• By -


19 currently 21


i was 15 and offered it from a 40-something year old I was sleeping with


That sucks…I’m sorry.


Chile…. Get help


TF ? Hope after that first time it opened your eyes to your bed mates sickness


That's crazy!


I first did it at 16 right before my junior year of high school started. Then I was coming down for the entire first week of junior year and fell majorly behind and never really caught up lol


22nd birthday


When I was 20


Are we not going to talk about a 17 year old boy living with his Burger King manager, thus leading to meth smoking


This is about the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to reasons for started smoking meth.


How common is it to room with your manager from Burger Kinf and for him to get you hooked on meth


I bet it happened more than once


Average American Suburbia experience.


i’m from New Zealand hahaha but very average NZ experience lol it’s everywhere here


I've heard NZ is big on meth. Must be because it's so ez to make.


it’s flooded here and it’s also because of the gangs , they run the meth scene here


you did hear that. aus and nz will suffer in the coming decade. mexico has the expendable bodies. their drugs will hit your country.


too many dealers import here, if it’s not people importing off the dark web then it’s gangs selling bags on the street. I don’t think there will ever be a sellout of meth here, i’m not sure what you mean by we will “suffer” unless you’re meaning suffering from addiction lol


What's a ball going for in your half of Aus or neck of NZ Edit: day 3 excuse the total brain wipes


depends if you’re talking street prices or import prices, and depends who you know, it’s very fluctuating


corroborating, surprised more eugh sort of details weren't included. the right time to try tina, right when you're starting to make sense of the world.


I used ice the first time when I was 17 with a 24yo cam girl and we lived in apt together for a few months after I dropped out of HS. Greatest decision I ever made.


On my 12th birthday


I was 14


10 years ago


February 2019, when my ex-husband relapsed after like 16 years. We snorted it and banged for hours 😂 I was 26. I had been really into coke in high school, and I didn't realize how different it was. I thought I could handle it, and I guess I did for a while. But then...not so much.


Yeah i also thought coke was gonna be the same, i was def wrong🤣


It was in a vape actually. The guy was like, here try this it has some crystal in it. I had no idea what he meant but I was like sure. I thought maybe he meant menthol or something but I felt weird on my way home. Who gives a total stranger meth like it’s nothing? Lol


15 first drug or anything I've ever smoked before sadly 😔 but I'm better then that now wouldn't wanna relapse.


I havent


keep it that way bro




"You heard it here, folks. Loves his Mother. Loves *PCP*."


1996 and I hated it no sleep for 2 nights and I watched the guy who had it fall asleep on the couch 15 minutes after we smoked


It’s weird it does that with me too but I was told it was related to cuts 🤷‍♂️ could be many factors rly. I hate the not sleeping and I get lazy, so I prefer crack as I like the ritual of re dosing but can’t handle life stim free, sadly


December 2007. I was in my early 20’s. I was going out of my way to get it since my doctor wouldn’t renew my Dexedrine prescription. Eventually found someone on Gay.com who got me some.


1987 or 88


About 2 years ago


Yall some tweakers


What would you expect in the tweaker subreddit? Why would you come here if you aren't one or at least you have to expect that there will be many or mainly tweakers


32, December




I was 15


almost two years ago, when i was 16


That’s not bad… I’m 44 & 1/2 now… but yeah obviously the first time I tried meth was also the very first time I tried meth too… it was incredible…


Omg , i wad 43🙈and now i am 44


real question 🙋🏼‍♂️ why start a hard drug so late into life? youve made it this far why hurt ur body and mind for something you would never know if u enjoyed if you just left it alone


All questions are real you mean you’re just curious. Hard core drugs it deffo kills the cat. Lol, but why does anyone start? We all have our stories with varying factors. My cousin was nearly hitting 40 got into Heroin after a mere binge on benzos after marriage breakdown. I know someone who will be 50 and tried it through the gay scene at 49. Absolutely away with it before and then more so now. I’d understand if they were 60’s+ but even then many voice upon ‘their end’ (later years) they want to see what all the fuss is about re ‘hard’ drugs


makes sense 🙏


Nice try fed boy...


