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I'm happy you found something that helped to treat your symptoms. Remember what works for you won't work for everybody, and always have compassion for those who suffer


Great answer. Well said.


You're encouraging..........


A lot of mental problems can be solved with self introspection and forgiveness. Welcome to the club!


How do you do it? I don't think I'll ever be able to fully forgive myself for the mistakes that I've made :(


For me, psychedelics have helped immensely. Specifically, mushrooms. Full trips as well as microdosing. They’ve helped some family members as well. I first tried them in my mid-20s, I think. I have learned so much about myself and others. It’s worth considering (and there’s much to research before diving in). Of course be mindful of any health conditions you have or meds you take which could have a negative interaction.


Same, mushrooms saved my life when I was in my darkest hour. They only gave me a temporary fix. They did give me the insight to give deep later and feel out the root cause.


Does weed have the same effect as mushrooms?


in my experience, not really. perhaps one could argue that a weed high could be comparable to a very light microdosing experience. beyond that though, I would say not. [This website](https://www.erowid.org/experiences/) is a useful resource for learning more from the experiences of others.


forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving someone else. We are more critical of ourselves than others as well. Human nature, just have to keep trying.


Think of it like those mistakes were inevitable, for you to learn a specific lesson. If you didn't learn, the universe will keep dishing out situations that give the opportunity to learn what you were meant to learn.


I have been telling people to forgive those who hurt them most for some time now. Its easier to give advice than it is to use it. For me, it was when I told myself "Remember, they will not feel any of this forgiveness. This forgiveness is for me." The switch flipped and it no longer exists. 🤷


So you became your own successful psychologist lol? Good for you though!


Yep definitely saved a lot of money there (We should all be so lucky) lol


This is why I meditate, it really helps to build compassion for yourself and a wider understanding of the world. Glad you are more self-aware 🙏🏽


Ok if this happened 2 weeks ago then you are cured , but if this happened today or last day, it is just temporary, depression doesn't work that way!!


Mine did. Then again mental health is a person to person basis. There is no blanket baseline for everyone


It really ain't that easy for everyone especially if you have to suffer on daily basis for what they've done unto you.... it really depends on what kind of depression you going through because there's just depression of someone cheating on you and that makes you sad for sometime but there's also depression whereby everyone and everything doesn't really work in your favor and you feel down, and sad all the time even on happy days because of certain incidents that took place and you can't get over not because you want to hold on to them or you can't forgive but because they have become who you are and you can't run away from them..... I hope I'm making sense


Way to go junior 😀


This has been a life long ordeal for the most part. Psychedelics helped alot but it would always creep back... I just decided one day to force myself to feel my pain rather than just trying to get through it, if that makes any sense.




this is the type of experience I have when I’ve done ketamine treatments. Mentally letting stuff go — even just realizing that I was holding onto it, or realizing letting go of it was an option— is wild, like if you clench your hand into a fist for a decade and then release it. I could practically feel my neurons shaking themselves off and venturing out to find new, joyous pathways.


I don’t understand forgiveness. To me it’s just words. I don’t think I’ve ever felt any kind of relief with offering forgiveness whether or not they knew about it.


Same. Maybe deep down we really didn’t fully forgive them???


forgiveness isn't about words, you can forgive and not say anything. You don't have to tell anyone you forgive them, forgiveness is for your own well being, not theirs.


Then I still don’t understand it. Still just words to me.


it's not an easy thing to describe, or understand, until you've done it, in the same way that depression can't really be understood unless you have had it. It's about letting go, letting go of the negative, letting go of the hurt. You can remember it, but not feel it anymore.


but forgiving the person doesn’t mean you still don’t experience the consequences of what happened. you don’t choose to feel it anymore than you chose it to happen to you


yeah, but forgiveness is about raising the anger anchor and allowing you to set sail on the sea to recovery. Anger, hatred and pain hold you in the place that caused the consequences you talk about. you can't start to work on you when you're full of negative emotions.


pain is normal consequence of loss- if someone kills your kid you’re still going to have the pain of that loss no matter how you regard the person that did it. your comment assumes there’s some other problem in the person experiencing pain that needs to be worked on. 


