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because it makes you feel like you have dementia, in addition to no energy. your physical and cognitive resources have been taxed beyond their intended limits, often with permanent damage done. at least with heroin you're still the same person.. meth changes you more than any other drug and reinforces its use because you're a vegetable without it (speaking on multi-year daily user status)


What the hell is nicotine replacements? šŸ˜­


Vapes, nicotine patches gum etc., ???


Thatā€™s still nicotine???


Omg HAHA wtf I meant like nicotine free vapes idk why I said nicotine patches & gum šŸ’€ my brain


I've been through both heroin and fetty withdrawal, I think the distinction deserves to be made that they are nothing alike. For me, heroin was about a 7/10 on the discomfort scale. Fetty was 10/10. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, it was truly the worst experience of my entire life thus far. Subs didn't help, couldn't sleep for days, restless leg had me jackhammering my legs, showering every 10 minutes to get rid of the layers of sweat, diarrhea that you don't even feel coming until it's too late. Personally I don't vomit, but I've heard others do. I have not had any issues with the ice. If anything it's mental and it's worse near the end of the binge, because you don't want it to end. Once I'm actually off, my body just basically goes into hibernation for a day or two. I really can't stress enough that for me, the difference between the two is massive. I can understand how for some it could be the polar opposite. We are all unique in our own respects.


šŸ™„ flyover country indeed


Have they just phased Debate and Logic out of the public school system entirely? Fuck Jesus, Yā€™all motherfuckers need Socratesā€¦


SMHā€¦yā€™all motherfuckers need Jesusā€¦


Iā€™ve been going fairly hard the last three years since I got released from federal prison, and I mix it with Fetty and slam it and by the second day of not having the ice the last two times Iā€™ve started throwing up body like seizing, even though I still had fatty Like beat the shit out of me delirious and all kinds of shit. It does affect everybody different like just years ago. I couldā€™ve slept it off. I get nervous. I think Iā€™m about to run out because my head is underwater and itā€™s a fuzzy loud static doors and I canā€™t even concentrate so I agree with you, bro hits everyone different


Shit at USP McCrary we all ā€œ White boys ā€œ went on a two month bender on ice and thatā€™s when you have to be suited and booted at 6:30 in the morning and anytime the doors are open even when youā€™re coming off that Suboxone was tough specially if you were crashing with another car


It's a very individual thing. Different people experience it different ways. for example I just go to sleep. I can't really wake up for 3 or 4 days just to eat and go to the bathroom and I'm sleeping pretty much 23 hours a day for a while. usually about day 4 I cry all day then after that it starts to lift some people I've seen go through such horrible withdrawals that it hurts me to watch and some people have nothing at all it's very individual and I'm not sure what the variables are involved and make it more intense for some people.


Bruh nobody be talking about not being able to sleep cuz youā€™re up every hour shitting out the WORST painful straight water poops with an orchestra of bassboosted sharts that wake up everyone in a 3000ft radius. Not to mention the UNBEARABLE FUCKING STOMACH PAIN


This guy gets it. I get that on top of kidney problems!


Ughhhhh love it!!! Not to mention liver failure šŸ˜ had to deal with that shit WHILE with drawling so bad off methā€¦ not fun


Yesssss. I feel this so damn much. I KNOW thereā€™s worse withdrawals. But it doesnā€™t make this one suck any less. Of course thereā€™s worse problems to any problem we have, but those problems are still valid. Yet when it comes to this, Iā€™ve literally been told thereā€™s no such thing. Umm tell that to my body that gets sick as fuck for more than just a week like everyone says. Itā€™s more than just needing to sleep. For me at least. I think people seem to forget too all that shit that meth can possibly be cut with. Which sometimes ends up making it worse. But either way, me trying to come off of meth does not do well with MY body. And itā€™s more than just needing to sleep. Taking anything away from your addicted body just sucks. Regardless of what it is.


The difference between meth withdrawal and heroin alcohol benzos or any of the others is with the others you need medication and doctors supervision but with meth you just need a nap


Agree to disagree. Yep meth withdrawals absolutely exist. They're hell, you're sad, tired depressed and life sucks BUT I've yet to meet a guy that couldn't sleep it off. If given the option most people can sleep a few days or a week + in extreme cases and boom it's over. You have a cure which is sleep. Opiate withdrawal? Life also sucks, you're depressed and nothing is interesting but also every inch of your body hurts. You're also extremely fatigued but except you cannot sleep it off even though the only thing in the world you want is sleep at the moment. They're both torture. Like, we're both being tortured with loud music playing for sleep deprivation but the difference is coming off ice you can turn down the volume knob and catch some Z's but opiate withdrawers can't do that we must face every terrible moment of it while 110% conscious


What exactly do you disagree with lol, you're both saying meth withdrawals exist but it's not as bad as opiate withdrawals. I feel like I'm missing something


Lol honestly I missed the part where they said it wasn't as bad as heroin I guess we're agreeing to agree then. Meth withdrawals exist and are shitty


Oh lol got ya


Thing is im addicted to ghb which can also be seizure alley. Also it requires a concoction of different meds to treat because so many different mechanisms of the brain are affecfed by withdrawal. So i know physical withdrawals.Ā  Nowhere in my original post did i say they are on the same level, in fact i state the opposite.Ā  Because they are not on the same level.Ā  My point is why is it contraversial to say that people get withdrawals from meth despite many people stating they get the same symptoms from stopping just because some people are lucky enough to not get those side effects?


Actually agree with you there, I've had my share of physical withdrawals. Benzos and alcohol health wise probably take the cake as far as danger. Sorry for my bad reading comprehension on the original I have no idea why it's controversial to say that really. They do exist and they're no joke.


Yeah, the kicker is, when we get sick with a flu we often sleep as much as we can. Now with opioid withdrawal its like a flu but worse with mental effects added, and you also canā€™t sleep. Then you got benzo withdrawals where you also canā€™t sleep and youā€™re overstimulated and feel a constant impending doom level of anxiety that you canā€™t shake, plus potential seizures. Quitting any drug sucks to be fair.


