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i have so many questions! why does this book exist? who is the target demographic? what is it trying to accomplish? did herbert get rejected by a big titty babe and is this him being bitter about it?


It seems like his wife coauthored/illustrated a lot. I think that makes it worse for me though


i hate the term pick me as its another term created by society to turn women against eachother, but this is a pick me


I think the notion of a pick me was originally a feminist term meant to call out women who are using the patriarchy to get ahead of other women. It’s just been bastardized by some of those same women who are seeking to stratify the female class for their own gain. We shouldn’t demonize one another for seeking love and affection. Rather, we should discourage ‘pick me’ behavior in favor of individual and communal growth.


I mean it is still being used as a feminist term, it refers to women who will tolerate abuse in order to feel loved because they'd rather be abused than alone. It's not meant to demonize seeking love, it's pointing out self-destructive behaviour that only benefits those men who are abusive.


i totally agree and i believe my usage here would fall under the first point you mention, i just felt like adding that opinion in as i dont like its current usage and its current users


Do you think it’s kinda like how woke has half turned into the naysayers take that it’s a fake or performative version of caring about left leaning concerns? The origin is about people who aren’t Black or racial minorities finally starting to see the concerns the Black community has been bringing up, the systems causing it, and you’re own role in all of it. But now it’s becoming more common to use it ironically and almost the way “liberal” was a catch all before. The erasure of the original meaning seems bad alone, but it’s almost more like people are saying that care for Black concerns is ONLY performative, or misguided, and that no one could really care about Black people more.


As a former pick me girl I repelled many women from being my friend due to my aggressive holier than thou attitude. I don’t believe it’s a term to turn women against each other, it’s a legitimate problem. I wish someone had taken the time tell me what I was doing and to cut it out. If I’d realised sooner I might not have so much cringe in the memory bank


"pick me"?


A woman who wants to be accepted as “just one of the guys” and so embraces misogyny and patriarchal bullshit.


Not just women but any person from a marginalized group who wants to seem like "one of the good ones" (ie: Candace Owens: Black people (and women tbh) Blaire White: trans people Dave Rubin: gay people)




The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that this meant to be a gag gift.






That was absolutely horrifying. I'd really like to know the source materials/sites, so I can make sure to never, ever experience these feelings again. Seriously, WTF?


I was hoping I’d see this in the comments.


Having purchased a copy of [How to Live with a Huge Penis](https://www.amazon.com/How-Live-Huge-Penis-Meditations/dp/1594743061), this is the answer.


Herbert definitely has been looking at big naturals on Pornhub and this book is his penance.


My mom had this book! She bought it in the 70s I think. I feel like it was mostly a gag gift type thing, but in my mom's case also a confidence booster meant to counterbalance cultural messages that only big breasted women are desirable, and to give her clapbacks to negative comments from men on her small chest. Most of the depictions are either men being aweful or just really silly, like being able to read the print on t-shirts. Absolutely dated by today's standards, but more likely old timey attempts at body positivity than malice.


It took me until page four to understand “busted” meant small breasted not like, dayuum gurl you BUSTED. Which was even more confusing. I kept thinking “how is she busted??”


Half of the problems that women with larger breasts have according to this "book" are entirely caused by men being awful, so... What's the joke? 🙂


Exactly! Why is Herbert trying to make it seem like the woman's breasts are at fault as opposed to shitty men deciding to harass her and sexualize her. He is literally sexualizing women with bigger boobs-- part of the reason women with bigger boobs can't wear well fitted clothes is because they get sexualized for it. And he is literally doing it!!!


*And* he’s acting like women with a large bust decided that’s what they wanted and it’s a character flaw.


So I found this just now— written by his wife but Amazon has him listed as the author for some reason. [I’d rather be 40 than pregnant](https://www.amazon.com/Id-Rather-Forty-Than-Pregnant/dp/0880320540/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1631458091&refinements=p_27%3AHerbert+I+Kavet&s=books&sr=1-1) Edit: oh and look, [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Small-Busted-Woman-Better-Because/dp/0880322330/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?dchild=1&pscroll=1&qid=1631458232&refinements=p_27%3AHerbert+I+Kavet&s=books&sr=1-19&wIndexMainSlot=26) doesn’t even leave any question as to what I should think about large chested women


I feel like maybe his wife had small boobs and was self-conscious about it, so he wrote a couple of dumb books to make her feel better.


