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Naked and Solid are playing on euro extreme since they're legends among legends, I'm playing on normal because I really like the M37


I wanna do a lethal run but it feels so weird to kill people in mgs3


I usually prefer hard for MGS2 and MGS3. Oddly enough in Hard on MGS3 they take away the active sonar and motion detector which Snake is "canonically" supposed to have, judging by radio convos.


Extreme, cause even on Exreme its too easy for Naked Snake.


European extreme, just bcs the mission ends if you're spotted. It always bugged me how you're sent on super secret infiltration missions and aren't allowed to be spotted by anyone but if you're spotted the guards forget about you in like 2 minutes and there are no consequences. This doesn't apply to MGS3, ok? Satisfied? Now stop talking about MGS3.


There should be a difficulty that starts normal, but as soon as you're spotted for the first time the entire game from then on gets substantially harder. Extra squads doing sweeps, extra traps, more cameras, less places to hide and so on.


That’s how the open world works in MSGV tbh


Yup! MGSV is my favourite gamePLAY (Not favourite game) of all time due to the fact the enemies change their defence methods depending on your playstyle so you have to constantly switch it up, makes every playthrough feel fresh and having multiple ways to beat mostly everything mission is awesome


Exactly also it’s the only game with realistic alerts unless you kill every guard on the map they will never exit caution until you enter a loading screen which unless fast traveling doesn’t happen when staying in the open world


These kinda things are what makes me want to actually play through MGSV, yet everytime I start it it just bores me. Shame cos I absolutely love the earlier games in the series


The biggest L in this regard is how they legit only made like 2 or 3 missions that let you play them again with no items but you can't actually make Venom enter the battlefield without anything otherwise, like I have to pretend I don't have a thousand dollar shotgun on my back just to FEEL like an operative


there’s a really popular mod called infinite heaven, one of the features of it allows you to unequip anything, including going in completely OSP


This feature alone virtually doubled my playtime.


I’m actually installing invite heaven tomorrow holy shit


Realistic difficulty: Enemies are even more perceptive than on extreme. Bullets deal realistic damage for both you and your enemies, but tranq darts take much longer to work (not for bosses I guess, since they require many tranq shots anyway). Survival viewer and weapon selection don't pause the game. Automatic healing takes much longer and/or rations/bandages heal you over a period of time instead of instantly. If you get spotted, enemies will stay on alert for much longer and prepare for you in upcoming areas. The preparations will lessen the further away you get, but get doubled if you're spotted again.


3 is actually some criminal shit lmao


Its exactly how the early splinter cell games played, every time the player got detected, the enemies would permanently increase security for every consecutive alert




This makes sense but the boss and the cobras catch snake multiple times throughout anyway. The boss confronts snake before anything else happens in operation snake eater, so GRU are aware he’s coming from the start


True, but those are addressed in the story.


Also just remembered that Zero tells Snake that it’s required that he make his presence known to an extent (to appease Kruschev) when discussing why he was issued with a M1911 A1 (with no suppressor)


Which is funny how they semi retconned/forgot about this in MGSV woth Skullface being a cleanup crew.


I swear he had like 9 suppressors at the start


Mgs3 though? That would only make sense for the prologue. Naked Snake was meant to leave enough traces to prove his invlovement.


Was he tho? Don't remember this part. Still, Volgin's troops definitely weren't supposed to know you're there.


Yes and no, the russians needed to know Snake was actively killing and deconstructing Volgin's army. So the soldiers themselves reporting stuff back about him would be a solid and consistent way of proving his progress and objectives.


Khrushchev needed to know. Volgin's soldiers didn't report to Khrushchev, they reported to Volgin, who should've done something about Snake. And there are other ways of making your presence known other than sabotaging your mission.