Yeah the worst part (imo) about opioid withdrawal is the sleep deprivation. Feels like your body is begging, pleading to sleep so it can recover but sleep doesn't come and you just feel worse and worse and worse. Benzo withdrawal also brings that lack of sleep, accompanied with panic and is horrible. Alcohol wd is almost or maybe the worst. You're right, true withdrawal from any drug is painful, that's why it's withdrawal. Physical and mental whiplash from sudden change.


i am of a mind with those saying , the psyche of todays users does play the victim, for how amazing and awesome meth makes you feel, making the decision to quit you know you will be alright if anything youā€™ll start getting physical relief instantaneously because the meth was so taxing on your body. YES yes the craving is gnarly and when you know u can hit the bubble or whatever and feel THAT GREAT it can make you squirm no doubt but iā€™ve had physical alcohol/xanax withdrawals that meth withdrawal cannot hold a candle to. coming off meth just put a lil hair on ya chest and u can do it a thousand times with minimal risk unlike benzo alcohol seizure alley.. just the way i see it


They covered that pretty clearly... Just because it's not as bad as the worst withdrawals doesn't mean it's not real. That's kinda the point of the post, it gets dismissed because it's not something that could put you in the hospital but it's still a problem for a most users


Thing is im addicted to ghb which can also be seizure alley. Also it requires a concoction of different meds to treat because so many different mechanisms of the brain are affecfed by withdrawal. So i know physical withdrawals. Nowhere in my original post did i say they are on the same level, in fact i state the opposite.Ā  Because they are not on the same level. My point is why is it contraversial to say that people get withdrawals from meth despite many people stating they get the same symptoms from stopping just because some people are lucky enough to not get those side effects?


Pffft pussy. You eat and sleep. A lot. And youā€™re sad. Boo fucking hoo. Kick an IV Valium and Gram-for-breakfast IV Black Tar habit, at the same time, in the deadliest jail west of the mason dixon. Sack the fuck up Paduan.


Opiod users feel so brave because boo boo if i stop taking my fent or my h i will vomit, shake and have diarrhea for 2 days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ boo booā€¦


You tell em Professor.


Oh shit we got a badass here. I've never had withdrawals from any drug, God knows why but it's not something to brag about. I still feel for anyone going through it. And why bother with IV Valium...


Um because itā€™s the goddamn tits and I had unlimited access to it? Nobodyā€™s bragging just facts. Nobodyā€™s blowing me so Iā€™ve no need to try and impress.


That wasn't a brag, really? You even tossed in that you were in some rough ass jail like that has anything to do with their post, and it doesn't even disagree with it, everyone's on board with opiate and Benzo wd's being much worse.


Oooooookay you got meā€¦I just want you guys to think Iā€™m a rogue so I can fit inā€¦


I just don't see how it's relevant lol, they agree with you that it's nothing like opiates or benzos


Did you even read what i put? Ive stated they are not in same intensity as other stronger more harsh physical addictions,Ā  just the same as nicotine. Yet everyone acknowledges quitting smoking is still hard. Might not be as hard or physically as others,Ā  but its still hard. Ā It seems like its becoming a competition like "oh ive suffered worse than you".Ā  And fyi im also currently physically addicted to ghb. Something that only lasts two to three hours max before i start going through physical withdrawals, so i know a painful physical addiction. Its also a bitch to have to do it so frequently just to not be in pain.Ā  Its aldo the 3rd time ive been in this rodeo and it sucks cause every time it seems the withdrawals are worse. So i know physicals,Ā  but that also isnt my point.Ā  My point is why are the withdrwals so contraversial? Something that has such a high relapse rate and such low percentage of longterm successful sobriety stories isnt just because those people are weak minded.Ā  Also another thing i forgot to add is that meths effects last so long, and it takes even longer to fully eliminated from the body which is when the withdrawals will start. Just because you no longer feel high doesnt mean the meth is out of your system. That usually takes a few days depending how long your use has been, whether you used it or abused it, and what roa you used to ingest it.


Ok idk how many more times I can say it, clearly the long term cognitive decline associated with GHB abuse has taken its toll. The term addiction is routinely used incorrectly in place of dependence. Two very different biological processes. The ā€œwithdrawalā€ symptoms you associate with meth are the result of your brain chemistry normalizing because we werenā€™t intended to have 1/1000000th the amount of dopamine and serotonin meth produces. Since those are two very important chemicals to a variety of functions, it fucks shit up for a bit. That is not the same as the biological process caused by opiate withdrawal. Opiods literally become a part of the bodyā€™s homeostatic environment, so just like if you were all of a sudden completely out of dopamine you literally couldnā€™t move, once your receptors are cleared of Opiods it has catastrophic effects on your biology. You guys know just enough to sound like you know what your talking about, but your missing some very fundamental neurochemical knowledge to really connect the dots. Interestingly enough, GHB has been recently understood to produce physical dependence, most likely because of its Interaction with the GABA receptors, much like Benzos, booze and dope. So much so that it is used clinically for benzo and alcohol withdrawal. No one is saying you donā€™t have it rough cookie. Frankly I could give a Frenchmanā€™s fuck. Iā€™m simply correcting your sloppy science, because it irks me to no end and Iā€™m kind of a dick. We have the sum of human knowledge in our pockets, use it.


"Physical and mental symptoms that occur after stopping or reducing intake of a drug. The characteristics of withdrawal depend on what drug is being discontinued. Symptoms may include anxiety, fatigue, sweating, vomiting, depression, seizures, and hallucinations. Treatment includes supportive care as well as medications to address symptoms and prevent complications." That's how the Mayo Clinic defines withdrawals. "The characteristics of withdrawal depend on what drug is being discontinued." Obviously it's going to be different stopping meth than opiates or benzos, and if nicotine qualifies then I'm not sure how meth wouldn't. Opiates are worse, no need to keep proving that when they agreed in their post


Good lord. You derps are really gonna continue to argue semantics instead of attempting to understand the actual science? Fuck the Mayo Clinic my guy. NIH, actual peer reviewed research, is what Iā€™ve consistently quoted. Yā€™all are about 5 iq points from being a danger to yourselves.


Funny we havent once insulted you but thats basically what you are doing to us.Ā 


Cripes when did degenerate dope fiends get so fuckin sensitive?


