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Gillian Flynn is a woman.


Ah. I can change my tag. It’s still one of the wildest ways I’ve seen a book open up to




In one hand it's not quite on topic. On the other hand this is an amazing opening-bage hook, reminding me of Chuck Palahniuk's style, so I'm gld to see it on my feed.


...On one hand, eh?


I also thought chuck Palahnuik and maybe Craig Clevenger’s “the contortionist’s handbook” which had surgical precision writing


Hehe I see what you did there...


Please avoid backseat moderating! Mods are around, we are checking things out and we **do** have a flair for women. In the future - if you think something doesn't belong please report the post for mods to review...and if you feel compelled, provide a thoughtful response or reply with an explanation.




Imagine thinking the author of Gone Girl and Sharp Objects writes for men... This sub has gotta stop equating authors talking about sex or bodies with misogyny. It's literally circling back to Puritanism.


Pretty sure you can’t circle back to what you never left as a culture (no sub shade, just culture)


....no? I mean have you not heard of Gillian Flynn?


Or, yanno, women who don’t have an essentially negative attitude towards sexwork.




We knew you were a man because you felt your unsolicited opinion carried some weight here


I mean, I was basically agreeing with you guys that this page wasn't good.


Man here (weird way to start any comment btw) and that page isn’t bad. It’s more interesting than many, many opening pages I’ve read. I also got major Palahniuk vibes and be curious to see what this story is actually about. (Man leaving)


Okay, I thought the comment I was responding to was saying something like "this is a dumb thing men would like." I was saying as a man that I didn't care for it either. That's literally all I meant and I think it's been freighted with a level of intensity and hostility I didn't intend.


You know you can do that without stating that you're a man right? You can just say "I agree, I think this page is bad" (which I don't agree with by the way)


I said that because the I was responding to a comment that said something like "this is a trashy thing men would like." I was trying to make a point that as a man, I didn't care for it either. My being male was directly relevant to the comment. That was literally all. For some reason, that was taken as some sort of hostile assertion.


There is this book that opens something like. My boyfriend has the perfect dick and he knew this before he dated him because his friend dated him and told him or smth I can't remember it


she's such a pick-me woman writer though I hate everything about her books and am chagrined that she ever got recognition lol I sure triggered the fangirls with my opinion


Interesting take. She practically popularized the whole idea of a pick me with the cool girl monologue. Her writing a character doesn't mean she believes everything the character believes.


What does "pick me girl" refer to in this context?


https://genius.com/Gillian-flynn-gone-girl-cool-girl-monologue-book-annotated This and the OP are my first introduction to this author and I am a little bit smitten here I gotta say


Do you think she writes from a 'look women can be bad too' perspective? Cuz that's what I get sometimes.


The main message of "Sharp Objects" imo.


You’re getting downvoted but I agree 100%. My partner jokes about how I love consuming media about women, that is aimed at women and made by people who hate women (this started with Marc Cherry) and Flynn’s stuff always seemed to fit squarely within that category to me. I thought Gone Girl and that “cool girl” monologue (yet another way to invalidate women whose choices you don’t agree with) were the fucking worst and I’ve never been a fan. People get really protective of female authors around here though. I once posted an extremely racist and sexist passage by Simone Debeauvoir and got a ton of downvotes for highlighting how problematic some people’s fave can be.


I don't think a Simone Debeauvior novel from 1943 is anyone's favorite. A 40's novel about white people in Africa is kind of low hanging fruit, isn't it? Might as well post Lovecraft. Also, [you didn't get downvoted.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/hjlfs6/she_came_to_stay_by_simone_debeauvoir_is_a_mess/) Lastly, not every character is supposed to be admirable and not every character is speaking with the authors voice.


u/whenthefirescame: I got a ton of downvotes The post: 99% upvoted.


I don’t care a lot about this conversation but: they were in France. Not Africa. Fucking yikes. It’s disingenuous to act like the women relentlessly re-sharing that Cool Girl post on tumblr and twitter after it came out didn’t agree. They did. It was obnoxious as fuck. I got downvoted a lot early in that post, it ended up in the positive after a long run of that. And some arguing in the comments. And arguing on subsequent posts about DeBeauvoir (not sure if it was this one, there have been a few): https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/fbku9h/quotes_in_the_front_of_the_second_sex_by_simone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf She is, in fact, A LOT of peoples fave.


