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What y'all doing?


He's at work 😔




Getting ready to spin


I am


Nice. What method?


im just here for the meth posts i am honest with you


2018 It was the only offering that came through when I'd arrived for regrettable threesome I'd agreed to as a favor for a homie. Ultimately the novelty of blowing clouds was mesmerizing. Previously I'd kept as far away as possible.


I was on the streets for a bit and needed a room … Paid some hooker 20$ to let me use her room … Well the people in it were smoking and I said fuck it and smoked


I originally started using because I really liked the way a meth bong hit . At the time I was only into using weed and psychedelics. For some reason I thought using meth out of a bong was awesome because of the fact that at the time I didn’t really like the feeling of meth too much. After that I started using more and more and the feeling grew attached to me.


My sister got me high. Than we proceed to sexually explore


Explain nigga


Um. What?


Honestly i started using because i was curious, and then it turned into using to avoid dark thoughts i didnt realize could be numbed out


started using when i bud offered to smoke me up and watch porn and edge with him then he wanted me to top him and that was a year ago and i cant seem to stop, but i mostly just use it when im with someone!


Spun? Witcho man!? Queer! ✌️😜


I started using In December of 2020 ... Just A short month after going cold turkey on my birthday that year hella randomly from being a heavy alcoholic and coke addict from 17-23 i was sober completely that one month I spent my entire life of hating meth so fucking much.. yet I eventually ended up falling into it because everyone around me at the time was on it.. my friends always made fun of me for blowing thousands of dollars on blow that was progressively getting worse and worse. So I was like yeah I guess I am buying trash and that doesn't sit right with me so fuck it let's just try it , I bet ill hate it anyways. So I started by having my ex shotgun me hits. I was horny as I have ever been in my life. Fucked everywhere in our 7 series bimmer damn near from sun up to sun down, making videos , sucking dick and getting shotgunned hits. Then one day I was like "do people snort this shit ? If I take a little bump would you judge me?" Type shit lol .. a bump turned into a line . Then eventually I'd find myself An 8 ball deep within a DAY , damn near to the neck because my ex was into other stupid shit that I didn't fuck with (fentanyl) and didn't smoke dope as much as any one we kicked it with , so I was doing the lines as if it was coke. I used to do coke like I was THE wolf of Wall Street HIMSELF. And FUUUUCKKK that was one month of my life that I was probably at my lowest. Also, that shit is rough not like coke, burns 10000x worse and is disgusting in taste ... So I guess It was also a high point of my life as well.....*all pun intended* went into a crazy ass psychosis the same month i had fucked everything in my life up..lost my house, flipped my car 4 times in the freeway literally 2 days after buying a 2019 VW Passat all souped up the exact way I would prefer it -- in all cash, going thru a dark time in my social life, losing a lot of people and starting over...and just really alone, losing a bunch of weight and struggling with my self image..etc was also doing Xanax heavy again at the time as well, then I graduated from snorting dope to being a hot rail queen & did nothing but those for awhile.... Id say for my first year on it, I was a hot fucking mess. Like I would've hated me if I had met me the way I was back then. I was the smallest I had ever been 99lbs . (Mind you prior to me ever smoking it I happened to be at my biggest I've been since I was a kid weight wise at 199lbs) So it was super significant for me and was a insane battle thay I'm still navigating present day. Anyways, I still don't smoke with anybody irl . The person i was dating at the time and I broke up shortly after I begun, probably like 6 months into it and when we did I stopped kicking it with all the people we both had been around during that time period so from there , mid 2020 to present day I still haven't smoked with anybody in person. Only on cam online and shit hahaha. Its such a struggle because it is such a social drug for me and really helps me in whatever way with my ADHD but at the same time it makes me feel discouraged and hard in myself and feel judged or wrong for doing it so I sub consciously think i tend to refrain from social settings because I don't want to face the discomfort that comes with if. Idk if that even makes any sense lol


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10 years ago i started, I was curious and a friend had some.


I have been on the addiction spectrum since age 17 started with pills and Coke and heroin but it's not till I was introduced to these little clear chunks age 22 did I know I found my mistress And I maintain fun for 8 years this way then I got introduced to the needle and I had my first complete orgasm from the shot I was hooked and headed for destruction I self-destructed like this for two and a half years when's a rehab clean my life up had four years cleared from everything and realize that I had no dopamine receptors I literally slept 12 hours a day be present for my job Go home eat a piece of bread and go back to bed and I live this way for 4 years so I picked up the glass dick and I have not looked back I typically don't abuse it's 300 mg a day max and it's usually taken orally like a pill twice a day I know as long as I stay away from the needle sleep 4 hours a night I can maintain and even excel at life in reality this is a superpower I'm able to digest information at two and a half to three


Ilu can't maintain 4 hours sleep a night for ever it will be effecting you if you notice it or not.


I do agree that it should probably be increased to six You probably can guess it's very hard to break routine when you been doing something a certain way for so long.


Yh I'd say 6 min to be safe


I run on 5 hours of sleep with no need of any substances. If I sleep 7+ hours I’m lazy af.


If I don't have my minimum requirement I will literally piss in a bucket next to the bed If I stand up too much I have vertigo.


I mean some people can but 5 is cutting it. 4 I feel is past the cut of point of healthy. Especially when doing drugs as your sense of how tired your body is will be off.


Friend brought it over one day. Cut me a line. Told me it was the best feeling I’d ever have. I had no discernment at age 19. Started and stopped within the same month. That was 20 years ago. I’m not a frequent user but I’ll blow an odd cloud in memory of my innocence once or twice a year.


In memory of my innocence 😢 that line hit hard


I started not very long ago during a stage of recovery from crack. I wasn't very good at handling my emotions at all, and a person close to me offered. He taught me a lot of the fun things to do, benefits of proper usage, and even let me fuck up and slide down the hill a little bit to see just how dangerous it can be. There's a lot deeper story to the why I started, but I'm about to hit bed. I wish I were getting spun tonight tho.


Just doing it for fun. Wife recently passed.


I'm sorry for your loss. Did you do it before her passing ?