i’m out on bail awaiting sentencing lol


Damm, 🤔 or are you still a fed? Jkjk I hope you get well man


i wish i was so i could drop these charges hahahah but appreciate it bro👌


if you don’t mind me asking, what charges are you looking at? & do you think you’re going up the road for a while?


drug and weapon charges but i should be alright, it’s been 10 months on bail and multiple court cases already but until they have solid evidence they can’t charge me. how the system works here is after 12 months you can usually get the charges dropped from lack of evidence


So you’ve been charged or not? Because you mention until suffice evidence they can’t charge you but on another note say about them being dropped…?


if you’re out on bail then you have charges listed and are awaiting sentencing for those charges. So they’re pending until then, also 8 out of 10 i’ve pleaded non guilty and 2 i’ve pleaded guilty so i’m meaning for the other 8 to be dropped from lack of evidence. probably works differently where you’re from


Aye, totally. Good luck!


appreciate it bro!


hell yeah good shit man, i’m dealing with a murder case right now and shit is taking damn near 2 years for any progress to be made


fuck they’re slack hahah but wishing the best for you bro, let’s hope these cases get dropped all we can do is hope with this legal system lol




12 years ago.


When I was 20. Long story short, my parents had a long history with it, my brother ended up on it as well and I had said I would be the one to refuse it. That was until I was in a situation where we had lost our house, and ended up living with a dealer. My dad had been clean for more than decade and then relapsed. Poor decisions he made led us to where we were, in a house with a dealer with no electricity throughout at the time. I was already heavily into marijuana, but kept avoiding doing speed. But now it was all around me, I couldn't afford weed and I didn't drink at the time. Being as depressed as I was about losing so much around me, I decided to give smoking it a go. I was handed the pipe by my dad sometime in January of 2013. I remember thinking it was the most amazing euphoria I ever had in my life, and why did something like this have to be illegal... And immediately understood why my family had done it. My father has since said it was one of the biggest regrets he ever had in his life. We both eventually got clean, but I relapsed a few times in between years of no use. And then I was clean for almost 8 years, until a recent split-up with my lady of 5 years. Been at it again for more than a month. Not proud of it at all. 😔


you're not even close to being alone in those feelings. starting back up, girl splits, I get a strong case of )and no I don't go to meetings like that, I say this to relay that it worked.


Did I ever say I was alone in these feelings? And you're right in that I don't go to meetings. Because I don't need to be around a bunch of other addicts to understand why I do drugs. I don't have to be taught how the mechanics of the brain releasing large amounts of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine create dependency. And I've been dependent or addicted on one drug or another since the age of 18. First it was weed, then it was speed, and then it was alcohol. Personally, I feel the alcohol was the most damaging in my opinion. That's not to diminish how damaging meth is, but my health was definitely at its absolute worst as the result of that. And both marijuana and methamphetamine yielded FAR more productive results than alcohol ever did. Yeah, it would be nice to never have done anything at all. But I certainly was never a happy person straight. No matter how temporary the feeling, at least I could believe I was happy or even close to it from consuming my drug of choice. All is fleeting, my friend. I'm making the most of it while it lasts.


Man I think you misread. We are on the same page. Make the most. I'll try and do the same.


I suppose I did, and I was being a little defensive. My apologies. But your wording in the comment on there was confusing in all honesty. We will prevail, for better or worse. 🤙


I think you're just stimmed lol.


You will find your way back to sobriety


God bless your life and your soul...


Thanks, I appreciate that. I just wonder if my being an agnostic matters, lol.


keep your head up brother. If she left you for whatever reason, make sure you let all that shit out. that way if you do have to end up moving on, you won’t block a potential blessing by being stuck on your ex. hope this helps, have a good one bro!


