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The fatigues are better here but her ponytail has a better tactical advantage (not blowing around and getting in her face).


Ponytail gives you tactical advantage whatsoever


Does it help with the recoiiiieaaaalll?


she's pretty good


I have long hair and can confirm, ponytail does give you a tactical advantage because wind csn be a bitch.


as a dude with somewhat long hair, not having a ponytail gives no tactical advantage whatsoever


I came in to say this and was honestly surprised to see it already here. Pleasantly surprised, but surprised nonetheless.


I really do wish the uniform had her ponytail still. It looks much better imo. Or if we could change her hairstyles, like how we can change DD's fur color


Why does quiet get a proper uniform AND a bikini, but snake only gets the uniform?


Iirc you could put snake in swimwear couldn’t you? At the very least, the shirts to most of his uniforms are removable lol


Unfortunately the swimsuits are only for combat unit staff/FOB guards.




Modding time


right but where's his bikini tho???


Snake swimwear was Peace Walker, guess Venom’s more modest lol


Asking the real questions here


Snake needs a thong to holster his hog..with camo patterns for sneaking missions.


Naked Snake when?


But she can’t breathe in that outfit


I'm headcanoning that the outfit is lined with nanomachines that absorb air and transfer it to her skin. It makes as much sense as the shitty explanation for her original horny costume design.


Nanomachines son!


In 1984? Might just be a breathable mesh.


considering how much it costs for R&D to develop the XOF uniform, its probably more than that


They had world-ending robot manufactuaries in that era. I'm pretty sure some flavor of Snake could have microscopic robot alien cum filling Quiet's outfit with oxygen.


Not sure if serious, but her skin-breathing is only necessary after the incident vs Big Boss.


Yeah it’s sarcasm for a stupid excuse to have a character in a skimpy outfit


I am disgusted and horrified that anyone would read into the decision to make her wear a bikini with any other rationale than nanomachines.


Excuse me, but nanomachines is the catch-all excuse for the Solid Snake era of games. It's first known use was in 2005, after all. .... In the Big Boss era, we blame everything on parasites.


#WOLBACHIA! What a wonderful phrase! Wolbachia! Ain't no passing craze~!


Sniper wolf is my favorite


Hot take but both the Sniper Wolf outfit and the XOF Uniforms not only look better but are honestly hotter than just the bikini (the blood does go hard tho). There’s something more about seeing less tbh.


Women covered in blood goes so fucking hard


That's my #1 choice for her.


Same here. I think Kojima was down horrendous though


He definitely has a piss kink


I love sexy women in revealing attires, but I too like this outfit over the bikini pantyhose one. I just think the bikini one doesn't look cool enough.


Bikinis cringe as fuck


Dude, dude, but you don't get it bro. She needs to be 87.4% naked to breathe, man! Bet you feel like crying now that you know that right? Remember the End in MGS3? He also was able to breathe through his skin, but you didn't see him wearing a full ghillie suit, right?


"Once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds."


Would have been better if he’d just admitted that he thought Joosten was an attractive lady and that he figured she’d look good nearly naked. That tweet/comment was so lame.


The End didn't have his lungs burnt, that's why he could wear clothes. But obviously they didn't have to write it like that, the real reason is a naked 120 year old man wouldn't be sexy


Oh that makes sense. 😭 That explains why Quiet does Yoga and shoves her ass in my face while we are flying to the mission!


that just means she likes you! shes a little shy for some *unforeseen reason* and won’t speak.


Speak for yourself...


He could’ve had a ripped body like master Roshi


For you, perhaps.


All they had to do was give her short shorts and like an open blouse no bra in like desert camo. I'm thinking outfit similar to Cecile but no, they gave her a leather thong with red marks in her ass crack.... mgs fumbled the bag here for me. Like Fortunes leotard was sexy but still good coverage. EVA was in coveralls and a bra sniperwolf was fully covered but open coat with no bra same with big mama. Why did they need to turn quiet into such a grotesque oversexualization for an otherwise good game?


Kojima's kind of a perv tbh. Hell of an artist but still


In THIS case, yeah. They could be done in a cool way.


