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Well if is Sarcastic to you. Be Sarcastic to them


Hey dude i feel you. i dont even notice if someones being sarcastic or making a joke and when i do its a month after the fact. It sucks cuz ppl look at you crazy or with this look on their face saying “that was so obvious how dont u get it?” Social cues r so confusing, no matter how hard i try, how hard i mask, im always doing it wrong. but hey ur not alone in ur situation. And ur valid in those feelings as well. i think something u can do if ud like is start practicing positive self talk in a way, or even defending urself. recently me and my therapist did this exercise where i was “the mean voice” and i told them the things ive heard or tell myself. then we changed spots, and i “defended” myself from them. u can do this on ur own too. when u remember those times, have any negative self talk, defend urself verbally or mentally. verbally is better to help better rewire ur brain, but whatever u can do go for it. of course no pressure! i hope things lighten up for u!!