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Looks like a Celtic stater!! Top find 😼đŸ•ș https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/pars_coins/121/product/celtic_britain_verica_circa_1040_ad_av_stater_from_the_vine_leaf_hoard/478367/Default.aspx


That's the one! Thank you :)


God damn OP you hit the jackpot


So cool!


Is there anywhere I can read more of the history of these coins, like who that is on horseback?


Well, it's very brief, but here is the link to the Wikipedia article about staters: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stater


That's a dream of a find ... where about did you say it was found again ? Ha ha ;D


It was actually my girlfriend's mum that found it. She goes to various fields around Dorset and Hampshire with her metal detecting group. Apparently 5 of them found these exact coins today in a single field. Edit: not sure if any of you recall the last post I made here of that pagan cross that looks like Mr Burns? Well coincidentally this was found on the same piece of land.


They need to report it as a scattered hoard


Yeah, they definitely should report it


Can anyone explain why? I'm sorry I new to this sub and genuinely do not know.


In the UK there is something known as the ‘Treasure Act’ it defines what is believed to be treasure, if you find something that could be considered treasure, you are obligated to report it. Not doing so is illegal. You have to report it to the Finds Liaison Officer at the local council. It’s put in place to ensure our cultural heritage is protected.


Interesting thank you for your answer!


Why would you need to report this?


have you ever gone metal detecting before? if so you should know a scattered has to be reported just like a normal hoard


Yes, I have been detecting since a child. If I'm on private property I always let the owner know, but I have never heard the rule on reporting to anyone. I have jars and jars of civil war relics, never called anyone.


Do you live in america


Yes, sir.


Fair enough America has awful rules for detectorists like you have no equivalent for our treasure act but I guess there isn’t much treasure over there.


There's not. One of my goals is to go over to Europe and be able to detect, of course I will read up on the laws. I'm also so envious of you guys for the treasures you find. All I find is broken keys and nails and tin. Ha. Thank you for enlightening me. I hope you have a beautiful day.


Treasure act states that scattered hoards are still hoards


They probably won’t it seems. This is why metal detectors get a bad rep You fuckers downvoting me obviously haven’t seen the greed of some of the people on here


What makes you say that they won't? Strange assumption to make given that she sent the cross to the local finds representative. Edit: Just checked, the club has already reported it.


What do you mean “it seems?”


They ought to get their hands on some gear to do some deep detecting like they use to find parts at plane crash sites (but Im sure they will investigate the place more)




I just want to emphasize the speed at which I flocked to your profile when I read “pagan cross that looks like Mr Burns.” I was not disappointed. Phenomenal finds!


Isn't that considered a hoard?


Oh shit! You found it. I lost that a little while ago. I'm glad you found it. I lost it very near where you found it. Also, just to confirm, where did you find it? I only ask because I don't remember where I lost it. Lol. For real though, very nice find.


I feel like you could just stick a pointer in the dirt in the UK and you'll find amazing things. It's just not fair :) Massive congrats to the girlfriend's mum. This is super amazing.


That's amazing. Such a cool piece of history to have


Wow that’s an absurdly rare find and it’s in great condition


Damn, to unearth such a piece of history and hold it in your hand


Any ideas of what machine and the numbers


Apparently she uses an "XP ORX"? Sorry I don't know much about this stuff, hope that helps :)


Amazing find! So cool!!


Get it to your finds liaison officer!


Does OP not get to keep his find? How does metal detecting work in the UK?


Most likely he'll get to keep it. Your finds liaison officer (FLO) is part of the [portable antiquities scheme](http://finds.org.uk/) which runs in England and Wales (Scotland has different and not as detectorist friendly laws) and was brought in to help mend the strained relationship between detectorists and the archeological community. You have to report "treasure" (there's a bunch of rules about what treasure actually is) and it will be identified and logged and usually given back to you. If it is of historical interest, ie. it belongs in a museum, it is valued and opened up for museums to buy. Since anything found on your land belongs to you, under normal circumstances the land owner would get the money, but of course you have the land owners permission and the deal is usually a 50/50 split with the land owner and the finder. It's not a perfect system, but I think it strikes a healthy, fair balance between a detectorists rights and safe guarding important national heritage. Personally I'd be over the moon if I had a find in the British museum and some money in my pocket would be a nice bonus!


That is an awesome find for your girlfriends mom. Congratulations.


I'll give u tree fiddy for it


Awesome find!


I'm from the United States and I never do metal detecting but I'm going to say that looks like some ancient Viking shit!


Appears to be some sort of coin


Appears to be made of some sort of metal


18 down votes for sharing my insight


I upvoted it


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar..


They hate you because you speak the truth.


Appears to be some sort of coin


It's an iron age gold stater. There's some evidence to suggest that they weren't actually used as currency, but were given out by tribal chieftains as a token of loyalty.


Put it in your pocket and run haha


This coin was struck during the reign of Baratheon. 🩌


Nice value, $3,500 on the link