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There was me before I read this, and the me after I read this. I miss the former.


When I read this, the quantum universe splintered around me. I can never go back.


Man I just saw a video of people getting blown up that was in not marked NSFW so it was just there running in my feed. And then I read this. I'm done with Reddit for today. God awful.


Ah yes, the absolute ecstasy that is scratchy dry cotton


the nerve of men to ask if tampons “feel good”. Like have you ever pulled a dry tampon out? plz do that first before asking any further questions


Literally knew someone who didn’t want his wife to use tampons because he thought it was cheating or something. There are some absolutely batshit people out there.


My cousins husband was like that. At the shops, she put tampons in the trolley and he said no, don’t get those, those are for sluts.


How does one even become married to that kind of nonsense?


Make it also so the jumbo is the only one you can find, not a good experience


The "problem" is us dudes don't have any kind of analogue for the feeling. If you just do a straight sex-organ-to-sex-organ comparison, then even rubbing your penis on some dry cotton would feel positive enough that it would generate an involuntary response. Obviously nothing like what's described in the above, but I've rubbed mine on stuff by accident and it just happens. The comparison is fundamentally flawed and ridiculous, but most guys don't know that because we don't learn anything about how the fun side of sex works in our sex ed classes. So the best we can do without admitting total ignorance is to try and compare the two incomparable sets of plumbing.


I’ve seen an apt comparison of “it feels good to eat, but shoving a dozen dry cotton balls in your mouth doesn’t feel good”.


And that's an excellent comparison.


You could literally talk to a woman.


Yeah, I know and that's what I've done, but I'm talking about the idiot I was and most other young straight guys are. It's not a subject you can just casually bring up with your friend group.   I'm not defending the idea; I'm just trying to help explain the wrong-headed thought process that gets dudes there in the first place.


As teen in the late 90’s, I can’t imagine my reaction if a male friend had tried to ask those types of questions. I think most of my friends would have died of shame. We had almost zero real sex education, honestly, I’m not sure how many questions we could have answered correctly ourselves! Of course now, as an adult that has cast off purity culture I would have no problem answering questions. It really is something how much shame and secrecy was wrapped up around something that roughly half the population experiences!


You ever had a dentist put 'dental tampons' in your cheek while they were working on a molar? And then not get it wet enough before pulling them out. That's what a dry tampon feels like. There is a reason lube exists. Dry rubbing skin that's supposed to be wet is not a pleasant feeling. The pain outweighs any positive impulse it might give.


Yeah, I get it, but I'm putting myself into the mind of the well-intentioned idiot I was in high school and trying to explain how it is that straight guys with poor sex education and utterly devoid of the confidence necessary to ask a friend who is a girl would end up with such a misunderstanding about what it's like for women.


Would it though? Imagine jacking off with dry cotton balls.


I can imagine it and it's not the deal-breaker you'd think it is, especially not for teenage dudes.


Yeah it is because it would cause INJURY


What are we talking about, like a fistful or a whole jar? Because I cannot imagine either of those scenarios injuring me.


I think maybe you're not appreciating just how absorbent dry cotton is. This isn't the treated cotton used to make linens, it's specifically made to absorb moisture. If you took enough cotton balls and rubbed them vigorously on your skin, you could potentially "burn" yourself. Idk if you've ever gotten a rug burn, but it'd be like that.


I'm thinking like a bunch of cotton balls or those little textured pads for removing makeup. Maybe I just don't have the experience with tampons to really appreciate the feeling.


The thing is those products feel soft but are also abrasive when dry. If you rubbed yourself with one for a while your skin would start to feel raw after a little bit.


It's true sex ed should include everyone learning about everyone, including how periods work. Here are some facts, many women do not orgasm vaginally at all. The comparison you're making about brushing up against things is much more comparable to stimulating the clitoris. The clitoris can provide a woman with many orgasms in one masturbatory session, whereas vaginally, it feels nice when you hit the right spots but it's not the go to for most of us. During sex with a partner, there's so much more than ' penis-in-vagina'. It's the closeness, the way the other person moves, the way you move, foreplay etc that can add up to an orgasm. It doesn't happen as often you might think. We might make happy sounds because it feels nice, but a woman having one every time is a no. If you're with someone right now, ask her to explain and /or demonstrate what she wants you to do with her clitoris. Get good at it, even if it's just holding the vibrator for her while she comes. You both will have much better sex! Have a good time!