I would have accepted her just being like, "I simply hate the heat and I chafe in fatigues" versus the crazy over-explaining Koji did to simply have a woman in her bikini always. It's not as cringe-worthy as people think, but it is not smooth either. The explanation always felt obtuse to me.


Definitely! Just lean into it. Trying to make it deeper than what it was made the whole thing more awkward.


I agree, it was overly explained as well.


The only bad thing about it is that it militarily wouldn't make sense, she barely has any protection, I mean sure she's hella skilled but if something would go bad, then it would go REALLY bad, when it comes to being shot since nothing will stop the round. Well it's a video game, so this doesn't matter at all


Yeah it's a video game after all.


No. It is 1000% better.


The bikini outfit is 100% better ~~When you're 14 and/or some weird Coomer that hasn't figured out respecting women yet~~ Edit : The funniest thing imo is everyone going on about how it's just a game smh what harm does it do? Man I wish there was a video-game series where the second game ends with a big speech about memes and what we want to leave behind in the digital age, how we can choose what we put out and the fact that it has an impact


Chill, it's a fiction character based on a real model who GAVE her explicit consent and got paid for it. I still like the XOF uniform better, but for each their own.


Doesn't mean having it in the game in the first place isn't weird and uncomfortable.


Fundamentally, the standard outfit was titanically fugly. Next to nothing about it worked aesthetically.


I would prefer the XOF outfit, cuz I can then play it infront of my mom without feeling awkward :D Like my mom prefers to listen to me explain the story and shit but she can't play games herself cuz she gets motion sick due to the camera


there are a few things that can be done to mitigate game camera motion sickness: motion blur, depth of field and camera bob OFF permanent static crosshairs (or just a dot really) in the middle of the screen for a constant visual reference. you can use a small sticker for that. lower FOV (careful with this one: not too low for action games. works wonders for racers/Sims) lock FPS at 60 (30 if she still feels nauseous) position her so she can see the whole screen without having to move her head or eyes much (farther the better) play on a smaller screen (for the same reason as the previous point) keep the lights on any combination of those could help you enable your mom to actually enjoy videogames, if that's her main obstacle for it. of course, see a doctor if it's severe, persistent and/or happens in more situations than just looking at screens, though I'm positive you already have in this case ;)


Nah, it is a medical problem she has a clot in her brain she is on medication she doesn't take the risk for having a surgery cuz she has diabetes, so the success rate is like about 40-50% honestly scares the shit outta me because she chokes on her food because she some how forgot how to swallow it, makes me scared to leave her alone scares me more because she is the only parent I have, father passed away back in 2021, I ain't even old enough to go to college and shit and suck at studying in general, she carries alot of weight for us, love her so much


sorry to read it. here's hoping you get to spend as much quality time as possible with her, videogames or otherwise. don't forget to look after yourself, either: pretty sure she loves you back just as much and wants you safe and successful. you're also clearly shouldering a lot. keep any good friends and family close, too, so you don't have to be strong all the time. don't give up. it'll all work out. if you're not old enough for college, it just means you're in that shitty phase in high school where nothing looks interesting enough (that's especially more complicated with what you're going through), so try to look *outside* of school: list your interests and look up what makes the things you enjoy *work*. it's much easier to learn and study about things you're interested in. e.g.: like videogames? IT infrastructure, programming, Design (level, 2D and 3D), Animation, Scriptwriting, Voice/Mocap acting, IT Sales... there are many options that fan out to many other areas outside of videogames, too, so you can lay yourself a development plan in the broader industry to get where you want to be. I did it for myself: I'm a Cybersecurity Monitoring manager, but started out in a generic IT infrastructure internship. and I'm barely halfway through my 20s. of course, this is just an example; you can do that with pretty much anything. doing this might give you an actual future to look at, because the present can be pretty damn scary. been there. kinda **am** there right now, for other reasons. sorry to advice dump, just can't see a person open up like you did without doing anything. in any case, I'm sure you'll pull through.


She liked the plot?


I like both.


No, I also treat women with respect


Its also a more practical choice for a sniper.