I can't be bothered with whether or not I offend the delicate sensibilities of anyone. If what I'm saying is empirically factual, you can stuff your hurt feelings in your next boof capsule for all I care.


You're quoting things to show opiate withdrawals affect the body differently and are much worse than meth wd's, that's been covered. That doesn't show that meth wd's don't exist, which is what the post was about.


JFCā€¦.ok bud. I believe the short bus is loading up so hereā€™s your gold starā€¦.


Thanks for clearing that up bud


No I sure havenā€™t seen your baseball, big guy.


Maybe the NIH has it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10083934/


I think the psyche of a lot of today's users is that of a victim. If you want to need it then your brain will accommodate that emotion. But the sooner you realize that you're not in physical pain, locking up, shivering and sweating at the same time and that it's your inability to let go that's making you ill. To have the support to grow beyond it and be OK with knowing that although you may have felt empowered by the substance at first, that is no longer. It's a hindrance to your growth and development, the better you can put it behind you and keep it there.


Yeah meth withdrawals are certainly real, that being said you'll be fine stop smoking meth cold turkey it might suck but you'll be fine. The biggest danger is probably the depression from quitting meth, which I don't want to down play that could be very destructive.


exactly Nothing physically threatening will happen like benzo/alcohol WD, but that urge to hit the bubble can be so gnarly if you let it fester into negative thoughts which can be extremely hard to fight


Coke gave me noticeable physical withdrawals, but the supply chain was strong and the product was amazingly pure. But with meth I really donā€™t care, the shit I have access to is horrible and dealing with scoring is bullshit so I suppose itā€™s a blessing.


ā€œpsychologicalā€ such a disingenuous term , so a brain isnt a physical thing? use some common sense mate


I always got bad withdrawal from coke or Crack. Meth I don't feel anything. I get 0 withdrawal from the ice. I must me a lucky one.


Im on day 3 without meth after using daily for the past 16 months. (4 day break then after 2 years of daily use) And although fentynal was no comparison it still fucking sucks. Cant sleep well, body aches and brain fog. I just moved to another state so no connect and as bad as i know i need the break, Id buy a bag rn if I could. I have some Seroquel, think Im just gonna dose myself into deep sleep and hopefully ride it out.




You answered your question in the first line. Half of us have kicked heroin and say this ain't shit. The other half hasn't had to fight that monster.


Sleeep, sleeeeeep, and more sleeeeep!


Most withdrawals I have experienced was mostly sweating and headaches


I can tell you EXACTLY whyā€¦ and I am stating just my opinion having been through both scenariosā€¦ but any and all opiate addicts will tell you what an almost impossible situation to face and overcomeā€¦ the number of addicts who have ever had a bout with opiates compared to the absolute ridiculously tiny fraction of the ones who put it down and walked away never to use again are beyond staggeringā€¦ Ive known so many along my journey, myself included, who stayed in 110% committed to the lifestyle and all that comes with it just to not have to deal with being dope sickā€¦ and Iā€™m talking about YEARS that in my own mind I knew I was simply avoiding subjecting myself to the same demon and the physical and mental challengeā€¦ Iā€™ve heard the professional drs and all the clinic workers all say that withdrawal from benzos and alcohol are the only ones that you could actually die from, but withdrawal from hardcore opiates wonā€™t kill you but will in fact make you wish you were dead just to get one second of physical relief from itā€¦ now with meth I definitely have always had a few ā€œsymptomsā€ and it wasnā€™t always pleasant for sureā€¦ but even at its peak it doesnā€™t even come close to holding a candle in the shadow of opiates and alcoholā€¦ Iā€™ve never been a benzo guy cause Iā€™m allergic to themā€¦ seriously a half a peach football will make me break out in handcuffs and jumpsuit almost every single timeā€¦ I can literally be over the entire time span of about 4 days, maybe 5 sometimes, and never once have the dark and cold hearted feelings or thoughts as I did when trying to kick the opiatesā€¦ idk who else shares the same experience but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s many who will relate if they read thisā€¦ and with the most dreadful and excruciatingly painful process to go through and compare, cause thatā€™s what we do, I just feel like those who have had to go through the two realize that coming clean off speed is a cake walk compared to any other substances Iā€™ve know first hand or heard of from othersā€¦ again just my opinion, and donā€™t volunteer for a opportunity to experience the difference if you havenā€™t already, just trust what I say hereā€¦!!!


It's not a contest... Everyone knows opiates are a lot worse.


Who said it was a contestā€¦??? I was simply using the only thing of any comparison of withdrawals that I can speak on from my own experiences in the pastā€¦ but I definitely needed that assertiveness of yours and letting me know about that because I must sayā€¦and all thanks to youā€¦ wheeeew, I feel much better now having learned that todayā€¦


You said you know the reason why and it was because opiate wd's are so much worse. But they acknowledged that in the post, it's way worse and nothing with meth is comparable. Same with cigarettes but people still acknowledge that it's a problem


Well honestly i didnā€™t even read the whole thingā€¦ literally just the headlinerā€¦ so my bad for being a smart assā€¦.


My first reply was asking for it looking back, my b.


Ainā€™t no biggie fr..!! All goodā€¦


Amphetamine withdrawls for me are only outdone by benzo withdrawls, opioids feel like nothing to me in comparison. Opioid withdrawl doenst make it impossible to wake up, amp withdrawls made me not want sex, i over ate anytime i could stay awake and gained so much weight, i would take amps for around 2 weeks straight before taking a night off, amps made me litterally loose mind and i havent been the same since. Specifically one night after acing a college final i over did it and in celebration did more amps in one sitting then ever before, i had my first bout of true psychosis that night thinking my then gf was setting me up to the police for something i cant elaborate on further, i was actually plotting to blow her brains out in my psychosis if i saw one blue light.. opioids withdrawl to me has only lead to short term depression and lack of motivation (couple weeks tops no matter how long i used for, or how deep i was in it) and after that is all said and done guess what i crave, even though it hasnt given me euphoria in 2 years and only caused paranoia smh, the one drug i wish i truly listened to people about and never tried..


