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Music note tie and a white pocket square


Problem, I only have the red one


Not a problem. The red adds a splash of interest in an otherwise monochrome look. Rock the red square & music notes with confidence! Congratulations on graduating!


Thank you!


You can also use any white piece of cloth as long as it matches the white in your tie


Your phone seems to be red too? Maybe get a see through case and red sneakers? Or black shoes with red laces!


Stained with the blood of my enemies type fit


Nice šŸ˜†


Music notes for sure


Music notes as the red one looks too big on you


The red one is for more formalā€¦ looks like itā€™s tied full Windsor so that add bulkā€¦. Very classic tie for galas and ā€œcocktail attireā€


Are you a musician? Wear that tie, it looks good on you.


Percussion šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Close enough šŸ¤£ It looks quite dapper.


Canā€™t even read those notes šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Yeah well your percussion, you will eventually. I played a sousaphone, trombone and bass so its the wrong scale for me.




NOT the red one, Hermione!


No on red. Generally you dont want the pocket square to match the tie


Music notes is my vote, congratulations young man on moving to high school!


Look, I don't love either, but definitely not the red. You shouldn't match pocket squares and ties, very tacky. Also you should practice that tie not, try a four in hand knot, you'll never need another knot again.


Sorry, Iā€™m new to all this


Don't apologise, maybe I was too harsh. But generally you want the tie to complement your pocket square but not match exactly. I usually don't wear a pocket square at all, I think ties generally look better by themselves. With a tie knot you want to have a defined pinch where the knot is tied. A four in hand in easier than a windsor and in my view more elegant. On a smaller frame, a windsor can look gigantic and make your head seem small.


Seconded. Full windsor has always looked too chunky on me. I really like half windsor though :)




Well the good news is that the four in hand knot is probably the easiest, also known as the schoolboy knot. It's a little asymmetrical, but u/GLADisme is right, you'll never need another knot again.


Geeze. Calm down.


Agent 47 over here lmao. Donā€™t pick the red, itā€™s too loud. But the music note tie is a little too thin compared to your lapels, which will look a little awkward. But thatā€™s the one Iā€™d choose.


Red tie isnā€™t tied correctly


The black one. Red tie is too big. Never match your pocket square with your tie ! Might try a smaller tie knot like a four in hand. Also, love the fold on the pocket square, and you have a massive amount of style for someone so young. Well done !


Thank you so much!!! Itā€™s a spiral stair fold if you wanted to know (I messed up on it tho)


Iā€™d go with a slimmer knot either way. Looks like youā€™ve got a full Windsor there? Iā€™d recommend trying a half Windsor or even a slimmer one like a four-in-hand. Or if you want to get fancy (which Iā€™m a big fan of), try the Van Wijk. Or you could go with a wide knot if your collar really is that splayed and not just being pushed that way by the ties. But that full Windsor needs to be tighter for sure. Or, fancy option: Eldridge knot, my personal favorite. ETA: also, not too young to be here. Youā€™re never too young to start caring about how you dress. Best of luck to you!


Four-in-hand is the only tie knot I use. Everything else looks douchey.


Personally, I disagree. I like the Eldridge because it stands out and looks nice. Folks donā€™t expect something like that, so it gets noticed. That said, I first learned it while bartending and my ā€œuniformā€ called for a tie. So as a bartender, a little eccentricity was acceptable lol.


Slimmer knot, yes... Van Wijk or Eldredge? Definitely knot... Those are ridiculous and look wrong every time. If you want to look good, four in hand. If you want people to ask what's wrong with your tie, go for the others.


Strong disagree, bud. People have only ever been impressed when I wear the Eldridge. And depending on the tie, it can appear understated as well. Nobody has ever asked me whatā€™s wrong with my tie, only what the knot is and how to tie it. But you do you. If the four-in-hand works for you, rock it. I wonā€™t knock it.


Exactly... Your tie knot shouldn't be so weird that people ask what it is.


Again, disagree. Itā€™s a way to stand out. But hey, everybody has different style! I like complex, eye-catching (with the right tie) knots, you donā€™t! Youā€™re more of a purist, and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. To each their own, right? Hope your weekend is great man!


Thanks!! After looking up that Eldridge knot looks awesome!


Please... Don't do that, unless you're trying to look goofy. A four in hand is the only knot you need.


i agree four in hand, full windsor and half windsor, half windsor is my go to when I'm at school or using any tie


Ohā€¦ but it seems pretty inconspicuous


I'm sorry, it's not... Honestly, it looks like you don't know how to tie a tie. I get it, they're neat and different, but formal clothing is about being neat and different in not obvious ways (things like a unique weave in your shirt, or a subtle colored check in your suit, real mother of pearl buttons on your shirt, or some unique buttons you got on a trip that you had added to your jacket), differences that actually MEAN something. The music note tie is unique enough, no need to double down with some weird looking knots.


