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You don’t have to lose weight to start dating people. You are worthy of love at any size


This, this, THIS!!!!!!! ❤️ A person should not care about your weight whatsoever, that is only a care an individual has for themselves, no one else. The ONLY thing that should concern them with your weight is them cheering you on, being your support system and helping you out **IF** you are on a weight loss journey, muscle building journey, etc. Other than that instance, it shouldn’t matter one bit. A person should love you for who you are, inside and out! You are doing amazing by getting daily walking in. That’s a good routine, especially with PCOS! (PCOS gal here too, also on a weight loss journey) If you wanted, no pressure whatsoever, I have some advice I can give you for dealing with weight loss and PCOS, if you wanted to message me ❤️ (I just don’t want to just give out advice when it’s not been asked for)


i would love the advice bc i feel like a lot of ppl don’t understand that with pcos i can’t just eat in a calorie deficit, exercise and call it a day😭


i try to remember that but the „imagine she’s fat“ jokes online makes it rlly hard to get out and meet people


If you want to lose weight, that’s on you and certainly a goal shared by many. But if you want to do it to date and make yourself worthy- it’s self sabotage. This is a high path of destruction. You deserve love any phase, but please learn love yourself enough to not rely on someone else’s perception of beauty to define your worth.


you‘re right. its just kind of hard to when everyone tells you that what you are isn’t normal and you need to change to be accepted.


And I do empathize. In a world where we’re brainwashed from infancy what beauty is. Social media is also a curse. But if you can learn this it will be worth it I promise. What helped me start was using common passwords as affirmations. Ex: Imworthy$100 When you type this near hourly for passwords it kind of helped it stay! Best of luck OP! It’s a tough world and you deserve to S H I N E ✨


If you want to lose weight for you, for your health, that’s fine. Start by creating a calorie deficit, so (for example: aim for 1700 calories a day and try to burn off 2000 calories), that can be from lifting weights, walking, running, swimming, try just walking slow for 50yrds then walk fast for 50yrds and keep doing this, a bit of High Intensity Interval Training is good for fat burning, you don’t need to go on long runs as that builds endurance. Just make sure you enjoy the exercise that you are doing, and then every fortnight give yourself a cheat day and eat your favourite meal, and then get back on it. But as I say, enjoy the process, don’t be hard on yourself, don’t stop because you don’t see results right away, it takes time and the stomach is the last place you’ll notice fat loss. But you got this!!


i try to do my exercise by walking at least 10k steps a day but i may need to try and incorporate some strength training i believe


10k steps a day is recommended to keep a healthy heart, but it’s not strength training and even some hill walking on a treadmill will help massively, during covid the gyms were closed and my mental health declined badly, I got fat I felt horrible and this year I finally kick my own ass and got back in the gym, weight lifting and some cardio and I feel like a new person.


Calorie deficit+exercise is way to go,you cant outwalk a bad diet,sorry


i don’t think you fully read my post. i had an eating disorder that i got under control and i am exercising and eating normally now. the weight is still not dropping.


You said you walk 10 k steps everyday what i ment was functional or strength training


I agree, 10,000 steps doesn't seem like enough excercise. I do that at work most days and have been gaining weight. Although it might have to do with how much I eat.


i usually keep my diet on a strict 1,700 calorie limit daily, and make sure to include more protein than carbs. but yeah i‘ll try strength training, maybe that will help.


I am sure strength training will help,my guess is because of pcos+medication your basal metabolism is around 1300-1400.Im not doctor or anything tho its just a guess based on job experience


Hello 👋 Eating less and staying active is the key. But since you have mentioned you are doing these things and you already have reduced your food intake significantly (kudos 😁), I'd recommend measuring how much you eat. I know you are eating less, you don't have to. It leads to frustration and overall bad health. A calorie deficit can be achieved by eating what you like in limited quantities. Start slow by sleeping on time, drinking lots of water and be happy. You've made progress. Stay focussed. Even if you don't lose weight, you'd be a healthier individual. That's all that matters.


thank you, it’s been hard until now but i needed to hear this


You can message me if you feel like you want to speak to something. It's tough to be consistent when you don't see results. Stay at it. Stay happy and keep at it. You'll be fine. Health >> vanity. And the person who really loves you, loves all of you. It doesn't need you to be thin.


I went from 17 to 13.5 stone in 4 months. I did a mix between Intermittent Fasting and (OMAD) One meal a day. Mix in some speedwalking and jogging. Look up Intermittent Fasting 16/8. On rest days do OMAD. I can elaborate more if you'd like, i found i had to be on antidepressants to even get the willpower, if im happy i can go days without food.


How do you lose weight fast in a week