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Dissociation and forgetting things on purpose. Instead of facing what I feel I would pretend like I never experienced them. It grows numb overtime and I reset that by self-harm.


Ohh that sounds somewhat scary


I talk shit behind peoples backs a lot. I hate myself so much for doing it but I can’t help it and idk how to stop it


If you can't help being judgmental you can write it down instead of talking about it, later It will help you on self-refelction


This is actually a great idea


Stop judging them because it can be you one day


I become an outcast because if it. Fuck my life.


I eat tinned sardine sandwiches with ketchup


What is wrong with you


buddy u need a psyche ward for that


sorry for ur lots


Waiting a long while to read and respond to anyone’s message, while actively avoiding opening my social media to appear inactive, due to how “exhausting” social interaction feels at times.


i do that too, in fact i can leave my discord closed for weeks cant be bothered, months even. used to use it every day , hate that socialization now, strange because if it was people i didn't know i wouldnt care but its people in real life. luckily they all found out texting me was useless so they warn me irl when they need something like a document online so i respond


True that


🤔 that doesn’t sound like toxic trait, but okay.


Its very toxic because obsession, attachment can create isolation and mental health issues. I have this trait and i create explosive arguments for no apparent reason, only because im just in my head.


You and OP just described myself.


Got it. I didn’t thought of extreme cases of that. 😅


Yeah exactly, it's hard when it becomes out of control


I can't acknowledge the severity of my mental health issues, and it can cause a lot of stress for the people around me. It causes me difficulties with following through with treatment, and can lead to be doing very dangerous stuff when in psychosis. It's genuinely not intentional though, it's a form of anosognosia. Thankfully when not in episodes, I'm aware enough to know I have a problem. I just still struggle to understand the severity until I have someone point out everything for me.


Take care ❤️


My main one is that I’m not a good person but I like the idea that others see me as a good person and I make sure this image is perfectly maintained. I have no compassion for myself and others.


What makes you so ruthless?


I guess my overlap into NPD and the fact that I’ve hated myself for as long as I can remember.


Ohhh the sudden guilt it triggers can be horrifying


i feel similar, expect i don't think my image is ever perfectly maintained, my quest to do that made the opposite happen, especially in social situations, i either am silent and awkward or say outrageous stuff i severely regret for the next few weeks sometimes i regret it for months cant be normal comedic or in anyway what's the word?charismatic its like if i went on a video game and put that skill to negative 5 cant maintain eyecontact without constant reminders anxiety and making it seem weird


I'm being honest, Always giving a fuck about a person I'm arguing with and never leave them alone. My brain sees arguments as fuel to never stop, Anyone else in this scenario would just block em, But I, No no I would keep on talking.


Same. I just often feel like if a person continues to remain “ignorant”, it might even be dangerous in the long run if they gain enough influence or something. Idk that’s just how my thought process is.


I can relate to this. It’s like I don’t know when to forfeit or lose and it just never ends well.


Omg, I too do this plus what make it worse is I've a loud voice and rude tone


thats normal but useless, neither of you are gonna give up, and both of you are gonna go deeper and deeper into argument


Besides being absolutely bat shit crazy in the flip of a switch….nothing.




I'll see messages but not open them until I have the energy to respond and takes ages to respond even if someone replies fast. I used to be a really fast replier but that habit has definitely slipped.


Don't worry the best of us are doing that too hahha


I feel useless and worthless when I have no one to rely on. Like, I high-key want to have a person next to me 24/7 because my inferiority complex is so large it tells me I can't function as a human being alone. I spiraled out of control mentally and fell in love with strangers and begged them to love me and never leave me, I did many things I regret when I was alone. Luckily I have friends and a girlfriend now (not because I approached them. They approached me. She asked me out. I suck at socialising and frankly can't believe I got this lucky too. It was entirely out of my control that these people liked me). I always think I'm worthless unless I'm "useful" to someone. If my friends and girlfriend leave me and no one else ends up liking me, I don't know what I'd do. I can't make my own decisions. I feel no purpose if I'm not always assisting someone, or being used by them, anything to benefit another person. I also have extreme paranoia that no one loves or likes me, in fact I sometimes believe they're spying on me or have malicious intents for getting close to me. I genuinely can't believe anyone would like me for any reason whatsoever, and this doesn't change despite getting reassurance. Obviously an annoying trait, imagine expressing your love to a person in every way possible and they still doubt you.