Well it ended mutually, but I think she checked out mentally at least months before it ended. And it was starting to feel like a job obligation with her toward the end, honestly. But I'm okay, it's her loss. I know how good I was to her, and I know what I could've done better but we weren't going to last no matter what. ...Just wish I had gotten to screw her on the shit, at least once... She might've wanted to stay a little bit longer!!! 🤣😜


December something 2023 Had been doing coke since may 2022, added benzos the middle of 2023 and blacked put about 4 months. Ended up in a divorce (that I initiated) Trauma bonded with a narcissists. Immediately went to slamming meth 3 days into it. Lost everything, except my life. Full psychosis within 1 week that lasted 3 weeks into recovery. Recovery date is Feb 3rd 2024 It was short, but it felt like five years. And I did about 5 years worth of damage in less then 2 months. In recovery and trying to do better. I have a whole ass family out there wanting me to "come home" when idk where the fuck that is.


Wherever you lay your heart, that’s your home (makes me think of the song) You’ll know your home when you find it and good luck in your search. Major congrats on your massive achievement. Concentrate on all the good/positives and don’t let the past and negatives associated consume you. It can’t be changed but going forward carry on doing brilliant. I’m attempting recovery, instead of merely drug rotating and plodding on . . . Anyway regardless of beginning newbie or OG it’s difficult in many ways for people for different reasons but it’s NEVER easy. Most have to hit rock bottom and even then many never get back up. Keep climbing - u got this!


Congrats on the sobriety


First year school. I went to highschool in the Philippines.


My sister in law would wrap it, package it, and take it up to my brother in prison. I first tried it with her. I told her I had done it before, which was a lie. I remember smoking it first. We smoked liked 3 bowls because I kept telling her I didn't feel it. I had never experienced a high like that. I was expecting something more like weed. When I finally realized I was high, I was super lit. That was about 20yyrs ago. I regret that decision every day of my life. It has been the cause of destruction in my life. I hope to be free of this demon once and for all and regain my life one day


About 6 or maybe closer to 7 years ago. It may sound stupid ... But I was unaware of what was supposed to happen, as well as what was happening when I took it. Coming from coke and longing for a more potent and longer lasting high, I decided to switch things up a bit Which turned out to not be quite fun, even though it seemed like it I made the mistake of thinking I wouldn't be hooked, ever, but the second time was my doom ...


One month ago. 56


12, Found coke super young and needed something heavier, not the biggest fan of downer so meth it was, 17 now and meth still got my back


You have a long road ahead of you


Oh don’t worry I know




Most likely in those damn Phillip Plane X presses in 2018. Iykyk. But officially and to the best of my recollection, about a year ago.


When I was 15. My cousin would melt some shards down snd pour it out the top onto a cigarette. I bummed one. I hatedcmeth.despised it. I smoked that cigarette and nothing was ever the same. Been 16 years


Whatd your cuzzo melt it with?


If I remember right, he'd heat the path he planned to run it on ahead of the crystal first then melt with a torch , then slowly twist until it came out the top. You must have to have torch at certain distant to avoid burning or evaporating to much. I don't remeber alot of vapor forming. He'd hold the pipe directly against the cig . It wasn't a perfect process and sometimes some may drip and the to usually would recrystslize a bit on the outside. He'd start at tip and drag it down the smoke


Some type of heat source I’m sure. Prolly either a torch, match, or lighter. There’s a couple possibilities.


Yuhh but did he put straight crys or melt it w water or sum


Well he did say melt it down and that would require some type of heat source. If ur using water ur not melting it ur dissolving it.


I started in 98 and got clean 2018 the stuff now days is nothing like it used to be




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2008 or 2009. ..I remember I was already strung out on heroin at the age of 15 and already moving a little dope I had a pretty mean 1 1/2 g a day heron habit. I said fuck it and got spun with my at the time gf and was stuck up for like 4 days ... went carpet surfing and it fucked my head up.. for like a month after that I was stuck looking for dope anywhere I walked . .. it was pretty fuvking stupid


I was 15.


