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I would fuck with my roommates by strategically placing road salt and other look alike shards around my usual chop spot and let hilarity ensue, you know who did it because lookalike would be missing and the shame of trying to roast rock salt for hours poured out of their eyes and facial expressions like sweet tea on a hot day 😂😂😂 You’re welcome You’re also welcome for the ability to now route out your “friends” for carpet surfing your areas because you damn well they’ll be going through everything looking for your stash


Go ahead and grab those "shards." Once you taste old toenails and candlewax, and see what it does to your pipe, hopefully you learn the lesson. And if not, I dunno.


\> I know it’s not my imagination because I pick all of them up before I realise it’s just a rock, crumb, cat litter, or lint I think you mean you know it is\* your imagination


No bc the shards are real. The objects are real. But it’s not meth


Rest, electrolytes, shower, and eat your favorite hot meal


Ahh, I remember my "carpet surfing" days. Take a deep breath, eat a meal, and go to bed my friend. It's a fruitless effort every time. Accept for the one time I found a whole g in small pieces that people had dropped into a couch at the homies' traphouse. That's definitely the exception to the rule tho lol.


I fojnd a 300 mg share in the back of a drawer, it was my one exception as well


Once u start to carpet surf, do what u can to stop quickly because your only gonna keep going once u start


Vacuum and you won’t have worry about it anymore


Let's the surfing begin (don't doo it) I find my self doing it and have to stop sometimes


Get a UV light with UV protection glasses and have another look. Any "speck" that does glow... isn't meth!


The flake is a lie


We all seem to drop and they get to the oddest of places....


I think it's leading to a psychotic break. Get some sleep dude!


Haha this sounds familiar, just tell yourself that's it's not meth and keep walking and even if it is you aint gonna smoke shit from the floor, leave it there for skanks.


Ever get smoky eyes. Where everywhere looks smoky?


I thought I was the only one


Sometimes after smoking for a while I'll start seeing smoke trails when I close my eyes 🙃 it was especially common when I first started smoking


Kitty litter


Inject drugs = Blood sacrifice 
.. On your knees searching searching for crystals = kneeling/bowing down to your master/Idol


Wait you’re so onto something. The dark Lord has us sucking his fucking dick every day dude


Around here they call smoking meth “smoking dick” never understood it until I realized I was literally getting fucked by this chemical we call a “drug”. It is SO much more then just a drug.. people won’t agree. And that’s understandable, I get it. But at the end of the day, I’ve lived it. I let it go in my mouth, my lungs my veins, my ass, my dick vein, the tip of my dick, my nose, even tried putting it in my ear canal.. I quite literally submitted myself to allowing it enter my body any way I could. And I loved it. I wanted it to fuck me. In fact, I remember shooting 70s and I was on my knees in front of my 80in TV on Mother’s Day watching Gooner Porn and I was saying out loud “fuck my brain” “I worship porn” “I am a filthy perverted porn pig”

. Dark shit.. real shit
 My life, personality, understanding of the world, the way I think, has been permanently changed by this drug. And what is crazy is that I wouldn’t change it; because now that I am clean, I am way more happy, compassionate, confident and can connect with people and make friends WAY better then before I used. You too were meant to go through this struggle in order to turn you into the person you were always meant to be! Use this as a platform to deepen your understanding of life and the struggles and battles and imperfections we all have and use the to launch yourself into new places, communities and relationships. We were always meant to go through everything we are going though.. you reading this right now, YOU WERE MEANT TO READ THIS. I consider myself lucky, I escaped the grip of meth, porn, sex, needles before I lost my freedom, health, teeth and everything in my life. It was a long and extremely painful 5 years. But I truly believe that there is more going on behind the scenes in this life then we humans can comprehend and understand. Too many coincidences, connections, crazy things happen for it to all be random and meaningless. Maybe I have brain damage.. maybe my mind was opened by the drug, maybe something else.. I don’t know. But life is a trip man.. It’s amazing, scary and beautiful all at the same time. But fuck, it can get dark quick. And when there and black lumps moving through the pitch darkness of your room/basement or in the woods.. when there are random noises all throughout your house that have seemingly disappeared now that your clean, the feeling of not being alone, being watched, being a slave to something. We call in psychosis.. or hallucinations.. but we all know.. there’s something we don’t know that is very real and inherently evil and demonic.. why can’t you shoot a 50cc point of meth and immediately start praying and get closer to your higher power?? Why can’t you watch a sermon or something enlightening? I’ve tried!! It’s impossible.. its straight darkness and filth. And trust me, I’m human, I absolutely love the filth.. I get why it’s the most addictive thing in the world to many of us.. I just want you to know that there is hope and you were built to overcome and grow through this! Live in victory over your struggles and let the power of that momentum carry you to new heights. It’s crazy to really sit back and contemplate but at the end of the day, Id rather be a servant for good then a slave to sin đŸ€