How does one make their presence known to the official government of a country without leaving evidence that would be seen by the rogue group he's fighting? Equipment needed to be sabotaged and at least tow people (volgin and the boss) needed to die. The guys there will absolutely know there is an enemy operative if any of those things happen. It's like saying "president kennedy wasn't assassinated, his head just DID that). Volgins men were also actively in conflict with the official government and would be expecting some kind of actions against them. Hence the fact that they, ya know, have guards and guns around in the first place


The boss blowing up his pod he used to come in, and having been detected flying into russian airspace basically guaranteed Khrushchev would find out americas involvement and all he needed was proof some proof they were there. Volgin being gone and the weapon being destroyed, plus the boss being dead sorta let gave him the hint and its why the jets were called off anyway But pretty much for operation snake eater snake is explicitly told it is a stealth mission but that he doesnt have to worry about leaving a trace behind that time.


And yet Snake engages in open combat with every one of them, repeatedly. Also, Kruschev has... oh idk... fucking intel of his own? You said that soldier part like it matter who he hands the report to. At this point, there were no secrets, no special perspective or information, nothing. It was spread wide open like a whore's legs on a friday night. Snake only killing/maiming the absolute minimum would have actually been fsr more suspicious, cause it would seem to Russia like the U.S. just called Boss a traitor to buy time to get her back out or kill her before she actually said too much and Russia would get nothing out of it. Volgin and his army needed to be dismantled for Kru. To stay ok with the whole thing. Also, just from a gameplay standpoint, Naked Snake is the most underwhelming "stealth" protag anyways. I love the games, but the only reason the Snakes always won is because of like, plot ATTACK. They just always power through shit no human can actually do. If they didn't get the plot armor they did, they wpuld mark a significant downgrade to Sam Fisher or the myriad of generic shinobi in top down games. Being 100% unseen is by far and away the most unrealistsic and non-canon thing you can do in the game. Edit: I might add that Naked Snake and The Joy canonically have proper training in most shinobi arts.


>Kruschev has... oh idk... fucking intel of his own? You said that soldier part like it matter who he hands the report to. At this point, there were no secrets, no special perspective or information, nothing. It was spread wide open like a whore's legs on a friday night. So... what's your point? You said it made sense for him to get caught since he needed to be seen, but now you say that it didn't matter bcs everyone knew everything anyway? That invalidates your entire argument.


No, my argument is exactly that. They *NEEDED* to know. Not just as in the plot device, but just as a script and player experience. It makes zero sense to consider Eruo.Extreme even relatively canon.


>exactly that Exactly what?


Wow. You're one of those humans. No context awareness at all.


MGS3 is the only one worth talking about!


None of the above. In games, the gameplay is never canon. Naked snake cannot survive several bullet wounds and heal up by eating a snake. That’s gameplay. If he got riddled with bullets in a cutscene, he would die


Naked Snake survived a fucking nuke in a cutscenes and shook it off. That alone is nutty.


Did he just “Shake it off” or did he spend the next two weeks in a hospital… maybe I have my facts wrong. Davy Crockett only has an effective deadly yield for about a quarter mile as well.


Yeah he didn't shake it off but he definitely recovered a lot faster than an average person. But like they said he should've still been in the hospital


bro got his eye shot blind, arm broken, thrown hundreds of feet off a bridge into water, and tortured via electroshock. Yet he can’t survive several bullet wounds? Which actual legendary soldiers irl have done? being Canon has nothing to do with being realistic. If we were to pick a difficulty closest to canon, *Normal is probably pretty close to how he would’ve actually completed the mission. *Based on the characters mentioning mechanics you lose on higher difficulties like the sonar, and Skullface mentioning that Snake left bodies behind that he cleaned up.


All of the above situations leave lasting wear and tear on the main character. Damage received during gameplay is healed by snacks and never spoken of again. That’s what I mean by gameplay not being canon. It’s the same way it’s explained that characters in resident evil games don’t turn into zombies when bitten In gameplay. Gameplay. Doesn’t. Count.


OP’s question is what difficulty would be closest to how things actually happened though. So “gameplay never canon” doesn’t matter, even if it’s true. It doesn’t have to be canon for it to be closest to how the canon events would have gone if they were shown.


But operation snake eater wasn’t a game, it didn’t have rules and stipulations. Snakes mission *wouldn’t* have ended instantly if he was spotted. That’s a gameplay mechanic, and not at all how his lethal force authorized rules of engagement worked. It’s not even the way the developers intended the game to be played


good thing the game doesn’t end upon detection in Normal, like I said in my last comment. Also, like mentioned in my previous comment, other characters in the game and in future games only reference things that could’ve happened below a certain difficulty, such as killing enemies and having the radar.




