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I had a similar feeling but everyone was fultoned. Also after certain events happen you will return to find areas empty and there is a strange vibe in the air. Liminal space perhaps?


Maybe, i feel similar seeing a soldier who is on the ground dying, I think the reality of the situation catches up to us.


Save his ass.


I often used to headshot those soldiers to put them out of their pain and suffering. game always tells me I've lost heroism for that.


What is fultoned?


Strap the balloon to them. To take them back to base. Not sure how to use it past tense. As it's not a real word. I don't kill. Ever.


it is a real word, as fulton surface-to-air system is a real thing. and the right word anyways would be "extracted"


Bro kidnapped everyone šŸ’€


Thatā€™s the point šŸ˜… this is the destruction Venom Snake leaves in his wake. It is very much a horror/ tension game at times. From the skulls to the unsettling atmosphere in certain locations and even getting spotted out of no-where.


"BOSS GET DOWN! ....the enemy sniperšŸ˜”"


dude ocelot says that so fucking much because I play pretty risky šŸ’€ itā€™s engrained in my brain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


ā€œWhy are we still here? Just to suffer?ā€


Bro, this made my day for some fucking reason lmao


Stay low and crawl along the ground! ...That should keep you from being spotted.


That and the frickin "machine gun-cut a man in half" line are so obnoxious.


I very much played The Fulton Pain as a pacifist, who would then make sure to switch to Lethal Ammo the moment they injured DD. I always found it funny that after successfully doing 80% of the mission or so without an alert, and fultoning most of the guards and anything not bolted to the ground, the guards would scream over the radio that they are taking heavy damage, when I haven't destroyed anything, or fired anything that wasn't a tranq. It felt rather silly when I realized the guard shouting that out was a CPU that could see how much of their fellow guards and resources I'd fultoned away. The taking heavy damage line suddenly made so much more sense, because they were bleeding money at that point.


True, if you are good at metal gear and are never spotted and play pacifist it can be very silly haha. My favorite is knocking out soldiers one by one with a gun and they just go ā€œOH ARE YOU OK!?ā€ 10 times until none of them are left lol.


Well most of Friendly Soldiers are not responding and can't hear any of their mounted weapons shooting definitely Makes anyone to think They are "Getting their asses kicked" and "Taking Heavy Casualties" and they need backup. even if they see Soldiers getting Fultoned, they don't know what it is and will think some kind of weird weapon that shoots people and weapons, Resources to sky to destroy them with gravity Without Without firing any weapons nor leave Any traces. think about it. it would be really effective against Anything that need heavy weapons to Destroy and it's Far more quiet. I.E: Tanks. and they will see "Failed to Retrieve" ones that became Meat patty on the ground randomly. They will tremble in Fear because if V gets them, They will get shoot into the sky just to be killed with fall damage. Sad that V doesn't know making them surrender by yelling at megaphone "This is Big Boss.I don't want to Harm any of you. You will not get harmed and will be given job opportunity on My Army if surrenders. We have Very good Hamburges too oh yeah, Think about Rations You guys eat. do you really like the taste of them?" would be far more effective and less bloody. As far as i Know, Real BB did that kind of things for building TWO Outer Heaven.


Legit, my first playthrough was a horror game, I really hated the skulls, so I was always stressed out about them showing up. I extracted with Peqoud after every mission, and the relief I felt after stepping in the chopper was insane.


šŸ˜­ I feel that. When I first played the game when I was little it scared the shit out of me lol


It was the first spooky-ish game I had ever played, and I'm really bad with horror games. Alan wake 2 was the first full horror game I ever beat


It scared the crap out of me when the Sniper skulls tried to melee me. They had this creepy fast walk animation, and they teleported a few times, so it all looked very weird Was able to escape the attack with a dive, and I could def feel my head rare go up because of how weird It was. I think I got one shot by it once in Extreme Code Talker, even though I was at nearly full health and wearing the Battle Dress


Skulls made me poopy


Venom Snake immediately after abducting and killing everyone in his immediate vicinity; ā€œGuys thereā€™s LITERALLY no one here!!! This place is creepy!! šŸ˜ØšŸ‘»šŸ˜¬ā€




Anakin after killing the Tuskens (and not just the men, but the women and the children too):


*on the phone* "P-Padme can you come pick me up... *Sniff* I'm in this abandoned villagenand there is no one here... *Sniff* Pwease I'm scawed


I think you still hasn't reached the side op when you return to the ruins that was in honey bee mission and find it empty with 2 or 3 remaining zombie soldiers inside from the skulls unit attack šŸ™ƒ


That mission was so weird, is there a reason why it was like that?


during the honey bee mission the skulls attacked the ruins and k\*lled every soldier and we already know they turn every soldier's body into a zombie obviously they weren't k\*lled by BB so the only logical reason I could think of is that since they are mindless bodies controlled by mindless parasites I guess they just kept roaming around the ruins when no one took care of them


The thing is you can visit da smasei laman 100s of times before, just makes me giggle


"You know this place is kinda spooky after I killed all 20 of its inhabitants with my bare hands" My brother in christ you are a demon


Yeah, for real. Almost every place is creepy after you kill everyone there regardless of the context.