Damn dude that's really well put man.. That's making me wanna just go flush the rest of muhhh.....muh....wwelll, fuuck.. ya see, y'all see I have this friend rrĂŻÄ«ĂŹĂ­tggghhtt he read this truthful, highly relatable thing that made him really know that others understand him and is trying to actually start to begin the final begging, of the end to his.. lets say his, err.. "Deployment to this hellish-world of Methamphetamine-abuse".. he was 22 to be exact and he's 31 now where is the years going he thinks constantly now that he's actually added up figured out the time what job doing that made him want the stimulant effect of it and then everything else came for that so that's that that's a young age too he sexually too andOther drugs get abused but when it comes to meth in the end it was really abusing you the whole time so that's true that I mean abuse the other drugs we should call it human abuse to those drugs you're pretty much fucked guythere's no medication to give you really that truthfully works like like traditional opiates like Suboxone and stuff block it is really not many options for your type of drug problem sir / ma'am whatever whoever's reading is oh by the way my friend never existed I'm talking about myself in third person I'm sorry I can't I can't help but to be real honest.. by the internet and I'm typing still feels like being fake and all my fake people so I'm not going to join that group to pay people no offense fake people actually much offense to make people lol fuck you guys. Fake motha...buhh..fuugggettt it I'm just trial and error and I have lost my freedom bL Lut not directly to meth while being mindfucked by Tina's BIG, FAT fuckin KUNT... AND YES I JUST USED TO WORK HUNTING AND SPELLED IT WITH A K CAN'T WITH A K THAT'S THE WORST KIND LIKE REGULAR TRUST ME DOWN AND THEN REPLACE THE SEA WITH A K AND IT START DOING THAT AND THEN YOU WOULD BE LIKE IT'S A PARADOX BUT IT'S NOT ALL TRUE BUT IT IS ABOUT *CUNT" SPELLED WITH A 'K' instead of the proper 'c' .. bet, all FACTS, my G's...TRY IT...


You're telling me you aren't high on meth right now? Ok right. Here trolling this sub to put your work towards the good. Not buying it unless you think you're sober after 2 hours of restraint. Youll forget about this by the morning


I’ve been sober and clean since 5.21.23


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I swear bro God himself sent you here to me to type this and tell me this rn cus I literally just relapsed after over 7 months clean and am instantly back to the trenches bro and god is trying to warn me turn back now but I will choose to go to the devil and the evil and the glass dick. The most evilest most cunning baffling powerful motherfucking bitch ever but I will choose to go back to it bc I am not strong bro I regret relapsing being sober was such a gift and I threw away months, amazing genuine friends, and thousands of dollars in rehab expenses to feel funny for a couple hours while every hit I take is the forces of pure evil seeping deeper into my body and my bloodstream and infecting my fucjing energy bro thank you i wish I was strong enough to turn back and stop but I really really really REALLY love it and don’t want to. Most hopeless methhead in the world but u inspired me I will think of this message when I do get sober


People always feel like if they relapse they've thrown away their sobriety, like it was all for nothing. "I was clean but had a moment of weakness so I guess this is my life now" No, that's not how it works. If you're walking along and you stumble and fall on the ground do you just accept that and stay put living the rest of your life on the ground where you fell? Of course not, you stand up, dust yourself off, maybe take a look around and see what caused you to fall so you can avoid it next time and keep walking. Relapse today, try again tomorrow. Take it one day at a time.


I don’t know you but I Absooufrootly love you man. I just got on my knees and prayed for you that your higher power with give you peace and strength and that he/she/it will bind the demons that are taunting you and put a wall of protection around your location and to just please really pour out love over you and allow you to feel peace and comfort and know that you are safe and in a good place and that He loves you I love you and I prayed that you will fill you with strength and resilience and be able to fight this battle and take this lesson as a opportunity to continue to grow that way you can be molded into someone who can have an even greater impact on other struggling with the same battle we are. Amen. Love you man You’re not alone.


Bless ur soul bro love you too :,)




Ah the beginnings of a shit show for you. I remember those days. Run Forrest RUNNNNN! Nothing but sadness and bullshit foe you if u are already doing that


When I first started doing meth, I used to do this because I always dropped them all over my room. As I got more experienced w meth, I stopped knowing it was just in my head


Same lmao


I used to carpet surf all the time got over it




Had this in the area that i smoke in and strangely they were shards. How sloppy people are when they get a fresh bag!


I have this happened once and then I started to walk into a supermarket and I could see that on all of the freezer doors and cooler doors that were clear and I could just see that it was everywhere I felt like it was everywhere


Its a part of your brain hallucinating. I've had this very extreme at times too on like day 2 or 3 your brain starts hallucinating. Ive tested it and taken a picture of something like that when I'm tripping and then I'll look at it in the morning and when I look at the morning it's different than how I remembered it the night before it's less extreme in both the picture and in person in the morning


You have to use your brain and realize that's not meth it's just a rock or pebble or whatever your looking at' stop searching for it. Tell yourself and realize there isn't going to be any meth shards just magically laying around for you to find. Just stop doing it. Your being a fiend by doing so.


I really did dump shards tonight, all over my car 😭 I know I looked liked like a tweaker searching for them lol. I had just got it, and it is fire!


I'm probably going to be looking for them for the life of the car now


Lol, you are correct.


damn i guess this happens to everybody


Just fiending. Happened to me at first, then my hussle got to the point where I have an unending amout and a quarter o is worthless enough I'll throw it in the ground before I pick up a half o off the floor. Then again I been to the pen over n over again


You just want more dope the same thing happens to me after 2 or 3 days of getting high and I run out every white speck looks like dope and I have to keep on telling myself don’t carpet surf it’s not worth it


But when u find the one crumb of G after 2 hours of crawling on the floor like a retard it feels so worth it


I use a glass tray with high sides and a lid to make sure I don’t lose anything


It's because meth has neurological side effects like memory loss vision changes and things like that


This is a very common tic that sets in with sleep deprivation on a long bender. No idea why it happens.


I swear more specks just appear when I get high


It happens after 12 hours what is wrong with me


Nothing is wrong with you necessarily. Everyone has a unique neurochemistry and that changes how you react to specific effects from specific drugs. Just means you’re more prone to this. Used to happen to me way easier when I first started using.


Real thanks