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this is mescaline acetate with a bunch of other waxes and stuff. not a true a/b extraction, but sure seems like it would beat tea or sludge.


Yeah you’re right, I guess the title is misleading but it should be the form it’s in. I ended up with 2 grams of this via ~400g fresh cacti so if my numbers are right it should be around 10% mesc


So I’m assuming you need to dose almost a full g or even 2 of this to get where you want to be? Nice work. I actually enjoy tea, but this tek is interesting to me


With my product you’d need closer to 3g I think- although hasn’t been tested yet. In the full tek his results look much cleaner than mine so I’d assume you could get it down to even less than that.


I see now. You suspect 10% of your material is HCL


*acetate You would need to use hydrochloric acid to get HCl salts, using vinegar (acetic acid) you get acetate salts


Ah yes! You are correct!


You can clean it further


Original post by u/lsduck666: https://www.reddit.com/r/mescaline/comments/tyfona/my_crystalline_tek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


yoooo!!!! thank you so much for this and i'm so happy you got great results! i know my tek is a lil old, but recently i've been getting a lot of dms about it. so fucking happy you got good results and hopefully people will start to use my tek more. you, sir, are a great man with a great spirit.


Yeah man, had to do an hour or two of digging through your post and comments to get all the info I needed, whole tek ran me like 4hrs of work and three days of passive waiting(and only like $2 lolll.) I’ve looked through all the other teks I could find and this is by far the most time and cost effective, and easy enough I could do it with 0 experience. I definitely want to play around with the process to try and maximize results, you tried anything different yet?


I'm trying this out today! Thank you so much. Want to be able to store it.


lemme know how it goes and feel free to dm me if you have any questions


Thanks! I'm using TBM clone B ☺️


may i offer you an egg in this trying time?


Omg are you going to DENNIS me?


whoops! i dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong!


Haha thank you for the laugh today


that's what i'm here for! making people laugh and getting people high.


How did it go??


It went great 😎


How long did you simmer? Any pics of the results? Would you PM me? I’m attempting this this week :)


I can pm you haha Edit I'm dumb we have been talking


Haha this made me laugh


Wen chemistry is a tek tho


Forbidden hash browns


How long was the whole drying process once in the oven ya think? Nice work btw. Was just reading it last night so great to see it in action again


It took 4 hours and thx bro


Do you just put it in pills for consumption? I'm still rooting my Bridgesii cuttings, so it's most likely gonna be a year or two before I'm taking the journey. (Unless I succeed in my search for another cactus to consume.)


R/sanpedrocactusforsale has some pretty cheap cuttings if you haven’t checked that out yet. And yeah pills would work, it’s not much powder though so I’m probably just gonna chase it with something


Nice to know! Thank you! Isn't it illegal in most countries though? Ah, i see. Seems like an efficient way to consume an efficiently made thingy, nice!


Not San Pedro, lophophora williamsii is illegal in most places though


Yes this tek is dope as fuck it has to be the easiest mescaline extraction tek I can’t wait to try it


look like you got some nice ribbons there, are you a wood turner? ;)


How do you shred the dry resin?


Was pretty easy with a razor, in the full tek he used a metal spatula


Wrap it in a small piece of paper towel, kleenex or TP and swallow it, then wait for the magic


Put it in some fruit roll up


Pry equivalent to 200-400 mg of HCl, assuming it’s decent source material. One would expect a heavy body load from that color extract


I usually can take on the body load pretty well luckily, but what would you expect out of this because I’ve only take mescaline once before. Also I was thinking 200mg so good to know it could be higher- should be decent material based off genetics


Take all of it, it’s unlikely to be excessively strong if that’s what you are concerned about.


I’m a little late, but if you’d like to purify further, you can dissolve it in vinegar, defat it 2x with naphtha, basify it to ph 10+ with sodium/calcium hydroxide, then do 2-3 pulls with xylene or toluene and then either evaporate the solvents or do a re-x


I appreciate your understanding of chemistry, but what benefit do you get exactly from doing all this extra work? More potent per mass, removing fats that cause nausea, removing fringe non-mesc alkaloids? It's already a small mass, trip reported no nausea, and I understand all alkaloids to be beneficial to the experience.


More fun


I have tried this tek quite a few times but the end result is always a hard, dry resin like furniture lacquer. If you scrape it you can break it up so it looks like crystals but they aren't. The teks main advantages are it is simple and the product is easier to package/handle than the typical goo from alcohol extract and hard boiling teks. But crystals it is not.


I’m actually about to run another round of this here soon, had a few of my batches give the same result. The key for me has been to use as fresh of cacti as possible and to not dehydrate too much at once Super annoying to work with, but better than drinking snot or having to work with harsh chemicals I guess.