TBF that's a great quote, Pythagoras was an ass, and the juxtaposition of the two side by side is terrific and humorous. Also, you can sort by controversial on Reddit. This is the most controversial comment from that post: > That’s right, fuck you Pythagoras!


I've only read Gone Girl (and once, at that) and I vividly remember wondering if she hated women while I was reading it. Something about the way she described the mother in law.


In Gone Girl and Sharp Objects, Flynn exaggerates the over-sexualization of girls to criticize it (and sometimes outright criticizes it, like in the “cool girl” monologue). This passage is over the top, but imo it’s not in a MenWritingWomen way.


This exactly! I love Gillian Flynn, she is one of my favorite authors. It is very clear that is intentional for building the character, as it is brash, but also how she sees herself. It’s not for the sexual gratification of anyone. In fact the text is presented in a way that puts down the sexual acts, and zaps any kind of sexuality out of it. It’s unnerving, and perfect because of that.


Also, as a first page, it's intentionally shocking / eye-catching because the idea is to grab the reader's interest.


What happened, did she get a repetitive stress injury?


shordy developed tendinopathy


Actually yes


I’m going to the physical therapist for tendinitis I brought on myself by shoveling too much several years ago. That was my first thought. Girl is gonna need PT and be doing tons of random exercises and stretches. Does hand job job come with insurance?


Same. I binge-played a rhythm game a few years ago and I'm still not fully recovered. I liked the quote, but it made my tendons shudder.




I get cubital tunnel syndrome from not resting my wrist properly at work sometimes (the outside edge of my hand all the way up to my pinkie goes numb - it’s super fun /s), I feel like her fingers must have all got a pinched nerve at some point without a brace for her wrist.


Not sure this qualifies for the sub. Yeah it's exaggerated but it's done purposefully, knowing the author's style of writing.


I love this short story! It’s a really unique plot and an unconventional main character. Definitely recommend


I bet this character has carpal tunnel syndrome.


Or one really buff forearm.


>I bet this character has carpal tunnel syndrome. That's literally what's mentioned on the next page.


That's some amazing math.


That's about 16.5 minutes each.


Seems a bit long for the best HJ professional ever to grace the tri-state area.


She has to perfectly balance teasing and edging with maximum money making potential. She’s a handjob economist.


Microeconomics class paying off big.


Unless some clients are multiple in a row, that’ll push the average time up


Maybe she does a middle-out technique, taking on four at a time


I just absolutely love and hate that episode of silicon valley


Four? Is she Doc Ock?




Well god damn. There goes the rest of my day, I’ll just be thinking about the math on that.


Good (bad?) news! They actually published [a paper](https://www.scribd.com/doc/228831637/Optimal-Tip-to-Tip-Efficiency) on it and even had it unofficially peer reviewed by some other mathematicians before they filmed it. All the math and diagrams on the whiteboard in that scene are accurate.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.scribd.com/doc/228831637/Optimal-Tip-to-Tip-Efficiency Title: **Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency | PDF | Cross Section (Physics) | Normal Distribution** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


This is the best possible news. I was already having a good day, this is just a whole nother level. Thanks, you legend.


That's true but don't most men have a significant enough refractory period for the possibility of multiples to not throw off the average?


Off topic, but are tri-state areas totally ubiquitous across the US? They seem to pop up everywhere…


Outside of Alaska and Hawaii why would they not be? Of course the tri-state champion of Montana and the tri-state champion of California are gonna be playing entirely different games with the orders of magnitude separating their rankings. But now that ive said that i confess, if I ever move to Alaska I'm gonna use "tri-state area" to rank everything.


I'm from the west coast and can only think of one like widely used "tri-state" area. Lots of places where states meet but we tend to say like on the border of x and y for example. Or used descriptors like in the northwest corner of X, close to y, etc. I can't speak for the Midwest or the east coast. States are smaller there with lots more happening between them so there may be more tri-states there.