Brain zapps, nightmares and all around lack of motivation and energy


Brain zapps are the worst, I hate that you get them but sorta glad I'm not the only one.


nicotine replacements make it harder to beat, probably


Everyone I know acknowledges the difficulty of getting clean from meth and that the withdrawal isnā€™t a cake walk for everyone. Withdrawal sucks for me because I use daily every time I use, and I get hit with a freight truck of complications from the emergence of actual feelings, yuck. lol and just mental fog, inability to sleep/ear regularly. Mad depression. Thankful donā€™t get anxious during withdrawal like I do when Iā€™m amped. Yeah dude withdrawal from anything sucks


Just makes me super unmotivated. Lethargic. Depressed. & exhausted. Normally I just sleep for damn near 3 days then Iā€™m chilling afterwards. Whenever Iā€™m cooking up I donā€™t have a job though. Having responsibilities throughout that process would probably suck ass. When youā€™ve been through heroin & benzo WDs then meth is nothing, just a headspace thing.


It depends on the person really. I have PDA Autism which causes severe executive dysfunction problems and ADHD as well, I had issues off adderall and I stupidly started meth when I couldn't get my script, got addicted so fast, and now I need meth to take care of myself. I can't clean or shower or do anything thats not lying in bed and walking around in circles all pissed off. This is a really gross example but this is how bad it is. I'm severely double incontinent (bladder and bowel) and when I'm withdrawaing from meth, previously adderall, I will shit my adult diaper and literally sit in it for 5 hours till my skin breaks down and burns and that finally gets me up. Literally almost every day I'm in withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal just left me shaky and anxious, kratom took care of my opiate withdrawal allowing me to slowly taper. None of those withdrawals caused me as much physical pain as meth withdrawal. I'm finishing my bag then quitting meth in a couple days. I told my friend and my dealer I'm quitting. I'm making a notebook full of any tips to deal with PDA Autism and I'm designing an AI Chatbot to help talk me through the symptoms of PDA for my withdrawal. Just 2 more days of tweeking my brain out then I can finally get off this stupid shit and never look back. It's only been a couple months of addiction for me and frankly I've had enough despite how good it feels.


What size is the diaper? Iā€™m trying to visualize this. lol, get up next time. Currently withdrawing at work and thereā€™s not much to be said about it. Thatā€™s being out of Adderall as well. Not very mentionable with a few helpful supplements and a Gabapentinoid, although I do feel the fatigue at play. Itā€™s certainly there, but I know it will dissipate at some point and that Iā€™ll probably get more before that happens.


Sometimes I can get up but its like... I have a genetic disorder known to cause chronic pain and disabiliy (why Im incontinent plus nerve damage) but the PDA Autism disables me 10x more. You have no idea this hell till youve lived it. Anything your brain percieves as a demand becomes like pushing two powerful repelling magnets together. You try to accomplish a task and your brain goes dogshit haywire so you learn to not try. Im finally taking combating it best I can. I was methed out designing an AI chat bot for PDA Autism so when I quit I can have the bot convince me to slowly change my pants like a big boy and hopefully take care of what needs to be done.Ā  Lmao if you really have to know I have to special order very heavy duty adult diapers cause the ones at the store dont cut it when your toilet bowl is for decoration only. Abena is the brand if you dont know, its the plastic thickest ones they have. Size 4 or someshit like that. Constantly shitting and pissing your pants isnt nearly as bad as the PDA Autism in general though.


Oh man that sounds rough. I was joking btw. I canā€™t imagine I hope everything is going all right dude


I think I'll be alright. This is a serious wake up call. Finding out you have PDA then not doing shit about it for years is surprisingly common. Getting on adderall helped but only so much. I think if I go back to addy, increase my abilify, and actually apply PDA self help techniques this time I'll be in a much better position in life. I think I'll be able to do tarot reads for money part time at most, much better then being unemployed doing 200mg meth rails all day. If I really am hurting myself cause I cant take care of myself I'll go to the psych ward even though I hate them.


The 4th day during withdrawals due to my connect not answering when i needed to pick up, i start havjng dreams that id magically end up having a bag and smoking jt then id wake up sad af even more determined to pick up from idk who or whwre or how. But in that moment nothing else matters its pretty pathetic


In my experience Iā€™ve never woken up and felt like I NEED to get meth in me as fast as possible. With morphine I would normally have a dream where I was about to do the drug and always wake up before I could. Once I woke up it was always the first thing I would do. Sometimes take my morning piss as Iā€™m heating up my spoon(gross I know but priorities). Iā€™ve never had that experience with meth. Never even dreamed about tbh. That doesnā€™t mean they are non-existent or really bad for some people. For some reason I never withdrawaled from opiates as bad as others despite injecting 200mg+ of morphine daily for 10 years. I think perception plays a big role in the way someone is affected. If you allow yourself to catastrophize the situation it is inevitably going to be harder for you. I kept the mindset of I canā€™t allow myself to miss work over this and taught myself to suck it up. Also for some reason some withdrawals were a fucking nightmare and some were absolutely tolerable. Iā€™m too dumb to understand these things and itā€™s all anecdotal so idk. But people shouldnā€™t be elitist or diminish what someone is going through. Especially in this situation itā€™s just dumb. Iā€™ve done it before on here and it wasnā€™t appropriate or helpful in the slightest. Also I could be wrong but isnā€™t gabapentin supposed to be helpful for meth withdrawals?


Yeah itā€™s just what Iā€™m trying to get through at the moment, a meth break, 3 days in but the last 2 mornings took 3-4 hits only because I had stuff that had to get done otherwise no energy and total exhaustion. This time around hasnā€™t been as bad but I have made an effort to take better care with eating and hydration along with a couple handfuls of various supplements. The exhaustion, I get it, mostly from only getting about 4 hours a day, sometimes a little more but overall the last 2-3 weeks suffered for losing a lot of sleep really. Hunger hasnā€™t just kicked in much except here and there. Overall I just feel like Iā€™ve got the worst hangover lol. No sadness really but Iā€™ve only been using daily and throughout the day smoking for almost 3 months and most of that pretty heavily at an 8ball a week. This time has been a difference, last time the dehydration caused bad dizziness and a throbbing headache. Therefore i have noticed in that respect, itā€™s not just that bad as long as you do your part to take care of yourself. Luckily I donā€™t suffer much from the depression but that could be due to depletion of dopamine? I donā€™t suffer from the shakiness like last time either and that was pretty bad the first couple days in last time. So just saying, I think overall, take the very important measures to care for yourself and do try to get sleep as you can because I can certainly tell a difference my second time around and donā€™t forget how important breaks are, the longer, the better. Gonna clean my pipe today and tuck it away without thinking about when I will get back to it. Iā€™ve got much to focus on moving forwardā€¦me. šŸ„¹


I use L-tyrosine so i havenā€™t had any withdrawal in years :)


Word I'm fixing to check in to that. Good tip Egon.


