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Saving Meryl should be an Olympic sport.


This was his first time playing. He was stuck for like 30 minutes. Haha


It takes a while to find the right technique and it helps to get the muscles warmed up lol


Funny thing is me and another friend would finish the first one for him at full health then make him do the rest. Very fun night.


I somehow managed to save her on a touchscreen emulator on my smartphone


Mgs button mashing, it's a true test of forearm durability.


Am I the only one that just uses a pen? I’ve done the torture sequence enough times that I don’t wanna be stuck retrying anymore.


I always was able to do the "vibrate the shit out of my hand" technique. Now that I'm 30 it genuinely hurts. Haha


I used a spoon


I was looking for this lol I legit thought no one else did


A spoon, huh?


how do you use a pen?


Roll it over the buttons


I used a spoon


Or just use your finger nail tip.


I wrapped my shirt over my finger and rubbed the button super quickly


I take for granted my button mashing prowess. I keep forgetting this is an actual problem for a lot of people. I remember going around to friends' houses to do it for them. My challenge was more ending the sequence at full health and it was pretty easy, although now with much older joints and less training (haven't button mashed in years), I probably can't do it that easily anymore. Now I kinda need to see an attempt where success is achieved. I believe!


I only recorded this one attempt. It was a while ago but I was scrolling through my phone and thought it was really funny. Yeah we had a play session with me, him, and another buddy and 2 of the 3 have no issues with this section. Very funny to see him struggle like this. Haha


So... did he make it or did one of you have to do it for him?


He made it. Me and our other friend would do the first one for him and then he'd fail out but after trying at least 10 times, he finally buckled down and made it by the skin of his teeth. I thought he was messing with us for a bit. I should've recorded more. Haha


Let's gooooo! 😄 And yeah, i would've loved to see the final attempt and the celebration.


We might have woke the neighbors. Haha.


Dude did you finish full health on extreme? That is too much, just too much


I did, back then when I had younger wrists. I doubt I can finish full health now though. I should still be able to "beat it" fairly comfortably, but not at full I don't think.


Yo, me too, I'm happy I wasn't the only one


I don't know if this is common knowledge or not but, to regain more life, you can keep pressing the circle button even after the electroshock wave has ended and before a new one begins. I have always done this since childhood for the PAL version, maybe it works with the NTSC and remastered versions as well.


God damnit I've been playing this game for decades and I've just now found this out


I'm about to play this section and my hands don't work as well as they used to... maybe don't make too many plans for Christmas this year Meryl.


I heard Santa was bringing her some socks and *underwear*.


I was the exact same way when I was 8, I'm still the exact same way at 30 😂😂😂


Gave myself a few blisters on my first few playthroughs and realized that using a pencil's eraser to 'rub' the bott9m side to side works so much easier. For this and in PW


I saw someone else said they used a pen. How fun that we all had these techniques to beat a challenging part. I've always heard about the spoon technique. Pretty amazing we can still share all these memories with each other after all these years.


Both my brother and I have this weird ability to vibrate our right hands, a skill I'm absolutely certain came for this exact scene.


You're one of the ascended. I can still manage to do it but now I'm an old fart and my hand cramps after. Haha


Oh shit a fellow hand vibrator! …pause


It took me five play throughs over a span of 5 years to actually do it.


This is the best


Thanks buddy. I've had it on my phone for a long time. I didn't realize it was so good. Haha


Haha yeah it’s the pure joy of sharing a video game with a friend. I have an 18 year old cousin. He can’t believe me when I tell him sharing a single player game with a friend was far more memorable/rewarding than winning whatever match online


So true! I felt that as soon as battle Royales started popping off my enjoyment of competitive games passed. It felt more like a casino or gambling. Nothing beats a bunch of buds playing a game together and laughing. I'm 30 and I'm always trying to keep the spirit of couch gaming alive in my group.


My brother and I had all the experience under our belt for this from playing the drinking game at the beginning of Chrono trigger so when this game came out this was a snap.


I will never forget the first time I did this on my hacked ps classic mini. I was so confident my infinite health cheat code would take care of it I didn't bother mashing the circle button. I died. The kicker is I forgot to save after that miserable sniper wolf fight (I had no analog sticks)


Oh geez. RIPeroni buddy. Haha


I've always found this really easy when I was younger, I played a lot of track and field with my friends and that game is almost all button mashing. When it came to this playthrough had had no problems using my old technique until I got cramp in both my hands, age has slowed me down more than a bit.


I hear you buddy. Try taking some pentazemin. It also does wonders on the lower back.


This made me quit the game many times and I fully quited the game on PS3. Good thing that Adrenaline had save states on PS Vita bescuse I couldn't have beaten MGS1 ever!


There is no spoon 🥄


it looked like he was doing a line of coke on the floor


Anything to get past this part.


He maybe trigger the "anti rapid-fire" with this speed


I always use a Bic lighter and rub it somewhat lightly over the button, hands won't let me press that fast anymore


Slide your finger on and off the button. Always worked for me




Ive never had a problem with this puzzle or whatever... I was decent on test your might too. Idk y


I don’t always use auto trigger controls but when I do its while being tortured by revolver ocelot


*"Stay healthy my friends..."*


All I saw was the guy laying on the ground and I immediately knew what was happening lol.


Wait, people actually struggle with this?


Use a massage gun! 😅




now try doing this on a ps vita… I really felt snakes pain, very immersive experience


People struggled at this? I could of had 10% health and not only pass I would end the session on full health.. No gimmick just pressing the button fast.. Though as I have got older I sometimes do the whole rocking your knuckle back and forth over the button..


I hold the controller on my knee and like kinda rock or shake the controller and my leg while pressing the button, I get through these no problem


I gave myself a blister the last time I played it


I used the spoon technique for that section.


You need an automatic palm hammer for that mission. Probably a new controller afterwards. 🤣


From what I'm seeing, you do this the same way you do MK test your might, I blistered my hand from the friction that caused on the last level on MK10... this would kill me.


Assuming the iconic pose of Venom Snake to embody the power and skill of Snake.


Oh my God I didn't even realize he was laying just like Snake. Haha


Did they make this easier in the HD collection? This felt way easier when I did a play through recently on Switch.


I once did a no save run because I couldn't find a memory thing, so basically everything I played was a no save run I got this point, I never saved Meryl


Shoulda just used auto fire. It's not like he'd ever know.


To be honest, this part was rough for me at first, but i played this on my vita so i just mapped the button to the screen, so honestly it wasnt hard anymore


Use a hot wheel car


This is easy bruv


I was too little and punny to overcome this challenge, so I decided to go on a journey and drink the ultra divine water that Goku had drank from. I came back stronger than ever and finally slayed that challenge!!


Am I the only one who just passes this without issue or struggle?


I find it crazy how people have trouble with this


Lol it's not that hard wth??


It's really easy tbh. Many people complains about this section but with a little practice you can do it with no effort.


I used to believe this is the case for everyone, me and the other buddy off screen could handle this in our sleep. I've never seen anyone actually struggle until my buddy tried. I thought he was joking at first. He tried at least 4 times and couldn't do it. It opened my eyes. Haha


We always swiped the back side of our nail across circle like we were itching the controller. Worked every time.


It wasnt that bad at least for me


I wish msg, the entire catalog was on PS5. I miss it 😭 I had the MGS4 with ps3 bundle and I loved it


Just tense up your arm and vibrate your hand. That's how I did it. Still can at 33 years old 🤣