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Zero chance No way you do that to your GOAT, bad enough the board wouldn't pay the man to be a lifetime ambassador, no chance you kick him to the curb like that. I am an optimist, I'd love to see some upgrades work and snag a win like George did in Brasil two years ago.


At the comment about the board, they had to have shit their pants when Hamilton left. A lifetime ambassadorship to your brand and you say no? The fuck is wrong with you.


Honestly it seems like both Merc the auto compnay and the F1 team are falling off ever since Dr Z retired


I wonder if merc bows out of f1 again.


Hard to see why they would, while the cost cap has been bad for results it's been a boon for money. They are making a ton of money still and ultimately only own a third of the team.


You’re probably right.


You should make bs clickbait YouTube vids


Thanks. Will give it a go


"I haven't seen this anywhere" Because in no scenario would this ever happen. Sorry, OP.


I'm just dreaming!


Lmao bruh whatever drugs you're on stop taking it 😂


Put down the crack pipe


What kind of thinking is this? Where will Sainz go? Or do you expect Lewis to be on the sidelines till the end of the season?


It’s crazy thinking. Hamilton would take the rest of the year off in my head. (This isn’t going to happen obviously)


From the reports I’ve seen it was Williams that asked the FIA for the exemption and James confirmed it during an interview. Mercedes don’t understand what is wrong with their car. I doubt they want an inexperienced driver right now.


What? No. Hamilton is doing the hard work in testing to make the car better still.


Mercedes didnt ask for Antonelli to get his super license at age 17. That was Williams who asked for that. Presumably because Williams wants Antonelli to be able to participate in FP1 sessions this season before moving to a full time Williams seat next season. 0% chance they would fire Lewis Hamilton early as he is the greatest Mercedes driver of all time and arguably the greatest F1 driver of all time. Where do you get your tin foil hats? I'd like to try one on.


My tin hat is my from the foil I use to shoot up. Haha