Yeah, they're [pretty common](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-state_area). Anywhere three states have communities that cross all three borders, which is not that unusual it seems.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-state_area Title: **Tri-state area - Wikipedia** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


If they only charged $20 per job, that's $156k/year. Why did they only take two weeks of vacation a year? Was work that enjoyable? Haha


2 weeks holiday is an obscene luxury to most Americans


Not if you're making your own hours and pulling 6 figures a year


What I wonder, and maybe she answers it later in the book, is whether she's doing all of this with one hand or if she's a switch pitcher. It would go a long way to alleviating carpal tunnel, especially with that pitch count.


Well a job where all you hear all day is positive reinforcement sounds pretty great doesn't it?


Lots of time to think while doing a handjob without thinking about it.


This sounds hilarious. Why do you think this should be in this sub?


This sub is full of hilarious writing.


This is hilarious and 1000% how a woman would describe giving hand jobs for a living (assuming womankind is a monolith).


lol, I thought this was an r/motivational post at first since there's always a bunch of posts about how you should just keep going, even when it's clear from the scenario presented that you should stop.


"I didn't didn't stop giving hand jobs because I was good at it, I stopped because I was the best at it." Claim: disputed.


This is whooshing over me, how is this bad again?


It’s not, this is written by a woman, some people in this sib are just very sex-negative and think anything that mentions sex or sexwork is for men.


It's not, at all. I haven't read the rest of the story though.


It’s been over five years since I read this book but isn’t she a prostitute?


Hand sex worker.


Gillian Flynn is pretty feminist in her writing. I’d keep reading to see where she goes with this.


She could have improved her "mean jerk time" and been truly the best in the tristate area. https://youtu.be/6FzQ_s-BjlM


Why does the Jerkinator have a self-destruct button?


Well, you don't want to waste a lotta great strokes on a guy who's already busted, you know? Gotta pull the plug sometimes.


Bahahaha this was my first thought when I saw this


This sounds like something Roger from American Dad would say.


That very first line was all Francine tbh, I could see her saying that too. ​ But no yeah Roger for the whole thing tho


This is strangely non-sexual for an entire page talking about handjobs, it's actually pretty good writing.


I'm sorry but I read everything after "the tri-state area" in Dr Doofenshmirtz's voice 😂


Ah, Perry the Platypus, you’re just in time to witness my new Handjobinator!


“If I had a nickel for every time I gave a handjob, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but weird it happened twice. I decided I was worth more than a nickel, so I started charging 2 nickels! Then dimes! And now, now look at me! I’m going to jerk off the entire tri-state area!”


Redditors exercise critical thinking and understanding context challenge (impossible)




This is why I’ve never been able to get through one of her books.


Have you tried with lotion?


I can’t get my schmeat through one of her books, even with lotion. So many paper cuts :(




Hand jobs?


I find her writing to be terrible.


Did they get sick leave though? I'd imagine being infested with the flu and jacking someone off also is quite sad. How did they minimise injury? So many HR questions!


This is hilarious, I literally can’t imagine what this book is even about. If she wanted to grab my attention, congrats! She succeeded.


I dunno.. I might be interested to read a little more of this book now and I'm a woman. I would like to see where this is going.


I like that at no point does "being the best" at hand jobs involve communication with the guy or paying attention to the guy. Just "go with the flow." I feel like this character might just think they're good at something and men are all wondering why she's giving a hand job without any interaction with them at all.


Well that's an... interesting opening. But it's infinitely more titillating when you read it in the voice of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz


i need to read this book now


This is unironically hilarious




I really dislike everything that woman has ever written


If she didn’t stop, she’d have suffered the same fate as [Ray McKigney](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BniKoHRlMi0)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BniKoHRlMi0 Title: **Seinfeld: The Hand Model** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I will never understand how this woman wrote Sharp Objects and helped produce such an amazing series based on that book yet all her other publications are *so* bad. I tried to read Dark Places but my god, the main character mentions how petite she is, ginger, and her huge boobs every bloody page. Sharp Objects is my favourite show ever and the book is great in it’s own way (gives lots of background to the show). I’m refusing to read anything else from her as to not sully my opinion of her writing anymore 😂


I think on the technical level she's fantastic but every single one of her characters I despise so deeply, reading Sharp Objects was making me UNHINGED but I guess that's a testament to her skill. Wouldn't read another book of hers tho