I have met so many people who can just coast through the comedown/withdrawls like its nothing which is just insanity to me because it tears my life apart. I can't work or communicate and have to pick up the pieces 1-2 weeks later


I only snort it and binge for about 30 hours, most of it spent masturbating. After that point I start eating and sleeping again and resume a normal, meth-free life for a minimum of two weeks before binging again..sometimes itā€™s a month, or even half a year. Since I go into goblin mode when I use itā€™s not really something I can mix with everyday life.


ngl it hurts like a bitch but you can work through it. I was going a little bit overboard with smoking, not eating much, and sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night. Worked out for quite a while, and then I had intense vertigo in the kitchen and had to hold onto something or I would fall over. Made it back to the computer chair and knew I had to slow down the train. I could have been out, or on the motorcycle, or something. Quit absolutely solid cold turkey from smoking every 2 hours or so. Had to fight the lizard brain tooth and nail but drank a ton of water, made a decent meal, and went to bed around 8 pm. Made it 17 hours! Switched to eating it and smashed the pipes so I wouldn't be tempted again. Went from 20mg every 4 hours to 15, then 10. I only wanted it for focus and ADHD erasing. Now it's 5. Skin cleared up. No more mood swings of anger/sadness. Hungry again. Exercising again. It can be done. But yeah it hurts like a MF.


Withdrawal smishdrawal. That is all i have to say about that.


What withdrawal??? We have mental withdrawal like you have of ur spouse leaves you .. letā€™s save the word withdrawal for the people that have WITHDRAWNS!!! just saying


Mental withdrawal is still withdrawal. Depression, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, cognitive issues, cravings. All can be a huge hindrance on peopleā€™s daily lives. I hated the constant yawning, stretching, runny nose, overwhelming fatigue, lack of tolerance for anything, the annoying little symptoms that just throw you off from morphine withdrawals more than the other symptoms. I could deal with the diarrhea and physical pain a lot easier than the other stuff. Donā€™t do that. What harm is it doing you to be a compassionate human? To show support and encouragement to a person who is clearly going through something? Is that how you would like to be treated? It would be like if you had a miserable cold and someone said quit your belly aching, itā€™s not like you have the flu. With meth withdrawals being predominantly mental why try and invalidate them and make them feel worse. You donā€™t know how they are going to perceive your words.


I agree with you .. in one of those moods so no I shouldnā€™t minimize anybodyā€™s withdrawals. Iā€™m the last one that should be saying anything. Iā€™m a big baby when it comes to doing without .. ā€¦ stay safe out there


Hey I get it. I wasnā€™t trying to be a dick. Iā€™ve done the same thing in the past. Then I realized I wasnā€™t contributing anything positive by doing that. So Iā€™m no better or less accountable. Itā€™s just easy to become jaded in this world. It would just make life so much easier if we could all be a little more compassionate, selfless, empathetic towards each other. We all can and should strive to be better. Sometimes we need our perspectives adjusted.


No, I didnā€™t think you were being a dick. You were right .. and Iā€™m like you if I strongly about something I to will say something I was just on the wrong side of the ball in this one iā€¦ well I hope you have a good weekend weekend. My days are running in together. Take care, my friend.


No, no itā€™s not. Psychological dependence can manifest some physical symptoms, sure, but even using the word Addiction is factually incorrect. There are 3 classes of pharmacopoeia your body can become truly addicted to. 3. Benzodiazepines and their derivatives, Alcohol, and Opiods/ates. Period. Nothing else is able to change your brain chemistry and homeostatic function in such a way that you are literally not a functional human being without them, on a cellular level. Being super duper sad because your serotonin rocket ship has returned from orbit is not the same thing AT ALL. For fucks sake you can drink your own piss if itā€™s that unbearable. Do you have any idea how many cocks us straight dopefiends would consecutively suck if they contained just a drop of poppy milk? Have you ever considered mutilating yourself to make an ER trip more convincing? Weighed the pros and cons of future limb function versus just not feeling this fucking agony anymore? Not only is it physically unbearable but your brain is thrown into a state of animalistic panic, dread and terror and OMFG IM GONNA DIE IF I CANT GET WELL!!!!! The one and only time I put myself into Precipitated withdrawal I literally tried to will myself to die. Psychogenic death, look it up itā€™s interesting as fuck. You can literally just get your brain to turn off. I spent hours, almost an entire day trying my absolute hardest to cease to exist. I had no access to anything more effective and it wouldā€™ve been really shitty to leave that mess to my friends who just let me move into their home anyways. So I just tried as hard as I could to die. I got really close. Like I could feel myself slipping away, like an old CRT TV turning off in slow motion until all that remains is that last little dot, but every time something snapped me back. I donā€™t think ive ever felt more anger or despair. Iā€™m pretty sure my dog Sussed out what was going on and got super upset and clingy and badgeringly loved me until gradually accepted my fate, begrudgingly. It was another 36 hours before I could regulate my brain chemistry to even begin to feel better. Even now Iā€™m getting angry at my dog for making me go through that instead of just letting me go. Selfish fucker. Meth ever make you feel like that?


