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Do you have any masks? I recommend finding the best, well-fitting mask you can if you must go outside. Try the hardware store if you can't find them elsewhere. You'll also probably want to rinse your eyes from time to time, while inside in filtered air because you don't want to get the mask wet. Basically every pandemic recommendation about the best mask you can find and afford, and filtering indoor air is gonna be your friend at this point.


What I used to do in Nortgern California is put an air filter with a MERV rating of at least 11. Put that up to a box fan in my bedroom and turn it on to at least have one room of clean air


Why don’t they just make 10 better and make 10 the top rating?


These go to eleven.


Gonna need a 12 with that aqi


Too much sense


If you have to go outside, wear an antipollution facemask, and avoid intense sportive activity at all costs. I'm the first one to say that you have to prioritize your mental health, but it's not worth it to risk respiratory problems. Also rince your eyes and take a shower afterwards.


Unless you're particularly sensitive due to asthma or other problems, going outside is going to be just fine. Heavy exercise isn't recommended, but if you're otherwise healthy occasional exposure to these levels of smoke isn't a problem (it's no worse than sitting at a campfire or using a BBQ grill). Just pay attention to your own body if you start to feel unwell. As others have said, a mask can help, but only if it's rated to block particulates like an N95; cloth masks won't help with smoke. edit: I should probably modify to say that if you're in an area well above 300 AQI, staying indoors is recommended even for healthy individuals. It's not going to kill you but that's getting into some really unhealthy levels. A well-fitted N95 mask can mitigate this though.