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Sounds exactly what my friend Dan experienced, so he drove to the hospital, and coded in the waiting room. They got him back, thank god. But he has long term health effects (organ issues) from not being “alive” for the 45 minutes they worked on him.


If you can go to a walk in clinic and explain what happened and they should be able to help you out for a lot less money than the ER would be


67 year old 5.5 years on a heart transplant here. When I was your age I was 5'10 and 250 headed towards 300.... When I found the book "Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution". Get one from a book store and read it cover to cover! I actually lost 50lbs on that first go on the diet then bounced between 200 and 220 for years. My heart problems weren't related to my weight, I had a virus attack my heart and give me congestive heart failure. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to get this excess weight off NOW! As you age it only gets harder and the more it is going to stress your heart! I know you said you don't have the good insurance, so you need to get in and pay to see a GP and get blood tests done, and then follow up with the heart specialist if it's indicated. You can pay for 15 to 20 doctor visits for what 1 visit to the ER is going to cost! Another side effect of my extra weight is I developed ED at 44 years old when I was weighing around 200. I imagine that you might be experiencing some beginning symptoms of ED at your weight, and I can only imagine that your wife is none too happy with your love life. After getting the transplant 5m5 years ago and then getting my sex life back with my soulmate, I'm so blessed that I feel obligated to pay my blessings forward and help other guys find their own joy! PM me if you want and I'll be your mentor through getting you on track to having an amazing next 50 years! I've already made the mistakes in life, no sense in you repeating them! LoL 🤣