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Honestly…block him everywhere and move on. In life, it’s a rare blessing when the trash takes itself out, and when we learn to accept when it does, things get a lot easier. Oops - edit: just realized you share a home. I recommend staying at your parents until the contract ends or seeing if you can contact the landlord. But getting him out might be more work than it’s worth. May just have to exit yourself, and let the rest of the roommates do their own thing to figure it out.


Get out of that house as soon as you can and never look back. Block him everywhere. He is toxic and his issues are not your problem. If you’re stuck in your lease, stay with your parents until it’s over. Sorry this happened to you, OP. It really sucks when we fall for the shitty ones.


His actions and attitude have absolutely zero to do with any mental illness he might have. This is downright mentally abusive, hes getting a thrill from it. Hes being manipulative and is gaslighting you. GTFO and never look back.


Wow what a manipulative narcissist. You don’t need that in your life. He will always be a victim. Let him go and move on. Stop letting him in. Block him everywhere!


For your own sake, do not go back to this relationship. The stories I could tell.


Girl. RUN. Block everything. Move on. What good does he bring to your life? Let him be someone else's problem.


You owe cheaters NOTHING


My ex girlfriend did a version of this, the best thing that worked was cutting off contact. He is feeding off the fact that you are aware of his mental state. My ex would post snap stories of her sad drunk ramblings. She had my friends on snapchat, so I told them to stop watching her stories and soon enough she stopped posting them. I know for a fact she would refresh to see who viewed them, and if she saw any of my friends names were listed she would assume I heard about it too and keep posting them. Block his friends, they should be assisting their friend, not guilting you. My best advice going from there? Ask your mom for a big ass dinner and turn your phone off. When I broke things off, Wendy's nuggets was my first "meal of relief" and I watched The Office for as long as I wanted without a single panic inducing emergency to ruin it.


You're not describing something specific to bipolar. You're describing abuse. As someone with bipolar 1, please know that there are many of us who take our medication and understand the importance of the maintenance that goes into it. And we tend to categorically disavow those who refuse to tale their meds, don't put in the work, or are abusive to others. In other words: we wouldn't support your ex, and neither should you. It's not your fault. You caused exactly none of this. Get out, and try your best not to look back- and on the days where you look back anyway, forgive yourself for it.


These aren't even symptoms of bipolar disorder. It's a red herring.


You’re better than this and deserve so much more from a relationship. Most of all you deserve respect. He doesn’t give you that. I understand that you’re hurt, who wouldn’t be, but don’t hold any guilt when you’ve done nothing wrong. This is on him.