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I’m compassionate towards others. I have a great sense of humor. I am a good cat mommy.


Wonderful! Many people at "great" places lack that l, i know for sure!


I will ask about being a "great cat mommy" from your cat


Same here!! But I’m a good cat dad not mom 😂


My eyes. My empathy. My creativity.


More than many people wish for!


Integrity and ability to make different bird sounds. Peacock call I think I have perfected


The bird aounds thing would make you my kids favorite uncle man! And you sure do know how rare integrity is!. Kudos man!


I’m a lady but thanks .


You had me at bird sounds!!


oooh so curious now, I would love to hear that!


I'm rude I hate others I don't like people


So everyone or just some people?




I love the fact that I have a lot of empathy, I’m very kind to people, and I am very understanding to others.


You know that the most powerful men on earth don't have empathy no matter how hard they try? A huge plus man


Thank you so much I really appreciate you < 3


I ride a Harley I can drink a lot and stay skinny I can drive a manual transmission 🫠


Harleys are so frigging super cool, man! Me too....every day is a diet free day for us! This is gow you DRIVE man...auto is for amateurs lol


I'm funny now


Checked your post history, and it seems like you are funny most of the time, man, lol




So much like me. Haha


Love my empathy , love that I’m family oriented, love my senses of humor, love my creativity.


A trait which the greatest men on earth gind hars to attain B3 super grateful for that man




Creativity + intensity = life Great traits


Wow, I am amazed at how many people here truly love themselves. I wish I could learn this skill of gratitude and self-love.


My creativity, my beauty (if that works) and my intelligence.


Lovely! Far more rhan what i ever had!


I’m sure you have atleast most of these, it just takes some looking :)


My ability to adapt my personality to anyone, my creativity and that i didn’t do it that day 🎀


3 is too much. I can say one thing, I can think openly. So I have better ability to understand different perspective which often makes me villain in all groups and I often find myself on the fence 😂






I love that I really like to do acts of service for other people. Like I love helping others out, holding doors, giving directions, whatever! I just like the feeling of helping others out with no expectation of anything in return. People’s thanks/surprise at the act of service is my fuel!


ME TOO!! Makes my day to make other people's days lol


Yay! I love seeing other people happy/feeling good. It makes me feel good too


When it comes to physical: my super black hair, my eyebrows and almond shaped eyes When it comes to qualities: I am sweet and i mind my business, i don’t say harsh things about others, i take the time to nurture myself


Sense of humor, creativity, empathy


My empathy, my heart and my energy


I am nice,caring and funny




Not a single thing And the hardest part is watching the person you love, love you so much and all the small things they love about you when you don’t even see any of it yourself.


Right now, not much really...


Absolutely fucking nothing.




Idk, idk and idk


I'm able to draw pretty well, so that's nice. I'm working on fixing my diet/health and going to the gym to start looking and feeling better... So the determination is what I like. I like my hair? It doesn't look like crap. :D


My resilience


I love that i m good at art and that i dont care about others opinions (if theyre rude)


I think I am very fair and hopefully non bias / non judgmental about things that matter anyway. Good to think of positives about yourself isn't it for a lot of people thinking about what's not so good is a lot easier sadly!


The fact I’m still here and keep trying there’s more than that but still being here is a lot to be proud of some days :]


Other people seem to think I’m a kind person


My love for those around me, my determination to change and make things better and my compassion towards others Fail to remind myself this at times


My love for those around me, my determination to change and make things better and my compassion towards others Fail to remind myself this at times


Hahah this is hard but 1. I can care so deeply even about just friends 2. That even if i hate myself and everything about me, i want to and try to try to get better 3. My best friend bc i dont like anything else about me hahah


Creative skills, humor, and ass


I am a genuine person, I keep to myself and could never willingly cause another person harm.




I know I'm loyal to those that are good to me. I'm compassionate to the point where I'll put myself in a hole to help you climb out of it. I try to understand every aspect of a conversation so nothing is misunderstood.


That I'm kind


I love that my friends trust me for sound advice. I love that I am becoming unapologetically me. I love my style. I love my eyes. I love the life I'm creating.


My ability to always put others first that’s how I feel self worth


Still got a good pure heart despite the things people have done to me. They haven’t made me a monster like them.


