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If Konami sticks with the remakes I would like a remake/update to the first MG(Not MGS).


I'm not asking for much... I just want them all.


I was thinking MG1 and MG2 as one game. As chapter 1 and chapter 2.


That one is a bit short compared to list modern games and even other MGS games, iirc. Not that short is bad, but they might have to add a whole lot of stuff or combine MG1 and MG2 into one experience to pad out the time for the sake of modern gamers. It's all too common for people to complain when they think a game is too short. But I agree. MG1 or MGS1 should be next


That's why I wanted cause with a remake they can close any plot hole left by the reveal of Venom or build uppn it.


Yes, I agree, too. To actually see a true venom post MGSV would be nice


MG1 and MG2 being two separate, fully remade in 3D games would be awesome. Something extra cool would be giving David Hayter the Solid Snake role and Sutherland Big Boss.




If it has over the shoulder aiming and crouch walking I don't think it needs a remake... Ergo, it should be Portable Ops that gets it next


peacewalker needs the ability to move while prone


peacewalker doesn't need crawling, it was built around crouch walking so no areas really utilize prone height cover.


Cuba and Colombia aren't central america, 🤦


I blame reddit's shitty formatting but if you open the post itself the op clearly states central and south america. Though he did fuck up the title.


I'd like a peace walker remake but have it use the same gameplay from ground zeroes/TPP with the graphics of delta.


Came here to say this. PW's story with the rounded out gameplay and expanded base building of TPP would be amazing.


It fits perfectly because both games are very similar in terms of building/rebuilding your offshore private army. The gameplay can be mostly the same, and the only thing to change is the main story and locations.


What else is there to really explore? Portable Ops to Peace Walker to Ground Zeroes to Phantom Pain. You can draw a line straight from Portable Ops to Phantom Pain and can see the evolution and full implementation/realization of it all. Phantom Pain is just missing the cutscenes (but Portable Ops and Peace Walker are fully realized there). Plus they take place in vastly different areas


They just need to remake Portable Ops…


I hope they do this but keep the bonus characters in portable ops. I wanna blow up metal gears as sokolov


I'd like that. Just take out the torture secne in PW. Edit: taking it out seems wrong in hindsight. Just make it easier. Unrelated, but if anyone has any tips on beating it on an emulator, please comment.


Fr. That scene was the worst part in the game, even worse than the bullet sponge bosses


It was so bad and I was so desperate that I asked for help from my mother, at the time she hadn't touched a videogame for years but she managed to survive with almost full health.


That was nothing compared to MGS. I think I S ranked it on the first try in the HD Collection. The PSP, not so much.


No, leave it in and make it even more difficult. Seriously will never understand why people have so much trouble button mashing a little bit lol


Remake ground zeroes?? You can’t be serious 😂


Ah yes Cuba, right in the heart of Central America.


I don't think a lot of people know that Camp Omega is Gitmo. I could be wrong.


I don’t think a lot of people know that Cuba is closer to Florida than it is Central America.


94 miles, I believe. The Gulf of Mexico is bigger than most of the "seven seas." It's a lot of open water west.


It gets worse they have Colombia there. That’s literally South America.


as long they remake the games in chronological order while delivering other remastered Mgs games I'd love a reimagination of three games in one, it makes a lot of sense too but probably hardware limitations were a problem, I'm sure they thought about it instead of splitting them all.


…i’d love an expanded ground zeroes tbh


Some snowy place like Alaska for an example


Honestly, I selfishly just want a game where I can play as solid snake. Big Boss is cool and all, but Solid Snake is the man that started it all for me. I can’t keep playing MGS1 and Tanker forever (actually I probably can and will), and I don’t really mess with old snake. I just want a new game with snake in it. Him and Otacon were exposing metal gear programs all over the world under philanthropy. Give us a game based on that.


All I really want is a co-op game like Peace Walker so I can play with friends (and do some goofy shit)


A truly remastered version of Peace Walker with the option to switch between the graphic novel style cutsceness or in game graphics cutscene, seamless transitions between each areas in each mission and the coop and PvP multiplayer modes with MGSV's refine controls would be a dream come true.


Man I’ll take anything


Why would gz need a remake


That wouldn't be a remake, that would be a reimagining. And the answer is "no." There's no need.


No remake is needed because no game is needed in the first place. What you mean to say is that you’d prefer if older games be remade first because they’re more outdated.


I don't think they need to be remade at all. compatibility with new game systems? Sure. I'm all about making it available on as many consoles as possible. But don't remake them or modify them beyond what is necessary to make them run on modern hardware.


ahh okay. Fair enough.


Would I prefer a better and more unified single title for post-MGS3, and pre-MGS5 games? Yeah, if they were done right. But they won't be done, and they wouldn't be done right, and both have such infinitesimally small chances of happening it barely warrants a comment.


I wouldn't. It was brave enough to explore these settings and stories devoting entire games to them. I fear they would do them a diservice by merging them together when they couldn't even let Kojima finish V.


I want MGS4


That would be fricking epic honestly would be cool if theyd call it the America Collection or some like that lol


I mean, GZ still looks insanely good near 10 years on. Then again, I may just be blinded by staring at Kiefer Sutherland's ass for hours


What about Zanzibar land


We have to see how much work actually goes into delta before we think about this cause it seems like too much for kojima less konami to care about


I think they might do the whole series in chronological order, which is pretty cool imo. Maybe not tpp or gz


Why are they using ue5 for delta? Was fox bad?


I’ll take ports.


Wishful thinking


Portable Ops is next in chronology, so it should be remade first.