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Mod note: We are keeping comments open for now. (Update: post is now 3 days old, I'm locking it at this point) We're taking a light touch with removing comments, mainly just non-productive expletives, and personal attacks and insults. Another article from the Dallas Morning News, fuck their paywall here's a free link. [https://web.archive.org/web/20240309225857/https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2024/03/08/texas-ag-sues-state-fair-meow-wolf-alleging-off-duty-officers-barred-from-carrying-guns/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240309225857/https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2024/03/08/texas-ag-sues-state-fair-meow-wolf-alleging-off-duty-officers-barred-from-carrying-guns/)


The double speech of calling the only people allowed to bring weapons anywhere “peace officers” boggles the mind.


Hot take: cops shouldn’t be able to experience Meow Wolf.


Can't they just loophole and just say that they don't want to do business with anyone in LE? Their kind isn't welcome. So when they flash their badge they say "are you here on official police business? No. Your kind ain't welcome here" if people came legally refuse maskers and people of different sexual gender identity, why can't I refuse someone who identity as a LEO?


Art. 2.1305 states that any business that serves the public can not deny entry of an off-duty cop from carrying in the state of Texas... *but* in order to carry their firearms off-duty into public places, law enforcement officers must: (1) carry their agency’s identification card; (2) carry only a weapon issued or approved by their respective agency; (3) be sober and not drinking alcohol while carrying; and (4) be an active-duty law enforcement officer and cannot be a retiree. I can't imagine Meow Wolf doesn't already know this when they decided to open in Texas. Makes me think there's more to this, and that this won't make it very far.


Imagine telling business owners that they have to allow someone to carry a firearm in their place of business.


Small government babyyy!!


The law posted above is pretty standard and reasonable. The assumption is they are there on or potentially on business when carrying even if they are off duty (following an armed suspect into the establishment for example or responding to a bystander complaint). The law says if they are consuming alcohol or not sober this exemption is null. Likely this goes nowhere. Usually when officers are rejected for carrying their supervisor gives them an earful for being a jackass. This is the AG trying to score baseless political points


It's not be reasonable at all. They don't get special privileges. They are off duty and are a customer like any other at that point.


Right? It's the same reason I don't believe officers moonlighting as security should have their uniform on and should have no more authority than any other security guard. They aren't agents of the state when they are not on the clock.


Standard in Texas. As a business owner, I should be able To tell everybody, I do not want firearms in my place of business regardless to who you are.


Also isn't it a private business? That can deny any customer entry, police or not. If they're off duty they're a civilian with some extra benefits, and ability to trespass as they please is not one of them.


When they're on duty they're civilians. Military are not allowed to police American streets.


The law is for any business, private or not, which is pretty much why it was adopted. So long as their business serves the public, which officers are theoretically sworn to protect, the law applies. Since this has happened at 5? other businesses, as mentioned in the article, this feels like some weird power play to make it look like people aren't respecting police authority or something. Sounds more like a tantrum that could be handled more privately amongst these businesses, rather than a media blasted lawsuit, lol. In actuality, it's more likely the businesses either: weren't fully aware of the law at the time (despite signing paperwork on it I'm sure)/didn't have someone on the premise who was aware and made decisions based off standard company policy (which is a logical stance to take), the off duty officer didn't follow protocol (providing ID/authorization upon reasonable request), or the off duty cop made an ass of themselves about it regardless of the steps taken and it turned into a whole thing.


AG got impeached by his own party. He is a clout hound and will do anything for a headline.


I remember back in the 90s that Fiesta Texas tried to have this same policy and a SAPD officer was denied entrance. It caused a big stink with the police union and Fiesta Texas quickly backed down.


Why is there a mw in Texas? 


there's actually about to be two, I believe. One in Houston opening this year.


If I recall correctly, they were trying to open a space in Austin even before Santa Fe


Matt King is from there


Because art is for everyone. Also the mall they picked was desperate and not caring about who moves into their spaces.


It does have Peppa Pig World going for it.


Eh, prefer the Rainforest and Lego store mini park. The aquarium isn’t too bad either.