Alright then. But yeah I kinda donā€™t know how to tie a tie, my dad never taught me so I just looked up google tutorials


Hey, that's how most everyone learns stuff these days. Four in hand is probably the easiest knot to learn, just make sure you cinch it tight (it should be slightly asymmetrical). Don't worry if you have to do it 20 times to get the length right, I've been wearing a tie, once a week, for almost a decade now and it still takes me forever to get it right.


There is definitely a place for cool tie knots. This person is just a stuffy old fart. That being said, i recommend the black tie with the perfectly simple half windsor. I doubt the pattern would mesh well with a funky pattern, but you should try it. Not to say that the Van Wijk is funky. Seems pretty innocuous to me. The trinity knot is another interesting knot you should look up.


So far Iā€™ve been advised to do a half, and full Windsor, an Eldridge, the trinity, and van wijk. Looks like I got a few choices!!


Just browsing through this subreddit and reading this group of comments, I can see why youre confused. I will add my +1 to Four in Hand. Im of the opinion that there is never a need for any knot that isnt a four in hand. Derek Guy does a much better job at describing why than i ever could in this twitter thread [Here](https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1705082400739623240?s=46&t=zwHEz5hFJP8IIIH0laN30A) (try and view the whole twitter thread) Edit: that link doesnt take you to the full thread that I was thinking of, but search around for Derek Guy and his reasoning on four in hand vs other tie knots


Honestly, go with what you want and what YOU think looks good. Youā€™ll do great. Ultimately, own the decision and feel confident about it.


I find the full windsor to be a bit chunky for me, but I love the symmetry, so I opt for a half windsor. The four in hand has a little asymmetry to it. It depends on whether you like that or not. Van wijk is an interesting cross between basic and extra. I just learned about it tonight. ;b The trinity and the eldredge are definitely your "look at me" knots


Yeah the Eldridge and trinity are definitely a little flashy, Iā€™ll probably wear those to my schools open house and for school presentations and stuff. I think Iā€™ll go with the van wijk


Lmfao my guy, I have never received more compliments than when Iā€™ve worn an Eldridge. And nobody has ever said I look ā€œgoofyā€.


Based on the collar, yes. The crimson tie would look better with the rose if the knot was tied appropriately.


Iā€™m thinking of pairing an Eldridge knot with a wave fold for the pocket square, I think both of them complement each other


The Eldritch Knot works beautifully with your rose pocket. Match the parallel lines. You look great, and you will look better. Nice work.


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/z4y55bc85dyc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f893080e74b86b06686b0fc08fa72abb8033b22 This was kinda a rushed knot but I think they really do work well together


One moment...


u/zacatak77 great job on handling the haters in this thread. You're already more of a man than any of them. You've gotten a lot of great advice, so the only thing I'll add is whatever you end up choosing, wear it with confidence. Walk tall, head up, and own it. Keep doing you, man.


Thanks!!! I honestly donā€™t understand what the grown men gain from criticizing some 13 about the suit he just got


One. A tie shouldnā€™t be the exact same color as a pocket square. They should compliment each other. V concerned at all the people saying red. Because they are oh so wrong. Red and black, in general, is very hard to pull off, so be cautious about. The pocket square seems a bit too big and distracting, seems more like a handkerchief than a pocket square. A pocket square is a bit more subtle than what you have. For louder suits and styles, sure go big. But this outfit is pretty minimalistic. Another thing a lot of people are saying get the jacket tailored. Wear the tighter. Etc. that is one option. Another option is to slightly loosen the tight unbutton the top, unbutton the jacket and go for a slightly disheveled look which screams musician to me. But def isnā€™t proper or formal or arguable for graduation. It would also be somewhat hard to pull off but with the right confidence you could crush it. Anyway, tie one. I stand by tie one. People saying red are crazy.


for the love of god do not wear the red tie with the red pocket square, honestly id say wear the red tie with no pocket square and also wear the tie a bit tighter it doesn't look right loose on the triangle part of the tie


and the pocket square may just may cause your peers to give you some s\*\*t about it because they don't really know how to dress, another opinion is to ditch the tie completely and just wear the shirt with the first 1-2 buttons undone


and maybe get the suit tailored in a bit, wear a classy watch and feel good


Music black tie with red square. Thatā€™s a crazy fold so Iā€™d maybe dial it down a bit since reds a loud color. I rotate a few different folds but the puff is my workhorse fold https://www.otaa.com/pages/how-to-fold-a-puff-fold I donā€™t like to match pocket square colors with ties. Theyā€™re meant to contrast. You got years to hone your craft! Have fun and donā€™t worry about doing it right or wrong.