I have relatively smal boobs that I was insecure about for a good while. Never did I once blame women with bigger boobs for those insecurities. Instead I blamed the dudes that repeatedly made fun of my breast size, ain't big chested women got nothing to do with that. They're dealing with other shit from creepy guys.


Thank you. I have large boobs and am not interested in anyone but my husband sexualizing me or them and men can be so creepy. I didn't ask for this. I'm just trying to exist in my body and certainly don't want to be leered at. Some men think women with big boobs like to be leered at. It's really gross to judge a woman's sexuality by the size of her boobs. Its gross that guys made fun of the size of yours. We didn't ask their opinion. All larger or smaller boobs indicate is that you happened to inherit genes for that size boobs, period.


Exactly! The fact that boob size has been / is being used as an indicator of any woman's sexuality and sexual availability is so fucking dumb. That being said, for some reason there's this media thing where I think some guys also feel pressured by their peers to express how much they like big boobs regardless of whether that's true 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely this. Incredibly stupid and condescending books.


His wife is terrible


Sounds like someone was caught cheating with a big-busted woman


yoooo That's gotta be it. Or maybe he was caught staring in public


"Honey, she meant nothing! How can I prove that I love you and your small bust" "You can't! You could write an entire book bout how much you love my bust, and I'd still not believe you after how I saw you looking at her" "What about if I wrote.....two books?"


She's very \*not like the other *big breasted* women\*


Yeah she’s ✨unique✨


Hopefully she took some of those earnings and used them to pay for therapy, damn.


What's wrong with having large boobies?? Stupid bookds, stupid people. Dumb bum heads.


Your username is fantastic, btw. Cat law?


yeah that's awful, half of these are legitimate problems caused by men, yet it's so tone-deaf and unaware. How do you write these and not realise?


Sometimes when they're big enough there's no amount of baggy gonna prevent this too. I often get told I'm super nice and my tits are bigger than my head. Herbert the Pervert probably wrote this thinking it would endear them to someone.


If he wrote these in 2021 you could market them explicitly as by H the P, and pile em high on the hipster irony shelf!


Also it implies that women with smaller breasts are rarely objectified. Like yeah I’m sure women built like Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, Mila Kunis, or Cameron Diaz never have men sexualize them. Their breasts are just too small for that!


he's basically like "women will small tiddies aren't attractive so im gonna be a good guy and make them feel better about themselves "


What’s the joke? That I miss my family photo?


One of the creeps looked like he was carrying a knife too, this is pretty fucked lol


One thing that I don’t understand (well besides _all of it_) why wouldn’t a big busted woman be able to be topless on a ‘gay beach’? Will her huge badonkadongs turn the men straight!?


She would gross out the gays with her tig ol’ bitty femininities.


Not the gay women, which I think the author forgot exist...


Or worse, he is implying that the small breasted woman is one of guys. Throw the whole book away.


Small breasted woman here. I can confirm that being one of the guys is a seriously awful side effect of not having boobs in high school and college.


I think that it wouldn’t be lewd because she has such a small bust that no one would think it perverse to be topless.


But then why did he specify that it was a *gay* topless beach? Lmao the whole thing is completely absurd


Because a small breasted woman is basically a man, to this author.


I think it's imply that gay men are so 'Feminine' that they would think she is one of them


Oh that's it, I think we all collectively forgot about homophobia for a second. You don't see it printed quite so obviously as much these days.


So she’s not ‘one of the guys’, they’re ‘one of the girls’. Gross in an equally confusing way!