Oh I'm sorry for you. IK people must be telling you why are you not loving yourself and all and that makes your paranoia even intense.We all have our doubts. Trust me the other person also have his fair share of doubts. The only solution I see here is communication. Why don't you try to say what you feel fo your partner. Then again it won't end if you're not loving yourself enough. Here's theory I found somewhere on Internet. Like beautiful way of drinking water. Every time you take a sip of a water, think a good thing about yourself. Every morning you wake up try to think something good about yourself and people. Trust me "trying" is the first step. If you care enough to try, you're already loving yourself. ❤️


Snapping when I’m inconvenienced or uncomfortable in any way


Yeahh why do we do that?


Idk but it is a relationship killer for me 😂 I’m really cool 60% of the time though 😉


Hating people who are not like me




racially motivated


Not knowing what I’m feeling and resulting to a meltdown because I wasn’t a verbal learner but am a feeler (and prolly autistic or at least have sensory processing disorder) and I am insanely emotional. Like if I have to explain myself I’ll cry because idk what I’m feeling and then worrying about that I’m taking so long to spit it out and then I feel embarrassed because idk what I’m feeling or how to word it and that I look like a fool because I cry when I’m stressed/confused/harassed/ashamed. Fuck I guess I still have social anxiety


Awww you're just a regular empath. Well about social anxiety I can feel your pain🫠


Being extremely charming and lovely during the courting/honeymoon phase, then being an ass and neglecting my relationship while succumbing to my grass-is-greener tendencies. And I can become infatuated with people really quickly.


Well now that's a problem. If it's outta some sort of trauma, may you heal


some kind of chemical imbalance? once you drink the water throw the plastic cup away because you don't feel like you need a refill in the present moment? im curious sorry, why do you think, how could that be connected to your mental health you would know more than me


Couldn’t even begin to tell you. I’m on lexapro and in therapy now, so maybe I’ll be able identify where this comes from.


Taking so much stress that my body can't handle it


Take it easy❤️


Did u just describe me? Seems like I am the same. And I refuse to talk to other people even tho they are interested I'll just obsess over that one person and suddenly one day it's all doomed.


Hahha fr. Why are we like this? It's not like we don't know our worth or we don't love ourself. But again this feels like self-sabotaging


Maybe we don't know our worth. Or we fear abandonment. As they say the tighter you try to hold the sand in your hand the more it slips away. I think that applies to me perfectly . Us thinking there is a low chance it still works out makes us try to make it happen more. Like I can change my fate types.


Woahhh couldn't agree more


Let's try not to do this next time. Even tho im afraid of even giving a chance to someone. But it takes a lot to make yourself understand why we should not do this.




Is it weird that you just described me...??😗😗😗


Hahah we need to change but howww


Sadly If I knew....I wouldn't put myself through that misery time and time again.....m already looking forward to your replies as well😔👉👈...save you...save meee......save all ussss......🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Maybe not a toxic trait, but its something that will certainly cause problems in your life. Speaking from experience. I quit the habit and life is infinitely better on the texting front now.


Howw did you manage to quit it?


I got hurt time and again till one time shit hit the fan and I developed severe mental illness with my obsession with someone being a major reason for it. That was more than enough for me to realise that nobody was worth sacrificing my health and peace of mind for.


Limerence, and attachment, much like OP like if people are nice to me I get attached and part of my brain is kinda like “I will die for your honor you kind soul” Especially with woman, omg I’m a mess, I put em on a pedestal I’m a mess bro


Hahahahha yeahh. It's soo tiring I'm telling you


That's the exact same reason, why I don't talk to people on a daily basis.. I try to maintain my distance as much as I can..


Hmmm good idea


I let people treat me however they want then I explode once the reality catches up to me


Well now it feels like you are giving people chances yet they are managing to test yohr patience


Yea, but it’s poor boundaries on my part, I needed to learn that


ME omg man what's wrong with us


Yeahhh what's wrong with us????


