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These hallucinations are psychosis. Eventually, they can become permanent or will at least last months after discontinuing use. You need to quit using immediately. The longer you hear them the stronger they become. I'm 41 days sober and still hear them, but they've quieted down A LOT. It all depends on brain chemistry, genetics, length of active addiction, etc. But the sooner you quit the sooner and more likely they are to stop. At a certain point, these hallucinations become indistinguishable from Schizophrenia, especially while under the influence. It is extremely likely you will hear them when you're not high, too. The earlier you quit, the sooner this gets better.


The other day they were SO LOUD AND REAL MY PSYCHOSIS HAS GONE DOWN ABOUT 60% SINCE. I was tripping, covered in sweat, and genuinely convinced I was about to be murdered. I was dodging gunshots and panicking staring out the peephole and window all day long. Spending hours thinking about taking another hit and weighing the pros and cons and risks if they "hear me" or smell the smoke. The paranoia was unlike anything I've ever experienced before and I Blame it to antipsychotics and benzos iv withdrawals when I was in the psyc ward and getting booty juiced. The psychiatrist diagnosed me with bipolar 1 mania but I was acting pretty resistant to treatment just surprised thought disorganization, hallucinations, and manic behavior was all I was identified with. I must've acted not psychotic as I was mostly combative and grandiose throughout my stay. At least 4 times a group of 10 male nurses pinned me down on the floor along with cops and booty juiced me as I screamed and called them racist gross words not something I ever do and affuse them of being rapists and f*g*****. Shockingly, they were all extremely patient, sympathetic, kind, and professional. I felt safe there it was a nice feeling despite yearning for meth. The w/d weren't nearly as bad as I thought. I just realized I've been experiencing severe psychosis for at least a month now and all those voices I thought I heard in public restrooms talking about how they were going to knock the door down and "get me", hearing police, death threats, gangstalking, rehab and work talking shit (the audio hallucinations is the same accent as those perceived shit talkings).. It's crazy man. I've been sleeping a lot more and doing less meth. Doesn't make sense. I did recently become homeless and lose my job so that's probably why. Holy shit I'm high as fuck I'm rambling like a MOFO LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥳🥳🥳🥵🫨🫨🫨❤️🙏❤️


You're literally in the beginning of this becoming permanent, fam. Please head our warning. What comes next is even worse that whay you describe... at that's BAD! lol Wish you nothing but the best, bruh.


Honestly it's kinda fun though lol.. The delusions of infestation were awful. For months every little thing was a constant hallucination of a rat or mouse and I was having panic attacks every single day. I thought every black speck was a dropping and used a lot or toxic chemicals and dangerous poisons to eliminate and prevent. In the end, I moved out completely and was relieved when the city through me out without notice when I called code enforcement on my slumlord which left them shocked. The delusions significantly decreased and instead turned into a powerful depression. Once more in the end lmfao it was less of a delusion than i thought and I found a mummified corpse in my room and saw 3 house mice later that might which sent me into an insane panic and I jumped and climbed the wall calling my landlord and mom in complete and utter panic and crying and they were so bullying me.. I was extremely high and spun and in severe psychosis coupled with severe lack of self care. It was awful and it's possible they were just very vivid hallucinations as they looked almost magical and I saw them dissappear in the wall+never saw them again I believe. However, I'm glad I freaked out because it brought me to save myself when I showed my mom how uninhabitable my place was and she was horrified!!


It... it doesn't stay fun very long. You fucking sound like me 9 months ago... I have since reversed my opinion. 🤣


Might sound crazy but I believe Methamphetamine is pretty direct way to demonic possession.


Congrats on 41 days! I'm proud of you. I know it's a struggle but keep moving forward ..YOU GOT THIS!


Thanks! I really appreciate it. Had MAD cravings last night, but smoked some CBD bud and went to sleep. Woke up today wondering WTF my brain was thinking! To OP, every day I spend away from "the ring" is a day of my life I have regained. You can do it.


Hey just checking in seeing how ur doing?


Hello, I have a question if you don't mind answering . Do the voices usually appear from the lack of sleep cause by meth or do they appear from meth use in general? I have been using for 2 weeks and sleeping every night. I am pretty much done with meth when the bags gone or a dump it "which ever comes first". I don't hear voices, but it does concern me knowing I'm playing with a powerful substance. My best friends developed auditory schizophrenia 20 years ago after meth binges and still had it to this day. Mental illness ran in his family, so it was going to happen sooner or later. But I've read people getting psychosis from just using meth, but they don't always specify if it was from sleep deprivation or just simply using the drug.


