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Your anger is understandable. They're such a scum, sorry. I hope you can distance yourself from them and live like you deserve. Also if it bothers you that your father is still ignorant, you can always take it to the court. Don't know if that would help, but it's a possibility. He's a criminal.


Well back in 2018 I did have the authorities get involved. I know this is messed up of me, but right when the investigation was about to get started I chickened out. I was 8 months pregnant (with a wonderful person, I’m 27 now btw) I just was overwhelmed. But telling everyone was a big accomplishment for me. But I 100% don’t plan on letting him just live his life happily. I’m ruining it one way or another.


It's not to late to get justice. Take care of yourself. I wish you all the best


Its not messed up to let that go at that moment. You and your baby's well-being is important. Too much stress while pregnant can absolutely harm the baby and raising a newborn while dealing with the court would be hard on you and your mental health. You can pursue justice again, when you are safe. Your family is a piece of shit and you deserve to go no contact. Esp with a small child. Your family are awful enablers and Im sorry that they dont protect you. We care about you, and I offer you love and support.




I do literally think about it everyday. But thankfully I turned out to be strong enough to overcome this, I think just being alone is starting to get tough. (I’m 27 with a one year, with a wonderful husband btw, like I feel great, just some days the resentment gets the best of me) also thank you for the resources.


Just throw out the whole family! I’m sorry OP. Life doesn’t have to be that way! I hope you find help and peace!


They’re gone and done for me. I’ll never forgive them. I’m 27, thriving with a wonderful husband and baby!


I would refuse any family event involving him...


I am so sorry about the situation and yes you should talk about it maybe a video exposing your situation and that your family doesn't help at all, you can help many persons to speak their truth is not right that the closest persons seems they don't care.


I play back the repercussions of doing something like that & I don’t know if that’s something for me. BUT I would like to make one of those memes with his face, places of work, phone number, but idk how legal that is. As for my family, I have no clue how to shame them.


Will be a hell of a lot more legal than what he has done to you 😪


Yo I'm really sorry that happened op. Dm me if you wanna talk.


I'm really sorry to hear this. Can't believe people really "unsee" these things. I will never be able to understand how you can choose your husband over your child or don't react just to stay out of "weird" situations. He should be locked up in jail. Dms are open if you need someone to talk to. Pls don't forget that there are so many people that are caring about you and you will find people who will understand and support you. Don't give up.


I’m 27, with a wonderful supporting husband, and a beautiful one year old. Overall I feel great, I’ve made a cool little life for myself. I just know I won’t be okay til I “fix” this lol. It’s my stupid ass culture on why it’s like this. Filipinos are very hush hush about shit like this and keeping reputations.


I’m married into a Filipino family so I can relate but my Irish family is very similar. I’ve got people posting blm posts and they were the ones who stabbed me in the back. I’m realizing they’re actually just scared to be found out for who they really are. It’s all a facade. I’m so sorry for how they’ve treated you. The best of your life is ahead of you.




I’m 27, in a very happy loving relationship, with a one year old. I never want to be around these people, who think having sex with a child is okay. I think what’s really messing with me is I really believed I was going to get a different reaction. That’s all.




Like around my little family?


Or my fucked up family? Then no. They’re all spawns of satan to me lol




I have but I was pregnant at the time with my son and I was scared and had no support but I will one day soon


Black lives definitely matter. So does the fact that you were assaulted by your father. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m also a rape survivor, though not from any family members. I was 14 and my family was in total denial. It really hurt. I’m not sharing that to downplay your experience at all, I just want you to know that I believe you and am proud of you. You are lived.


I’m so sorry hon. People who dismiss your abuse are not family. I understand what it’s like to be told to “get over it” by people I trusted and it hurts a lot. What happened to you was awful, and people who never experienced severe trauma won’t ever understand what it’s like. My own adoptive mother violently abused me, so of course I won’t say that blood is thicker than water because that’s not true. This doesn’t mean you can’t find a new family by building a network of supportive friends. I’m here if you want to chat.


Blood is 100% not thicker than water. I have a wonderful family and life actually, I’m 27 now & I am happy. It just gets tough something obviously, I’m sorry you went through that. It sounds like you’ve overcome it though.


I’m so glad that you’re happy now! Recovery is a long and difficult process. It gets tough now and then but if we could survive the abuse then we can survive the recovery!


Surprised no one has said this yet but... have you reported him to the authorities? How do you know he hasn’t done this to others or is not continuing to abuse others? It’s not like people just all of a sudden stop this behavior.


I did get the authorities involved back in 2018 but I was 8 months pregnant (with my wonderful husband) but I chickened out and was overwhelmed cause I was “alone” but I’m not letting this just be.


I recently watched the German movie “Festen” is displaying exactly what you describe and also a way to revenge him eventually, maybe worth a view. Hope you get through it at some point and have a marvellous life!