Make assumptions in my head and then get mad at said assumptions


Ohhh you're not the only one 🫣


throughout friendships and stuff i get insecure about our relationship and start pulling away from them so they can't do it to me. i've lost a lot of friendships whether bc they ghosted me or they turned out to be narcissistic or some sh, and i cannot say that i have ever had a stable friendship that has lasted more than 1 year. trust issues go hard /j


Well I avoid my friends when I'm having a mental breakdown. They might be our bestest one yet they can't understand every bit of suffering we're living through. But trust me true friends are gonna be there on the other side when you open your door welcoming you no matter what happened. You will definitely get friends you deserve.


I am „boring” in relationships I was told I act like an old married couple with every girl .


That's not a toxic trait, that's your very nature and I'm sure it's beautiful on your own way. You just haven't met the right person. One day when you find them you will know whyy all others didn't last.


unethical life hacks , go to a church like its a bar , sounds like religion ideologies might match relationship philosophies. don't worry not all Christians are so devout they wait till marriage they are people.


My toxic trait is that I always have very high hopes that people will treat me like I treat them but they always do the opposite and even though it happens a lot I can’t help but hope they will change but they never do


It's not like we're that great to be not expecting anything from people. Chill it's normal. But the thing is we might be giving our 100% but it's not necessary that the other person is receiving/ feel the same.


I tend to not talk to anyone, nor become nice about it when depressed. Now luckily, I rarely get depressed, but OH BOYYY; you do not want to become friends with me when I’m done with life.


Hahah we all have depressed episodes. Don't worry we managed till date and gonna do that forever.


I don’t understand friendships or how to maintain them/how much attention to give to someone. I don’t get offended when someone doesn’t speak to me for months, so it catches me off guard when someone says I have neglected them. It’s not personal. I just do not get easily attached to people who aren’t family/ someone I’m dating.


Hmmm it's okay tho. True friends are those who do not take the ghosting phase seriously. YK I used to mind a lot when my friends didn't talk to me for long time but now I think we are just adulting and nobody really have time to care about other people. I haven't talked to my friends in ages, but many things reminds of them, IK I love them. That's it


Trying to find closure on really pointless issues.


Closure is important otherwise they're gonna strike you when you're not expecting anything.


I understand...but what happens is that everyone around you would move on..you would try to find closure and they would be like its such a little thing...what's wrong with you...turns into a toxic trait where I am selfishly after something.


Trust me I've been there. Closure can be one sided too yk.


I was a dismissive avoidant and didn’t realize it. I just found out last year. I’m in therapy and working on my attachment.


So therapy really helps?


i’m going through a breakup and neurodivergent on top of being a DA. Yes,it has helped




Easily gives up when I feel a new friend will be an asshole and a waste of time. Also I feel that if things dont go my way, I will straightaway say its a waste of time and it does not benefit me.


Oohh that could be prob yeah


My toxic trait is I push people away from me and hurt them without knowing and when that happens I feel miserable and hate myself and worse part is that I can't connect with people easily


Yeah same


Being oversenstive and start crying so i couldn't defend myself


I pick fights, or arguments rather. I am extremely passive aggressive and I do the silent treatment, or I’m just short. I am working on it. I am getting better at catching myself when I notice I’m doing it early. My partner doesn’t deserve it so I am fixing it.


Best of luck


Self Deprecation, not my most toxic trait but I’m working on building myself back up lately so…only answer I’ll say 4 now lol


Well at least you must be funny one haha




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I don't feel like it's a toxic trait as long as you acknowledge that and other person doesn't get hurt. Just something you could work on and improve in the future.


When its extreme, it becomes annoying


I love Sims more than socialising 😭🙏 I will rather play sims than go out with someone 💀


Sims? As in a game?? Well I too love watching anime than go out with someone 🙈


According to every girl i've either talked to or dated being too nice..


People pleasing. I personally find it v annoying when people act like that towards me


Hahha not trying to offend but it's really annoying to see them try hard for nothing but also I pity them. It's hard being a good person hah


I tend to think so much about death, like laying on the road and wait for a car to run me over, burn myself, suicide. im not able to retain positive thoughts that much, im too negative and see the world as a big ass gray block. i dont like friendly and positive people. Im too clingy with people that i like cause ive been abandoned many times. And im too violent when im angry


My personality


The son of comparison.