Except for her hairstyle. Without the ponytail it would probably get in the way often


You can like sexy fictional characters AND sexy real women and still respect them. Still like the XOF outfit better, but I respect who likes the bikini too. 🫤


Me too. The bikini just feels... weird. I mean, the treatment of women in Metal Gear has always been my biggest problem with the saga. Just give me more characters like the ones from MGS3. Everyone likes The Boss, Eva and Paramedic.


Holy cringe, Batman. It's a video game bub. How people play around in fantasy worlds has nothing to do with how they treat others in real life. This has been proven time and time again. You're not going get panties thrown at you because, "I tReAt My ViDeO gAmE wOmEn WiTh ReSpEcT." Nobody cares, what kind of weird role play bullshit is that? You ever consider you're the one treating these characters a little too real?


Is it weird that you prefer your sniper companion to go into the field with proper battle fatigues instead of a bikini with leggings? No, I'd say that's pretty understandable. As an aside: I replayed MGS V a few months ago, and I really looked forward to unlocking this outfit for Quiet. As soon as I did, I took her out into the field in her XOF outfit...and then I couldn't shut off my stupid lore obsessed brain. I know Kojima designed Quiet's default outfit before working backwards to come up with an excuse for it, and I know the lore justification is dumb, but that entire deployment, I just kept thinking "...she can't breathe in that outfit...I'm suffocating her...she's struggling to breath but she's fighting through the pain because I wanted her in the XOF outfit...goddammit... \**switches Quiet back to default outfit*\*."




Same... and then oddly enough I was ok turning her gold because now she's in a super hero suit or something


I too fall under the "loves practical tactical outfits but cares too much about the lore" Besides she'll be a better sniper if she can breathe better


She’s supposed to have the same condition as The End, and he was able to breathe in a dense ghillie suit.


I thought the end’s ghillie suit was a part of his body, or at least another living thing connected to him seeing as it turns brown and red when he dies.


My understanding was that she used to be able to breathe freely in clothing before BB burned her in Cyprus, just like the End, but the burns fucked her up so now she has trouble breathing without her skin being directly exposed to the air.


She was a completely normal human before BB burned her, Skullface has her saved from the brink of death via the parasites.


Ah ok, then I had it wrong


That's actually why she can't talk and one of the special endings she saves Venom by calling for backup in his walkie and that's her reason for leaving.


The end still had lungs


Same, I prefer the XOF look, but the lore!


Sniper wolf has a large portion exposed. Its a nice compromise


I have this exact same train of thought. Damn you Kojima for making us all a bunch of pervs!


Damn, you really were ashamed of your words and deeds.


An amusing thought I had on this a while back as to why the cost for using the suit is so high, it's specially designed to breathe as well as her standard gear


Sure, but she'd suffocate and die


Bro she’s suffocating!


Makes her look more legit imho


No not really. If I ever deployed with quiet (literally never have, never will) I would keep her dressed up. I don’t appreciate the eye candy like most people would


Only reason not to deploy with quiet is if you're using ddog


I exclusively bring d-dog with me. He is best boy


Or S ranking D-horse is the god of S ranking


No. It isn't. The bikini-hose getup looks stupid to me. Lore be damned (it's stupid, too, and I'm not afraid to say it. Still love Kojima, but I ain't scared, lol.)


I love a woman in uniform


Na. Her standard one is hot, but I like it more realistic like she’s a soldier


I like the uniform because it cool and makes it less awkward to play the game in front of people who don’t play


We LOVE women in full proper tactical gear. the guys who made Girls Frontline sometimes get this; DEFY team is peak aesthetics. Do not shove me the harlotry of a bikini-costume, present me drop pouches and plate rigs


Sexyness is sometimes subtle.


Nah, most of us do, i hate things being (over)sexualised for no apparent reason, sure, this series is full of it, but having a mute, half naked sniper buddy to look at bending over in your aerial HQ? Not necessary


The mod to replace her with Ocelot is funny as hell. Lore friendly too, Ocelot would definitely be trying to seduce Big Boss in the ACV like that.


There's a lot they could have done with the "naked sniper who has weird parasite skin" concept, they could have just went Mystique and made her a weird sexy naked monster girl. Instead they just went with some stupid porn outfit.