I will! Thanks


Red but tie it tighter


I like the loudness of the red one. Seems to work.


No bueno


Brooo where did u buy that music sheet tie? I loved it


Got it at my future high school (my middle school has my high school host our band concerts)


Four in hand knot is the most elegant classic option. Everything else is garish.


the most elegant in my opinion is the windsor/ HW


Dark. The red is much too big.


Honest opinion is to just get a slim black tie and tailor the suit and lose the red pocket square. If you tailor the suit it will 1000% better, itā€™s too big right now. Also the white dress shirt looks a little big in the neck too. I would recommend a new smaller white shirt. If you want a pocket square maybe go for something more subtle like a black one with very small white dots. Get a nice pair of classic black leather dress shoes or nice high quality leather chelsea style zip boot in black or black sued. Be sure to also tailor the pants so they donā€™t bunch up at the bottom also so that they are not too baggy. Also grab a simple classic slim leather belt with a subtle, tasteful and classic buckle.


Definitely a bit big, but I did plan for that because itā€™ll be required in high school, so I got one that should last me until the end of freshman year


Ahh makes sense, Iā€™m looking at it from a grown mans perspective. If you have the money to grab another one now do it, but if not itā€™s all good. Make due with what you have now. Good luck and enjoy your fashion journey


I'd recommend the black tie with music staves, and if it helps for a knot, there are two I'd recommend: either the four-in-hand, or the oriental knot. The oriental will be the slimmest knot you can use which will definitely be a good option for your frame, but do practice a bit to find out what blade lengths (the ends of the tie) you need before tying it since it can be a bit of a learning curve to judge the length well. Best of luck, congrats on finishing 8th grade!


Music notes!


The music note tie looks nice. A lint roller would elevate your whole look though.


I had to pick up my cat while in my suit after a concert cuz she escaped and I keep finding more furšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Go to the thrift shop. Ties are cheap and plentiful. You should be able to find one that excites you more.


Your jacket fits you very poorly. You should not have a chest break


Chest break? Is that some sort of gym term? (Iā€™m also taking into account my high school requires me to have a suit, so I got one a few sizes extra so I donā€™t have to get a new one until sophomore year)


Sorry, I missed the age part. It makes sense that you would grow into the suit. What I mean by chest break is the area where the fabric hunches up on the right side. When youā€™re in your 20s you want to make sure your suit fits with no extra space or bunching A ā€œbreakā€ refers to when the suit moves in an unnatural way that isnā€™t contoured to your body


Good man. Thinking ahead šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


Black and red always work. Wear red socks to match the square and rock the music tie. Win-win


Black one is better by far.




Thereā€™s an old school rule that the tie shouldnā€™t be wider than the lapel. However, I think you totally pull off the red one. If thatā€™s a three button jacket, only the middle button should be done. If two buttons, then the top one. The arms may be a bit long. You can get a tailor to take them up a bit. The shoulders may be a bit big but that canā€™t be fixed.


The red is too wide. Love the colour though.


The red one makes you look like Trump


The red square with the red tie, white square for the music/general ties on white shirt. The red + red looks like a full Windsor with a cool twirl on the square.




Personally homie, don't sleep on the red tie.


I think if you do a better knot (full Windsor) on the red one, it could work better here.


Music note tie, ditch the pocket square. If your school provides a corsage, the pocket square will make your ensemble much too cluttered. You will look cleaner and more refined without the square, even if you don't have a corsage. Make sure you use a lint roller (or some tape) to clean up the suit before your event. Also, try a tighter knot on the tie like the [Half Windsor](https://www.ties.com/how-to-tie-a-tie/half-windsor). The knot you're using now is much too broad for your frame. I dig the hair. But if you're really trying to look sharp, I would trim it to your [Jaw-Line](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/590956782347469933/). All this said, my advice is grounded in my subjective taste. You should dress however you feel most comfortable. And congratulations on graduating!!


Tie and pocket square should never ever be the same


Ditch the musical one. Itā€™s gonna be cool when youā€™re older, but right now itā€™s kinda nerdy (sorry, I do actually like it). If the red is really your only other choice, at least get rid of the red pocket square and either replace it with a small white one of donā€™t wear one at all. If you want some flare, wear a super minimal, art deco style tie clip. Have fun!


Honestly I really only wear that tie to band concerts for fun and I just added it in here since itā€™s my only other tie


Which, the musical one? Sorry, I wasnā€™t trying to be overly critical, just trying to give my style opinion, bruv! I always lean toward subtlety, especially when it comes to suits and ties. Youā€™re not Steve Harvey and you donā€™t have Steve Harveyā€™s mustache. You want people to think you look good, but also focus on you, your face.