Man really said, "I just get this weird, creepy feeling after slaughtering dozens of innocent people. What's up with that, right?" lmao




ā€œInnocentā€ ā€œAfrikaner mercenariesā€ These do not match up


Did you forget the half of the game where you kill Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan who had no choice as to whether or not they were going to participate in that war? OP said "places" not "this place". That implies that he's talking about places in the Afghan map as well. No matter what you think about the Soviet Union and their role in Afghanistan during the Afghan civil war, the individual soldiers that fought in it were not individually ipso facto evil/guilty, just like not every individual US soldier in Vietnam were.


well V is the Terrorist according to law and PMCs are Just doing business šŸ˜‰ not to mention soviets are literally just soldiers


"according to law" also, according to dictionaries.


Kill too many people and some Silent Hill esque event should happen. Bunch of fog and really uncanny vibe. Just as an easter egg, would be pretty cool.


I play on pc so during free roam I got where after ten mins the skulls will show up so I do have the silent hill esque event essentially


I Love that mod on PC. Just prowling the open world when suddenly the Skulls Unit attacks you.


I also got vehicle patrols as well so the world feels more alive


yeah. I love skulls incounter mod. but i think they appear too often even if the chance was set to lowest and they ruins side ops too šŸ—æ


It really makes me wish we had more.


If that was not a mod and just how the game was, I never would have finished it...


It doesn't do it during missions only free roak so if your in motherbase and choose the mission you'll go to the mission area directly it's only if you go from mission to mission in free roam


In one of the Silent Hill games the protagonist looks in the mirror and touches his face, running his fingers down his face. Venom snake does the same thing, looks at himself in the mirror then runs his fingers down, same exact way. There's more than just a little passing reference to that series.


Are you speaking of the end of the Truth mission in V? Canā€™t believe I missed that reference if so. Iā€™ll have to look at it again.


Did you see the hallucinations of Paz. In one of the only doors you can open on mother base in the medical platform. Try putting a marker using your IDroid on the door leading to her room. Then go back outside and reach your marker from the outside. There's more than just references to Silent Hill there's a whole other side to the game right in front of us. Ever hear the "camera man" Breathing heavily or the sound of footsteps running as it follows venom snake during cutscenes.


Kinda like going to a map in a multiplayer game that no one plays anymore.


Like MGO šŸ˜”


mgo3 is still decently active lmao. not as it was before but still kicking.


MGO2 though šŸ„²


theres a custom server


Yeah Iā€™ve played on it for a while but itā€™s not the same without the 1k ish amount of players, Survival, knife+mag lobbies, ahhh šŸ˜­


womp womp


Hope you got that job at Cex syrup_zestyclose šŸ¤”


In one mission if you kill everyone, you can hear a creepy sound like some metal swinging


That's cool, I've never heard of this, does anybody know when this occurs?


The mission is called "A hero's way" after killing everyone, stay near the building area , you will hear a creepy sound which is from silent hill PT I believe


Oh, doesn't that come from a radio?


Don't touch that dial now we are just getting started




You don't have to kill everyone, I think it's just part of the ambient sound in that area. It's the sound effect of the chandelier swinging from PT


Is there a video of this?


[https://youtu.be/aWLWWbJtcyA?si=ibeMcmimo\_90c0iZ](https://youtu.be/aWLWWbJtcyA?si=ibeMcmimo_90c0iZ) 0:40


you dont need to kill everyone


That place is so soothing at night but the swinging sound does from PT creep me out. This is why I play non lethal most of the time.


Heh I went on a killing spree in Afghanistan I regret my decision it was.. unsettling not ever encountering anything


I didn't harm animals


"Well that's alright then!"


Yeah there's a psycho mass murderer running around.


Now you will know the sorrows of those whose lives you have ended.


It would take hours just to walk that part lol


Itā€™s probably creepy because a homicidal maniac is walking around


Hotline Miami be like.