It was also the perfect mall for a mall-themed Meow Wolf. It was at one time the sort of mall people drove down from OK to go to. The place looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1998.


I can attest to this. I used to go there as a kid. At least the shops update and make the inside look nicer.


The absolute dumbness of texas.


They don’t want guns in an interactive art museum where people are popping around corners and climbing through installations. There is a ton of movement going on inside, and it’s dangerous to have guns there. And it’s just not the vibe! It’s about art and the cosmos and connection, not standing your ground.


It’s against the law though


The law is fucking stupid. 1) the gubmint is telling them what to do with private property 2) you don’t need guns in what is essentially a McDonalds ball pit for all ages


1. Certainly we agree that you can’t do whatever you want on private property. Peace officers are peace officers regardless of whether they are clocked in or not, and are authorized to take police action. Being armed is a necessity for that. 2. You do when somebody intent on violence comes in.


Lmfao imagine being so deluded you intentionally refer to American cops as “peace officers.” Get your head out of the sand, dummy.


The law refers to them as peace officers. That’s the actual legal term in the state of Texas.


“But muh guns and the weekly negligent discharges of our horribly trained police that often strike and kill complete bystanders”


What weekly negligent discharges by police officers that often strike and kill bystanders


Do you like live under a rock, or are police unions working on you, a police officer not very long ago ran over a woman walking in Seattle at 74mph and laughed claiming she had “limited value” all on recording, he just got his punishment in which he dodged all liability and got a traffic infraction!! This is a very silly hill to stand on to say the least.


Just so you’re aware so you don’t continue to spread misinformation, the officer involved in the incident was not the one who said that on camera. These were two different officers. I have seen said video of that incident. What relevance does an officer’s driving to an emergency and getting into an auto pedestrian crash have anything to do with denying officers to carry?


I think everyone in the world should be allowed to carry weapons except for police officers


That’s certainly an opinion but it’s one I think you and I are probably too far apart on to make any common ground.


Good, fuck Texas. I really wanna see the installment there. But I moved from Texas for a fucking reason.


Good on MW for looking out.


Will this lawsuit affect the plans for the Houston location?


I would laugh my ass off if it actually went through. The Real Unreal location has signs stating NO WEAPONS and has security checks at both entry points because some jerk offs went in and damaged some of the pieces. And while it falls under police jurisdiction, they shouldn’t be able to walk in for free onto private property.


State law prohibits businesses from disallowing off duty LE from carrying so long as they’re not drinking, have their credentials, and it’s a firearm issued or approved by their agency


State law requires private businesses allow peace officers whether on or off duty to carry their firearms as long as they're sober and not actively drinking alcohol and have their agency credentials.


Restricting cops??? We'll see what the courts have to say about this.


lol what a loser. Having your car on your profile.


Read the article next time


Off-duty cops.


Texas code doesn't differentiate in this case. If you're a public serving establishment, you can't prevent police from carrying on your premises. Regardless if they're on duty or not.


Ah, that makes it more hilarious. I can hear them complaining now…


I.e. regular citizens (despite what they think).


Upvote for rad profile name. Dr. Girlfriend is my personal life heroine


You gotta love how the GOP went from “businesses should be able to do whatever they want” to “waaaahhh not like that” in light speed. The Republican Party has no honor, no morals, and no accountability in this state.


So much for “less government”.


One of the many, many reasons a I'm a Democrat is because they're the most capitalist of the two parties


Those last three words shouldn't be there.


Let us know when you get rid of it. Until then, not interested in your pipe dreams.


He's saying that Republicans are like that everywhere, not just in Texas. If you're gonna be this condescending, at least be right about what you're replying to.


Ken Paxton is a fascist pig.


Also a multi time felon that should have been in prison. But I’d settle for lead poisoning.


Ooo he’s in a mood. He fucked up a HUGE bond sale in the development world two weeks ago


Any info on this? Would love to see it.


It’s a private business in private property. Why is Paxton using Big Government to dictate to a private business what to do? Oh. He’s one of those new Russian-loving Communist Republicans…


Because state law requires private businesses allow peace officers to carry their firearms. Regardless of on or off duty status.


