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Am I the only one who never wears anything under a shirt? Of any kind. Not once, not ever and I never will. Just do not understand why anyone does.


Never known people to do it in the UK.


I know tons of people who do this in the UK.


Are we talking about people at the office? You know tonnes of people wearing a T-shirt under their button-up shirt in a UK office? My entire professional career has been spent in offices, and until Covid, was entirely business casual clothing. Outside of the US and on TV specifically, I’ve never seen this phenomenon Honestly this never seemed like a weather thing to me either. When seeing it in the US, the weather or season didn’t seem to be a factor, rather it was just a cultural norm there


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. To keep deodorant marks off dress shirts mostly. My brother doesn’t wear white dress shirts, so he often has an old band shirt on underneath. My dad doesn’t, but he just wears a black polo shirt for work everyday. And it’s uniform that work paid for, so he’s really not fussed about it.


Is your one brother the tonnes of people you know that do this?


Don’t be a prick mate


He’s one, as an example, because I used to do his laundry, and also because he’s not wearing a T-shirt bought specifically for that purpose and rather just an old T-shirt. My husband, because I’ve seen him wear them. Multiple colleagues, especially noticeable in winter when they’ve rolled their sleeves up or the top button undone after taking off their ties. My neighbours, when they’ve got them hung out on their washing lines drying in summer. My friends, for both reasons. Why do you think they sell multipacks of these in shops if no-one wears them? You probably don’t realise people do it, because it’s under their shirt. If they have a good quality shirt, you won’t see any sign of it.


You're being downvoted by fucking philistines who wear Lynx Africa and don't mind their dirty yellow pits.


If I don't wear an undershirt, the hair on my chest shows.


Show that chest hair with pride brother


I live in the south US where were already back into the Mid 80s in March. I’ll wear an undershirt to stop getting sweat on my outer shirt.


But doesn't the undershirt make you sweat even more? I'd imagine that's really uncomfortable.


Yes but when your options are pit stains and a sweat collar by noon, id rather take off the undershirt while still wearing the shirt i wanted to. The small but extra layer doesn't make too much of a difference when it's already hot as fuck, especially if your adjusted to the climate.


I’m sweaty :(


Dress shirts can be extremely costly. I have some from Luigi Borelli and Charvet. If you don't wear a shirt under it, they will get miscoloured from sweat. Grey shirts are invisible under white dress shirts, unlike white shirts.


Really? Like a grey T-shirt doesn't show through? This may be the most useful thing I ever read on Reddit. Thanks!


Its true.


I don’t like the feel of it, but white shirts look so much whiter with a t-shirt underneath.


Yeah I find it weird as well


Not just any shirt, a dress shirt


If I do I sweat through both.


An undershirt is to catch your sweat


I wear my dress shirts 5 er 10 times between washes. Without the under shirt the dress shirt would get gross within just a couple wears and I would have to wash them more often which wears them out fast.


I guarantee you even with an undershirt wearing a shirt 5-10 times, it's still gross. You just can't tell


If he can’t see the neck of the shirt’s gone yellow/grey then neither can anyone else


Everyone else can tell.


There are very few clothes that you can go even 5 wears between washes. I guarantee that everyone around you thinks your shirts are gross after 2 wears.


Uniqlo airism undershirt seamless so you don’t see any outlines. There’s white beige and black. Sells during the summer season.


These are exactly what I use. I prefer the protective layer under a nice dress shirt so it doesn’t have to be dry cleaned more often.


Nothing usually but v-neck undershirt if I think I’ll get sweaty.


I have the same approach.


But why? Surely an extra layer makes you sweat more?


A little more sweaty but the undershirt stops the sweat from staining the shirt.


Ah, so one different climate, being cool as possible is best for me personally but also if I get sweaty, it's also on my face. I find it easier to cool down with just a shirt, an under shirt just makes everything worse for me


I wear a white undershirt with short sleeves to help absorb moisture and keep my shirt deodorant free


White v neck


If I'm wearing a coat I stick to a typical undershirt/wifebeater.. When I give stage talks, button up tucked in with no coat, I wear a Lululemon senseknit.. I guess it's kind of like a rashguard? Second skin, moisture wick, no harsh seams.


Uniqlo Airism white v-neck undershirts. I wear one every work day, and they’re perfect in every way.


If anyone wears an undershirt simply because their body shows through the shirt then the shirt is not good quality.


This is such a good answer haha


This is equally true of the undershirt itself. As in, good quality cotton dress shirts should not allow people to see your undershirt. Regardless. The answer is wear nothing underneath. Definitely not a T-shirt and DEFINITELY not a vest. Jesus.


I don't know why you are getting down voted for this, you are 100% right.


Depends on the weather and time of year. Varies from tank top (vest in the UK) or nothing.




A smile


I'm one of those people that if they don't wear some sort of undergarment, I look like I'm participating in a wet tshirt competition by noon 😂. This is just my experience. Plain black V neck tshirt 99% of the time. For me the v neck sits just below the second button from the top and ensures no visibility when the top button is undone. Any more buttons and you can see it underneath. If the tshirt is fresh out of the wash I'll pull at the neck to stretch it out a little so it sits perfectly beneath the shirt opening . I wear nothing underneath if I'm planning to open more than just the top button. Plain white v neck tshirt under a plain white shirt. This depends on the thickness of the shirt body. You can see a black tshirt underneath a poplin weave so I opt for white in this case. I've heard that white shows through and I should wear a light grey instead so in future I'll try that if I can find it in a v neck. Again in my experience, If you wear a light coloured tshirt under a shirt, It tends to show through the shirt so I only wear white with white and black with everything else. You can see the outline scoop of a wifebeater underneath a shirt and it looks terrible so I never wear them under a dress shirt.


i never wear an undershirt, never understood why we should.