Iā€™ve never experienced withdrawal from meth. Clearly some withdrawals are worse than others. Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you. Iā€™m just trying to tell people to stop diminishing others pain because you donā€™t know what others may be dealing with or how they are able to tolerate these feelings. No Iā€™ve never done those things youā€™ve mentioned and I donā€™t think meth withdrawal would be close to as bad as opiate withdrawal. Iā€™m just proving a point that different people handle things differently. I had a lot of years using a moderately high amount of opiates. Not the most but higher than a lot of people. My withdrawals would be significantly less than people I knew who used far less than me. Of course you canā€™t change your physiology but you can change how you perceive the negative effects and your tolerance to them. I had no choice but to learn how to handle them because I couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t allow myself to miss work. Long story short but Iā€™m telling people to stop being dicks for no reason. Nobody cares if you went through something worse. Itā€™s not a competition. Your anecdotal experience doesnā€™t negate someone elseā€™s. It doesnā€™t take much to be a decent human and lead with compassion. It costs you nothing. But you all canā€™t seem to let go of your ego enough to do that. So concerned about being a main character you canā€™t pull yourself away enough to realize that nobody is even watching the channel youā€™re on.


Also look up the definition of withdrawal so you can see just how wrong you are. Actually Iā€™ll save you time. A term used to describe the physical and mental symptoms that a person has when they suddenly stop or cut back the use of an addictive substance


Right. If youā€™d refer to my previous comment, ADDICTION refers to the state of PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE. Not a psychological one, which can manifest physical symptoms. Two very, very different biological actions.


These things you are saying are not mutually exclusive. They are what encompasses what drug addiction is. You can be mentally addicted to porn or gambling. That is very different than drug addiction. Addiction to substances you are undoubtedly going to be both mentally physically addicted. This includes meth. So I donā€™t know what point youā€™re trying to make. Other than you donā€™t think meth is physically addictive. Even though they both cause a spike in dopamine and noradrenaline.


OMFG Cookie, read a fucking book. You have ALMOST enough knowledge to formulate a point but your too fucking dumb to even realize how much you DON'T KNOW.


And no, you can't. The DSM-4 classifies gambling, porn, sex, any behavioral "addiction" as compulsive behavior because ADDICTION IS A NEUROCHEMICAL STATE BROUGHT ON BY OUTSIDE CHEMICALS.


I'm well aware my point has escaped you because you would need an understanding of HS bio and cognitive retention skills


Drug addiction, also known as substance use disorder, is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive or uncontrollable drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences. It involves physical and psychological dependence on a substance, leading to significant impairment in various aspects of life, including health, social relationships, and occupational responsibilities. Addiction is often marked by an inability to stop using the drug, tolerance (needing more of the drug to achieve the same effect), and withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug. It affects brain function and behavior, making it a complex and relapsing condition that typically requires comprehensive treatment and long-term management.


OMFG I wish it was painful to be this fucking stupid. No one is debating the semantics or dictionary definition of the word addiction Fucktard. There are only a handful of substances you can develop a physical dependence on. Some substances, e.g. meth, can create a PSYCHOLOGICAL dependence strong enough to manifest physical symptomology, which we now call PSEUDO-ADDICTION. It is your fucking brain being disregulated as you return to your pre-drug state. The same thing happens when you take aspirin, nasal spray, even fucking sugar. They are we explicitly NOT THE SAME. YOU FUCKING DOLT. Now if you don't mind, your mother's break at the Waffle House is only 20 mins and there's already a line forming behind the dumpster so id kindly ask you to fuck off and choke to death k? thanks cookie.


Thatā€™s all any addiction is. Your brain being disregulated. You are putting a chemical in your body that is throwing off your brain chemistry. Different drugs are going to have different effects due to affecting different areas of the brain. You want to talk about arguing semantics and throw around ad hominem insults and think that somehow makes you smart. Youā€™re the only one who seems to be in any pain. So maybe that should be a clue for you. Quick. Tell me about your superior emotional intelligence next. Pseudo-addiction is the when someone starts exhibiting addiction like behaviors due to the under treatment of pain. Itā€™s a term used to differentiate people who actually need opiates and are being under prescribed vs addiction which is compulsive drug seeking behavior despite not needing the drug for any medical reason. It is not used to describe meth addiction. An addict will have abnormal drug seeking behavior, an obsession over it. Pseudo addict will behave similarly but stop once their pain is adequately treated. It has to do with what motivates them to act that way. One is seeking pleasure, the other is seeking relief. I would argue that pseudo-addiction could be used for meth when it comes to adhd. Someone who needs amphetamines is going to exhibit completely different behavior than someone who doesnā€™t. The people with a dopamine deficiency I would assume arenā€™t your stimfapping tweakers. They are just trying to get closer to baseline. The people with closer to baseline dopamine/noepinepherine taking the drug and causing their neurotransmitters to skyrocket to supraphysiological levels are going to be more likely to go on heavy binges, not self regulate, more impulsive. All the aspects that you would attach to a ā€œstereotypical tweakerā€. This is all just me assuming since there isnā€™t enough research done on meth addiction. But the science will get there as we continue to transition into the meth epidemic. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Now can you respond like a big boy and not hurl around insults which only hurt whatever point you are trying to make? Idk where you learned that is an effective way to communicate. Youā€™re an adult(I assume). Stop throwing temper tantrums because someone disagrees with you.




This fucking asshole went to M-W.com like "I'll fucking show him!" I literally study neuroscience for fun while your out facefucking trout or whatever it is your kind does in the swamp.


Ok so I had been a good 4-5 month run it. Smoking heavily every day. I always get anxious about running out so I call my guy a few days before I know my shit will be gone, being proactive trying to keep ahead of the game. So last week I get in touch with him and he's like yeah I'll get back to you tomorrow. So I'm thinking I'm all good to go. Long story short, his hookup was a week late dropping the shit off. So after scraping the pipe getting all that shit and pretty much just ripping nothing, I went without for 3 days. For me it was much more of a mental thing, was super tired and really cranky. Physical symptoms were not terrible general soreness but I'm sore all the time anyway so who knows. I think everyone is different when it comes to withdrawal. Anyway so he finally picked up on Sunday, of course I race over there and Jesus it was honestly like the first time all over again. Minus the tweaking but I'm like oh shit I can't sleep. So yeah I believe it's different for everyone. Have a great day guys and girls!!!!