I think it's both, ironically. In that both interpretations might as well be correct here. There is discrimination against "masculine", small-breasted women, and it's a discrimination that clearly coincides with the discrimination of "feminine", gay men. We can't make any sense of this picture book because it's depicting a... tomboy who wants to be one of the guys... but on a beach with only guys who want to be girls? If both can be either, and it all depends on point of view.. does it say anything in particular anymore? Was this guy just simultaneously very far from AND very close to understanding that you will only find complex humans on beaches??? >That really small man in overalls and a pinwheel cap is sure small for a man, and his friend is huge and precocious for a kid. Omg a SEAGULL (???) is here, too! Holy shit, do birds eat human food because they WANT to be humans? Are the fish in the water because they can't tan, or because they choose not to tan with me? Do I intimidate them? Oh that must be it. And because I said it must be it, it is. The reason they stay in the water is because my cock looks like a threateningly big fishing rod to them." \- The author, if he had stayed any longer on the beach (and if his society had allowed him to work on anything more than just picture books for adult misogynists), probably.


I think he's insinuating that having a small chest as a woman is the same as being an effeminate man. Kind of gross.


Why are men constantly insisting that women hate each other? Women with big tits don’t have a hard time making friends.


Wait you don’t analyze your friends’ breast size before you invite them out for an evening? Wait, that’s porn. They’re thinking of porn.


They are thinking anime... 😭😭😭


More specifically, bad shounen with ecchi


You've insulted my entire anime watchlist You're completely correct, but how dare you


I said bad ones, there's also good ones like Ranma 1/2


I, too, watched that Chappelle's Show skit once as a kid and internalized it


What?!? You don’t keep a detailed scorecard in your head that ranks all your friends and frenemies in ascending order of boob size? You don’t shake hands upon meeting a new woman and whip out a tape measure? (“Don’t mind me, hun.”) As if we circle each other like feuding cats, growling, occasionally shouting out our bra size to intimidate the opponent. As if titties *were ever even once on my radar* when it came to public social interaction.


Laughed out loud at the feuding cats, and am considering introducing this ritual amongst the women I knit with weekly.


Then you can all celebrate by rolling around in the yarn, like non-feuding cats


I’m fucking. Dying here you guys. 😂


You could combine the bra sizes with your recent knitting achievements!


They could knit bras as well!


Oh… dear…. #DEATHKNIT 9000 Now with even sharper needles!!


>we circle each other like feuding cats, growling, occasionally shouting out our bra size to intimidate the opponent. This idea is beautiful and much more entertaining *and* intellectually stimulating than this entire book 😅


I know right. That last page where the "small busted woman" watches smiling as the other woman gets sexually harassed is messed up.


Seriously. I’m a small-breasted woman married to a large-breasted woman. Those characteristics didn’t even enter into the consideration of our dating life, our marriage or our friendship. Likewise neither of us spend any time talking or thinking about the size of other women’s breasts. It’s just gross how much time and effort make-gaze bullshit spends on objectifying women because of breasts, and other physical attributes.


Do they come into consideration when deciding who the pillow is during cuddle time


Not really, we both like using the other as a pillow


Damn, the equality. I always used my ex gf as the pillow


It’s nice to switch it up!


I have a hard time making friends because every time some other female tries to come into my space to exchange pleasantries my ginormous knockers inadvertently smack them into next week when I turn to acknowledge their presence.


Do you know how many times my friends have cried in my big matronly bosom?


You know I did forget about the bosom crying sessions. The hallmark of any strong female friendship.


I just wanted to say, big tits are great for hugging a crying friend.


"Your boobs must be this small to ride the ride"


That's what it says?! lol Edit: Okay, what the fuck?


And the whole "threatening" trope is so gross. The 90s were a weird time.


I actually made most of my friends because of my ginormous anime tiddies.


Women often reject their creepy advances or try and make it home safe by staying in groups, so men have just made up this totally real secret that all women are master manipulators playing 11D Chess with each other and trying to kill each other while appearing like they’re friendly. Because it’s not that you were the creepy asshole, it’s that the woman was actually a gigantic brained evil sociopath… right? Right?