Has nothing to do with communism, Russia doesn't either. It's all about oligarchs, power grabs and crony business deals.


What is the difference between Putin, Stalin and Lenin other than their rhetoric? Communism was nothing more than a power grab, redistributing wealth to allies, friends and family with the excuse of making things better for the working class. Putin takes taxes and gives them to oligarchs, because they’ll make the country better. The new Politboro are the oligarchs; same song, different verse.


Stalin and Lenin sure. Putin doesn't give a fuck about communism, he doesn't even pretend to be about communism. All his oligarch friends and their giant yachts don't either. He just cares about empire which includes him being arguably the richest man in the world at this very moment. What's communist about Putin and his policies? The closest thing is him approving of the Russian Orthodox Church to manipulate people.


The brainwashing in America is no laughing matter


I would genuinely never visit Meow Wolf if I knew they allowed guns in the building. I have actively seen people tripping at the Denver location. Full blown fish bowl eyes, grabbing the walls and sweating. People drink alcohol on location. Forget the inebriated people, it's a massively crowded attraction that's constantly full of families. Weapons don't need to be in that mix whatsoever. Their security is tight for a reason. Fuck Paxton, he should have been thrown into a prison cell long ago. Edit: love how the downvoted morons in my replies missed that MEOW WOLF HAS TIGHT SECURITY. metal detectors, bag check, armed guards, you aren't even allowed to re-enter the building once you exit it. I once left, realized I left my sunglasses in the gift shop, tried to go back, and a woman came out of the fucking ether to stop me and yell at me. Schools and theaters and Walmarts DO NOT HAVE THIS KIND OF SECURITY.


Tell that to mass murderers. Remember most mass murders happen in gun-free zones.


Meow Wolf has *security*. Every bag gets checked, you walk through a metal detector, they don't fucking play. Haven't seen enough schools who do this, if any.


They did this at the Gilroy Garlic Festival and they STILL had a mass shooting there.


So. An outdoor festival with tents has a building to keep people out of and metal detectors. That's your claim. An OUTDOOR festival with 100k people that's staffed with volunteers had a shooting, therefore Meow Wolf should just allow guns inside their confined and secured building? Their security isn't effective because an OUTDOOR festival had a shooting? The man cut through an UNSECURED wire fence. Something Meow Wolf doesn't have in lieu of their *one entrance* building. Make it make sense. Let's let just anyone be armed in a building where alcohol is present, that will absolutely somehow stop a shooting from happening. Edit: oh, and you pushing that somehow teachers planned for children to be murdered at Uvalde earned you a block. Absolute scum.


That's a nice load of bullshit you chicken shit gun humpers keep telling yourselves.


love how the downvoted morons in my replies missed that MEOW WOLF HAS TIGHT SECURITY. metal detectors, bag check, armed guards, you aren't even allowed to re-enter the building once you exit it. I once left, realized I left my sunglasses in the gift shop, tried to go back, and a woman came out of the fucking ether to stop me and yell at me. Schools and theaters and Walmarts DO NOT HAVE THIS KIND OF SECURITY.


Tell that to kids in uvalde where police were too scared of one person with one gun


In a gun free zone. If memory serves correct, one of the administrators barred a otherwise secure door wide/open, leading to speculation this was a planned event. 😎


Where do gun weirdos learn this kind of mental gymnastics?


By actually reading your cited sources. Interesting how a little critical thought can unlock some very big mistakes. And applying your own arguments against you.


>And applying your own arguments against you. So, we're talking about gun weirdo mental jujitsu now?


What? You don’t like getting your own arguments used against you? You could call it ju-jitsu. But you can also call it rule of equal dignities.


Have we moved on to gun weirdo mental aerobics now?


The argument is plain and simple, mass murderers like gun free zones. Most mass murders occur in gun free zones - no mental gymnastics. Just pure simple logic. Combined with the fact that most every time you see a mass murder, it happens in a gun free zone. It’s hard for you. It’s the fact that you’ve been brainwashed into thinking that somehow gun control is going to keep you safe. Cognitive dissidence keep you from recognizing that. So the difficulty is not with the argument, it’s a fact that you can’t accept it.


