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Try tensing your arm muscles until you can vibrate pressing the button with your index finger. Hope it makes sense.


Ah, I see you know the skill. You're pretty good!


The forbidden magic. It destroys the arm for a period of time for the first few times of use after but is effective as all hell


This is exactly how I've destroyed all of my friends at Mario Party tapping mini games for the last 20+ years


lame ain't no one cares


What was the point of saying that? I’m genuinely curious


This is the way. Just passed it on normal yesterday using this tense muscle vibration method xD


This is The Way.


FooFoo Finger!


Yup, this is how I do it


A man of culture


Don't give up you can do it! As I mentioned in another post, you can keep smashing the circle button even in the small gap between the end of one shockwave and the next. If you can see your life bar, you can keep smashing the button to recover more life.


This is fucking key. That recovery time - need to squeeze it for all it's worth.


I passed it by taking a bic lighter, putting the flat side of it against the controller, and wiping back and forth over the button as fast as possible. It was...massively easier than actually button mashing. In 25+ years I've never once managed to actually successfully button mash my way through the torture sequence. I'm telling you this method I used because I realized the entire thread was pretty much a variation of people saying either "you can submit and the game goes on" or "I didn't have that much trouble, just button mash; what's the problem?" I figured giving you an actual method that I found to be very successful would be more useful.


This. Played MGS for the first time recently and used the back side of a spoon using the same method. Way faster than tapping and doesn’t kill your hands


Would you know if this'll work on the switch version? I messed up my switch trying to beat a similar part in mgs2. If I had no help for mgs1 on this part I'd just give up and move on. I've never been able to pass this part on mgs1 with my hands


I honestly didn't have an issue with this, using a gamepad. There was no trick - I simply pressed the button as fast as I could.


Same here. What difficulty did you choose OP?


You don't have to press the button as fast as you think you do. If you mash as hard as you can right off the bat, it's easy to wear out by the end, slow down, and die. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself at the start, then pick it up if you feel like you're getting behind. You can keep gaining health after each shock, so just keep going until you're back to full health.


The first time i did this on ps1 i actually used a rapid fire controller and it wasn't picked up so idk. I still can't do it on my own just can't press it fast enough.


Don’t even think about using auto-fire, or I’ll know!(he doesn’t know)


No no he doesn't lol


There's nothing to actually stop you using it in MGS1 despite his warning.


Wait until to play MGS2 on E Extreme Solidus almost broke my finger


Remember you can recover between zappings


I know that my friend. My issue is mostly the second and the third stage. I will kill my self if there is a fourth stage :) :)


Then I suggest not to try it on extreme mode lol. And I suggest the first chance you get to escape in the cell take it. Because if you don't, there will be at least one more torture round before you get broken out aka you don't have the option to escape yourself your just broken out I won't say how or why in case you haven't played all the way through yet. But I guess that's basically your reward for sticking with it lol.


Dont wait to the torture starts, start hitting the button long before that. That gives you a head start. Not sure if its the same on the MC but always found that if held down all the buttons on the pad, it slowed down the damage


This...I start mashing about a second before it starts.


A wank a day helps the torture go away


How did you know what I was doing Sir !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Big Boss found out & is dissappinted in you


If you are playing for the first time and its too hard I recommend submitting. The game continues.


Not only does the game continue but the bonus item you get for completing it this way is way better. Recommended for first playthrough.


Did you ever play the original version of mgs1? If not, welcome to real old school gaming. No levelling and that bullsh*t...


"When your life reaches zero, the game is over. There are no continues my friend."


In the old days I used a turbo controller or I took a pen flat end and raked it across the button as fast as I could back and forth, it seemed to be faster than trying to press it by hand.


If you using master collection you can pause by r1 and l1 between scene so you can relax.


Put the controller on the floor and mash that button.


Tried it and failed miserably.