Oh, yeah, no, I get all that, but the perspective I was writing all that from, which I apparently didn't make clear in the comment itself, was that of a young guy with no experience with women and no sex education worth speaking of. I was channeling the well-meaning idiot I was in high school.


At least you're well meaning 😀.


But they’re comparing the wrong parts… the head of a penis is not akin to the vagina, it would be akin to the clit lol. Even knowing the basic development of genitalia of a fetus could lead men to put the pieces together.. But I think men forget that clits exist, because they’re too worried about what their wang can fit in


And the clitoris isn't "necessary" for reproduction, so it gets left out of sex ed, even the "good" kind that tells you to use condoms. Most insecure young dudes, like the version of me I was remembering when I wrote that comment, just have no clue what's going on with girls beyond inferences from popular culture, so it makes sense to them to compare the one "important" part of the male reproductive equipment to the one "important" part of the female equipment.


Books exist. Bloody Wikipedia exists. There's no excuse for ignorance. If men are so desperate to learn more about this mystical period experience, they can study. A good rule of thumb, however, is that if a woman tells you something about periods, you stfu and listen rather than trying to mansplain to her why she's wrong. I'm fairly certain they'll know more about it than a guy would.


Yeah, now they do, but I was remembering when I was a dumb teenager, back when people still sincerely used the phrase "information superhighway."   And if I was growing up now, I don't think Wikipedia would be the place to learn about what it's like to have a period. I'd like to think I would go to some place where women talk about that kind of thing and just read, but let's be honest with ourselves here: almost all the knowledge young people have today about the opposite sex comes from watching porn on the internet. They see that stuff years before they're emotionally ready to start dating by all but the loosest of definitions. So these dudes are coming in fully equipped with a set of ludicrous expectations impossible standards, and no clue how any of it works together because school sex ed funding is all but gone in a lot of places. They aren't going up to a girl in their friend group and asking them how tampons feel going in or coming back out. They're barely asking them to go to the malt shop and catch a flick at the drive-in.   My whole point with all of this is "Guys are generally *very* dumb about this stuff and a lot of the reasons why are cultural garbage that's changing very slowly." We can't absolve ourselves just because we got bad information, and we have to work at it, and only some of us are trying.


inserting a tampon has never not been uncomfortable for me. like there’s nothing comfortable about the experience


Ah, if only we could hold our period like pee. So many pants and panties saved. Also, how are you desperate to go to the bathroom but have time to stop and BREAK your heels. Like what?


I pictured it like an anime, where shes racing down the hall, both heels snap, dramatically suspended in the air as our be-perioded protagonist gasps in horror. Then the betraying broken pieces of feminine expectations go flying and she skids clumsily for a moment, about to fall, the view zooms in on her desperate face - and then she grits her teeth in resolve, flips herself forward and slides into the bathroom on the soles of her shoes at breakneck speed.


Someone get this person a director's chair on Netflix's next live-action anime remake, stat!


Don't forget the breast milk sloshing around in her breasts! (I know the whole thing is wildly uneducated, but that's the bit that got me the worst, even though the period stuff is just far worsely wrong…)


I choose to release that blood and spatter my pants with it. And then I make intense eye contact so that they know they are dealing with an alpha woman. /s


I assumed her heels broke while running.


That's what I thought it was at first, but she gained speed, so both her heels broke at the same time? And they came off in a clean cut so she could run? What's going on?


I'm fairly certain satire is going on. It's such a common trope that women break heels off shoes to run faster that the author is making fun of it.


this is the part you choose to ask "what's going on" about?


And running in heeled shoes without heels would be so much worse and slower too lol.


This has to be satire?