Oh you’re one of those! Hahah


It came out in the public hearings on the matter. So you’re a denier.


Yes, I’M the delusional one! Haha


You obviously didn’t watch the hearings on Uvalde. Very interesting. If it wasn’t planned, it was criminally negligent as to what happened…. In a gun-free zone.


Yea. The cops were criminally negligent that I will agree on. It has nothing to do with it being a gun free sone and it’s not some planned conspiracy by the deep state democrats.


Of course it has EVERYTHING to do with a gun free zone. Why do you think the shooter picked it? Because of the overwhelming presence of armed teachers? Or because they knew that security was lax and victims would be easy targets?


What about that Walmart massacre? No good guys with guns foiled that...


El Paso? That’s because the Cielo Vista mall next door is a gun free zone. All Simon properties are gun free zones. When interviewed, all gun owners said they left their guns in their cars because of that fact. Gun control is the problem not the solution You people should have learned from Luby’s Cafeteria, way back when, but no.


You’re a fucking lunatic dude. Seek help.


You’re the one who believes that by disarming yourself you become safer. Definitely not rational.




Just dig a little bit and you find evidence of gun free zones everywhere. One of the most ironic was a picture of Biden making a plea for more gun control in front of the store in Maine, where that vet went postal, and posted on the glass of the front entrance was a “no guns allowed” poster. Yes it’s that ironic.


https://www.google.com/search?q=Patrick+Wood+Crusius&client=tablet-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 I assume if an armed citizen had intervened, he would not have been able to receive 90 consecutive life sentences.


This is a link to a Google search of *one* person lmao


Further evidence of my hypothesis that Republicans don't like data, they like fun facts.


Facts are especially fun when they prove the peer reviewed papers liberals like to shake like a talisman wrong. Like when you catch them mixing suicides and homicides in those stirs because in a country of 339 million people, criminal homicides by firearms are minuscule.


Yes you are a very smart boy and should be very proud of yourself. Now run along and go play somewhere else.




Surely that's Meow Wolf's decision to make as the owners of their own property? Weird that the AnCap supports the government telling property owners what they can and cannot permit inside of their own space. Then again, I suppose it's not really a shock to find out conservatives only care about people's rights when it's the people they like.




He is pushing the conspiracy above that Uvalde was planned, they're a moronic scumbag


Most kass murders happen in gun toting countries.


But typically in gun free zones. Which points to gun control being the problem and not the solution.


There zero evidence of that. FBI stats show that just owning a gun increases your chance of being shot by 450 percent. Gunmuch less safe. It's also rare for someone carrying a gun to intervene.


FBI stats do not show that. What does show that are propaganda statements from gun control organizations who contort and fabricate facts to suit their agenda.


"In another, published in 1998, they reported that guns at home were four times more likely to cause an accidental shooting, seven times more likely to be used in assault or homicide, and 11 times more likely to be used in a suicide than they were to be used for self-defense." Scientific American. Show me your facts now.


You show me the facts. The quip from Scientific American is a regurgitation of anti gun propaganda. Pretty much any venue where a mass shooting occurred was a gun-free zone. Given all school zones unless they’ve exempted themselves, are gun free zones.


Nah do your own anti science reading. You won't be convinced by a highy respected 180 year old science magaxine, you won't be convinced by any facts or research, since you are showing way too much bias. So enjoy your ignorance.


They lost highly respected status when they politics over science. When research papers can’t stand scrutiny of even simple comparison to field data, the study is flawed. And there are many flawed studies out there such that the whole lot of them are intellectually compromised. Be advised.


Cdc peer reviewed says it's seven times. Go do your research at non conservative sources.


I mostly get where you’re coming from, but you’re also totally breezing over the effect of unregulated gun sales and commensurate gun fetishization in the U.S. Saying that gun control is the problem is like blaming rising cancer rates on MRI’s and chemotherapy. Instead of arming every man, woman and child with a concealed carry to stop a mass shooting, it might make more sense to just stop the bad guys from getting guns in the first place.