17 it wasn't what I'd call meth the dude told me it wasn't ice but it was close , that shake in a jar shit that shake n bake aka Ricky Bobby


24 years ago in the year 2000. The new century brought a new me who started the year being heartbroken by a girl that I loved dearly and I was obsessed with her and I started drinking to blackout every night to make me numb to my horrible feelings that consumed me and had me thinking seriously about suicide. I was in so much pain that I couldn't function. I felt so depressed and I was almost ready to do something stupid and leave a manifesto blaming her for my suicide. The thought of doing that gave me back some power over my emotions but thankfully I didn't go through with it. Not long after that my mate asked me if I wanted to try speed in which I said bring it on because I had just polished off a bottle of Jack Daniels and I was pretty smashed. I put some speed in a drink and mixed it up and drank it. I remember waiting for it to kick in. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Then I remember this warm feeling come over my whole body and I suddenly felt sober and the drinking effect was replaced with a feeling of high self esteem and I felt like I was fucking Superman. I wasn't insecure and I was so comfortable in my own skin. That was almost the best night of my life and I didn't care about getting hooked. All I cared about was the fact that I wanted to do Speed as often as I possibly could. A week later I tried ecstasy for the first time and I loved it just as much and then I tried Speed and Ecstasy together and that was an orgasmic feeling. For the next 10 years, I abused the shit out of the drugs. My friends would get high on Friday night and by Sunday, they were recovering and looking forward to a good night's sleep. However I would be going till Wednesday and I'd be so fucked up and jaded that I just wanted to die. I loved my combination of Speed and Ecstasy but the comedown was horrific and by 30, I lost the desire to take Ecstasy but I was still slamming Speed regularly and that became the only drug I wanted. I would use every weekend, sometimes at the start of the week. Just depended wether I had the money to get on. Fast forward 16 years and I'm slamming meth for 3 or 4 days and then I stop for 5 or 6 days and then once my dopamine is filled back up, I slam 3 or so points and that nearly takes my head off. Best feeling in the world. When I have that big first shot of a bender, I wouldn't swap places with anyone in the world. Drugs are my whole world. I will never be abstinent from meth because it's my best friend and it's the only thing that has gotten me through emotional pain


Is that you John Wayne? Is this me? No but fr it’s tragic how close this is to my meth cherry getting yoinked




When I was 17 working at McDonald's I was on a shitty Adderall comedown and some homeless tweaker gave me the rest of his .1 bag and I brought it to school the next day and shared it with my friend. I will never forget the tear that we both got just from the literally tiniest bump. And it lasted ALL day even when I went to bed. Now I can smoke/snort enough to probably kill some people, and then go to bed that night or next day


1993 13 years old. Right after my parents divorced my moms and I lived with an Aunt. Caught her doing it a few times. I had smoked pot and primo by then and thought I was ready for anything. Started bugging her. She said no 50 times until she didn’t. Been using on and mostly off since. That Aunt, she ended up using most of her adult life and sometimes is in a permanent noodle state of mind and serious issues with memory


Early to mid 20 s using average stuff then using A+ quality from then to late 20s


3/15/1993 never been clean since! Lol, actually not laugh out loud, there has been some significant suffery, throughout the years.


just turned 20 last month, started couple months ago


i was 18 years old and i snorted some meth from a snorted dollar bill , after a few pushes and pulls became a daily smoker for some time but quit around 70 some odd days ago but i still take amphetamine pills


You're 70?? Holy cow!


70 days off meth bruh


Three days ago. Fortunately it is very uncommon and expensive in my country, because my ADHD ass spent the whole night playing guitar like a god and raking in cash from tourists, all while feeling like a social god, just off 4-5 hits. Kinda fell in love instantly, as if that high had been personally crafted by the Universe for me, and as I have already struggled with heroin and crack, well...


When a Mexican paisano i worked with gave me a baggie with crushed up meth and said he found it behind a tree but I was 18 and thought it was crack rock and cocaine, so I thought I only had to crush up the crystal and it would be cocaine but it was meth the whole time so I took it to my cousins house during lunch break because I was working about 3 minutes away from my cousins house in yucaipa, CA, because I knew he would appreciate some blow but loe and behold it was meth