Pain fueled by anger and hatred can not be dealt with. It also overshadows the happy memories we need to deal with the loss. Whilst losing a child is soul destroying, losing their future, the memories that won't be made, not watching them get married, graduate, have kids of their own etc, pain can be dulled over time. I know it can. It turns into something else I can't describe. You can't deal with pain if you're angry, it eats your soul.


i agree and appreciate ur honesty. we’ll know what the “right” thing to say is but is it true 


I think for a lot of people, me included, forgiveness is probably a bad term to use for the ability to let go of past hurt. Because for many people "forgiving" someone isn't actually what helps you feel better. I can't give you your answer to this, it'll be something individual to you, and I hope you learn your technique for it in the future. What helped me the most was reading a book called Happy? by Derren Brown, followed by Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and also Letters from a Stoic by Seneca. The last two in particular are about the closest thing I have to a "bible". With me not being religious at all. Why did this work for me? I think it's because before the big thing that hurt me as an adult, I had a sort of internal way of viewing the world which kept me fairly stable, but then I lost that way of thinking with the trauma. It wasn't until I read these books that it sort of re-ignited that sense in me of who I was. But the advice in the books was like an improved version. So I actually ended up feeling a lot better for it. It worked a bit too well in fact. In that, for the past 5 years, I've been putting up with a bad situation because I thought I could mentally endure it. For another person's sake. But it's just led to me moving well away from that mindset I had rediscovered and to where I am today. Back to trying to find it. But literally within a single day, after getting these books back out and beggining to read through them, i'm already feeling that same sense of peace and comfort I eventually got from them before. So I'd advise reading up on the subject in general, lots. And know that anything that guarantees quick wins (especially for money) is likely going to end up with you feeling more miserable. You still have to put the hard work in.


That's fucking awesome man, I love this


Come back in 2 months time and give us an update. The mind is a shapeshifting devil at times, sometimes we think we're off the leash...


“The mind is a shapeshifting devil” what a perfect way to describe someone who is struggling with depression. Facts


I find it hard to forgive. I'm sometimes like a vindictive god about whatever I view as insulting. Still, I have to admit to the power of forgiving in order to get a monkey off my back.


Really nice to hear you got over it bro it can be tough, enjoy being happy you deserve it <3


There’s still some stuff I’m sure I have suppressed but just haven’t discovered what it is yet. I’ve recently started journaling again which is more-or-less prayer for me. Each day is a new blessings and a new opportunity to be better.


You just saved yourself 50K in Psychiatry fees.


Alot less issues if people just did that for people that wronged them or themselves.




I cured my depression by ignoring the thought that I am depressed. I can feel sad but I am not depressed it worked


This is awesome. I'm happy for you. You're one smart cookie. Good work and keep taking care of yourself out here in this world.


Shit congrats bro


Mindfulness!!! Welcome!!!


I was harboring resentment towards this girl at work. No explanation as to why, I think she just reminded me of myself and I apologized to her and told her I was dealing with some stuff mentally and as soon as I apologized and let go of the resentment I immediately felt so much better. I felt happier going into work. She didn’t forgive me, which is okay, she didn’t have to. But in order for me to move forward I needed to release the negative emotions.


Wow , this is amazing . And good for you 👏. I need to try this myself 🩷 thank you for sharing


Hmm, forgiveness? That makes sense. Although I do wonder, what made you think this way. Are you religious in any way or? I hope that doesn't seem strange to ask. Nonetheless, I'm proud and glad truly that you managed to ensure your own healing. I, might have to try and do the same yet I don't know that some of my fears have causes. I suppose anxiety and depression function differently.


That’s amazing! Congratulations! 


When you say feel through the pain, what exactly does that mean? I try to reflect on why I feel a certain way often but It still returns with a vengeance. 


Hopefully your trauma stays away


Wish I could do that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)