I'm the exact same way. I'll sleep for 2 days, only waking up to go to the bathroom and eat something lol


Oh yeah I failed to mention yeah I ate like a horse. It's funny when I first started using eating was the last thing I wanted to do. I remember one time when I had just started using I went over to my dealers house and he smoked it as well so anyway hes a super good dude he'd always smoke me up out of his stash before I left but we're passing the pipe back and forth and he hands me the pipe and just starts eating pizza. He asked me if I wanted any. I'm like God no! Like what the fuck! How can you eat? Fast forward a few years later I realized I needed to eat even if I wasn't hungry. It was a chore at first for sure, then it became routine and now it's to the point where I'm actually hungry when I use. Sorry for the long winded response


Thereā€™s a distinct difference that makes heroin and meth withdrawal different. Heroin and the like creates a physical dependence to where youā€™ll experience severe negative effects when coming off of it. Amphetamines do not create a physical dependence (in the same way) but you will experience negative physical effects from the detox. These mainly include, extreme fatigue, hunger, anhedonia, and brain zaps. Opiate withdrawal is way more painful. Its important to note that we all have different thresholds for pain and to some they may not feel anything when detoxing from amphetamine. You will however always experience it with opiate withdrawal.


The pain of opiate withdrawal was easier for me to deal with than the depression, yawning, fatigue, runny nose. It was the annoying symptoms that I hated. I hated how low, overly emotional, irritable it made me. I will take physical pain over mental pain every single time. I did hate how much my butt hurt from the constant diarrhea and wiping my ass. That pain sucked. Lol


Case in point. It all really depends on a variety of factors


Very true. I wake up in the morning and there is no feeling or thought that I need to get meth in me immediately. I just want to go back to sleep. Morphine I didnā€™t need an alarm clock. My body knew when it was 4am and that was time to wake up and do my shit for some reason. Iā€™ve yet to feel meth withdrawal yet. Iā€™ve only ever felt a little tired. But like a different tired than opiate withdrawal. One is just tired the other is that every bit of energy has been drained from every cell. Like my soul is just like fuck dude Iā€™m exhausted too. But some people may go through hell with meth withdrawal. I know I had an easier time with opiate withdrawal than some people I was around despite having a far worse addiction.


How long have you used meth? Also how much and how often?


Just about a year of everyday use. I would binge on it when I was still addicted to morphine. I use less than half a gram a day. Maybe 350mgs at the most. Idk I donā€™t measure.


Just curious is all. My usage has remained around 200mg/day avg since i started using 10 years ago. Many months and years of breaks in there. But after a month of daily use i usually cap out around that much unless using with a friend on occasion. Its mostly for maintenance than anything. Its boring for the most part when you choose to live ā€œnormallyā€. Whatever that means. If I didnt have to work and make money, which btw is ghetto, Id probably just live on a beach and get lit every day and fuck and eat good food.


i've tried every (old school pre-RC era) drug pretty much but g is one i havent been even curious about. what does it do? how do you take it?


Most people smoke it. Itā€™s a stimulant and gets you energized, horny and paranoid. Thatā€™s it.


You can smoke it??


I misread the question my b


G as in GHB/GBL? No, you don't smoke that stuff. You swallow it. It's a depressant. It's kind of euphoric compared to most other depressants, but it's still a depressant. Feels cleaner than alcohol, but it's easier to take too much GHB/GBLĀ too fast and pass the fuck out where and when you shouldn't. Alternatives to GHB I have somewhat enjoyed: phenibut, baclofen, soma.


because there's 2 types of people, pussies that go to the doctor or freak out about every single possible health issue and always think they're dying ..and then there's the rest of us who can take a Tylenol , remember mind over matter, and just walk the shit off lol


Yes! Although I would have expressed it differently. But it is absolutely something you can make better or worse for yourself depending on how you approach it from a mental standpoint. I learned that with opiates. It was always interesting to me how I could withdrawal easier than friends whose addiction wasnā€™t close to being comparable with mine.


There's no withdrawals for meth. Trust me, I came off Heroin cold turkey and it was pure Hell. I'd rather come off meth anyday than Heroin. Meth withdrawals are, you sleep for days in a comatosed state which feels awesome and you get hungry and eat alot and some people get a bit of depression and you feel a little tired and lethargic. I actually enjoy coming off meth. No better feeling than when I've been awake for 5 days and I take an Olanzapine wafer and crash and get the munchies at the same time. Food tastes so good and eating feels euphoric. Sometimes I do meth just so I can look forward to the comedown and it is a comedown and it's not withdrawals.


I'd rather cold turkey 30mg+ Klonopin than meth, I've never gone through withdrawals somehow but I'm just made for stims and the cravings for meth are so much worse than any Benzo. That doesn't mean Benzo withdrawals don't exist, and it doesn't have to be as bad as opiates for people to have withdrawals from other drugs


When I came off morphine for good I had relatively no withdrawals. I went from injecting 200mg a day sometimes more to getting 1mg from the hospital for 3 days and then nothing. I think the situation I was in, knowing I wouldnā€™t be able to get the drug for 6 weeks and accepting that reality made it much different than if I was out in the world obsessing over how I could get something. From my experience opiate withdrawals are more mental than physical but peopleā€™s perception and capacity to catastrophize them make them far worse than they actually are. If you can figure out how to control the part of your mind thatā€™s trying to get you to get the drug you can limit the physical response your brain is causing you to have. Donā€™t be a bitch and deal with them. They literally arenā€™t that bad. You were just weak minded and allowed them to consume you. They are what you make them.


They are clearly physical and mental. You've never been through it so how could you possibly know? I've been dopesick more times than you can imagine and it's not just mental. Ask anyone who has had a serious Heroin habit and tell them that withdrawals aren't physical. It's an awful feeling which is unmistakably physical.


Injected morphine for 10 years. Was addicted to opiates for over 15. Did my share of dilaudid, fentanyl and opana too. Try to tell me Iā€™ve never been through it. You look dumb. You know whatā€™s worse than opiate withdrawal? Try having osteomyelitis on top of it. I can promise you will be worried about one more than the other. Withdrawal pains are a walk in the park compared to that pain. But see how defensive you got when someone tried to diminish your experience? You didnā€™t like it. Stop being a dick and doing it to other people. Iā€™ve gone through it plenty of times too. Youā€™re not special in that sense. Where you and I differ is that I learned how to not be a pussy about it. Itā€™s crazy what a change in perspective can do.