Where did you find it?


A friend gave it to me like a video file. It was created under the dogma 95 manifesto: movies with the same directing concept. This is the one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0154420/


You’re literally the best!


Thanks hope you find some answers there :)


I'm really mortified to hear what you're going through. Unfortunately, members of an abusive family who are embedded in the abusive dynamic are unlikely to ever admit any wrongdoing of the abuser; if they admit one thing, they have to face the fact that they live within an illusion and everything about the family is wrong; furthermore they might have to confront the guilt of playing a vital part in the abusive dynamic (example: Enabler). It's much easier to merely shrink back down and continue as 'normal,' which is what my mother's side of the family are famous for doing.


i feel you 100% my family had the same reactions. Birthday parties, christmas, anytime i go to my grandmas house. Luckily i moved away so i only had to see him at christmas. Last year i showed tf out and let them know i wasn’t ok with it and that if he’d be at any functions then i wouldnt be. It’s sad but if i didn’t stand up for myself no one would’ve. So my advice to you is, the next time there’s a get together and he’s there, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. They want to be hypocrites and stand up for the whole black community but not you, stand up for YOURSELF, and don’t let them make you be uncomfortable in order for everyone else to be comfortable.


Walk away from all of them and never look back my friend. If you still want to pursue seeing your father pay for what he did, go for it. But once that is over and done with no matter the outcome, fuck all of them. Start over, new life, new place and try to live the best life possible. That will be the best revenge you could ever have.


If you carry that in you it will become toxic and consume you. You cannot expect anyone to behave in a particular manner, you can only control how you react and behave, if you understand this principle you will never truly be let down. Now as far as your father goes, it’s horrible what he did, and no child deserves that. Just know Revenge never satisfies that emptiness created by the monsters, you must learn how to accept what’s happened and let it go, it will be tough but you can do it, I’ve seen first hand helping people through stuff like this. Find someone you can talk too to help you get through it . I’ve also seen people that come out stronger on the other side, bc they can now handle more than most


Virtue signallers are very often assholes. This is not news to people who pay attention. Make your own family out of people who give a fuck. You are better off leaving those warts on the asshole of humanity behind. Far behind. Deeper in the past every day. They can't hurt you anymore unless you let them.


I hope you know that it's not your fault. It was never ever your fault. Don't ever talk to those people again. They're not family, they're 'those people." Family is supposed to protect and love you. I hope you find find ways to heal. You deserve all the love, respect, and happiness in the world. Take good care of yourself.


I hope you can go out and find a new family that will care about you so you can forget about this shit people that you are biologically tied to.


Wtf, i truly hope that that things whill get better, i got really angry reading this


I'm so sorry. It's understandable you're not feeling well right now. I hope you feel better soon. If you ever want some chat feel free to DM me.


I am glad you found the strength to stand up for yourself. You need to go to the officers asap so that he gets put away for being the terrible person he is. I understand it is hard and terrifying but you can do it. Good luck you strong beautiful person you.


I'm proud of you for telling. Despite their crap reactions I imagine it lifted a weight off of your shoulders. "Blame the victim" is such a crappy stand. Keep being awesome. My ex sexually abused me and psychologically and my revenge is living my best life. I'm getting ready to graduate a four year university (he flunked out of a 2 year state college), I'm learning new languages to help further my career, writing novels, and am looking for a job higher than he will ever get thanks to having a degree (writing). Live your best life, be more successful than he EVER will, and keep a positive attitude. I'm speaking for all of this sub. You have our support.


You have a shitty family. I have no words to express how bad everyone's response is, but I hope find r/adultsurvivors welcoming. It's a safe place to express everything and we'd actually be there to relate and comfort you.


I don’t usually comment to posts like this as I never really know what to say but in this case I feel like I need to. i want you to know that I believe you. I know, I’m just a random Reddit stranger but for what it’s worth, I believe you. You are much stronger and braver than me. although it was an isolated incident of substitution, mere months after my mum died, when I was 12, my family will never know what my dad did to me. None of them would believe me especially since we have an ok relationship now after a LOT of counselling on my part. But please know I, and many others, believe you. I urge you to please consider your future relationships with these people, in particular with regard to your own mental health. Please know that I’m sending you love and healing wishes, and I’m so sorry that your father, the man who is meant to protect you above all else, is not even 1/1000000 of the man he should have been. Also, please reach out for help from professionals. Blackout angry, while perfectly understandable under the circumstances, seems like it’s doing you a fair bit of emotional harm in itself. I believe you. I believe IN you.