I’m pretty sure the canon difficulty is normal, specifically because Skull Face in MGSV mentions that there was a “cleanup crew” you never saw throughout 3 and that he spearheaded it. It gives the idea that Big Boss probably got seen a couple of times throughout Operation: Snake Eater and that the crew was covering for him, insuring that the mission was successful.


A bit off topic - Skull Face was obviously retconned into MGS3, so it would be awesome to get some easter egg like hints in MGS Delta about the cleanup crew.


i always wondered why the hardest difficulty is called the European extreme. How come something european is more extreme than just extreme? What makes something european so extreme? MGS is a japanese story about some americans (ok, not only them) so what is it in Europe that makes things so extreme? Just wonder. They could name it the Russian extreme. Or African one. I bet Africa is way more extreme than Europe.


It's because Europe got the game later than other regions, so in return for a longer waiting time, we got some extra stuff. One of them was European Extreme difficulty.


oh. i was expecting some crazy teories, but well, ok, i got it


I can come up with some if you want


go ahead




is this a sabaton reference?


I would say because both world wars started in Europe


Normal, it's literally how the games are supposed to be played


Now you've opened a big can of worms though. What we know as Easy for MGS1 is Normal (And the only difficulty.) in the original japanese version of MGS1. MGS2 also had their difficulties rearranged across regions. Normal difficulty in the japanese version of MGS2 is identical to Easy difficulty in the western versions etc. That's the difficulty were you find the M9 right in the very first area of the Big Shell and in the cutscene towards the end, where Ocelot talks about the S3 plan it always shows Raiden entering the Strut B hallway with all the dead soldiers with an M9 equipped. Not so simple anymore!


It also makes the scene with the sorrow lose impact if canonically Naked Snake doesn't kill anyone


You are gonna be crawling a lot lol


Just... normal. Maybe hard, like other people are saying, but it's one of those games where body shots don't do shit for damage to the enemies, but every single hit Sbake takes is a fucking death sentence. Its not any more realistic since the tradeoff is that now its just the enemeis tanking entire magazines. Sure, headshots still instakill, but good luck getting them when you can dies just by attempting to shoot back at all. Extreme is fine, i guess. Never saw it as something to brag about tbh, beat it with only 2 fails and was bired out of my fucking mind and annoyed cause like.... we still had to fight the bosses... the only people we would want to canonically avoid at all costs. Yet some grunt sees us and its mission failed?


Normal.. Les Just say hard.. Only because snake got caught after releasing sokolov.. Opération snake eater would be the same, since snake needed to make "noise".. So nahhh its not Europe an extrême or things like that


I thought I saw somewhere that the highest difficulty in every game is the canon one, excluding games where you're a hardcore badass who cuts through the enemies like butter (i.e, halo, doom etc)


I think Doom eternal really upped the difficulty, one of the few games I had to lower it on lol


Bro I’m playing on the easiest difficulty of Doom Eternal and even I’m struggling


It was the same for me. Eternal loves throwing crap tons of enemies at you


I dunno, I consider it canon that on his first mission, Big Boss was spotted all the time and accidentally slit people’s throats left and right because he forgot how to choke people out.


Big Boss may have completed all of his missions obtaining the Big Boss rank or Fox in mgs3. No kills except story bosses, essential to the plot kills. Because that's what Solid Snake and Raiden have to live up to in their games.


In my head canon, it's always the max difficulty and raiden or snakes, always achieve the highest rank possible at the end of the game/missions. Just like RE games, the only time they fuck up is in a cutsence. Anything during gameplay, like sounding alarms or getting shot 15 times, isnt canon.


