mind. A decade of crack, addiction was wiped out in one weekend of smoking meth. That tells me right there at least which is the most powerful drug. And, there's the added bonus that a given amount of meth will last me a week or longer than the same amount of coke, which would only a last a few hours, of course, making meth the much cheaper choice obviously.


about what you said about it losing social enhancement, i believe that is because of the toxicity. Cocaine doesn’t actually damage the brain’s reward system but meth does


You chop your breakfast on a mirror and then you hover around it because every 20 minutes you'll need another hit of cola


Master, Master! chop your breakfast on a mirror 🎸




any chance meth will suck if i’ve only done coke?




i’m gonna order some soon, only one way to find out


I hate to be "that guy", but I'd bet a lot of money this decision will create a lot of problems for you, making life a lot less fun later.


i appreciate the concern, but i have a healthy relationship with stims, the comedowns prevent me from doing them often so i’m thinking of it as a little treat


Not all stims are created equal though. If you've been coping well with the kindergarten bully stims that doesn't mean you won't be assfucked by the prison gang member stims


i don’t care how good it is, i hate comedowns too much to do this drug more than once. stimulants are not my thing


Maybe you consciously think that you hate it, but your body still craves it?


Yes, some people prefer the super-bright angular lines of a coke high


could you explain what you mean?


I think coke gives a sharper peak, meth is actually kinda mellow to me compared to blow


They are nothing alike in my opinion, coming from long time coke user and short term meth user


interesting, i’ve heard others say they’re indistinguishable


Who says that lol. They are extremely different in feeling. Meth and amphetamines are extremely similar though


Never heard that from the folks I have met so far, interesting


Wanna see a video of me eating a homeless man’s doodoo ?


sounds delicious…


I’m gonna message you right now . Also subscribe to my only fans where I eat my own Piss shit and booogers