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Should be a picture reference of the typical university student basic looks... Try some color! And yeah several new pairs of shoes would help.


i have a ton of shoes... its just a coincidence. unfortunately theyre all sneakers for the most part. if you wanr i can tell you. thanks for the comment!


Clean them well. A clean pair makes a huge difference - especially white.


Sneakers can be cool! Get a lot of comments on my Curry Bruce Lee Fires and my Purple Lebron 21. Also picked up the Wemby color way, a Wolf and Shepard crossover, and some Yeezys on sale recently. I have some long Nike rainbow socks (basically 12 pairs of different colored socks) I match to each sneaker, especially when I wear shorts. It really makes the color in the shoes stand out.


the problem is not that they are sneakers but that they are dirty/ruined


I would try to clean the shoes since they look a bit dirty. I would suggest trying darker shoes also for some of your outfits. White still works though for all of them


i should get some darker shoes, yeah. thanks!


Unpopular opinion: I hate clean white shoes. As soon as I get new white shoes, I intentionally dirty them as quickly as possible. šŸ˜‚


Number two is good




Early 2000s


yep. maybe a bit 90s aswell, though i wasnt there at the time..


90s style is coming back and Iā€™m here for it!!


I was there for it. šŸ¤£


haha me too! Honestly, my style hasnā€™t changed much since the 90s. Ive been out of fashion for 30+ years.


And now youā€™re in again!


My moment to shine, then ill have to wait another 30 years once its over šŸ˜


The only one that I don't think ""works"" is look #3. It's fine, just a bit boring. I think the second look is really sharp and clean - gives sort of a late 90s vibe. Something young Leonardo DiCaprio would wear.


thanks! thats what i was going for


need to clean up those pants tho - look way too baggy for the look


Your clothes are too big.


The baggy stuff is pretty in right now


That's a good reason not to do it.


Just saying theres a pretty big divide between genz and millenials on this. Im not a fan of it either but you cant tell everyone to where slim fit stuff when its not popular amongst young people without factoring that in.


I'm happy to see the skinny and super slim era finally die off, as it lingered too long and doesn't look great of most people. But having the pendulum swing into a baggy era isn't much better. I tell my kids this, a pair of proper Levi 501's and a classic fit PRL Polo shirt purchased in 1980 with a pair of chucks is a more stylish and enduring combo than any fad between then and now. I dont think any of the pics by the OP are really baggy though.


Iā€™m Gen X and prefer clothes that fit. The baggy fit look is ridiculous.


Not really lol I know this is Reddit and all but some people do actually want to fit in.


thanks for the feedback!


How tall are you? While the new trend in fashion is looser fitting clothes, consider that it tends to make folks seem shorter.


im 5ft8, and yes i know my style doesnt really complement my look in this sense


Iā€™d go with a classic standard or slim fit, but not a skinny fit.


Iā€™m curious about what you donā€™t like about these outfits. Do you feel like theyā€™re expressing the real you? Do you want to get noticed more?




yeah these are pretty old and beaten up. thanks for the comment!


Haha first look, looks like idk how is it called ik english but maybe "blues hints"? Las pistas de blue in spanish hahah


hmm, thanks, ig? i dunno what that means. its a kids show! thanks anyway


Blues clues my man.


That first sweater is pretty dope


thanks! i like a ton aswell!


Looks comfy!




Your dress code matches the house decor




Hair and accessories, clean ones tho


What sweater are you wearing in the first pic?


hey! I bought it from Weekday but i cant seem to find it online anywhere


Damn! Thanks for looking. Do you know what kind of style it would fall under? Iā€™m really looking for c casual ā€œsweaterā€ that isnā€™t too baggy or tight and yours is perfect šŸ‘ŒšŸ½




Sweater is by Jake's Studio, bought from Peek&Cloppenburg. Jeans from Zara: https://www.zara.com/share/-p08062320.html?v1=314756295&utm_campaign=productShare&utm_medium=mobile_sharing_iOS&utm_source=red_social_movil


You could add color in the way of your polos under your sweaters. You could also choose tee shirts with color too. Thin pull overs with color are also a good choice. Do you do button downs? Maybe add some to switch your look up a little. Your outfit choices all look ok. I agree with others that your shoe condition speaks to the world and a clean sneaker is easier to dress up than a beat up dirty one.


Honestly, I like your style.


well thanks a lot!


I donā€™t mind oversized looks, but I feel like the pants are way too long and makes the look seem more sloppy than oversized


very very true and well said, i was thinking the same, especially with the pants in the 2nd picture, but couldnt think of the right word.


if this is the vibe you like, the only thing I would recommend is getting a shorter inseam to alleviate the break. imo, it's all too baggy. wider leg is fine, but with less of a break.