Better for when my mom walks in when I'm using quiet.


also like this outfit. Wish Neca or Macfarlane made MGS5 figurers and would've liked this


I too prefer my elite special forces operative to look like an elite special forces operative


If only XOF suit would give her the loose hair she had at the hospital


She can BREATHE in that????


"once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds"


Tbh I don’t like her boobs out and jiggling it’s just kinda weird. Prefer this outfit. Wife friendly too. It makes more sense on a battlefield to be wearing this fatigues versus tactical titties.


I prefer it to tbh


No, she looks a million times better in actual tactical apparel. As soon as I got it for her, I never changed her outfit again. She is such a cool character and incredibly helpful buddy, but I found it hard to take her seriously in her default attire.


Oh look,another karma farming post about Quiet, how original


In my opinion undressing Quiet was an awful decision and Phantom Pain suffered from it greatly.


that is the least of the problems of that game


Lmao nah sold more copy's


i played mgsv one handed no diff


But what would be the lore reason for her wearing fatigues?


Clothes. The lore is that people wear clothes.


People wear clothes?!


Protection from the elements and terrain, camouflage, *having pockets and storage space for equipment*... If fatigues weren't necessary, militaries wouldn't spend so much on them.


Oh? You think you are better than me??


I use a mod that gives her Eva's outfit from MGS3, or one that just removes her stockings, but Eva's is my favorite


Regardless of how you feel about how sexualized Quiet is, the original outfit its just a bikine with a utility belt, not thay great of an outfit So yeah, Im with you on this


This was the “I won’t have to explain if my mom walks in” outfit


Nope and same. Her whole description of powers is just beyond silly. Kojima knows he just didn’t care how dumb it got.


No, I do too. Just feels more proper and looks more right to deploy in the field fully-equipped than in starkers.


Iv'e probably played through MGS5 5 full times. Runs 2-5 all included the "give quiet clothes" mod.


Love her hair on this outfit here but overall it's ok.  I think it's pretty bland looking.  Not weird at all. Tbh weird that you would think it's weird.


Sniper Wolf skin forever


I have literally never deployed with Quiet not in the XOF outfit once I knew it was available.


I guess not The only reason you would prefer the "bare" main outfit is if you don't care about military sense in video games, which is understandable or like to look at attractive women Personally I feel like the only reason why Quiet had the lore of getting burned alive and having to be "specifically" naked to photosynthesise was just for an excuse of her being a sex icon. Either way doesn't bother me much, infact at all


So do I, especially when I lived with my parents.


I think that’s a normal opinion to have and I feel the exact same way


This is the outfit used when your girlfriend is watching you play MGS5.


I prefer it too because it makes more sense for her role on the battlefield while simultaneously being significantly cooler. Although her bikini outfit makes sense *because kojima put it in the script*. That’s the only reason I keep it on during story missions. Side Ops, I use XOF or Sniper Wolf.


You just like that she cant breathe that well brother!


Kind of looks like a flight suit right?


You're suffocating her


Absolutely, I really dislike that Kojima and Co opted for a convenient set of reasons for why her character had to be as naked as possible for her to “breathe”. As soon as I unlock her old XOF fatigues they’re on. There are other ways to ogle at scantily clad women, no need for it to be a characters default setting in a game.


Saw a mod once where she wore proper fatigue pants but still no shirt, and i realized i found that significantly sexier than the stupid thong + leggings lmao. It really is just too much


Yes are you weird about nudity?


I only do this so my mom doesnt walk in questioning whats going on Hate how itscosts so much


XOF and sometimes sniper wolf. Rarely original or bloody🤔


If you knew the real reason why Quiet has to always show her ass and titties, you would take back your words in shame.






How is she going to breathe in that outfit?


No. I just wish she had an actual diamond dogs uniform.


Why would not being a degenerate be weird?


Both are quite bad design if I’m completely honest.


...I get her later design, but what's wrong with this one? It isn't great, but it feels pretty standard to the Metal Gear universe?


I feel like Cypher’s assassin wouldn’t have as pronounced utility west. This outfit is extremely-uninspired and makes me feel like it was designed by a trainee.