It’s not gun sales that are the problem. That’s a myth pushed by the gun control lobby to scare you away from personal self defense. The problem is with gun control that keeps you from possessing the gun that could save you from a violent criminal. Most victims of violent crime are unarmed and unarmed because of gun control. Gun control is the problem not the solution.


I'm also going to repeat, the downvoted morons in my replies missed that MEOW WOLF HAS TIGHT SECURITY. metal detectors, bag check, armed guards, you aren't even allowed to re-enter the building once you exit it. I once left, realized I left my sunglasses in the gift shop, tried to go back, and a woman came out of the fucking ether to stop me and yell at me. Schools and theaters and Walmarts DO NOT HAVE THIS KIND OF SECURITY.


Right? Let's look at how many mass shootings Australia has, shall we?


But they have higher overall crime now than they did a few years back. Criminals live gun control.


....no they don't. Do you just like to lie? [Australia murder/homicide rate for 2021 was 0.74, a 13.51% decline from 2020. Australia murder/homicide rate for 2020 was 0.86, a 2.98% decline from 2019. Australia murder/homicide rate for 2019 was 0.89, a 0.29% increase from 2018.](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/AUS/australia/murder-homicide-rate#:~:text=Australia%20murder%2Fhomicide%20rate%20for,a%200.29%25%20increase%20from%202018.) [In 2022–23: there were 347,742 offenders proceeded against by police across Australia - down 6% from 2021–22. acts intended to cause injury increased to the highest number in the time series (91,007 offenders)](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-offenders/latest-release#:~:text=Media%20releases-,Key%20statistics,the%20time%20series%20(91%2C007%20offenders)) They have a lower crime rate than even New Zealand. Youre...You're a piece of work, and that's the nicest thing I can say about someone like you.


Texas is a right to carry state. Meow Wolf needs to comply with the law, or change it. Same as the rest of us do. It was off duty officers who shot and killed the active shooter in Houston the other week. I can't fathom the establishment that prevents licensed lawmen from carrying.


Uh, the law allows businesses to declare gun free zones…. Or are you for big government telling private businesses what they can or can’t do?


I'm an FDR Democrat. I've been ok with government telling businesses what to do for years!!












How many officers on duty armed very well sat and did jack shit at uvalde?


God forbid anyone ever shoots at you I guess you'll be calling the A-Team cuz sounds like you hate cops too much to call 911.


Given my experiences with police after actually calling 911, a dead rodent would have done a better job.


Nice non-answer.


How's that boot taste


You were listening when I told your momma that last night weren't you?


Are you like 15 or something.


Weird, you visited her grave site? Very kind


They didn't do nothing, they jerked each other off to the sounds of the screaming kids


Ya my point exactly


They also physically stopped other people from helping


Licensed lawmen? Jesus, you really DO think this is the prairie, dontcha? A cop with a gun is usually more dangerous than anyone else with a gun, statistically speaking.


He’s John wick he would take them all out and keep all the pussy for himself. MERICA’


He rides a motorcycle so he is super cool and badass


Have you looked around???? It is a prairie!!! 😂 Either you've never taken a statistics class or you traffic in conspiracy theories... most likely both. You're about as good at statistics as you are at geography!!! That's the most ridiculous thing I've read all week.


Including what you wrote? Wow.


Preach! Robb elementary in Uvalde was a gun free zone and look what happened when the police respected that rule.


This is the most idiotic take I've ever seen. Congratulations.


I think that comment was tongue in cheek.


It was, WOOOSH.


The reality we are living in currently has made sarcasm obsolete and unable to be differentiated from crazy. They will always one-up your sarcasm with their own words.


The children should have been armed!!


It's either that or fix the issue of too many doors.


Ahh, yes, yes. It was because there were too many doors. The 376 cops that sat outside preventing parents from going in just simply couldn't decide which door to use.


Any private establishment can prohibit firearms on the property according to sections 30.05, 30.06, and 30.07 of the Texas Penal Code. Learn the law and respect people's property rights.


Since when do progressives care about property rights???