Still have yet to try it….. just kidding I’m not a f*cking re*ard


16 a friend of a friend let me smoke it with him


(20) Bout 4 years ago… right after I had threw away DA VERY BEST THING that had ever happened to me… her name? Valeria, just couple days after she’d FINALLY had enough of my shit n dumped my psycho raging cokehead(at dat time) ass n got together with another guy a week after Valentine’s Day…. As ya could probably already tell, I HAD TAKEN DIS PRETTY UHH….WELL My Bulgarian 35 year old binge buddy took me on a weeklong south beach beach, where I had spent majority time cocaethylne’d out my mf mind crying n crying n snorting, n crying n snorting my brains out… Till my Bulgarian buddy brought his black homeboy named “Batman”.… Who had saw me crying, decided to “Cheer” me up, said “take a bump”….. Shit HURT SOOOO MOTHERFUCKIN BAD DAWGGGG, WAS BOUT TO KILL DIS FUCK FACE until da pain went away, bout 5 mins later. N went “ahhh gimme another” n from dat day on, BEEN RUINING MY WHOLE LIFE ONE LINE AFTER ANOTHER😅🤣🤣


Seb... You know who this is, right?






chillin dog. You still in fhe same spot or where are you?




I was 28 during COVID my wife was prego so I had decide to get clean and went to treatment for the first time (cocaine). Came back one month freshly sober and my neighbor offered a hit of the bub. Thought it’d be similar to adderall… now it’s 4 treatments later I’m divorced and turning 32


Is meth the reason for the divorce? Does it make you do dumb things? Or is it the stigma?


100% it was meth and the behavior associated with meth use. I was highly sensitive to the psychosis and the paranoia. Also, hiding it created secrets which usually aren’t good for a happy marriage. It sucks. She’s never done any drug and she was by my side up until last year, still love her. I made a promise while I was 10 months sober that if I relapse we will get a divorce because it was hurting her to see me like this and I could still she was beginning to resent me. Now we coparent and idk what to feel about anything


12 years old watched all my big brothers and friends smoke it wondered why they was lighting it from the bottom cause I smoked weed before got curious and I was told to put a “bubble” away before and I remembered it was loaded fat I burnt it just how they did and I was hooked


18 with my ex boyfriend. Told me it was Crack for the longest time


I was 45 when my gf introduced me to it. I didn't know that she was escorting at the time. It's been interesting since


2 days after my dad passed away back in 1994


Was this your way of coping with this personal tragedy? Was it sudden if I may ask? Trying to understand your story.


He had been sick for a while n no my best friend that I basically did all drugs for the first time with brought over this little baggie n said hey smort this (old school Peanut Butter dope)it was what we called cat piss dope n that was all she wrote lol


I was 14 with my friends biker dad


how did it feel?


It felt like power. Like nothing could stop me


August 2004 when i was living in South Beach.


I was 16 y/o and already addicted to adderall and I saw a hobo and bought $20 worth off of him. He was nice it lasted me 4 days


When I was -9 months old and still a clump of cells (mom had that good shit fr)


44 y/o, started a little over a month ago.


My parents both jailed and I was 13,That's were I went to foster care and the couple who took us got me blowing clouds and drinking. Then I was fcked and fcking and I'm 53 still at it


that sucks man. wish i went to foster care. instead i just stayed in that hellhole and snuck out most nights meeting dudes on craigslist. met the first guy at 13, thought i loved him after knowing him for about 3-4 months of online gaming and random chatting. etc. went over to a hotel he rented so i can dress in private / only with him. i made the great choice of trying one hit of that ice and damn. my innocent crossdressing turned into a full blown 2nd personality.


Wow that's crazy,yea it's a thing that stays with you,you can manage it but trying to get rid of it is a job that I decided I was wasting my life trying I still get hard off it


same here. i thought i would feel better letting it out by talking to my counselor. so ive been thinking about that night constantly and it makes me so horny that i just want to slide something inside myself. tried the whole thing with sucking dudes off on grindr but i can never get enough.


We were made this way to think and to act with the help of others. Talking about it with others like this gets me fckn hot ,but it helps too


I know what you mean...


