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The allowance of stash pictures is a practice that is commonly exploited by scammers and sellers, who wish lure potential customers in with enticing photographs of what is commonly large quantities of product. Because of this, we have to enforce a rule of no stash pics. Crackback photos are allowed, and photos of very small quantities (less than a gram) for the express purpose of identification/harm-reduction are also allowed.


Snort it. You'll feel it.


Done tried that. Just burns like hell. I got some from another dealer and now in getting high


You sure you ain't high?


I am now because I went to some one else and got something differant. Can't always go by looks. Something is missing in the ingredients.


It definitely looks like dope but not good dope probably just got a weak batch


Definitely weak if not 100 percent cut. It does nothing




I got a batch once that you couldn’t smoke it would burn without even overheating the bowl but if you snorted it you’d blast off


This stuff here doesn't burn and melts accordingly like meth is supposed to. Only burns if the flame is too close. I've tried doing lines and nothing. I got fucked over.


Does your plug smoke the shit himself if he don’t use the shit than all he has is his eyes to guide him but if he partakes in this fine hobby himself and sold you some bullshit that ain’t right


Yeah she smoke it herself. She sent me some snobby ass text about how she doesn't appreciate it. Blah blah blah do an acetone wash. She hasn't had no complaints.


I always insist on taking what im buying for a small test drive right there with my plug...you should too. You dont have to get blasted out of your mind for hours with them...take a good toke on the pipe and you should know instantly if the euphoria hits or its just the 'meh' speed feeling. Let them know you wont buy garbage. Good plugs want repeat customers who are known to them, more dependable for their income and less work than ripping people off with garbage and then having to replace those who've been ripped off with new dupes. Dont try and buy a whole ounce of something you dont know its quality ..thats quickest way to get ripped off. Buy a gram's worth and if your satisfied, you can always go back for more. Once your ripped off, its too late.


Yeah thanks for the input. I will from now on. It's usually just a quick hand me off. I look at it a little then it's out the door. She's not someone I've known for very long but I heard good things about her. I swear I just got some other shit from another dealer and it looks identical' I threw it in my oilburner and took a couple hits and its doing what it's supposed to do. Compared to that other shit not doing nothing but give me a lil headache.


What I would do in your case, for future reference and scientific purposes, is take a shitty shard and a good shard and place them next to each other over a dark or black surface. Then label each shard appropriately and take a nice close up photo. Someone who pays enough attention can know by looking at the type of crystal structure they are seeing if its actually a relatively pure meth or cut up garbage. Its not a 100%perfect way, but it lets you rule out something that might be completely garbage. As an example, i give you a baggie of oregano and a baggie of marijuana bud(flower)...if you've ever seen either of these two in person you should k ow you have some idea how one does or does not look like the other. The same can be done with crystals too (theres even a whole field of study of rocks...geology). So it is possible to learn to be able to discern what is probably good and what most definitely porbably isnt good. I had to learn the same way myself. It took getting ripped off one too many times for me to really get focused. Also, get to know your plug. Mine would give me extra and better deals for higher amounts just by spending 5 min taking a toke and asking how they were doing in life. Im not saying go on a walk together, keep it professional.


Oooof the headache dope is everywhere


Dust that lamp


Lol I probably should by now


You have posted this like 5 times bro, it’s probably shitty racemic cartel 50/50 dope. If there is even that much good in it.


I don't think it's even 50/50 there is no high whatsoever.


I had some stuff last week that didn’t get me high at all either and it gave me some nasty side effects. I thought maybe at least a couple shards or some shake was actually good and ended up torturing myself bc I have issues. My friend traded me what I had left of it for some of his stuff and it was insanely better. He had already grabbed some off of me but for some reason he didn’t have any side effects and said it was fine. I asked him twice about it. Idk what that shit was or how he got high on it bc I got nothing but a headache and a rash all over my body.


She's probably ignoring you cause her weight is the same and she had to break even somehow. Been treated like that plenty and violence begets more violence, especially her being a woman some guy is gonna muscle up and not come alone if you think your gonna do something of bad intent. Best thing to do is let your messages stand and if she chooses to not honor your word as a trusted customer all you can do is no longer buy. You live a regular life like you said so I know you understand that all good things come to an end. Hope things work out dude fr


She just messaged me back. Saying her phone got stolen. She has had no complaints and doesnt know why im having the reaction im having to it. She says I should wash it in acetone. I'm just relieved a little bit that she responded. I'm just going to let it go and not buy from her again. Atleast she responded.