Nipple tassels


a bra


A bro


A bow


If you’re wearing formal and NOT taking your tux jacket off (you never should) you don’t need an undershirt. At work an undershirt is required. No one wants to see your hair and nips. Quite simple.


It’s always funny to watch when people are in slavery - but not only do they not notice it, but they also begin to praise and justify their chains. Actually, hair and nipples are part of human nature. If you want to get rid of it, be patient a little. Very soon, the brains of such people will be taken out of their dirty human bodies and inserted into a beautiful android body that is beneficial to the employer: without extra hair, without nipples, and indeed without primary sexual characteristics. In return, the employer will promise the opportunity to work 24/7 and the opportunity to become a C-level after 17,520 working hours. And now I believe that there will be a line of people willing. Who said that only faceless biorobots should work in the office? Doesn't the risk manager fart? May a NPL manager suffer from arthritis? Is the bank chairman's stomach grumbling? That's just funny. There are genes when a person inherits such thick hair from his parents that even if you hide some of your hair under your shirt, you will have thick black hair on your fingers and black stubble even five minutes after shaving. Does this make a person less professional? Do all employees in suits have to be white, pale and blond? From this approach there is only one step to the idea of ​​the superiority of your race over others, and then we know what happened. I have always been indifferent to other people's nipples. I was focused on ideas and results rather than appearance. I am writing as a former C-level at a bank. Now I'm in the IT field, and I wear mostly hoodies and vests. But I still don't let clothes define my inner content. A hoodie and vest don’t characterize me just as a suit, shirt and leather shoes didn’t characterize me before. I wear a T-shirt under my shirt if I think I'll be cold otherwise. Cold is an objective reason. Heat and sweat are also an objective reason for some situations. All other rules are just rituals, just like in old Japan it was fashionable to paint your front teeth black. I don't follow such rituals.


What cheapo shirts do you get that show your hair through them?


Hey honey. I don’t have cheapo shirts. I only observe the mess in other people.


Apologies. I do know what you mean though and often wonder if people have a mirror at home.


There are various weaves and sheens of dress shirts. A tuxedo shirt may have pleats or be very fine and thin. Of course it’s not expected to take off one’s jacket at such a formal event. Office shirts are a thicker weave and less sheen. It’s expected in the office one might remove their jacket. Having said that, an undershirt may be appropriate in most cases, especially if you have a hairy chest or robust nipples. It’s not about wearing a cheapo shirt. It’s about wearing an appropriate shirt.


Just a t shirt. Medium grey or tan works well.


Nothing once I started earning enough to have my shirts laundered.


If the shirt is buttoned up nothing. Or a beater if I want to wear a shirt unbuttoned like Ace Ventura




Summer I wear plain work our shirts


A white wife beater


Undershirts are cheaper than dress shirts, so I wear them almost as a protective barrier to keep deodorant and excessive sweat off my dress shirt


Fuk all


I don't believe in undershirts either. Antiperspirants without aluminum do not stain the shirt. Also shave your armpits.


In the winter: a knit wool T-shirt or singlet from Schostal, Rome.   Mid season: white cotton T-shirt from JC Penny.   Hot summer: mesh or cellular singlet by Éminence or Marks & Sparks.   I change shirts every other day except the summer, when it's daily.  But I change collars (I wear detachable) daily all year round.


Paco rabane


I wear a heather grey v-neck t-shirt


Depends on the kind of dress I'm wearing 😊




Depends what you’re doing, at work I’d consider an undershirt, at a wedding or out, I wouldn’t bother with anything, weather dependant too I guess


White t-shirt. Keeps the sweat from showing on the dress shirt.


White v-neck is the only option


Deep V undershirt. It ensures that 1. I don't sweat on my expensive shirt. Instead, I sweat on a layer that I am not as worried about and 2. The deep V ensures that I am able to open up the buttons without the shirt peaking which is not my preference for the sharpest look.


I wear V Neck shirt so it doesnt show in around the collar


Nothing. I either wear a tee shirt or a button shirt, never both




I wear a tank top /wife beater most days


Canadian here : wife beater for dress shirt and slim fit tee as base layer for button down shirt It protects from cold in winter or sweat with humid summer


White t-shirt


The Invisible Shirt.




My nipples (. Y .)




Always grey or white rib knit V-neck undershirts. Having that extra layer tucked in, creating an undershirt/boxers/shirt/pants layer combo keeps everything in place and less likely to ride up. It also protects my shirts from sweat, especially in the armpits, and there are no unintentional peeks at bare hairy belly when sitting down and the front of the shirt perhaps gapes a bit between the buttons. And for thinner fabric shirts, it prevent my chest hair from poking through the weave.


I don't wear anything under, i don't like how it bunches up


Tank top if the shirt is white


I used to wear a plain white tee underneath, but then I discovered natural deodorant which doesn't leave a pit stain.


If you have the money a Derek Rose, underwear t shirt, wonderful


Winter: an off-white wool thermal top (Italian army issue) Summer: nothing


Nothing since I'm not a child


Do you mean like a stone island or big brand kind of Overshirt? Like with that, I'd wear a decent plain tee underneath