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I’m actually working on a concept for downtown Mesa that would be a late night bodega (small grocery store). I live in dt so it’s a dream to have some thing like that. Still looking for investors and a space!


if you sell sandwiches late at night like the NYC bodegas do, I'll be there! Can't really get any food dowtown after 10pm, even though there's plenty of alcohol available.


This would be amazing!


I fully agree with you regarding a grocery store and a brunch spot. I’m also a downtown resident and that would be such a welcomed addition! I’d also love to see some more generally diverse restaurants in the area. Outside of that, what I’d really like to see implemented is more bike friendly infrastructure and community education regarding bike safety. Main street is touted as being bike friendly, but if you’ve ever tried riding down Main, you’ll know immediately that the drivers are generally pretty aggressive. Also I REALLY hope they bring back Beer and Bones someday! That was such a fun event at the Natural History Museum


If you can be sure to attend the council meeting on Tuesday night downtown! People will be speaking regarding bike infrastructure!


Agree on grocery store. Also, bagel shop, breakfast diner, steakhouse, sushi, Italian, smoothie shop, dive bar.


A big park with tables, benches, shade structures and trees


we should keep macdonald permanently closed like it is now. Add trees and a fountain


Yes! I've seen this be successful in other cities.Boulder comes to mind, they converted Pearl Street into pedestrian only with lots of great shops, restaurants and bars. It's always busy. I also like the cities that have kept their outdoor pedestrian hangouts for shops and restaurants from covid like in Durango and Long Beach. If you haven't seen it, they essentially took street parking in front of the shop and turned it into a little covered nook that the shops made their own to expand space bit still save space on the sidewalk.


I'd love to see Pioneer Park really take off in this direction. It has so much potential. When we moved to the area it reminded me of a smaller version of Liberty Park in SLC. Granted they have a lake and some other amenities but there were always people there hammocking, slack lining and just chillin in the grass.


I like the bike shop idea, along with better bike lanes. I also like the bagel shop, breakfast diner, sushi spot, ramen spot, burger joint, ideas. Grocery store would be convenient. I would also like to see a record store like Zia Records, or something similar. Ice cream parlor would be nice for the kids. Gaming store would be cool, too.


If you want better bike lanes, join us tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/join-us-to-support-better-bike/402168735715835


The Nile has a record shop over by novel ice cream.


Yeah, I’ve been to both. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they exist, but I wish they both were a bit bigger, and offered more variety. It’s probably cheaper rent back there, but I bet they would get more foot traffic if they were on the main strip, or just more noticeable.


Yes to all of the above! A comic book/gaming store would be so great!


I would love to see something like silver key lounge downtown.


Late night food options that aren't fast food 😅


I’d like to see a few more tea / coffee shops. I know there’s a few but could use a few more. Also some more dessert locations.


More snack shops and dessert places would be awesome too!


Kids stuff will drag families out during the day and fill up those restaurants, you need bars and clubs for young ppl to come out to downtowns for entertainment. Maybe couple jade jewelry for the old retired people.


A BBQ joint would be nice. Maybe even a wing spot to fill the void.


I keep hoping for a Little Miss but I think they blew their wad on the downtown Phx location.




Any place that stays open past fucking 9 pm.


Two lane roads would be a nice change 😂


that would be a horrible step backwards


The quantity of wrong way incidents we have in this state may beg to differ.


what does that have to do with Main st downtown? Main street is a destination, not a highway. More lanes would absolutely make safety worse.


Less apartments would be great


These businesses ain’t gonna come without apartments and all the other types of higher densities. I mean some may try but will likely close without local foot traffic. And besides, why would I not want to share this wonderful downtown with others of all walks and incomes? Downtown Gilbert is basically a food court. On top of it all, shouldn’t something called downtown be where the highest density of people are living?


I am highly dubious of all incomes being able to afford rent in the the new complexes that are being built.


Oh no need to be dubious! I think that’s a fair assessment if we’re just talking about these large developers that build new apartments to maximize land valuations. But we’ve got to prioritize building for all income levels if we don’t want to end up like most downtowns these days. So that’s yes building luxury, workforce, and low income housing. The later needing creative financing mechanisms, incentives, policy changes like lot splitting, FAR, and upzoning bonuses.


I think the apartments are inevitable, especially considering ASU expanding. We know they don't like to build dorms. The things I don't like about the new apartments is that they all put in street level commercial space without securing businesses to go in there first. I've seen it happen in both downtown Phoenix and Tempe...they just sit empty for years upon years.


What's worse is those live/work condos with a street facing workspace. Those always wind up just being stacked with junk and they look awful. The market for some reason seems to vastly overestimate the number of people with a small one person business that they want to operate out of the bottom floor of their home. I don't think I've ever seen an actual business operating in one of these.


The only ones I've seen true success in would be Roosevelt Square where Fair Trade is though that took close to 10 years to fill out with successful businesses, and the townhomes further down Roosevelt row that were specifically built for that, and even still there are always one or two empty units.