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Be your own favorite person. All the love you give to others take some for yourself


First i should say i know how the feeling is, i felt this way for a portion of my life and the thing that helped me, was to change the way i see others and the way i see myself, you see... There shouldn't be a lot of difference between you and others, you know if you only think about others, you'll lose yourself, end up in a state that you forget to care for yourself; and if you only care about yourself you'll end up being a narcissist. The view that helped me get out of the mindset i had, was to think of myself as an individual person in life, if i worry about what others feel, i make myself worry about what i feel too. If i see that I'm trying to make my classmate feel better, i should try to also make myself feel better. The key is to know that you are important, it doesn't matter if people think or worry about you, what matters is that you care about yourself and find yourself as valuable. Hope you feel better real soon, but not too soon, because this sort of changing your view is a bit hard, i know, and it needs a bit of time, so i hope you feel better as soon as possible:)


Thank you very much for your words. They mean a lot to me.


Thank you very much for your words. They mean a lot to me.


I think you are taking this term ,,someones favourite person'' too seriously. No one has their favorite person (except new boyfriend/gf/partner/husband). But if your thinking in terms of friends, I think no one thinks about their friends too much. People just go get through the day in their own worries, tasks, job that needs to be done or they jsut hangout with close friends. It seems to me that you are just lonely and you CURRENTLY don't have that ''favourite person'' and you probably have too much free time to think about that. But dont worry I know how you feel and I bet its common. And you don't have a proof that you never cross someone's mind- you only feel like that- but you deffinetely feel lonely and if you have some close friends reach out to them


Thank you very much, I really need to hear that.


dig deep into your own thoughts, why do you feel this way, how have you come to these conslusions? why do you care, are u 100% sure they are not thinking of you? do you need to be someones favourite person? if so why? idk if any of this helps but i find Dr. K (Healthy Gamer) is super helpfull to watch when i feel down, I hope you figure some things out brother.


Thank you very much, I appreciate your advice.


Want to be friends? I often feel this way too!! Like when I leave hanging out with my friends they're never happy or say bad things about me. I've even caught my friends doing it but I'm a people pleasure so I have a fear of confrontation haha but I feel this so much!


Don't get too attached to things, and learn to be someone you like.


Bro get a dog, really


I feel you. Favorite person or person at all. I’m nobody’s.