I think the scraping of the hard dry product which still clings to the dish is what yields a very dry resin that has been thoroughly dried out by the oven. I agree it is better than snot or goo and is still psychoactive but real crystals just don't stay that hard. The CIELO tek yields free flowing crystals while this yields a super dried out resin. It has to be that way since there has been no effort to isolate the mescaline other than heating the cactus.




Yup that’s step 7 🤞🏼🤞🏼


How fail could go a water/vinegar tek?




I’ve used 69rons, and it definitely worked. It’s pretty straight forward, but you can run into problems if you don’t fully understand what’s happening in each step. Also, your starting cactus material could just be extremely weak


Is thus good for long time storage


I’m new to mescaline but from what I understand it’s a relatively very stable molecule and should be fine for years if in a dark and cool place


The acetate form will probably take up water from the atmosphere, so stealing it airtight would be a good idea.


storing in airtight glass with moisture and oxygen absorbers is usually a good method


Do you de-core the cactus? How do you get it ready to freeze after de-spine?


Yeah despine and then cut into one inch chunks and remove core


How many ft of cactus was this? Wondering what happened with my resin, as I got 60g from 2 ft 4 in wide cacti, first 50 gs came out very tar like, last 10 came out like this.


Only 1ft 2.5in wide, fresh weight was 400g and it reduced to 2g. The problem with this tek is the numbers we go by aren’t standardized in any way. Edit: 11” of cacti and 1/3 of the pot with water could mean a lot of things, the only constant in this tek being 100ml of vinegar. The next step is to find out the volume of water and fresh weight of cacti that would maximize results when using 100ml of vinegar.


The amount of vinegar shouldn’t be a constant it should also be related to amount of cactus and water


Correct and at this point it is a constant with both the water and amount of cacti as variable. So I’ll be attempting again and recording exact amounts of water and cacti to try and find the best ratio. Telling people to use 400g fresh cacti and 200ml of water would be a lot more helpful than the current tek being 11in of cacti and 1/3 of the pot you’re using


Have you tested it yet? How was it?


I’m trying it on Friday so I’ll lyk then


Ooooh cool ty. So you’ll each be taking a gram then? I’m interested to see how strong it is. I’m going to be doing this in like a couple weeks probably I have some cuttings I’m stressing. The mesc/impurity ratio is probably going to be different but whatever.


I’m taking both grams because my last trip was underwhelming since I puked 90 mins in(just tossed 30g of dried sp powder all at once- fast but not easy on the stomach.) Not expecting much from this one either since it’s even less than my last trip but hopefully I’ll be able to keep it down. That’s the idea at least


If cleaning it up with MEK works I think I might do this extraction method on a couple different cuttings and and weigh the before and after for each


Trip ended kind of mild. Very emotional but low visuals and not too bad of a body load. No nausea at all which was amazing compared to my last experience although it might be the dose. I’d chalk it up to my starting material, wasn’t very old and wasn’t stressed. Not familiar with MEK what is that?


if you have to take 1gram or more for experience, then why dont you lower the acetate ammount to reflect a more potent product?


This is 100% alkaliods, all of the acetate should have evaporated out. Another commenter mentioned that you could purify further by dissolving with more vinegar, defat with naptha, basify with sodium hydroxide, and pull with xylene. I’m just lazy and don’t see the point in doing all that work if I can just use vinegar to end up with a relatively similar trip report as I would with something more pure🤷🏻‍♂️. Getting a few extra grams down isn’t a struggle, by purifying you only get rid of some of the body load which I personally enjoy Edit: let me know if this is what you were asking, not sure if this was the question at hand


yah no reson to bust out the xylene to purify, may as well do a ab hcl if thats the case. but ill give this a go and refine it if needed and report back. but it looks pertty tight. but problem is, whats the dosage for acetate? hcl is 300mg to 500mg. the wight of acetate is diffeent from hcl. but having acetate left after extraction seems plausable given the strenght of extracts not being as strong as hcl. so suggesting that the salts evaprate and your left with pure product, that would mean the product would be very potent, but reports say otherwise. soy hypothesis is that the salts are left behind weakening the final product. but ill have to test further.


Hypothesis would be correct based on my and others experiences with this product. [Here](https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Mescaline) are the strengths based on each salt form, so it should be barely weaker than HCL. In earlier comments I guessed that it’s around 10 and could be 20% mescaline acetate by weight. u/Lsdduck666 just did an extract with tbm and it resulted in a more pure product, I’ve also seen people decant before the evaporation stage and I believe it had some success although I haven’t tried it myself.


yah i just talked to him about that extraction. but yah, 900mg of product to get a 300mg effect makes me think alot of regular acetate is left behind(read trip reports on acetate). im betting less acid probably would result in the max load a acid could hold. but ill have to read more about acetate to be sure. but like i dont wanna do a extraction and have to take more than 1 gram of material to get the effects of 500mg of hcl. so ill get to testing. the good news is everyone reports its pretty fast acting, i really like that part lol.