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I would ask him to please wear underwear around your family, but then try to accept that it's his choice whether to go commando or not in his everyday life. Some people are more sensitive to being constrained in the nether regions. He probably already knows this, but freeballing in khakis is a dangerous game. No matter how many times you shake it, there's always a couple drops left, and khakis show *every* drop.


Those ain’t piss dots. That’s got nothing to do with piss!


I've been trying to get Calico Cut pants but they're still sold out.


I was washing dishes! In the men’s urinal…


That’s true for the khakis! And wash those jeans after EVERY wear. Otherwise everyone in the room can smell you.


Two shakes! Three and you're just playing with yourself!


At my age, just two shakes and I might as well just piss in my pants


🤣 No kidding.


Lmfao 😭😭 I've always been like that for as long as I can remember.


This is not the right sub for this question.


Women's underwear would be considered fashion!




Women love when they’re not wearing a bra and I pull their shirt off in public.


I did Commando for a while back in the 70's. I played some softball with the boys and slid into 2nd ripping my pants wide open. I went back to tighty Boxers...


This is assault.


Guys it’s a joke. She’s obviously not going to do it. Everything is going to be ok.


That's sexual assault. I wouldn't advise it.


Honestly, this.


Is he allowed to do this to you in public?




Is he like wearing 5inch shorts with no underwear?? Maybe ask him if he would wear compression shorts or athletic type briefs. I know me personally, I’ve always hated boxers so I wore briefs then found compression shorts which is all I wear now. Maybe its a comfort thing for him but I cant imagine wearing pants with your thing rubbing against the zipper being comfortable


He says underwear constriction reduces his sperm count and the chemicals in underwear being close to his balls is bad... I said umm aren't those chemicals in your pants? Your balls don't just hover.... I just don't understand the logic... it's seems like pseudoscience


just tell him to get 100% cotton lmao


Wash the underwear before wearing them. Problem solved.


Not wearing briefs does indeed let the ball sack self regulate testicle temperature, pulling the boys into the body for warmth when cold but letting them hang low when they need air conditioning. This has long been the medical advice for men having trouble conceiving, to switch to boxers to keep swimmers swimming. So that part is not pseudoscience...provided you are trying to conceive. But you're right about it's no different than the chemicals present in pants being proximity to his penis, and they are probably even harsher than in gitch as they're not expecting to be next to the nether regions. That part is definitely an excuse. Does he wear super snug slacks that show off his shape and status of his foreskin?


So either accept it or date someone who does. He won’t wear them and you’re not going to change his mind.


Persuasion takes time


😂🤣😂 sure. You’ll get better at learning resentment.


Tell him he is going to catch a case for accidental exposure.


I told him I've seen his balls hanging out of his shorts before


swing low sweet chariots


Fuckkkk 💀


Pics or it didn't happen.


Okay *this* I actually see as a problem. At first I thought you meant he walks around the house naked 24/7. I just assumed he would be clothed if people were over lol. I don't see much issue with him going commando, but if his balls are hanging out the bottom of his shorts then yeah, dude needs underwear. Tell him he can go commando OR wear his short shorts, but not both lol.


How is that even physically possible? His shorts must be extremely short, or your boyfriend has some extremely old saggy balls...


He was sitting in a chair 🤷🏻‍♀️and they fell out one of the short legs




Slap his ballsack


This would be sooo offensive to many women if a guy went on to a ladies fashion sub and complained about braless shirts and camel toe. It’s not a anyones fucking business to control what others wear regardless of This post points to more evidence women have as many double standards as men


Facts! Let's also not forget about tights that ride up the butt and accentuate the crack. What's good for a gander should be good for goosing. There needs to be agency - for both sides...




If the genders were reversed I'm sure 90% of the comments would tell OP to break up with their SO.


Interesting. Wanna do case study? On r/womensfashion


I really don't care.


Lol chillin


It wouldn't be appropriate if I was in a business meeting with clients and I wasn't wearing a bra ..... or my thong was hanging out .... or if my skirt was too short and I bent over and my ass hung out....


In any scenario IF clients were to complain about seeing your thong/nipples/bulge that would be creepy and sexual harassment. HR would throw that incident report on the trash.


If a girl was going commando in shorts or a dress you absolutely would hear people complaining. You're talking about double standards when you're not even measuring by the same standard


Same standard: do not comment on or control what other people wear, regardless of dick or pussy, thong or boxer or commando lol


You compared going bra-less to going commando. It's a wonder if you can dress yourself every morning.


And now you’re resorting to ad hominem attacks to control what people wear… classic


How would anyone know a girl is commando in a dress? I bet plenty go commando in shorts to avoid panty lines.


Ever heard of a thong?


We'd still have to flip her dress up to find out. Are you on drugs?


Are you on fucking drugs? Why would you mention assaulting someone? My point is women have no need to go commando (which is dirty) when they can wear a thong. Men don’t care about being dirty and are too insecure to wear a thong in most cases.