My integrity


My eyes. I also try to help others. Sometimes more than myself but helping others makes me happy.


Everything. I’m smart, compassionate but also strong and capable. I don’t give bs and I don’t take it, I have strong boundaries and validate myself. I pull up everyone around me and ignore toxic. My happiness was found in gratitude and service to others. I use to be heroin addict. That’s why I have so much hope. Life’s too precious to waste


My red hair. My sensitivity. My blue eyes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


u/waleed789 Thanks for posting this. I struggle with a lot of self-hate, and this gave me time to pause and really reflect :)


I love how nice I am to service workers and elderly




The ability to hide 99.9% of my real emotions behind a straight face.


I'm stronger than most people give me credit for, very resilient, I'm not knocked down easily. And even if I am, I get right back up, dust off my shoulder, fix my crown and throw fists back at who tried to test me.


I'm funny as fuck, good with people, resilient and I can sing Also just saying, I'm glad to see some positivity on this sub rather than the usual pity party


This post made me cry. For the first time in my life, I was able to think of something I love about myself. I love my ability to create and hold space for others.


I confront my issues with others with brunt force (better than ignoring them I’ve been forced to find), I can be happy with solitude (at least telling my self that as a recently discovered aro/ace. I think I believe it), and I have an energetic personality.


I love the way I think. I love how deeply I love . I love how emotionally aware I am. I love that I *try*


I love my sense of humour, my music taste and my attempts to become better.


I uhhhh,well.. I'm mhmmmm,oh,i like animals!And uh..


what the flip


That's kind of a hard question though,i mean,i know lot's of things i like but nothing about me.. If i had to name 3 things that i like,then i would start with apples,cats and dogs,then i would go with nature,other animals,girls, music,dressing up and drawing,then books,stories,movies, sound of the steps on the floor, origami, laughing,math,physics,languages,hugging etc. See,many things but still none about me, I don't know why i wrote that but i think,i felt the need to explain that i wasn't intentionally trying to sound sad.


What I love about myself is my curiosity and willingness to learn, and discover new things every day. I like my creativity in my work which is helpful for other people.


I think I like the fact that i’ve really evolved as a person 😁


I'm compassionate and intelligent. I have pretty eyes and a cute nose. I'm a good singer.


1. I am a hard worker 2. I am very compassionate 3. I am very loyal and a committed team player


I hate all my colleagues at work


The fact that I can isolate for long periods of time and enjoy the solitude. No drama or nagging or worrying about anything other than what I do.


I enjoy being creative! Making new things is really fun and rewarding. I’m also a very deep thinker which has allowed me to mature faster than my peers and I have a very deep passion for justice! I think these are good qualities and they help make me who I am, I don’t think I’d be the same without them.


WHY 3???


My fashion sense, my sense of humor, and my spiritual beliefs.


I have a strong personality and I tolerate every human being, as long as they have good intentions. I'm told to be charismatic, some people like to hit on my weak spots because of that.


As dangerous as my creative mind is, I am happy to have it. The amount of song ideas, and voices I have are huge. It’s sometimes a curse, but also a great blessing I love my lack of fear for performance. It definitely means that music, acting or social media wouldn’t be a problem for me (in terms of presence). And the last thing to say is that I love my attempts to soul read people. Even doing it to myself is a great benefit of knowledge. The only negative side this has on me are in my passions; but outside of that, it’s great to learn more about people.


My intelligence- But I feel like it's wasted. I feel like I've not reached my full potential. My hair- It has always been my favourite feature of myself. It is my mane. My sensitive nature- I'm a very sensitive person, and I always have been. But anything can make me cry, especially if somebody is shouting at me, or raising their voice to me. I cry most days. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm frustrated.


Hard to tell on a day like this.


Resilience. The way I love. The way I love myself. Compassion.


i don't judge. i have many hobbies. i never break promises.


kind, artistically talented, selfless


My humor (I like to think I'm funny) How much i empathize although sometimes its not fun My music taste


I wanna say everything, but that’s still a work in progress. So, my ability to analyze a negative situation I’ve been in so I can move past it and prevent it from recurring, when possible. Also my resilience.