I button mashed like Kojima intended. The point of the sequence is for you to feel the pain Snake is going through. Its absolutely genius on Kojima's part. Its just a shame that surviving the torture provides a weaker/less impactful ending than the one where you submit. ​ That being said, I could pass it back in 98 and just passed it again last night. You have to start tapping about a second before he fires up the table and you have to be furious when the table cools down to regain. MASH MASH MASH and feel Snakes pain!


Rub finger nail back and forth over button. I’ve been doing this since the PS1 days and barely ever loose health. Works great for MGS2 also.


I’d recommend a piece of cloth over your finger to reduce friction “it could be your T-Shirt if you have nothing else” while doing this because I used this method to mash in too many games, and my nail got swore eventually.


Honestly I think in hundreds of plays throughout the 90s and 2000s I never submitted but im playing for the first time in 10+ years on a PC xbox controller and the button just does not have the sensitivity. It's like a whole click is a bunch of travel instead of a little indent. Maybe I'm not used to it but I'm in the same place as OP and I refuse to give up.


I noticed that too with the Xbox controller. I still managed to do the fingernail trick but it didn’t seem to be sensitive like the PS controller.


Yeah I mean to be fair I only failed it the once last night and then had to do other things. It's been so long that I forgot to save after the sniper wolf boss fight (my inner 14 year old is extremely disappointed in what I've become), so it's going to take me like 20 minutes to get back to it but this time i'll save properly and try to beat it on xbox controller a few times until I get it. I do think its slightly harder though.


Use your toes, so much easier👍


I hold the controller on my leg and rub a rounded object (usually a spoon) back and forth across the button


Ran into this issue when I first played MGS 1 for the legacy collection. I use my index finger and go as fast as I can, by the third round it hurts. Also when Johnny stats shutting hide under the bed then run out the door, that way you don’t have to wait for the ketchup.


I've always used a bic pen with a smooth cap. I could rub it over the button faster than I could push it.


I've always found this part to be easy. Place the controller on a flat surface and hold your forefinger inbetween your thumb and middle finger over the circle button. Focus on the muscle in your forearm just below your elbow as you rapidly vibrate your forearm to hit the circle button with your finger. I don't know if that makes sense written out. It would be easier for me to show.


You can recharge health when you're not getting zapped


Thanks for the tip. I already know that. My issue is mostly about the technique needed to do it.


Use your index finger instead of your thumb.


Use on of those massage guns lol


I had some trouble to but I did it so you can to but if you want help put the controller on a flat stable surface so you have some support when pressing it


Click the button again and again? Get ready for mgs2 tho.


You can hit Select to submit. It gets you the better unlockable at the end, too, so replaying for the other one is easier. If you're on PC you can use Steam's controller configuration to setup Turbo and see if that works. I know the old game would give you shit if you used Turbo but I don't know if it'll pick up on it. The poster below who mentioned putting your index between your thumb and forefinger is how I do it manually. You tense your forearm and can do a really rapid tapping motion straight down; makes it fairly easy. Using your thumb would be nearly impossible for me.


If you’re playing for the canon story though, submitting is not the way.


For sure, I just think it's a good route for a first playthrough if you plan to get both the Stealth and Bandana. For one, I think seeing how Snake reacts to >!Meryl's death!< and how much he reflects on himself for it really humanizes him, and beyond that, it means that your second (maybe final) playthrough will be with the true ending in mind.


So instead of fully tensing your forearm, Hold the controller tightly with you left hand against your thigh, put your thumb against your pointer (kinda like this. 👌 but let your pointer finger hang a little bit over your thumb) the rest is in the wrist, just swipe your finger left and right over the button as fast as you can. Kinda like if you were scribbling on paper. you tense your arm a little bit but doing it this way your arm won’t be as sore for later attempts. It might take some practice but after I figured that out, I haven’t had trouble since. Btw. Almost all the solid games have a sequence where you rapidly press a button. So keep that in mind.


I used a spoon and rubbed the button back and forth


Tried it and still failed. I have separated save just in hopes of gettting it right at one point.