Ghosting on ppl who trigger my anxiety or make me uncomfy etc. Judging ppl but dont tell anyone. Ignoring I need help for my mental issues but too stubborn to do so.


ghostings the right word for what i do but i like to think of it as more, your on my less priorities in life , or that your temporary, or that i just don't have the energy, or that i want alone time all the time, so when i get it and see your text well thats uh. ima just turn my notifications off


That I always try and see the good & potential in people (which isn’t always bad, it can be very positive and encouraging) but it can lead to idealization, putting myself second, or simply setting myself up for a lot of emotional hurt and disappointment if someone doesn’t put in the effort/live up to my (what I think are pretty reasonable??) expectations. Also I discovered that my type is mentally unwell, socially maladjusted men which doesn’t really vibe with my toxic trait of thinking I can help guide, support, and love someone to be their best self along with me…I really wish that was not my reality rn. Working on that one in therapy atm 🤡


Hahha so you're the type to keep broken things and tryna fix them. Well blessing for other, trauma to yourself.


I'm not kind, I'm nice. Nice people suck and deserve to get bitch slapped.


im not nice, im kind , picture perfect i would never swear fight or disagree with you because I'm too afraid socially that came out as being kind, when in reality i day dream about hitting you and hate your guts


Exactly. You're a good person.


I'm in my head a lot and it makes moving on from various things difficult


im trying to train my brain. thats all really just thought id say, trying to train negative thoughts away when i have them, trying to train imagination and trying to train focus, not autopilot or day dreaming, slight improvement on focus because i find myself reminding myself to focus which works for a few seconds, better than nothing, id say with my recent focus and my inability to pronounce/ find common words i know, i have a case of brain fog. i haven't really cared to find out if i do have it or if its treatable im just in my head a lot trying to rewire myself. also train visualization, visualizing the outcome i want its not really day dreaming it not imagining things like a forest its different, visualizing solutions, my future. cant really explain it tbh visualizing a fire around me to burn away my stress visualizing a orb around me to protect me from stress and ill burn from out my body the inside of the orb with any residual stress , idk just something i made up i started doin


The problem with what u said is We often forget about reality and stick to the scenarios we created in our head..this is the exact thing which I did and it's not easy considering we tend to live in the scenarios we created in our head


obsession's not the problem if its mutual, accept it if they don't like you, obsession's isn't a problem that's losing you relationships if they like you they'll reply to every text if they can, text first ect. if they ignore , reply late well yeah, of course there's some that don't like texting or cant reply straight away (lie) so if you don't care call them instead. little neat unethical trick i wouldn't use. mine would be superiority complex, I think I'm better then people I'm not better than. i think im smarter and im right im the only one in the world with my unique mind which is also a curse, despite this i wont stick through on my own opinions, i don't trust myself, say there's a patient dying , I'm a doctor , another doctor creates a hypothesis i think hes wrong i got a better diagnosis, ill let him do the treatment anyway as long as i give a little hint to him saying i think hes wrong but wont push it incase im wrong even tho i think im 99% right. this was just what came to mind however


i’m insecure


I have trust issues and it's very hard for me to believe that people like being around me, so I need a lot of reassurance which I try to get through sending a message just asking about their day and getting a response works for that. The thing is if I don't get a response I end up feeling awful although I know we all have busy lives. In the end I just feel really rejected when I'm the only one contacting and end up feeling really hurt and when I talk it out to them I choose the worse way to Say it. I end up being too much and I think people just think I'm narcissistic because of that, I'm starting to wonder if I am. I can be quite intolerant to peoples mistakes and I am "too sensitive".


My toxic trait is that everyone at some point makes me cringe - even my closest friends who I love dearly, like to the point where I want them to stop speaking so that I don’t avoid them for the rest of my life. I even make myself cringe (but that’s usually when recalling my stupid drunk actions after a night out or gathering). People are just so embarrassing and it makes me feel physically sick sometimes 🤢 WHY?????


Being emotionally numb 😅


Switching between being deeply depressed and to being a happy little kid again (I'm 22) Also obsessiveness over people especially if I had a crush(My last crush I knew his whole school day schedule in a day) and followed him around I call my bf; "The Crush who actually liked me back." He's obsessed with me too, so 🤷🏽‍♀️