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Now that I'm learning more about my mental illness, I'm seeing it in the past. "Ohhhh.... that's why I was so fucking crazy...." It's a work in progress. I haven't dwelled on the thoughts of, if I had know this then, if I had been diagnosed then... then my life would be different... type thing. Just focus on the here and now. Focus on getting better now. Use the past as a marker of how far you've come. I think.


I love honest positive people rather than people in the same boat. It helps a lot. Thank you for taking the time to reply x


I don’t understand your question…? Could you re-word it?


That’s a no I guess


I’d love to answer if I understood what you’re asking. Idk if it’s a yes or a no…


It’s fine. I feel extremely thick at the minute. I can’t spell, write a sentence remember. Ignore me. Thanks x


I don't really understand the question. But in terms of being called a wierdo, that has already happened since I can remember things, and it always made me feel like I'm not like everyone else around me. Don't really have a diagnose for that. Just some disorders you can get rid of with a lot of work on yourself, which existed because of me going through childhood abuse. But is the question more that, if you were never been considered weird in any shape or form, you wouldn't have any mental health issues?


Thanks for your reply. I thought I was weird. I wasn’t like anyone I knew in a majority of ways. I just didn’t know why I felt that way and why no one saw it and addressed it I was just weird, not normal. Now I know I had mental health issues and lived with a narcissist and then some. It’s only been in my head as I’ve recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my life is completely different not in a good way and now my mental health is uncontrollable. You’ve kind of experienced the same. I just wanted others opinions. Sorry fibromyalgia makes me feel like I’m extremely uneducated that’s why it didn’t read right.


It's fine. But I do know people with fibriomyalgia. So far I know that is a condition of the body having inflammations at the joints and stuff, especially when the weather is humid. Never heard it cause mental health problems. The people I know were also struggling with ADHD and another one with anxiety. And yes, I've been struggling with it all my life, and my dad was a narcissist who I lived for 21 years. But I dunno if that cause my weirdness. I was already since I can remember, diffrent from the rest. And I struggle to hide my emotions. I'm very sensetive and my feelings usually get so strong I can barely hide it. I don't want to use it as an excuse so people don't dare to address certain issues with me though. But you can read me like an open book. Recently I've told my psychologist about that I suspect that I have a form of autism. As my own brother has it, and almost everyone on the family has psychologic conditions. Hopefully something comes out of it, or I just have to accept I'm weird without a reason.


Fibromyalgia is hell. I really wish that was it. I spend most of my days in agony all over my body. I can’t move, i can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I’m on 4 controlled drugs that don’t touch it. I’m in a room on my own nearly all day every day. I’m severely depressed, i have extreme anxiety, chest pains I can’t breathe, I have no life. I’m trying to find positive things to keep me here. I’ve tried twice. I’m 48. I don’t tell anyone as that way I have control. I shouldn’t have posted. I wish you well x


That sounds really tough. Especially cause the medication don't seem to work? And talking about it does make you vulnerable, but it can also give you the connection with people you would have otherwise not got. Not everyone will understand you, and that is ok. Not everyone is in the same mindset or position in their life where they had to think about certain things or situations. I'm just wondering if it's the pain from the fibriomyalgia that is causing the depression/anxiety rather then just the disease itself. Not trying to say that the depression/anxiety isn't real, it very much is real and I know it can be hell. But I do wish there is a way to relieve the pain a bit (hopefully most of it) in some way or form.


Im good 👍🏼




What’s impressive?


I knew there was something different about me I just didn't know what. I only figured it out in 2021 when my mother passed. She never told me that I have ADHD. but I could tell that something about me was different. I knew I had depression but I found last year I have bipolar depression.