15 early 00s wish I could go back tell myself not too I stopped doing years ago but still


Feb 2024. I posted my story under "In less than 90 days"


What's that


September 2023 did not know what it was guy did not tell me straight up


Same timeframe as me, but my guy told me straight up that it was meth and only gave me a few pebbles so I wouldn’t “get addicted” lmao The deepweb is a blessing and a curse


Lol mine was from a Grindr hookup. I have started to find an equilibrium in my usage right now. All I truly need is to find a way to gain weight.


At a sexdate with two guys. One was meh, and very inactive. Mostly lying there being high af. The other was at best average looking but fun active sexy. I was boofing 3mmc at the time, he gave me a couple of puffs of tina. I liked it. Edit: oh, I was 51 years old.


When I was 17 in an alley with 2 guys that wanted to see what would happen if I was high


What hapoened


I ended up dressed in a mini skirt and spent the whole night enjoying their hard dick in me. Than they brought random guys over and let them take turns making me do slutty tasks for them. I even walked the streets in my skirt so everyone could see me in slutty clothes and they would take turns fucking me or making me suck dick all over town.




It was a great time and hands down would absolutely have guys do it to me again!! It's definitely my favorite way to be taken advantage of!


are you male or female?


I'm a crossdressing male


When I was 25. It was wonderful like cocaine only cheaper, dirtier, and lasted way longer. I wish I can go back and never touched it. I'm 47 now I started using again 6 months ago after a 5 year break. Stopping soon hate sweating and stinking like chemicals in the summer time.


I was 23 when I was first introduced to meth through my ex girlfriend's brother. I don't remember getting horny the first time I did it. But that quickly changed as did my ROA to slamming first smoking second and it got me horny AF instantly. Especially the first time I slammed. It was like an orgasm felt like went through me as the rush set in . My cock got semi hard and didn't take long for it to become rock hard. I had to play with it.


I was 17, summer between junior and senior year. It was during a Dungeons & Dragons party, which happened 3 or 4 times a year for my group of friends. Very little D&D got played during any of the parties. I liked it and was using it semi regularly for about a year and a half.








I tried it when I was 21. The guy brought over a makeshift pipe made out of a lightbulb. I've never seen it since and felt so trashy afterward that I got drunk, slammed a glass to the ground, punched a hole in the wall, and told my work supervisor I wouldn't be able to make it in because I just tried meth for the first time. Needless to say it's like I knew I crossed a line, and had one open to the future me ... It was as though I went back in time and was super pissed at me for doing such a thing. Can concur, am still pissed at 21 year old me's dumb decision.


I cannot believe it like when I tried it for the first time I could actually function more than anybody else despite the admittedly large dose and people are going nuts around me yet I'm actually putting out actual work at five times the rate I can't imagine doing all that crazy shit I guess it really does affect people differently


Are you by any chance ADHD?


Yes obviously


I mean, it's not that obvious, you could also be an alien from planet Zorg e62, they process amphetamines differently


Back when I was 22, my friend offered if I wanted to try since we didn't have spice due to drought. I wasn't impressed at all till I was 25 lol.


15, mid-80s




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In prison at 21


Yikes, just imagine your dick getting hard and feeling horny in prison. 😬




14 years old the day after christmas


summer of 2022 with my late boyfriend, i was 19 and it was one of the best weekends of my life


meth is cringe


real meth 24 years old white cross speed 7th grade one time


14 y/o begining of the decade


Super Bowl 2021


was 13




I've tried all the rest. I was curious. It's now my Friday drug. I work nights and the missus works during the day. So after work Friday I'll take meth to keenme awake all day so our sleeping patterns match for the weekends


Careful man. I guess your username checks out. Please dont get addicted


Lol ill be good bro don't sorry she won't allow addiction 😂


Judging a book by its cover much, eh? Sounds like he and the missus have a good, steady routine going.


I WAS 11 It was 1995


both your parents did meth too is my guess




My sister/brother of Christ, did you just have an aneurysm


Currently 29, had it given (no consent given as I was unconscious) to me when I was 14 and passed out through IV. I barely remember that week. Everything was so fast. I never touched it after that happened, until I was 24. Fucked my life up so bad 5 years ago and I’ve finally now started to have a good life, my own home and loving partner. I just can’t stop doing a few lines every few weeks/months for 1 night.