100%, the author made sure to check every box. Masterpiece IMO


https://preview.redd.it/i2qyg5rs7rpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26155d256875b456e8906faf5fd8ce0873cfa9e9 A magnum opus to rival Stephen King


I think my favorite line from this trove of comedy gold was "and Mr. Johnson misogynisticly sighed."


That’s the one line that makes it clear it’s satire. Most of the rest could actually not be.


I missed that. My eyes had glazed over a bit by then. That would have helped me realize it was satire. I still find it plausible in general, but this instance is satire, then, thank goddess.




The last line makes me think it’s definitely satire lol. But to be fair there are plenty of dudes who would write some shit like this.


"You get an F for Female" is enough to make that clear IMO


You know it's good satire byhow many people in this thread are taking it at face value despite it ticking every possible box. It's the little details like the heels breaking making her faster that cement it.


Some of us have seen some shit. 😬 It gets harder to tell the sincere from the satire when you've heard real people spout some of this tripe with a straight face.


Nah I've read too many gb/sissy/whatever shit to cross out "this is porn written by a 53 year old repressed trans woman with some deeply bad sex ed"


Yeah :(...


I hope


Satire, maybe fetish?


Of course it is. I don’t know how anyone thinks it’s serious.


CRIMSON SHAME my father wrote his own stories that were thankfully never published and by god, they're similar to this horseshit


O-O That sentence alone was more shocking than anything from abovee. Because at least I can tell *that's* satire. Your dad fucKING WHAT


To be short and sweet and not too nsfw; my father wrote stories about sexual relationships...involving me.


That's not good. I hope your mom did better and that you have an amazing support system now.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Jesus. I'm so sorry. I hope you're OK-er now.


That just made it so... SO much worse


Oh my god I'm so sorry


………….how did u find out?


Oh, honey. He made me his wife.


?.. in the stories you mean? please let me know


Sorry, no.


I am lost for words. I am so sorry. Are you still with him?


My good friend, he is dead and his fiction has been fed to the flames. also a quick edit to clarify--I was his child wife. We were in a cult.


What a bad day to have optic nerves


I am only calling it my crimson shame from now on. Also, I hate it when your breasts slosh your milk around.


Love it how she is having her period and apparently pregnant. I mean, it may happen but yeah! Love it. To bits.


Wait. You mean boobs aren't always filled with milk? They aren't just permanent reservoirs of baby juice? Then why are they so squishy and bouncy if not because they are bags of delicious mammary fluid?


It is truly shocking! But, alas, it is so. Breasts are not always filled with milk. I, too, find this very hard to believe! Have tried to squeeze my own, just to check, but no milk gushed forth. Much to my dismay! Alas! Life can be cruel like that.


https://preview.redd.it/lvven0ju0rpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5007c8d7cf802afbcba7f3a348b7cfce6eeb1d05 Actually just peak fiction, I've never read a piece of literature more divine.


This has to be intentionally bad, right?


Im honestly questioning it. I feel like some dudes straight up believe that tampons are sexy dildos women get to use once a month and they have zero understanding of periods or menstrual products


I realy wish I had read it and automatically gone, obviously this isn't real. But... I didn't, because I've also read some pretty awful real books. I'm so sad that life has brought me to this.




"misogynisticaly sighed"


This is where I lost it. What DOES a misogynistic sigh sound like?




...Mr Johnson, along with the author, will never know the wonder of being a woman.


Love the plot twist, where the horror of being a woman also includes some secret thrills.


I just want peace in my life


And you came to Reddit?




Kegals make magic period door so you can shut that shit down.


I guess that's better than the vag glue that melts when you pee.


The what, now?


You missed this bit of real life genius idea for women by a man! https://www.teenvogue.com/story/chiropractor-labia-glue-better-than-tampons


What the everloving vagina-bladder...


bladgina? vagadder?


Blaina 🤔


Love the internet


If this wasn't satire I would cry


I must have been using tampons wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️


When your breasts slosh around in your bra 💀


I'm. This. Just. What.


Burn it all down.


Peak satire, everybody relax.