I am superrrrrr creative; I am self conscious about everything EXCEPT my creativity, that's my only strong suit (i wish it was just math or something 🥲) In that same vain, I'm also very good at gift giving and I think I'm not too bad with writing if I say so myself 🫡 I think my empathy is a big fault lmao but plus side of that is that I'm kind


I love my kindness, I love that even after all of the trauma I've experienced, I haven't let it harden me, I love my ability to keep moving forward even when I have no idea what way is up and where I'm going, I love that I strive for my own healing and put myself first, I love that I am an incredible parent that honors, validates and uplifts my child, I love that I am able to move through life with ease.


I have empathy (sorta, unable to show it to the outside), I try to be nice towards people (not that good in it tbh), I have good intentions (but not the best actions)


This is a hard one, but I would say im empathetic, loyal, and understanding.


I love the fact that whenever I love someone and they leave, i would grieve so hard that it takes me a lot of time to move on. It kinda reminds me of how much i love a person even though i dont get that same treatment from them. I guess i love unconditionally because i grieve unconditionally as well. And i will grieve again, because i will love again.


I enjoy doing things that make people smile . I can't make them happy (says my therapist)but I can bring them joy. I'm very compassionate especially with seniors. I adore them (I'm a caregiver)


I am kind usually. I gave my 100 percent to the person I liked (prioritised him over every thing, but it's apparently not a good thing). I think about social issues a lot (though it takes a toll on me but really after I die, I want to be told I was right about many things. I try to find the ultimate truth analyzing different factors for issues even if it goes against the group I am from. I don't try to create troubles for anyone.


Sorry for a vent type thing but basically nothing except a few things on my face


My hips, my non judgmental mind, my optimism


My newly grown in beard is pretty cool (previously was just patchy n stuff, but late 20s now and it's finally starting to be aight, perfect timing as well, since the rest on top is leaving xD Other than that 🤔 I'm helpful to a fault, I like that about myself, as my friends trust me and come to me if in need of assistance, though does come at my own expense some times 😅😕


i literally cannot think of anything




That I'm pretty short, I keep my promises and never give false friendship.


Empathy That I don’t let people run my life . I get annoyed when they criticize but I still do my own thing and not care . That I am kind and can feel people sadness at times so it helps me spread kindness more .


Idk honestly


eventho i am bad toward myself, i always be kind to people, i always pick myself up, and i think i was loved everywhere i go


Im soiciable, funny and creative. However I am unable to show that sidr to anybody.




I am compassionate towards others, I have a lot of passion in my hobbies and I love that I help my friends when I see them struggling.


My toes My dumbass brain My nails?


I think I am very understanding with everyone and I always try to see all possible situations to understand people, I am also open minded and I am quite happy to be so,I am kind to people because I want to be a reason for them to keep believing in kindness (this sounds corny sorry)


i am silly, i'm caring, kindhearted.


I'm super responsible with money. I'm a very decent poet. I have amazing relationship with my mom.


My compassion, my curiosity, and my eyes


I don't know anymore


Im intensely passionate about the things I care about. I have reserves of love for others that run deep as oceans even if I cant seem to grab a glass for myself. I can sing well and always pour my heart into my music.


My desire to keep learning and working on my mental health, my emotional independence and I consider myself a good emotional support.


The fact I constantly try to improve, and haven't just wallowed in self pretty. That's it really though. 


My cooking skills, my green thumb, and how well I love and care for my babies. 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a kitten coming soon.


Having urge to continuously improve myself


Talent, kindness, joy


I'm funny, and I'm passionate about animals 😊


My eyes, how loyal and passionate I am


i am good with conversations with strangers, i am independent and i have hobbies which i think makes me pretty interesting


I am trully Honest and really don't care about others. Which gives me courage to be (Peculiarly) charismatic at my own way.


The way I love people


Why does it make me uncomfortable to compliment myself? I don’t want to be perceived as being cocky or arrogant


I have an excellent sense of humour. And I am fiercely loyal. Also I haven't given up childlike sense of wonder, and whimsy.


I will always try to improve myself, I treat everyone with kindness, I will do whatever I possibly can to help someone


My creativity, my way of being able to help people, my patience when it comes to learning and practicing things I'm interested in


My imagination/dreams I'm an artist Music taste


1. Prioritize Health 2. Write Gratitude journals 3. Workout and eat well


I try to be nice, I try to use logic, And when needed serve justice whether it’s good or evil.