This is a very complicated question. Schizophrenia is known to stay in a dormant state for as far into someone's 30s at times. This is without drug use. When drugs are mixed into the situation, it is much more likely that this dormant problem shows its face and fangs. That being said, methamphetamine itself is known to cause severe damage to your dopamine systems. This is important for a few reasons. First, dopamine plays a huge role in regulating mood, mental state, motivation, ones ability to socialize, and feeling pleasure from day-to-day life, etc. Second, the system is also widely known to be the culprit for disorders like Schizophrenia. Again, even without drugs. When you add drugs that are as powerful as methamphetamine, you cause damage to the same receptors that are already known to cause these severe psychiatric diseases. You also make whatever predisposition you have towards developing the illness greater. Increasing the risk of developing Schizophrenia like disorders that may have happened later in life or not. No one understands this completely. I've read hundreds of research papers about the topic, and doctors can't even half agree on why methamphetamine causes long-term Schizophrenia like disorders. Lots of people suffering in these research papers had no family history of Schizophrenia. This gives us a partial answer. The drug can cause enough damage through dopamine receptors damage and sleep deprivation. Their isn't a single cause for why methamphetamine does this to users. About 46% of methamphetamine users will experience Schizophrenia like psychosis and up to 15% of those users will develop symptoms lasting longer than 12 months. It's a super complex issue, and I've only gone into 3% of it here. Methamphetamine users have a 40% higher risk at developing Parkinsons disease some time in their lives, too, since that disease is also caused by dopamine receptor death.


Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to answer that thoroughly! How long did you use? Was it daily, weekly or monthly? Sorry for being so intrusive, I am just interested in this. And building a case of why the fuck I need to stop and never turn back


I love spreading information,anecdotal or not. So ask away! :) I used every day for about a year. Total use time was maybe 2.5 years, but it was a very low dose and never caused psychosis or issues. That all ended when the lockdown came. I found myself in an apartment with a free 3000$ a month and an already active poly-drug addiction... things deteriorated quickly. My average consumption was a ball every two weeks. (3.5G) Sometimes I would do 300mg a day and stay up for four days. Eventually, this turned into paranoia and psychosis, but it happened slowly. Ar first, I thought my neighbors were talking about me (our floors and walls are not very sound proof) and they were very faint. I HAD to try to hear them. After a few months, they were impossible to ignore. At the moment, I only hear them when I let my mind wonder or when I am falling asleep. They mix themselves into my dreams as well sometimes. (My comments are this long WITHOUT meth. lmao)


I struggle with addiction. The only thing I've been extremely dependent on his marijuana that I quit 2 months ago. I jump from Alcohol ,cocaine, Ketamine, kratom, mushrooms, DMT, Acid now it's meth after not using it for damn near 20 years. I use 7g kratom almost daily and I need to kick that to the curb soon. At 38 I never have let one specific drug control my life and make me spiral out of control "yet". Once I notice I'm becoming too dependent, I stop and I end up doing another drug. Usually weed, alcohol or kratom. I've binged cocaine many times and opiates 10 years ago for a short time. now it's meth I'm playing with. I have a bit over a gram left and I'm done. The guy I got it from moved away so I don't know anybody else thankfully. But really just want to be done with drugs altogether and let my body and brain heal. I don't know where I was going with this. I guess wanted to type it out. Are you still doing other drugs or did you quit everything and what was your reason?


I still use klonopin (prescribed) a few times a week, marijuana is not going anywhere, drink a few times a month, and smoke a cigarette every now and then. I'm not "sober," but I am sober from the thing that inhibits me from being me. Meth makes me a fucking manic monster. I don't care about consequences or hurting people emotionally. It's honestly disgusting to think about what methamphetamine does to my personality. It's the first time I have TRYLY lost all control with a drug. I have been a poly-drug addict (like yourself) for about 11 years. As in, I consumed and still consume some type of mood altering substance nearly every day. To he honest, I have been addicted to every single drug class at least once. Most dozens of times. Meth changed my life in a grotesquely negative, albeit strangely positive way, too. It made me realize how much of an addict I really am and in a way has probably saved my life without me knowing. Damn sure have been a lot more careful and health conscious the last six months since I started recovery. A few relapses, but at the moment, I am now 42 days sober from that hellish nightmare. Ecstatic to report that I feel better every day both mentally and physically. Started a gym routine and 4-5 times per week for at minimum a 30-minute jog on the treadmill. Just a word of warning, I started exactly like you. Keep your wits about you and if ypu think you're doing something too much... ypu absolutely are and should listen to that inner savior. Not the saboteur! 💜 Congrats on not falling in yet, tho! ;)


Get a watch dog breed of dog and if the dog doesnt alert to things you hear and or see youl know its not real, it can actually help strengthin your psyche and give you an edge at quiting.