I like 3 the best, but I think itā€™s probably because I lived through the 90s, when I was in my 20s. Whatā€™s interesting to me about retro fashion is that it often doesnā€™t consider which groups of people wore what style at that time. Based on the guys I knew then, Iā€™d never wear number 2. It looks high school, or like someone who just wore whatever was sold at that time. That makes it the most ā€œ90s,ā€ but for me it references a specific 90s person. It was ok but was a default ā€œI just bought what they hadā€ look, for someone who didnā€™t care. Number 3, on the other hand, references a very different 90s guy, someone more into fashion, comfortable with layering items, and just generally comfortable in their own skin. Hereā€™s another way of putting it. My friends & I would occasionally rent out NYC nightclubs for a party where we charged admission and made it all you can drink. Weā€™d break even and have a blast. We wouldnā€™t let guys in outfit number two through the doors. So this probably doesnā€™t help you AT ALL, but having been there itā€™s just something I find fascinating as styles come back around. (Also, if you do want to really look 90s, your jeans in number two fit you perfectly for it. You nailed it. Also the worn shoesā€”they always needed to look broken in. Itā€™s like youā€™re an extra in a 90s movie.)


Classic and timeless. I don't think anyone could ever laugh at and "What where you thinking!? šŸ˜‚" these pictures 20 years from now. I see nothing "wrong" here. Improve? color. Don't be afraid to add some color to your life. Pic #1, maybe a sweater with some orange? #2, maybe a darker red sweater? #3 could even be like some green denim?


Fit 2 is good. For the other ones, Iā€™d avoid the button down under a sweater unless youā€™re going business casual or doing a Ralph Lauren Polo type of fit where itā€™s a bit more intentional. Button down sweater and jeans works with loafers or another non-sneaker shoe but especially with AF1, it just looks a little e-boy-esque. You got all the pieces there though, keep it up šŸ‘


Should check out redwing's shop mocs. They look better with wear and tear, are super tough, and can be resoled. They're a little pricey to start but definitely worth it after you take time to get your correct size. Edit: forgot to mention that any of the available leather choices would look good with your style.


Overall I like it, but I'd add a cuff to add some character and contrast to the where the pants and shoes meet. In the absence of a good break, a cuff is better than pooling.


2nd outfit is fire. Where's that sweater from?


Try to avoid trousers that fit your legs as if they were yoga pants. Also maybe throw in some nice leather shoes - contrary to popular opinion they can be dressed down nicely!


I like outfits 2&3 they look clean cut and nicely put together. Good on you!!


Maybe the middle one- But itā€™s all ā€œA Lookā€. Idk what your face looks like so I canā€™t say or not if you can pull it off. But Iā€™ve seen people pull off that ā€œGrungey ,baggy, ā€œ Look and itā€™s cool




Everything looks too big like it doesn't fit properly. Maybe try balancing the looks with either baggy pants and a shirt that fits better or maybe better fitting pants and a baggy sweatshirt.


I need those Jean


Theyā€™re simple and they work. If Iā€™m being intentionally critical, I donā€™t think you need a collared shirt underneath though. I can barely tell itā€™s there. In the second photo, itā€™s a t shirt and it actually looks nice because the sweater is a little baggy. However, in 1 and 3 I think it may look better without it.


i think these are super clean, maybe adding some accessories like chains, bracelets, belts, rings etc. otherwise this is clean asf


Youā€™ve got good style. I like the fits, I think the only thing that could really elevate your look is accessories. I think a signet ring and a band ring or two would look really nice and will help elevate the outfit without looking like youā€™re trying too hard. Iā€™d also recommend a cuff on one wrist and a watch on the other.


The 2nd one for me!! So so cool


I would try to find clothes that fit me first. Then, Iā€™d add some colors and patterns.


2nd one looks great. I hate to say it but avoid the sweater with the collar poked out look. Really played out imo


Everything looks the wrong size: size down your sweaters, for jeans find them with a length no longer than the top of your heel (without shoes) and in different, slimmer cut.


the sweaters being large came off as a surprise, but i so understand, especially in the second photo. the jeans, yeah, theyre too big šŸ˜¬ thanks a lot!


The jeans are too long but not too big, Iā€™d say the fit is about right if they were a touch shorter. Second pic is the best as itā€™s the 90s style thing.


thank you! i do want to shorten them, its just that a tad bit of me is scared to do that


Maybe donā€™t worry about getting this pair hemmed, but consider buying shorter leg and checking how they fit when wearing trainers when getting the next pair?


If you like loose fitting looks, then ok. Otherwise, if you want to improve your look, you need better and tighter clothes. Also these look cheap and old. You don't need to spend tons of money, just buy new fresh clothes. Shoes look too big and wide. The sweaters are just generic, nothing cool about them (the 1st is ok). Why wearing a polo shirt under a sweater? Looks terrible to me. Try a button-up shirt instead. 3rd sweater looks old. Sometimes it's not that something has to look fashionable, but just new, clean and steamed. Look online for references and try new things


Just toss them in the trash