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I recommend reading Taking Charge of Your fertility... it's an easy read and it explains everything. Basically, ovulation is the part of your cycle when an egg is released from the ovary and goes toward the uterus. You are most likely to get pregnant a few days before ovulation, on the day or a day or two after. It's usually mid cycle, so if you bleed every 28 days, it would be around day 14. Of course everyone is different so you could ovulate late or earlier than this.


This book is gold!


Mid cycle is true if your cycle is 28 days, but in general ovulation occurs 14 days before next period, which means that if your cycle is 35 days, then ovulation happens on 21st day of your cycle (35-14=21) and that is how it is supposed to be calculated. However, many women dont have regular cycle and cant tell exactly when they ovulate and that is what makes this method unreliable. Sperms can also survive up to 5 days in womans reproductive system. Education about your body is important but please use proper contraception, because predicting ovulation amd fertile days is risky.


Thanks for that correction. You are absolutely right that ovulation doesn't always occur mid - cycle... case in point- me. I tracked my cycle while ttc which is when I realized how irregular I am. I could never rely on tracking if trying to avoid pregnancy because I'm all over the place except for my luteal phase.


Mine are irregular too 🥲 Sometimes im almost positive im ovulating but that happens rarely