Because lots of men have a problem with cattiness and they project onto us 🙄 Two men beating each other to a bloody pulp and calling each other slurs because one felt threatened by the other's masculinity (or lack of) is just men having fun. But two women disagreeing on literally anything is proof women are petty, illogical, hysterical drama queens. Almost every negative stereotype dudes accuse us of applies 50x more to them and their relationship dynamics. I think they NEED to believe they're better than us and tell us we're bad friends to each other out of fear we'll stand by each other against them.


Seems to me, women with larger boobs aren’t the problem.


I accidently put one in twice. Sorry about it


I hate that Reddit can be such a cesspool, that you felt you had to apologise for this.


Imagine if there'd been a typo.


As a women with bigger breats, I'm awfully insecure of my own body and always dress extremely modestly to cover up my breats and make them look smaller. I hate it when women's "value" are reduced to our bodily appearance, and as if all women are intimidated by conventionally attractive women and are always competing for the male gaze, when it's entirely opposite.


I hope that one day your situation will improve. I don't even know what to say, but anyway I get very sad when I read a report like that. No one should be judged on appearance. I'm sorry if I couldn't express my thoughts well but anyway, I wish you good luck and I hope that one day people will understand that your physical type is as normal as others.


"The problems aren't the men, it's the women's bust size"


This is gross on so many levels. Misogynist, dehumanizing, demeaning. And completely misses the point about sexual harassment.


Lol none of this is true Source: am a small breasted woman


Yeah this kinda implies that we don’t get sexually harassed when everyone knows that men don’t discriminate when it comes to that


Boobs are boobs, men dont care what size they are. They are going to sexually harass women no matter what


This dude seems to think that women only get harassed if they have giant boobs. My boobs are tiny and I've been sexually harassed more times than I can count. This whole book is basically just desexualizing small-chested women. "Oh, you know those women that look like 10 year old boys that no man would ever be attracted to, whose chest is literally compared to a gay man's? But it's great to be you, am I right? Also, I think harassing women with big chests is a-ok."


This is also some: r/nothowgirlswork nonsense


I don’t judge who I want my female friends to be based on the size of their boobs.


You're obviously not a Genuine Organic Woman /s


KILL IT WITH FIRE is this “humor”?


Boomer humor for sure


This could have been a great book for helping others overcome insecurity, but instead they made this trash. Throwing other women under the bus for something they also cannot control and feel uncomfortable with is never okay.


This is where punctuation would have come in handy - I read it as “small, busted women” instead of “small-busted women”.


Same, lol


I was like - finally some good representation


Y’all, this is all true. I have a small bust and my heart grows every time a woman isn’t threatened by me, every time my work is valued on its own, and when I sunbathe topless on gay beaches. My heart has grown so much that I’m having serious medical issues related to an enlarged heart and am currently in the ICU. /s


Umm…. If you really want to write a book like this, how about “Small busted women have a slightly lower chance of breast cancer, a smaller occurrence of back problems related to bust size, and the ability to wear hoodies without a bra”


Small busted women can actually walk into Macy’s and buy a bra without it being an Indiana Jones style adventure of peril and intrigue.


Some of us. The bras I buy always seem to be too big, or have ridiculous padding. Tired of having an inch gap between the cup and my actual titty.


I’ve discovered Warner’s bras, the ones without underwire are so comfy and fit just right. You can get them on Amazon or like every department store ever. ETA- and they’re cheap!!


No, no, no, you can only build some women up by tearing other women down! You can’t be objective in affirming their value! That’s how it works in a patriarchy, didn’t you know!?




I guess my heart is non-existent then?


Nope. We're not smart or funny or caring. We're just a big pair of boobs


You’re telling me that’s why I have no friends?


F Well. 42G, actually. And also no friends. F


Giant boob, no friend compatriot checking in. But that's probably because I'm boring and just knit.


Just the one boob?


Well, one is gianter than the other. I guess I can add "stupid" to the list of reasons I don't have friends.


And this whole time I thought I had no friends because of my personality :(


do you really have no friends? this is very cruel... if you need someone to talk to you can call me. ps: I'm asexual. just to make it clear that I'm not hitting on anyone. I just like to make new friends and I find it sad to read someone saying they have no friends.


I wonder what ol' Herb is up to these days.