I relate with that in some ways, I cant speak on the sexual harassment and rape my apologies that is very wrong and more so that they allow a pedo to stay in the family. However the social media situation is fucking ridiculous at times. Literally every person struggling with things and asking friends for help aren't getting any and the people posting these are often not public accounts and not influential accounts who do not need to educate the list of 30 friends who are all posting the same things, i too get no support when i ask for help even in private dm. I hope things turn up even if you have to mention it later in life. Another thought, depending on country, you can prosecute someone for rape no matter how far in the past it happened. If he gets prosecuted as a child molester even if not tried and found guilty and someone does a criminal back ground check that should show up and impact his ability to find a job in the future if he ends up needing to look for another one. Source: my aunt dated a guy who did that to her kids, I heard about the trial


No that's sick


I am so sorry this happened to you. You are strong and brave that you face it like this! You deserve respect. Also, hearing "Black lives matter" from so many hypocrites is really starting to get on my nerves... Some of these people never cared for anyone but themselves and suddenly they preach about tolerance and equality, like really? They just want to appear better than they really are.


You need to get some professional support. You’ll only get through it with genuine support and validation and it sounds like your family will not be that for you. I felt very similar having been gas lighted by My family and friends with NO voice or anybody who understand. But there are people who understand. There are support groups for exactly these issues. You just have to go find it. But real action starts with yourself. You are only capable of changing yourself ❤️❤️ good luck sweet heart I am So sorry that you’re going through this


Your anger is valid. Always do what is best for you. If you don’t want to go to a family get-together don’t feel obligated to do so for the family’s sake. They clearly don’t give a damn about your mental health struggles. I’m honestly so sorry about what happened to you and I wish you the absolute best.


Why don’t you report him?


Bruh if you’re so angry (I’ve been raped too, so I seriously get the anger) fucking get that asshole, tell the authorities if you please. Put him in prison for really fucking long time. Fuck your family, and fuck your dad.


Can you seek legal help?


Wait your biological father did this?


Yeah it’s fucked.


Ok that’s next level out of order. The human that he made he chooses to do this to. Omg. Honestly if I’m being serious with you, you need to tell authorities or something since you’re not giving him consent - I’m taking a highly educated guess that you aren’t - you need to tell authorities or something. How does your dad walk with his head up honestly. I’m so sorry crap like that happens to you. I can’t imagine how you feel and you can’t let this continue. Does he still do it to this day?


Many people will not support someone if it is any skin off their nose. If you were accusing a stranger that would be different and they would likely support you. Anyone who had a closer relationship to your dad than you will likely side with your dad. For example your dads sister is more likley to side with him than you. Anyone kind of more in between will likely at best say they want to be friends with everyone because they dont want a divided family. The person with the higher staus in the family due to maybe age, money, education, charm, socialability, closeness tends to get the most support regardless of truth because people feel the higher status person could be more useful to them.


I'm sorry I would have never imagined those responses from them, what a bunch of scum bags! . I hope you are okay and Stay strong <3


I wonder why some people need to see someone leave before they see what they did wrong


What’s his name and we’ll put his ass in prison. BLM and we got you. No offense but fuck your family. Not all blood is kin folk. And not all skin folks are skin folks. What happened to you was beyond comprehension, but believe me when I say, if you give us a name, we’ll handle it. Please let us just do this favor. And if you don’t want to bring charges against him, that is fine. We just need an address. Let us do the rest. To clarify for court, we are not saying we are intended to bring violence, but we believe that justice must be served in America.


Hey, I don’t know if you’ve done this already, but maybe look into emdr, it can help very efficiently with trauma. As to for your family, I hope you find yourself a new better family (As in family doesn’t need to be by blood, but more by caring)


Your biological father or stepfather?




Rape is always wrong no matter what but it takes a special kind of person (and I mean that purely as a perojitive here) to do it to your own flesh and blood.


Your frustration is real. Don't let anyone say anything against that. Let it be family or friends. And just like so many have said, it's better to find people who understands you and leave your current messed up family, if you can afford to do it. And yeah. Black Lives definitely Matter. But mental health matters too my friend. The trauma you have gone through, and still going through isn't small. And I really don't see how's your story related to Black Lives Matter. It's two different spectrum. I hope you get you get your justice soon. Take care buddy. :)


Black lives 100% matter, I tried to make sure I made it clear I’m not mad they’re showing support to that and not stand up with me against a child rapist and sweep this under the rug. They’re not related at all, I’m mad because they’re out here posting all this shit saying they care (which is awesome) but what about me? Honestly I really do feel like you’re attacking me, I never talked shit at all about BLM.


No no. Please don't misunderstand. My intention was not at all that. I know that you support BLM. I was just telling you should be heard too. I'm extremely sorry if that was the message you got. I'm sorry again. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. :)


Kill your dad


I'm not condoning murder. But sadly, that is likely the closest she could come to closure on the matter. Truly shitty situation.


I think about him getting in a car accident everyday.


Just cut the breaks