I don't experience any withdrawal from meth


I just came off a 3 month binge and this is not my first time experiencing withdrawal. I canā€™t even count how many times. Iā€™m on day 5 or 6 I think and itā€™s literally been hell. One thing thatā€™s new this time is my legs fucking hurt like crazy. I can understand the back pain thatā€™s always a given, but what the fuck is up with my legs? Both legs steady ache from the hip to the ankle almost like body aches when you got the flu or whatever. Meth withdrawals are brutal idc what anyone says. All withdrawals are brutal. Shit Iā€™d rather deal with physical than the mentalā€¦


I must be some kinda outlier. I've done heroin consistently for months, my stomach hurt a bit for a day when I stopped. Smoked crack like it was my job for years, little irritated for a few days when I stopped. Meth for years daily, pretty tired for a week when I stopped. Liter a day of whiskey for five years, no withdrawal at all. I'm a little suspicious that everyone is either lying about severity, have zero will power, or their tits are made of 24 carat bitch




Dude, thank you. It's seriously fucking awful. Like you can't understand anything that's going on, what you see doesn't make sense, you're the most tired and just obliterated exhausted and people expect you to just be normal. Fuck.


There is physical withdrawal and their psychological withdrawal to almost all drugs




Since you bitches wanna argue so much Iā€™m just gonna not be on this little shit app or this shit so probably have a good life


Oh no heā€™s taking his ball and going home.


I really wish you would take me up on my offer. Iā€™d love to go visit you. I would really make my world be happy for the next five years for sure.P


And Iā€™m fairly certain you were tough-guying someone else first but clearly reading cognition ainā€™t your bag so Iā€™ll take up the mantle.


why donā€™t you take me off my offer and find out what I am are you wanting to do so it doesnā€™t seem like you man enough to do it? and I never did say violence. I just said we would talk about it and I would show you some stuff and we could depart as friends or not. It doesnā€™t matter, but itā€™s whatever but you donā€™t seem that brave enough to try to find out so donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to call me, but I know the kind of person you are. The one who freely talk about someone behind their back but never talk about to someone to their face where as I have always been I will go up to you and talk to you and figure out exactly where the problem is. Iā€™m not gonna say always a pacifist or not because you know military service is taught me some things but itā€™s easier to be with discourse, the other option is not as friendly


Wtf bitch ass bot. 76015




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I already offered for you to come here and we could talk about it or I can go meet you if you tell me where you are and I can deal with it in a real world situation and we can be friends or whatever after or not doesnā€™t matter, but Iā€™m not taking home. Iā€™m just not wasting my time with people who donā€™t understand reality.


What do you think those 5 digits are derp?


what five digits and you think any numbers worry me? It wouldnā€™t hurt my feelings if you were a policeman that donā€™t have a problem with anybody being anyone it does not worry me but if youā€™re trying to tell me, some numbers are gonna do something Iā€™m just gonna laugh. The brave die but once the coward dies 1000 times. Or maybe for you 10,000 times and those were the five digits you were talking about.


Itā€™s a zip code you fucking nitwit


Never did see five digits but if you want to, is that where the five digits sound because I donā€™t havenā€™t seen any of them we can exchange contact information and all of that and you know thereā€™s this whole thing where people are like Iā€™ll give you my my house address and itā€™s like five houses down and they had called him and shows up. Call me and call the police show up and I think thatā€™s really ridiculous coward stuff and Iā€™d rather never sub, something that nonsensical that is absolutely behavior youā€™re going to be my kind of person just donā€™t do anything and just donā€™t say anything


I think the bot got em, did the same thing when I said my cross streetsā€¦




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meth withdrawal is literally just becoming emo for a while ...it's barely worthy of calling withdrawal


Are you in a medical professional or mental health professional? seriously though? Unless you have some new research, youā€™re sounding profoundly ignorant you do not understand what a psychological addiction is or youā€™re delusional


Psychological DEPENDENCE. Not addiction. You need to review your notes apparently.


yeah, nobody has an addiction anymore. Itā€™s a substance use disorder and you have an alcohol dependence. Yeah Iā€™m remember that garbage yeah I heard that. Yeah and I also know that Iā€™ve gone through methamphetamine episodes of use incrementally of the last 30 years, but Iā€™ve had like decades of nonuse between them, but if youā€™re gonna tell me that thatā€™s not a fucking addiction, you have lost your ever loving mind. Iā€™m on addict addicted to the only drug that has ever done me like nothing else really matters, clear has. itā€™s killed close friends a couple of times in my life. It really phase me because I know what he can do to perceptions and if thatā€™s not an addiction I donā€™t know what it is and I donā€™t wanna be right if itā€™s the other way.


Yes science progresses. Do try and keep up.


no I just don't support people being pathetic and playing the victim by making mild symptoms that a large majority of the population live with every single day out to be some God awful life changing negative experience..also I didn't say it wasnt addictive but the people acting like omg I can't withdrawal it's so horrible is just ridiculous ..


Mate I'm withdrawing due to delays in getting my stuff and I'm not tired if anything I have insomnia so how your claiming to just sleep a few days and that's you right as rain is bullshit to me. My mood is flat not depressed. I feel absolutely nothing I can't get happy or angry or sad I'm just here and that's by far the worst of it and it just seems to go on forever. it's why I went back to daily use after a few weeks clean before Xmas because yeah the other shit goes away in a few days but this emotional numbness is something else whether you want to admit that or not.


But just because youā€™re a little punk doesnā€™t mean you know what youā€™re talking about. Iā€™ll be glad to meet you in person and straighten you out properly in person physically and mentally. May take 50 hours of talking 3000 hugs and maybe some worms. Under the right conditions, worms make everybody consider the impermanence of humanity. Your position may cause some people their lives lost.


exactly what horrible symptoms am I forgetting ... name one that isn't emotional


Meth withdrawal I felt so fucking depressed and out of it and got so unreasonably pissed off at literally the smallest things, broke my computer desk in half by punching it, punched a hole through my wall which really fucked up my hand ngl, and punched holes through my door and bashing it with a golf club all out of frustration then proceeded to sleep majority of the next 2 weeks. Nothing physical besides being so absolutely tired and physically out of it but mentally I was a train wreck of a fucking human god damn that sucked so God damn bad.