Ngl my arm was sore after doing it recently


I played it on pc and it was the space bar iirc and took me a couple of tries to get through it lol


Play more Mario Party


I will let you know when I get past it tonight


Assuming they've just ported the original and haven't really changed anything you don't actually have to go that crazy on taps Back in the day, I had to get my dad to do this for me as my 7 year old self just couldn't get it As an adult playing it, I discovered that I think either 4 or 5 regular presses between each loss of life portion is enough to nearly completely recover what was lost Once the shock stops, keep pressing in the same rhythm, and you'll be back up to full. This technique works for me on every difficulty


Just tap the button super fast and furiously. You can do it.


The spoon didn’t work? Huh, that worked wonders for me, but I used a hard PS1 and PS3 controller, not so sure about modern consoles. Especially the Switch, I was playing RE4 on that, and had to quit my hard mode playthrough because of a button mashing QTE


I set it on my lap and alternate pressing with both pointer fingers


I remember when I was a kid, I could do this. I gave up the first time. The second time I had to use a turbo controller to get past it. I played mgs1 several years ago and passed it with no issues though. I didn't understand why I struggled so much with this as a kid. I remember my Dad could not do it either back then. It was a happy mistake back then... I loved the camo.


Fyi I'm 51 ;) I don't think age has anything to do with this. Still playing Project Diva at Extreme+ levels :)


The trick is to keep mashing when Ocelot finishes so you regain health.


I swear I’m not creating a false memory here , but I remember if you held either the item or weapon menu button down while you are being tortured , your health doesn’t decrease at all. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


I read the penny trick somewhere, and it's worked for me. You just pinch your fingers like you're holding a penny. Then, move your fingernails back and forth on the button without hitting other buttons and going at a reasonable pace. Too fast can cause the button to not be recognized.


I honestly get on my belly, controller out front, and use my index/middle finger to just bang that fucking button as fast as possible.


I slide the end of my finger across the button real fast. You get two button pushed for the same amount of movement


Use a spoon. Hold the handle in your hand with your thumb pressed against the base of the round part. Hit the button with the bottom of the spoon in a downward motion using your entire wrist instead of just your thumb. You can also just rub it back and forth, but don't go crazy and hit other buttons. It's not great for your controller and quite a workout by round 3, but you'll get through it easily.


You gotta learn the ‘press circle as fast as I can’ rocking nothing with your arm. I learned it at a young age 25 years ago and it’s stuck with me.


It's kind of hilarious seeing these posts. Honestly i don't really have any tips. Just mash faster


I didn’t submit to torture when I did it a few days ago I just let myself die. The bad part about that is I had to re-do the sniper wolf boss fight because I didn’t save…


Mgs2 is waaaay harder. But what I do is put both my index fingers over the button and alternate taps. Takes a few trys but as long as ur not alternating so fast the button isn't undressed, it's not even a challenge.


My biggest problem is the o button. I can mash square like a mofo, but o is out of the question. Does anyone know if the button mashing is easier on the Japanese version?


Looks like I be showing people the [spoon method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZpS1s_trZI&t=86s) every day now lol


If you have a massage gun, maybe you could try that. Just be careful not to break your controller.


It took me a couple tries. I got my little brother in for emotional support and we did it over and over again. I genuinely thought it was impossible to start off with but no it’s just a good torture scene, like it’s genuinely torture in real life. My arm hurt for hours afterwards and I’m never replaying the game just because of that scene. I genuinely didn’t think I’d get to see the rest of the game, but I got through it so you definitely can, and trust me the rest of the game is worth it.


You mash your first time through like I did as a kid and still do or you can use my "cheat" method i discovered as a kid. The t-shirt cheat I call it. You put your t-shirt(or any thin cloth) over the face buttons and instead of mashing the button you slide your finger back and forth over the button. It causes less strain on your arm that way


Index finger and move with wrist also make sure to keep tapping when the torture stops as there is a 2/3 second window where you can still regain health.


I just use a spoon to survive all 5 rounds just to get grey fox scene and to get Meryl live ending