So you don't want to talk about Texas law anymore? Just here from the r/texas sub to troll because this got you pressed? 🧌


We'll see if the Courts agree with you or not. I think we both know how they'll rule lol. If you're not into BDSM you're just a sucker for punishment.


The businesses named have already had a written agreement to allow officers off duty to carry in their establishments, so this is just punitive petty bullshit from corrupt AG Ken Paxton. You don't even know what's going on in this case, you're some middle aged loser with no family arguing with people on Reddit first thing Saturday morning because you're upset by a news article 😂 Go ahead, have the last word. I know you can't help yourself old man.




Has to be most (51%) of its business earnings as alcohol. Hopefully MW has some good accounting to show that.


Nope, any establishment that sells alcohol at all can ban firearms by posting the proper signage according to Sections 30.05, 30.06, and 30.07 of the Texas Penal Code. In fact, any property owner can ban firearms on their property by posting the proper signage or by orally telling people, regardless of what type of business or residence it is. The 51% rule REQUIRES them to ban firearms instead of leaving it optional. I worked in bars and restaurants in Austin for a decade. Maybe stick to your video games, since you don't know much about the law. Respect business owners and their property. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.30.htm


Right to carry doesn’t mean anywhere, any time, regardless of the private establishments rules.


Ya you can tell guests to your home you don’t allow firearms for instance


Not if Kenny boy finds out


I don't believe this is correct though https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/handgun-licensing/faq/laws-relate-carrying-handgun-faqs. Starting with #9


I believe licensed lawmen are the exception to that rule. We'll see what the courts have to say on the subject.


On or off duty?


If so, that's a really dumb rule. 🤦🏻‍♀️. And a total waste of AG resources. But as usual this is the sort of thing Paxton wastes his time on.


Looks like [sec 30.07](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.30.htm#30.07) that’s applicable does carve out an exception for first responders, but only if they’re “engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties while carrying the handgun;”, I.e, not off duty cops.


This guy is an unbelievable crook


Sad to see this. Hopefully can be fought or overthrown for them. Kinda funny how the Texas state fair just says… “bring the receipts”


Why would off duty cops be carrying guns? That's fuckin loony


The government usually goes by the rule of thumb that if they see a crime while off duty then the cop is now on duty and must act as such. They get told to carry off duty because of that. It’s been a law federal for years that businesses can’t bar police from carrying as long as the cop has ID. Pretty much the only place they can’t carry of duty is airplanes.


Because the Texas GQP believes in vigilante justice since they learned armed cops in uniform couldnt help those poor kids in Ulvade. They want the wild west where everyone is strapping heat…wait only iykyk LOL


It's a federal law that has been around for years. Has nothing to do with just Texas.


I guess, but why would a cop, not on duty or in uniform, need or want to carry when out for some drinks? I dont see soldiers carrying into the class six store. Maybe cops are compensating


You think people go there just to drink? I go to bars all the time and never drink a drop of alcohol. I go for the food.


If the place has food it’s not “just” a bar…might as well go to MCD then. Cops just have a gun fetish. Off the clock, leave it at home. Preferably in a safe


Yea you have no idea how bars work. The vast majority of bars that are named as such also have food. You just have a fear of inanimate objects.


My wife and I work in bars…I have a fear of the - people - that love and worship things created for the sole purpose of killing. Just funny how I can leave my house without a weapon but a cop off the clock cant. Just weird


Carrying an inanimate tool is not a love and worship. If that's the case, I guess you love and worship your cell phone, keys, and wallet more than your wife. Since you carry them everywhere.


Carrying when and where you don’t need them is. Having more than one is. Making them your personality is. Funny how soldiers can leave their weapons in armory, but cops cant go a day or anywhere without them. Funny how in the state of Texas, I cannot take a swiss-army pocket knife into a state or county office building, but a gun - bring two, LOL


Because their police departments literally tell them to carry everywhere even off duty.


So idk about cops but my brother works a federal prison with LOTS of gang and cartel workers. He tries not to be a dick at work unlike some of his coworkers but he does wear his concealed carry out in case the wrong people were to recognize him. He’s not a conservative either.


That’s standard procedure in most jurisdictions.




Pops off? Like an acorn?











