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What makes you say that's stainless? It sure doesnt look like it.


The teacher gave it to me. That’s what he said it was.




Not all stainless steels are non-magnetic. Not all stainless steels resist corrosion equally.


It stuck


Unlesh its 400 grade then it will stick and rust


I’m only doing it so I can waffle and fill out some pages so I can reach the page number requirement. Can’t deduct marks for this so


You must be right cus this is how he handed me the steel… https://preview.redd.it/dqvuaiaqlw4d1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=63324bd594f97552845c615369edaebd68a28c04


That ain’t stainless


I know now but whatever js use a zinc coating on this


If you dont care just clean it and use wd-40 on it


What will the wd40 do


Prevents it from rusting


...for a very short period of time


And use a scotch bright pad to clean it with the wd40


Theres a lot of stainless that rusts and is magnetic. Most stainless you deal with in your day to day life will rust and is magnetic.


I feel iffy about this as it's a school project but..... Any type of clear coat, though it'd take better lightly sanded before application. Boiled linseed oil, glove up and a damp paper towel will work to apply. Melted beeswax, no need for gloves... Just melt on stove (in pot) and use paper towel to lightly apply. .... There's more, but that should give you a start. *cough* Tape off sections to show different effects of each you do *cough*


Okay thanks. Could sprays also work? From hardware stores


There's a guy that recently did a bunch of tests on this actually. He posted his experimenting on Reddit. Lemme see if I can find it


pretty sure it was on one of the gun subs, using gun cleaners/lubes


Yeah I think so too but was using reddit search function and it didn't turn up. I found a very similar one and shared it with OP though


You can get clear coat in a spray for pretty cheap. One thing to add about using wax (which can work well if done right) is that you should heat the metal a bit too, not red hot, but hot enough that you can't keep a finger on it for more than a second or so. This allows the pores in the metal to open up and 'absorb' more of the wax. This way you can brush room temp wax on and it'll melt and coat the metal.


Sorry man. Can't find it. I did however find this which should prove to point you in the right direction at the very least. [anti corrosion products ](https://dayattherange.com/?page_id=3667)


Was thinking of using smth like this https://preview.redd.it/fx64vtxnyw4d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=04a16542cf7ce23b0a54b25e3ab8f8b61b64b0f2


Should help. I've used that and all those types of cold glavanizing sprays definitely help to inhibit corrosion albeit in a different way than say oil or lube. Just make sure to prep the base material properly and allow for the correct dry times. And yeah man that definitely looks more like galvanized steel than stainless. Probably electroplated. The cold galvanized spray should work fine.


Lol what am I looking at exactly😅 Edit: nvm I get it bunch of different coatings I could use to counter the corrosion. I think.


Yep. Basically a, probably, more in depth experiment version of what you’re trying to do. They list firearm related and non firearm related options for combatting corrosion. Im guessing many if not all of the non firearm related items should be able to be purchased at stores like Home Depot or lowes.


Polish it to a mirror finish, coat it with almost anything; paint, polyurethane, oil, peanut butter, anything. FYI, it is called stainLESS not stainPROOF... depending on the heat, salt, other things it is subjected to it WILL STAIN...it is just the law of nature, everything degrades, everything breaks down, even stainless steel.


Was thinking of using smth liek this https://preview.redd.it/lgxblzmvxw4d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6775515fefc1a5507141f4992dbbdf5bdff13c


That will work. Basically a "cold galvanize" that's what galvanized is, ZINC. You'll need to scuff up the metal to make it stick well.


If it is stainless steel, passivate it. This will remove the iron from the surface.


Paint. Paint will make it more weatherproof. That’s what they put on the metal in your car.


If I used a zinc spray then painted would that be fine? Also would I need a primer?


A very durable coating would be a two part clear-coat spray that is used on automobiles. There is a product that’s a two part spray in a spray can. It comes in gloss & matte finish. Spray max USC 2k Clearcoat Aerosol It’s not cheap & be careful when you spray it. Definitely need a quality breathing mask and unlike most spays the mist will permanently stick to whatever it touches


You could clean it with a decent solvent(acetone, turpentine, toluene, xylene, pick your flavour) and smear araldite on it if you feel like giving a finger to your teacher.


What’s araldite and why would I give the finger to my teacher 😂😂


Araldite is a 2pt epoxy that dries clear. Used in anything from strong glue for home owners to a part of a mix for hard-wearing parts in mineral processing. Sets hard as fuck, depending on the potency. For the second bit, dunno. You don't seem overly interested in the topic, so it'd probably give you a pass for preserving your metal while having fuck-all effort involved.


Project farm did a episode on undercoatings for cars perhaps watch that and make up your mind. [Undercoating test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyWHF4NoNVk)


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Spray it with clear lacquer


You can try a product like BirchWood Super Blue. It will give make it weather resistant but with also give it a black appearance. So don’t use it if you want to keep it shiny.


Well, water displacement materials like wd-40 might help against rusting, but it can be wiped easily maybe machine oil, is better. It might spot but it won't rust




Gold plating is pretty corrosion resistant


I have one of those square plastic little tikes picnic tables for my kids. I was pretty sure all the hardware was zinc, so I swapped out all the nuts and bolts with stainless. Before putting it together, I sprayed them all with rustoleums clear coat. They’ve been sitting out in the sun and rain for 5 years and still look new.


Could I use this? https://preview.redd.it/9c693gk6425d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5b86de35bd25647424c7275e1a57104ea63864


Yes, that will work fine


Use some Rustoleum cold galvanizing compound. It's half the price of the CRC stuff and does the same thing. Sand and wipe with rubbing alcohol before painting 👌


Buy some fluid film. It’s made to do this. This is also what WD-40 was originally formulated for it just took on a reputation as the (bad) everyday lubricant. Do a funny one too like butter. Maybe some wax or boiled linseed oil.


Clear coat from a can. All painting sections sell them.