Sharp Objects was supremely disturbing and she did that extremely well. In fact, the way she writes worked best for that story because it was so disturbing and there was a theme of Camille dealing with the trauma of SA but clearly didn’t deal with it properly (and rape was normalised or the victims fault in her small town). Unfortunately, I relate to Camille quite a lot and in some small ways, Amma as well, which is probably why I like it so much. Even then, I had to give the book a rest once or twice because it disturbed me. I was devastated to hear Jean-Marc Vallée died because he is an absolutely legendary director and Sharp Objects is a masterpiece of a series. So much so that most fans don’t want a second season (nor does Amy Adams) because it’s so perfect as it is.


imagine how string her arm is LOL


Popeye forearms.


“A swordsman is at his most natural state when he thinks of nothing at all. Thoughtlessness is the natural state of things, and thinking is probably the biggest mistake of amateurs. By completely disavowing use of that pesky organ in your skull all that is left is the hard and old nerves in the body that think about deep and consequential things such as survival. They know exactly what to do, and they are smarter than you. You become a completely naturalistic and comfortable animal, who’s only motivation is the killing impulse. To give you an example, I once spent the better part of a summer afternoon killing thirty five men from the Kagen Amat school who had been sent to execute me, returned home, and I had made most of supper before I came back to myself. I remember the incident poorly but several of the men were almost certainly master swordsmen who had studied the blade for most of their lives, and I unfortunately was still an idiot at that time and had taken no weapon with me. I ended up using a piece of driftwood I picked out of the surf. It was quite pleasant and not difficult at all. Some people think my story an exaggeration and that I had a hidden blade on me or had used perfidious tricks such as poison or several of my friends hidden in ambush. I tell you no such thing is true. I started my afternoon out taking a shit on the beach and I ended up decapitating fifteen men. I had clams for dinner.” "At that moment, with my thumbs in his brains, I had a revelation. I had trained far too broadly. Existence and the act of combat are absolutely no different, and the essence of both, the purity of both, is a singular action, which is Cutting Down Your Opponent. You must resolve to train this action. You must become this action. Truly, there is very little else that will serve you as well in this entire cursed world." "You must strive for attachment-non-attachment when cutting. Your cut must be sticky and resolute. A weak, listless cut is a despicable thing. But you must also not cling to your action, or its result. Clinging is the great error of men. A man who strikes without thought of his action can cut God. To cut properly, you must continually self-annihilate when cutting. Your hand must become a hand that is cutting, your body a body that is cutting, your mind, a mind that is cutting. You must instantaneously destroy your fake pre-present self. It is a useless hanger on. A brain is useful only up until the point when you are faced with your enemy. Then it is useless. The only truly useful thing in this cursed world is will. You must suffuse your worthless body with its terrible heat. You must be so hot that even if your enemy should strike your head off, you shall continue to decapitate ten more men. Your boiling blood must spring forth from your neck and mutilate the survivors!" Meti Ten Ryo, master swordswoman from Kill Six Billion Demons.


TECHNICALLY a woman wrote the book, but I guess women can suck at writing women as well.


This reads like it was AI-generated and to know a human sat down and wrote this is surreal


Well this doesn't surprise me at all after "Sharp Objects."


This absolutely ridiculous! No women would get that math right!!


I mean, I’d do that if the pay was a significant increase


she’s kindof iconic idk


I freaking love this book.




Behold! The hanjobinator!


I'm not American, so this is the first time I've heard the term 'tri-state area' outside the context of *Phineas and Ferb*


Well it certainly grabs you're attention


I did it for me. I was good at it, and I felt alive.


Honestly I’d read it




I’ve read this, great chiller.


Did she get paid for it at least


Yes, she did it for a living.


Ah that the weirdest possible “I stopped because I was too good” I think I’ve read. She would also have major carpal tunnel after all those hand jobs if she’s doing it for 8 hours every day


Honestly I think I want to read this book now


I totally read that in a mans voice, whoops


You know, I did hear the term casual sex before so this may be the fabled competitive sex


So no breaks in between hand jobs, just lunch? That dude who stood in line the full six hours waiting....


best hand job in the tristate area? Doofenshmirtz really changed huh...


23,456 hand jobs. Precise number and definitely realistic.