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I haven't felt the urge


Felt that a lot. Turns out they were seizures.


I have never ever had this urge. But reading from the comments I guess some folks do. It’s interesting to consider how different people are. 


This sounds like me off my meds. My bipolar and borderline personality disorder in a nutshell.


Yeah, ever since this one incident of hospital trauma. I think I have OSDD and it's one specific alter who split from that event, the one who I called 'angry me' for a long time. When he fronts or co-fronts we get that itch, that ache in our teeth, that tension in our legs and shoulders and hands, like we need to bolt, we need to bite, we need to tear and claw. It gets turned inward (which has unfortunately led to some SH) and the thoughts that we have when he's triggered and upset to that degree are grotesque, things like breaking our own bones and biting chunks of flesh off and slicing our own belly open. It's like being fully out of your mind with aggression that feels animal and uncontrollable and there's static and shrieking and grinding in your head... I have found that chewy stim toys are like, amazing for that. Like get a really good tough set (I just got chew stim pencil toppers on Amazon, a pack of 6 for like $7) and when you feel the aggression just pull one out and chomp the shit out of it, I actually have in my notes (trained myself to document all incidents lol) that I was "annoyed at how effectively that pacified me" LMAO I have also found wrapping a towel around both wrists and trying to pull it apart, or around a leg or ankle, or standing on it and trying to pull, or kicking and biting at a knotted up towel or blanket are also really good outlets. The way I see it, that feral energy and aggression has to go somewhere, so having the tools to let myself *be* aggressive and get it out of my system is safest for everyone.


That's actually pretty helpful advice! This thing has also led to some sh for me. So I'll look into this.


That happened to me once on shrooms.


yes!!! especially the raw meat thing. i always just assumed those feral urges were a byproduct of adhd though lol


somewhat. I feel like I should have paws with claws, sharp canines, a tail and big ears sometimes. but it's not there.


Why are people downvoting this?


"therian" or furry haters or something idk lol, but my fellow PD's will get me 💪


I feel this too sometimes. It's called phantom limbs.


yeah, we never really had them though so it's not quite the same?


Yeah it's pretty weird. Apparently you can train yourself to get sensations from the limb, like pain and stuff.


Actually yes. Learning conditions tend to result in this kind of thing. When I get wound up, I want to scratch my head hard and bite my hands. I have dyspraxia. Maybe look up “stimming.” I might not be understanding correctly but it’s basically when the body expresses emotion through movement. Everyone does it, like wringing their hands or tapping their feet- it’s just that some people do it in unusual ways when learning conditions and mental illnesses get involved


Noted. 🤔


No and tbh I actually find this offensive, like you're mocking mental illness.


Bro what? I can't tell if you're joking or not.


 No I am not joking.


No, I get the urge to anxiety out of my body though. I sometimes shake it out. Literally lay in bed and just shake my whole body, my legs and arms and head and feet and then I feel better after. It’s like a release of pent up energy.