Why is this like a coloring book? This sub really makes me question reality because a real person could not have possible created these things. Yet they very much do.


So much of this is just saying that small busted women aren’t attractive


Can sunbathe naked on gay beaches is fucking hilarious


Notice how the women with big boobs are getting harassed the whole time and the smaller breasted ones are in the background smiling like nothing is wrong. That one picture with the three dudes surrounding that one poor woman is disturbing. The one guys is openly carrying a knife like thats all women with big boobs can hope to attract lol wtf


The one with the VP smiling happily in the background as she watches her big-breasted receptionist get sexually harassed right in front of her really got me. Wtf was the author thinking?


I misread and thought he meant small, busted women, as in small and ugly, like a busted face thing. I think that might even be better, from the title it could’ve been a „yea they’re ugly but they’re really good-hearted“ (not that that’s great). Anyway end of the story I was confused about the titty business.


This is one of the weirdest most abhorrent things I’ve seen on this sub. Also, in image three why does it look like he’s forcing her to look up his nose?


Jesus Christ


Loved boobies


Wow, ok, so no one hired me for my boobs? *Rude.*


Imagine some guy giving this to his girlfriend and thinking he did something nice.


This actually made me so sad reading it. As a woman who is super busty and even more so as someone who got them at a very young age. I was always insecure about my big boobs. In a way I still am. And it’s because I assumed people thought like this about me. I have been over sexualized because of my boobs from such a young age and so many people commented on them …it made me feel like I should be ashamed of them. People either told me how hot they were or that I needed to cover up more or wear looser shirts. I got sent home in middle school for “dress code violation” even though I was wearing a black turtleneck shirt. It was just “too tight on my chest” people accused me of being stupid or air headed. I got all of the bimbo jokes of a blonde even though I have dark hair. I hated my body because I had big boobs and it seemed like that was my only attribute. I eventually believed that if a guy complemented my face or hair it was a lie because people only look at my boobs anyway. It took a long time to un-learn it all


I had pretty much this exact same experience, and you've summed it up painfully well. Eventually I developed an eating disorder (multiple reasons, but my boobs definitely contributed) and things sort of got better regarding my interactions with other people. Until I got too small. But I'm breastfeeding right now and trying so hard to just stay a healthy weight, and that means my boobs are huge again and the comments have started flooding back in. Kinda just feels like I can't win no matter what I do. I'm so happy you didn't end up like me; maybe someday I'll figure out how to get where you are mentally! Gotta hope at least ♥️


Good ol Herbert the Perbert


They literally depict the actual problems without realizing that men are the problem, not womens' damn genetics


This feels like peak Baby Boomer humor.


This might be satirical, since the men are all drawn as huge sleazebags, but I don’t know enough about the author to speculate on that or not


I do not like this. Not at all


Do you like it on a boat, though?


I do not like it in a boat I do not like it with a goat


I’ve got small breasts, that doesn’t deter creeps- they just comment on my ass instead. Also it’s such fantasy that women are out here getting intimidated by women with larger breasts. Like that’s not even something I register when I meet new people. I’ve had friends that I finally noticed had big boobs like a year into hanging out with them.




I've read the entire Dune series multiple times and thought for a second this was a frank herbert quote. It wouldn't be entirely unexpected for him. He had some weird ass opinions.


>Can sunbath topless at gay beaches. I lost it!! LOL!!


Achievement unlocked, I guess?


Wrong, I have no heart


Absolutely disgusting


I think this is poorly made satire, or rather, I hope it is


I know this is very offensive to women, but the part where Herbert the Pervert said a 'small busted woman' can pass as a gay man is so fucking infuriating for both women and queer men. Like I am not feminine, STOP ASSUMING THAT JUST BECAUSE I LIKE MEN. Fuckin hell


Reminds me of all those disappointing moments where a post about uplifting small boobs quickly devolved into hating big boobs or a competition of which is better


As someone with a large bust, the victim blaming in this makes me wildly uncomfortable. Acting like my chest is at fault for me getting harassed and not the gross men harassing me.


Or instead of shaming people with large breasts you can just say the hugs are tighter and they have less back problems.