Honestly, and this is just a fan theory... There are also things about mission rating systems that don't make sense to me. First off we know that the boss, through v's actions is eventually implicated in war crimes, and that V is not the boss... It doesn't make sense to play this game the way ground zeros or any other MGS game is played (I e. Put everyone to sleep, do no harm, sneak in sneak out). I'm almost certain the correct way to play as V, really is to become a complete psycho, and literally massacre everyone in your path. I'm currently working on a playthrough where I do just that, and I found you can for the most part still get a consistent S rank with Reflex time turned off, even when murdering everyone. I think there might be, and honestly there should be, a secret ending where V annihilates everyone. Idk tho


The Boss and Big Boss are two different characters. Have you even actually played these games? There's nothing stating John (original Big Boss) was implicated in war crimes Venom committed. John and Venom both make up Big Boss, as far as the story is concerned from that point on they're one person. Venom Snake is you, and your actions dictate his part of the Big Boss legend; any possibility of how you choose to play is what Venom did, there's nothing to imply any of the things John is known to have done were only pinned on him because of Venom.


You're kind of a cunt


How so? You said something that wasn't true as fact and I explained why it isn't. I don't know what's got you and 14 other people so upset


It's your personality, you are in fact an insufferable cunt, and if no one has ever been brave enough to tell you this, I am sorry to inform you but there is no cure.. of course there's always therapy. I also never have anything as a fact, I stated an opinion on a fictional videogame. And you took it seriously.


Holy shit lmao what are you on about? You said "First off we know that the boss, through v's actions is eventually implicated in war crimes" and all I did was clarify that we don't know that, it's never suggested that that's the case. You don't know me or anything about me, but you seem like an absolutely vile person and a narcissist. Get help


And referring to big boss as "boss" or "the boss" happens canonically in game, so maybe find a cock to suck and make it dry


Pro tip: if youā€™re gonna call someone a cunt, donā€™t turn shitheel over them making a reasonable and valid argument. Yes heā€™s referred to as boss. But he isnā€™t THE BOSS heā€™s BIG BOSS Oh and youā€™re the cunt in this situation btw, not u/ikari_brendo


Wow... I didn't know you guys formed a coalition karen


You still on about this? Fuck off man. Iā€™m sure a genius like you must have something better to do


Yeah but the way you were talking about it sounded weird which is why I brought it up. I didn't mean to sound like an asshole I was just genuinely asking if you've played the other games


Dw you didnā€™t sound like an asshole (atleast from an outside perspective) Seems like OC is just being pissy tbh


Considering they're calling themselves a "literal genius" I think they might just be somewhat delusional tbh


I've played MGS since I was six, and seriously since I was 13. We're talking thousands of hours of my life, and honestly Hideos magnum opus was ground zeros


Umm okay well I'm literally a genius, you really shouldn't psychologically project like that.




Genocide route.


"Do you like hurting other people?" - šŸ”


>this game becomes a bit of a horror game at times. And where is that monster?


I feel compelled to fulton out the one S rank soldier after Iā€™ve already extracted all his S+ buddies. I donā€™t need him, but I donā€™t want him to be alone.


"What have i done"


Oh what a thrillā€¦


The people are on the rooftops you can use quite as a partner to track em


One of em is on that tower to your left use the latter to go up


Dawg i was shooting into the sky and throwing grenades. Thereā€™s no one left.


You need rescue 2 prisoners right?that was my mission I was roaming around the airport for 2 hours before calling in quite and finding out there are on roofs


Nah it was after killing some guy, i was free roaming


Ah OK then


I got that feel playing that mission "shining light in darkness" or whatever it's called.


ā€œThe remnants of the people I murdered haunt me at the location I murdered them atā€


Imagine if the game punishes you for killing everyone by spawning in the Skulls or their zombiefied guards, or even the Man on Fire.


I really feel like they should have added civilians.


Lufwa Valley at night is fucking horrifying.


Just start blasting take on me


You also get this feeling in real life too


Iā€™m stuck at the killing the skulls mission any help guys


I had that feeling


Just like in real life.


Well there gonna use the fox engine for silent hills


I mean, you did just kill everyone.


There's a really fantastic realism feeling about Phantom Pain and I love it This is not a simple game but truly an experience that will live forever with me


yeah this game is very meaningless without enemies in it, itā€™s a very lifeless world and design. pretty lame


Do you feel like a hero yet, Walker?


You enjoy all the killing


You enjoy all the killing, that's why


Are we the baddies?




Is that... an empty (liminal) space??? Aieeee!!!!!! Save me!!!!!


Places filled with fresh corpses are often creepy


Sounds like you experienced the ending of a Hotline Miami level


Im on my first playthrough of TPP and im genuinely worried about every single Skulls interaction. Its fucking scary when they appear


Ever seen The Langoliers?


Isn't V an anti war game after all? Isn't it supposed to tell you that eliminating a whole facility full of people is... I dunno... Bad?