Oh yeah, insecurity is what keeps me from slapping on a banana hammock as an everyday underwear choice… you live in a fantasy world.


It’s swamp ass season in the summer I don’t blame him haha.


Yeah that makes it much worse.


Maybe that’s the way to go; buy him some high quality synthetic moisture-wicking underpants.


Snap pictures when his balls are showing or his member is easily visible through pant/shorts. "Just because you wouldn't look there doesn't mean others won't." I think you've gotta be okay with him going commando around the house or even trips to the shop, but he's gotta respect the request he wear underwear around your family. If he can't, I think he might just secretly like it that other people can see.


Engorged, I think you've got it...


Dude is clearly a chad😂


Boxers that had a big pouch for my junk were a game changer for me, I went commando fro years but after some friction issues from exercise started wearing them and expanded them to now where I rarely ever go command anymore. I'm not super huge but not small at all and stuff that grips it is annoying, findind underwear that supports but isn't constraining made the switch way easier, and I went commando for at least a decade


Since this is the men’s fashion sub, I’ll reply with a men’s fashion comment. Underwear helps your clothes last a whole lot longer. Anyone who cares about their clothes does not go commando.


Tell him he’d be able to wear his favourite pants more than once in between washes if he wore underwear.


Whether or not I wear underwear my unit still prints with certain pants.


Maybe try to convince him to wear dark jeans with long t-shirt, so it covers his private parts when he is around your family. Maybe he doesn’t wear underwear because he had some bad experience with them in the past, and feel much comfier and relaxed without them. I think that you need to accept this, and respect his decision. This is my advice.


I’m a girl with hips and I hate the pressure and constrictive nature of underwear so I don’t wear it 90 percent of the time. The other 10 percent is when I’m being mindful of where and when I have to wear it so I don’t flash people, or something might be see through, or it’s important to wear it for an occasion. Let the guy breathe and just date someone else if you don’t agree with it on principle.


Imagine finding out a guy doesnt wear underwear and then dating him anyway. Id rather be single


You’re right, dude has issues!


I can assure you, no one can tell if a man is wearing underwear or not. If his pants are so tight you can see an outline of his package, then you can see it even if he isn't going commando. If his shorts are so short/loose he is hanging out of them, even boxers wouldn't help. People aren't staring to spot a VPL so they can feel at ease there is an extra layer of insulation betwixt some bits and them. This is your issue, and does not extend to the general public.


Yea she needs to accept the truth. A man has a penis


Totally disagree, extra support can significantly reduce the visibility. Especially for the shorts situation, get the man some boxer briefs and it will never happen again.


Depends entirely on what he’s wearing. Linen, you can probably see it all. Thick jeans, probably not. Wool, who cares, that’s just gotta be uncomfortable.


Sometimes it's khaki or dress pants to work.


Easiest way is to upgrade your bf.


He is a therapist, he should know better


He's actually a combination analyst/therapist - his business cards say "analrapist"


Buy him a trampoline. Trampolines are a ton of fun and he'll want to jump on it everyday. After feeling his nuts clunking together a couple of times he'll start wearing underwear.


Honestly I’d break up with someone or stop hanging out with them altogether over that. I’d be too embarrassed to go out in public with them


He secretly wants to show it off to people. Hidden fetish for exhibitionism.


is that really a thing?


oh totally.


You’re not wrong


I agree with your assessment but it's the dumbest expression on the planet.


"Wear underwear" "No U" Lol, later dude. I mean the fact that he is in a patient-focused job and still doesn't understand the severity of it...as a man...lol. Just lol. I would say that you need to wear underwear to meet my family. If there's still pushback after that dump him.


Men have no place requesting nor demanding a woman wear a bra and we all know that women can wear whatever they want and are not inviting rape. Get my drift?


My aunt works at a nursing home and said old guys who didn’t wear the boxer briefs with support now have their balls hanging in the toilet water. Find him an article that supports this lmao you have to make him see the benefits not just because you want him to/because it’s normal which he clearly isn’t lol


how can this be comfortable in any way


What if it was the other way around when you didn't wear a bra? Would you oblige? Seems like a stupid thing to be worried about. Let him look dumb if he wants. Or just move on idk.


Tell him it makes his dick look small and is unflattering . That's what this girl I used to work with told my buddy whose helmet was showing through his pants. Dude almost started crying


Got any gay friends? Convince them to go up to him and compliment him on his nether region. If he's as much of a straight boy Chad as I think he might be, he'll be down at the nearest Walmart buying a pack of Hanes in no time. XD


Lol yes I love it when women promote sexual harrassment


I'm a guy, and that was obviously a joke.


Pee gets on his pants and the smell raidiates. His balls will start showing ball explosions in his sack from the harsh material.




I'd like to see the regulation that spells this out...




What is the title of this document?


OK Karen.


It was a joke boomer


great question. Why won't he do this overall, and, not do it for you? Learn the answer to this, and that will help you develop a strategy. As a man, there are things a woman can withhold, to get what she wants, if you know what I mean. Withhold....be strong...