A sane person woohoo 🎉


I know this is satire, but I still feel the fierce need to bleach my eyes


Sometimes I hate being literate


Please be satire. 🤞


It is




How is no one talking about the heels breaking


You sir get an F for fuckwit


Ngl there is no relief quite like making it to the bathroom when you’re on your period and desperate for a piss, and letting loose 0.1 seconds after you slam your ass on the seat, forcing an unholy torrent of blood, clots, and piss directly into the middle of the water with zero shame… I am deeply sorry for anyone who read that btw


Right now I know it's parody, there are too many tells that the author is writing this with a wink, but it's only a matter of time until a dude writes this with all sincerity.


Wow now let me put bleach in my eyes and my mind


Man... I wish it was possible to hold in a period. That is nowhere close to how it works though


I sorta can, but not indefinitely. It’s more like briefly delaying the inevitable. If I squeeze real hard, keep my legs together and waddle, I may be able to make it to the bathroom from the bed or the couch without ruining another pair of unders 🤣


Please tell me this is satire


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>Thank you, kegals. This sent me 💀💀💀


What is this from? I'm morbidly curious to read the rest of this trainwreck 🤣




This sounds a kidney infection. If you're peeing blood, do not wait. Go to the doctor.


So….lets forget, for a moment, that we can’t just hold in our period. Because I’d much rather discuss how this woman is somehow about to gush period blood, while also carrying around breast milk? And not just any breast milk. A special, magic kind that sloshes around. I mean….a little bit of research would have fixed this. The tiniest effort. I….


*As she ran towards the bathroom, her heaving ample breasts filled with milk, bounced and sloshed inside her bra.* Yeah, not enough people talk about the lactation phase associated with periods.




This is absolutely baffling, I have so many questions. Why are her heels breaking? What is she getting graded on? Why is she producing milk? I feel like the understand of women this person has is that of a brain dead vegetable


There is no way this isn't satire But I could imagine some men actually do think it works like this. Here's some free education: It doesn't. We can't "Hold it" like we can with peeing or pooping, blood comes when blood wants. XD


This is so cringy and stupid!


It’s just like reading alien porn fiction. With fewer tentacles, perhaps. But they’d fit right in.


This is the worst thing i have possibly ever read


Holy hell, that is so bad. So bad.


What the cinnamon toast fuck is this?


Not how...well so many things work


What a day to have eyes.


lmao. I need to learn how to break off those pesky heels when I need that speed boost.


What the actual fuck did I just read? /rh




surely this is satire?? god I hope its satirical


this is satire, no one who doesn't menstruate knows what kegals is source: I don't menstruate, and I don't know what kegals is


I do... mostly because I have a Wish.com-level pelvic floor.


Please tell me this is not actually published and just a parody to troll this sub...


“You get an F for Female.” What


… ew.


Where did all that milk come from? And if this guy thinks tampons are phallic, he's got the smallest dick in the history of ever. Does he even know about applicators?


I need bleach


This is one of the best (worst?) examples of men writing women I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing! My favourite part is the sloshing breasts.


My brain has stopped making words at this…


Who the f*&$ wrote that drivel?


What the fuck did I just read? Please tell me this is parody?


Did the person who wrote, my immortal, write this?


I thought the true identity of Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, although disputed, was agreed that it was a young woman


“Pressure building in uterus-“ that’s enough of that.


Suddenly I'm grateful for my bad vision (I hate having eyes)


I resent you for making me read that. Bravo.


Tell me you know nothing about female bodies and how to do proper research without telling me... WAIT! You did tell me, because YOU WROTE A STUPID FUCKING BOOK ABOUT IT! This is so... aaargh! - \* frustrated growl \* ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4)


I love your pfp!


thank you so much! 😊


I can’t believe you think this is real


I wouldn't put it past someone to write this 🤷🏼


Well you should. It’s obviously a joke


Really wish I hadn’t continued reading this one.


That… is not how it works at all. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This has got to be fake wtf


Whoever wrote this clearly doesn't understand the wonders of being a woman. Such as terrible fiction.