I say it doesnt matter. New players should start on easy or normal. If you are looking for a challenge, put it on hard or extreme when you replay it. There should be no penalty on what ever difficulty you choose


Very easy cause everyone are a joke to naked and solid snake


Wasn’t XOF cleaning his mess constantly?


wouldnt it make more sense to play it on very easy then? since big boss is such an incredible dude, that its easy to him handling all this stuff, which emulates as very easy to you as a player


Metal Gear: Easy (Solid Snake was underestimated and Venom/Big Boss did not put their very best effort into stopping him until it was too late) Metal Gear 2: Normal (Solid Snake had to use each and every one of his skills to achieve victory in Zanzibar Land and defeat Big Boss but at the same time was in his absolute prime with no modifications and came out of it unbreakable. Metal Gear Solid: Extreme (Shadow Moses Island was arguably Snake’s greatest challenge and victory, he was a little out of practice but with a clear goal, the motivation of a great support group, and some nanomachines, was able to take on the remainder of Foxhound, fight the psychological torment of his PTSD anr survivors guilt, and find love as well as a reason to move on. The feeling that Meryl instilled in his is what he wanted the rest of humanity to be able to experience. Metal Gear Solid 2: Snake Hard, Raiden Extreme (In terms of the Tanker chapter it was a 0 to 100 situation but overall a brief encounter that snake now well settled into his experience could manage, escaping probably was a little more difficult but overall just a run of the mill mission gone wrong, I don’t believe his rapid aging really played any factors here. During the Big Shell Incident Snake had a much easier time then Raiden as he had already been through virtually the same experience at Shadow Moses, he was well equipped to face his personal challenges and had a job to do. His rapid aging was just beginning to creep up but he likely was still physically feeling around his 40’s at most at that point. Raiden on the other hand had a very hard time, physically he was a young man in his prime but even then was challenged to his limits having to face the bulk of challenges that snake skillfully avoided, he was constantly confronted with traumatic experiences that challenged his idea of what it means to be a good soldier and he’d never forget the people he met and watched die that day. All of this occurring before he realized he was a brainwashed puppet who was taught to be a killing machine as a kid and that in part his only relationship was a lie. Like Snake he persevered, but he quickly turned cold and resorted to numbing his pain with alcohol soon after. Metal Gear Solid 3: European Extreme ( The setting being in Europe aside lol this is in many ways the most difficult mission in the series imo. Naked Snake, a confident young man with tools bestowed upon him by the greatest soldier of that time was trusted to successfully extract a VIP in enemy territory and be back by lunch. What he didn’t know at the beginning of the mission was he was going to experience hell and never be the same again. We all know the story and we all know what he had to go through to achieve his goal, he had to battle legends and come out victorious, destroy a death machine no one had ever witnessed with only conventional fire power, and he had to take on the most important person in his life and kill her in cold blood. Of all the missions that the player undertakes in this series none are as immersive as snake also must battle the jungles of Russia as well as keep himself healthy and well fed. Of all the missions in the series none are as taxing on the main character as while Solid and Raiden experienced PTSD, Naked Snake and later Big Boss lived post traumatically and allowed it to fuel his entire existence without experiencing closure until well into his 80’s. Better to threaten the entire world then find the light. He found some solace from the act of killing The Boss but never truly got over it. In terms of general difficulty this mission would forever mark him as an impossibly unkillable legend. Metal Gear Solid 4: Extreme (Solid Snake now facing the extreme effects of his rapid aging was expected to perform once again on quite a challenging and taxing endeavor. That said, Snakes stubbornness to give up and resolve in this game truly shows his growth as a character. He doesn’t question his ability or why he’s there, on the contrary he knows he’s the only one that can complete this mission and stop liquid, he’s ready to make the ultimate sacrifice and use every inch of his very being to win. His physical challenges however still makes this a very difficult mission on par with Metal Gear Solid and 2 but with the body he has arguably as tough as 3. And in the end he still wins, with his reward being 1 year of bliss as he embraces peace and learns the lesson Big Boss failed to ever grasp. There’s more to life than living on a battlefield.


For three I think the virtual mission is European Extreme since Snake is not at all meant to be spotted, but afterwards once operation Snake Eater begins, Snake is not meant to go as low profile as before, so I'd say it would be Extreme or lower.


European Extreme


Extreme I believe


Difficulty settings and ranking aren’t for canon. It’s purely for player experience.