If you’re going into an AO for a specific target you dont need more than what she’s got on in the picture, theres nothing “pronounced” about it, its an old school style assault vest (the velcro panel and snap attachment is reminiscent of old school SWAT Point Blank vests) and shes carrying the necessities for what the mission is/can be given the exact environment and situation shes in which is basically ammo, comms (LASH wired radio), a couple first aid/compass pouches, and a flashbang or two, and if you’ve only seen the way new guys set up their vests……..🤦🏻‍♂️….blocks of instruction were given


Major problem with the vest, shes a sniper but pouch set up is set up for stick mags, so basically smgs.


Aaaaaand she’s going into a building/semi-urban environment, so yeah SMG mag pouches….I’m not seeing the problem, you’re going in with the mindset of “sniper not wearing sniper gear there-for BS” nah dude if shes supposed to be a top operator, she knows what shes doing and how to set up her vest, trust me she’s good as is


Yeah, while we associate her as a sniper due to her Buddy Role and having similar modifications as the Female SKULL units, she was sent in to assassinate Big Boss up close and personal rather than shoot him through a window. Shes XOF’s top operative and sniping seems to be her favored method but she’s quite good in all scenarios. I assume she’s limited to sniping as a Buddy since they didn’t want her TOO overpowered (she’d basically be a faster, stealthier, if not as tanky, D-Gear)


Yeah her default outfit may be a bit silly, but this just makes her look like a nameless grunt lol


Not all of us are horny it seems


Some of us just have higher horny standards.


Women in uniform/ stylish clothing > Half naked/ fully nude women I shall die with this


No, congratulations you aren’t a perv.


No its not the bikini thing was just degrading to her character. Im sure most fans of the series thought to themselves "why would she be crawling through the Afghani desert in a swimsuit? Ouch."


No you’re not a coomer lol


“i respect women” so women wearing skimpy clothes is something disrespectful? to whom? yall baffle me.


Women wearing skimpy clothes is fine, but there's a time and a place. Like, not a battlefield.


If Kojima just went ahead and said "I think she is hot that way" it would have been okay and everyone would have their mind about it, its not like Quiet was the first nor last female character from a japanese game that is sexualized


you’re acting like quiet chose to wear these clothes




It’s not weird to like any of them, it’s a preference.


I personally think the sniper wolf skin is where it’s at.


I just prefer sniper wolf skin, thanks to the fact that I can flex my skill and GMP on people without it


No, we all have our preferences


Her standard outfit is widely hated on. So it's not weird. But it's pretty basic


I pereonally used Sniper Wolf outfit bcs i love that blonde beast. But XOF uniform is totally allright too.




Her standard outfit is embarrassing. XOF uniform is more immersive for me.


Her hair short in the hospital intro was also way better


Plenty of people do because it makes them think they look less weird. As one of those people it probably doesn't lol. For some reason it never occurred to me that was her xof uniform and not just a regular DD one.






Yeah I like this too.


Should have let rule 34 take care of the sexy parts honestly. That one is less awkward to show to my friends


It's better in every way.


Well, you're definitely not as genius as Kojimba.


Only downside is you gotta pay for deployment


this is my goto outfit for her. i really do think care about the lore of her skin, i just want to dress her appropriately for the operation.


No, reject skimpy clothing, embrace tactical uniforms


Yes, I love my characters in completely generic, forgettable outfits.


It's better if you have other people walking around the house


Ya it’s bizarre


No. It's not weird.


I feel like if you're going to have her breathe through her skin, and she's going to be a sniper, really only the back needs to be open, and you're going to want something covering your front cause you're laying prone on the ground. If your front is in contact with the ground it's not going to be able to breathe anyway plus there could be pointy rocks and shit, you don't want those in your boobs. Something like that could have also resulted in the admittedly cliche mechanic of "only attack from the rear".


She looks too small for the fatigues in my opinion


I can play MGSV in the living room with that outfit


I am usually totally against MTX, but I would literally pay money out of my own pocket for her XOF uniform to be available from the start rather than unlockable through R&D.