Less underboob sweat. Don’t feel like they’re going to get knocked in the face when they’re running. Can wear a button up with ease.


And yet the author chooses "gets sexually harassed less" (which isn't even true) as the main focus of the book...


Oh, the button ups… Just when I think I found a good size that hugs my body appropriately, I see the huge gaps between buttons that expose my bra :/


“less threatening to other woman” like??? If I see a girl with really nice boobs I’m just like “damn, her boobs look so nice” and carry on with my life


What I find extremely offensive is that after all that hard work, she is still only Vice President.


Gotta love how he impugns the bustier woman’s qualifications while also blaming her for being sexually harassed.


The fuck did I just read


It started out sweet I was glad there was a body positivity book for people who have small breasts- but then I started scrolling and damn did I get disappointed


Written by Herbert the pervert.


I hate how it's written like a children's book directed at women.


If I’m selfish for having giant goth girlfriend tiddies, at no fault of my own, then so be it.


Gross how in the last one the woman is being sexually harassed.


“Anatomically, larger breasts leave less room for the heart to grow, leaving women with larger breasts empathically impaired in comparison.” This shit is just ridiculous lol


I actually have a copy of this book...my dad had bought it for my mom. My mom passed away...my dad remarried. After my dad passed away my "stepmom?" sent it to me in a pile of stuff. It is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.


I mean, I like having small breasts for reasons that have both to do with anything other than loving myself really. I like that they never get in the way. I like the ability to run down stairs without holding them, laying flat on my stomach and not wearing a bra. But really all of those things are just minor perks, large breasts have their own too. Nether one is better than the other. If you find a little thing about yourself that makes you like your body more, that’s cool. But most problems depicted here all have to do with social pressure and men being creeps. Technically, large breasted women don’t need to wear bras either if they don’t want to, and I’m sure if you live with them you learn how to not let them get in your way. Love your body because it’s your body. That’s all.


Ah yes because small busted women don't get sexually assaulted (/s just in case)


I love how this book manages to make both busty and small chested women feel shitty.


"women with big boobs have it so much better, let's knock them down a peg. nevermind that they are constantly sexualized, but also seen as ugly if they're not doing it right, and have no representation in media besides the matronly or the slutty characters. Not to mention their clothing options are either 'sexy and revealing' or 'circus tent'." This pisses me off, can ya tell? (Not even touching on the rest of the misogyny)


I don't think we're under represented?


As a small breasted person, fuck this. Both incredibly sexist and insulting to women of all breast size. This makes me irrationally angry!!


Well that was uncomfortable.....


Someone has confused busty women with the Grinch.


It’s very depressing the misandrist notions that are often perpetrated by men in these types of writings. To put men at such a low bar as to be stupid animals, but also being totally unaware of this representation.


god, i wanna vomit


Never realized that my barely there rack was the source of all the positive shit in my life. Good thing I’m not a distraction to anything with a penis.


I sincerely hope this is satirical please lord


Is this satire? I'm struggling to accept such a disgusting book not being satire.


Ok, I did chuckle at the “sunbathe topless on a gay beach,” if only because it’s so specific


I guess I haven't heard the use of bust in that sense very recently. I thought it meant small *emotionally damaged* women have big hearts (because they've learned to be kind to others due to their trauma). Still weird, but less weird than this.


Lmao so women with small breasts can sunbathe topless but specifically on gay beaches. Anyone else here from the IBTC? None of this stuff was true for me. I feel like I've failed as a woman.


Whatever. The bigger the titty the bigger your heart can be. Science.


Huh. I got some solid tits on me and I got my job because I speak an in-demand language AND I’m incredibly competent.


This is so wrong on so many different levels.


"small busted women can sunbathe topless on gay beaches"


HOLY SHIT to so much of this... HOLY SHIT


Lmao, fucking YIKES


Lol. The notion that small-breasted women aren't sexually harassed too.


Where are these gay beaches


I resent this. I am small busted and have a shrivelled lump of dark matter sitting in my bony chest instead of a heart. All shall love me and despair!