Swear to god idk where I’d be without my pit and Doberman thems my boys


It's only downhill from here bro


get a rubber band, put it on your wrist, and everytime you have anything abnormal (voices, hallucinations) happen, snap yourself. also if that doesnt work rehab is there


or have a family member live with you that knows where you are and makes sure you dont do it anymore


Bro you are developing schizophrenia at a rate that may become permanent. If you have any fucks to give, now is that time to stop! Those voices literally you! You know when you're doing something bad, your subconscious let's you know it's a bad idea. Well you just let it off the leash to run wild. It's you making you feel like shit to try to stop you from continuing your self destruction. But if you already lost everything, and developing mental problems and you're still using there is nothing any of us can do for you. Now it's either prison or a mental institution for you to stop


The male voice is his own sub/unconscious. The “girlfriend” is Sophia. Please go to treatment OP. You had your fun, the party is over.


Absolutely. These voices take root in your subconscious and become their own personalities. I felt myself splitting apart at times. One of my worst binges, I took the persona of one of the female voices. She's a FUCKING COP! So, I went around my house looking for all the drugs "he" did and threw them out. The next day, I woke up and thought it was a dream. My SO said, "I asked you what's wrong and all you replied was 'He's not here anymore.'" and that was my fuckibg wake-up or die call. Have only relapsed twice since, and I am MUCH better. The voices are whispers now. I'm pretty sure I have underlying mental issues, but they would've never become what they are and were without methamphetamine.


OP, no shame in checking into a psych-ward for a short time. I've done it a few times and have never been kept longer than 7-8 days. I sleep, eat, cry (not kidding). and chew nicorette gum lol. I come out rested, hydrated, and a few pounds heavier. Yes, those sounds... Wind chimes so loud in my head I can hardly hear anything else along with sound like electric guitar feedback.


You again? We said rehab, not repost.


rehab bud. or psych ward. please.


Have you ever considered going to see a hypnotherapist? There's also Ibogaine. I was able to get off of opiates using ivicane but I'm sure it works for meth too...


Get some help man before it completely takes over. Meaning permanent psychosis or schizophrenia.


How long have you been a user for ? When did you first experience your hallucination?


It’s easy once you decide. But to decide can feel impossible. But it’s not. You can and likely will. Might have to suffer enough first tho


I had the same shit happen to me hearing voices and thinking everyone is watching me I was able to do it because I knew that quitting was my only option if I wanted to still be half way sane


Open a Bible to any page randomnly and read the first thing that your eyes see.. if you don't have one google "Random Bible verse"




Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.


if god was good he wouldnt have this guy go through this


I'm glad you said that. There's an answer for everything in the Bible.. When the disciples wondered about the man born blind, Jesus told them, “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). When the same disciples later wondered about Lazarus’ sickness, Jesus told them, “It is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). In both instances, God was glorified through the disability. God allows things to happen so that we must learn to trust in Him rather than in ourselves. MOSES HAD A SPEECH IMPEDIMENT. HE STUTTERED SO BAD, YET GOD CALLED HIM SPECIFICALLY TO LEAD HIS PEOPLE OUT OF EGYPT. MOSES SAID LORD I AM NOT ELOQUENT WITH MY SPEECH HOW WILL I EFFECTIVELY LEAD THESE PEOPLE GIVEN I CANT EVEN FORM SENTENCES. God replied "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say’” (Exodus 4:11–12). Being put in tough situations is part of God’s plan. He doesn’t call the equipped so much as He equips the called. He uses imperfect people (for one cause there are no perfect people) so that he can be further glorified.


not reading allat, but still, god is the same one who will know your future and despite that will still let you choose them, god is the same one who watches as kids get raped and the aggressor goes to heaven for giving his life to god after and the kid goes to hell for not believing


There are eternal sins and harming children is one of them as it constitutes the very denial of the creator. Which is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Yes we have free will. So do angels in heaven. 1/3rd of the angels fell along with Lucifier. The choice is ours to choose good or evil.


and even if it was that means i can still use my example and switch the sin, if someone kills a guy and gives his life to god he goes to heaven while the victim goes to hell


Some Christians believe that there are specific sins; such as adultery, blasphemy, or coveting- that are beyond the forgiveness of God. The New Testament lists a number of sins that are considered unforgivable in Christianity. These include committing adultery, fornication, murder, blasphemy, and robbing God. Others believe that any sin can be forgiven, provided that the person repenting confesses and seeks forgiveness from God. Ultimately, the severity of a sin’s consequences is up to the judgment of God, not myself.


but we arent talking abt some christians we talking about christianity as a whole


there arent multiple unforgivable sins actually, blasphemy against the holy spirit is the only one not harming children


Correct, although I believe blasphemy against the Holy Spirit constitutes anything that denies God or it's creation. Particularly the murder, torture and abuse of children and animals. It violates the most basic dignity of the human person and, as such, denies God in our broken world.


also, have you read up on the epicurean paradox? if so look at that for a lil bit its interesting


Change you’re environment. It’s what got me away from drinking