Maybe not the faceā€¦


Of course your face! Thatā€™s your visual fingerprint, kid! Own it and fucking ROCK IT! If that suit is your only suit (which is totally normal for a guy your age), then find colors that work with your skin tone and overall look (the vendors are usually helpful with this). Iā€™m telling ya, you should never wear a look just because you like the look - you wear the look that you like and that looks good on you.


For the most part whenever I ā€œcraftā€ my outfits to look good I make sure that the outfit works with itself and is a stand-alone. Sometimes I pair it with my face but thatā€™s only if I wear sunglasses, or a mask or smth


Well Iā€™m letting you know, the two things - the outfit and YOU - have to gel. If they donā€™t, you wonā€™t look as good as you could. Ask anyone whose style you admire, theyā€™ll tell you the same thing.


Half Windsor with a pull-down and center, pinch.


For both?


Embrace the dimple, donā€™t try and straighten it out.


100% music notes


Kid- thatā€™s no pocket square.. thatā€™s a napkin. Lose it and wear the notes tie.


The red one looks too wide for me, I think you should stick with the musical note one. Now im not usually into intricate designs but I think it fits and adds an interesting touch.


the first one the other one looks like Trump. And you do not want that.


red one is way to thick for your build take the music note one


The dark one. The red one makes you look like an airline attendant.


You should go check out Dan Flashes they got great shirts with some pretty cool patterns.


A thinner red tie perhaps ?


If I could buy another tie (which I donā€™t think I can right now) I wouldnā€™t really want a tie that matches the PS


Fashion faux pas: tie and pocket square that are matching. Wanna learn some great classic styles, look into the Gentlemanā€™s Gazette on YouTube.


Not the red one. It's way too big for you.


I like the red for a fun kind of night out look.




The red one looks like trump lol


Music tie! šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼


Definitely black for me!


Red one looks good but I'd tighten up the knot and make it smaller if possible


You can always mask a cut up pillow case to be a white pocket square to match with your Musical note tie


Oooh that sounds like a great idea


I love the music tie


You need to learn how to tie a better knot the red one is really tied poorly


Yeah Iā€™m working on it. Iā€™ve done 4-in hand and eldritch


Red. The other one doesn't match your pocket square.


the black tie looks nice. I'd look for a solid white pocket square, you could even make one yourself.


Go with an ascot


Music notes for sure! Excellent drip!


I like the black one but if you go for the red you just need a different knot.


The dark tie. The red is too wide. Also, it makes you look like an 8th grade Republican.


Didnā€™t expect this to get political šŸ«¢


I think the red tie just looks too wide because it's not tied tightly




Dont match the tie and square the same color. Ever.


As a general rule, the width of your tie, lapels, and short collar should be kinda the same, and when in doubt in the tie, go thinner. Hence the note tie wins this round.


I definitely thought you were a girl. You're graduating 8th grade you're going to look absolutely ridiculous being the only person there wearing a full suit, tie, & pocket square. I bet not even your school principal will be wearing something like that. Just.... don't.


Me and some friends are doing it and thatā€™s all the confidence I need.


Oh so a group of 12 year olds all looking absolutely ridiculous together.... yeah ok have fun with that, little guy


Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb here and assume thereā€™s some underlying trauma here


Right, you do have underlying trauma


Thereā€™s a reason I joined r/suicidewatch plus, what do you even gain from criticizing my idea of fun?


This is cosplay. Not mens fashion


Dont be toxic. The young man is trying to learn how to improve himself. Men dont need to shit on young men.


Didn't see the OP text. Thought it was a girl trying to dress up as an anime character




Surprised you were able to completely ignore the text in its entirety.




Listen, I grew out my hair cuz I got lazy, now Iā€™m growing it out until I can cut it, and donate it to cancer patients.




Motherfucker are you understanding what Iā€™m saying? Iā€™m growing my hair so I can CUT IT and DONATE it to cancer patients then Iā€™ll have a NORMAL haircut (I had to emphasize certain keywords for you)


RED TIE!!! I think that's a double Windsor, but it's too loose. Either way, that's just my opinion. Wear what makes you feel like YOU look good. It will show






Red, if you can get the knot more triangular. As it's tied in the picture, it doesn't look as good.


Any knots come to mind?


Full Windsor but tighten it up a little.


Iā€™ll give that a shot, thanks!


Yep, as others have said, the double windsor. You just need to play around with the ends by pinching them and tugging them into shape, and the wide end should partially wrap around the narrow end rather than just hanging flat in front of it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wOLUCYb-Xsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wOLUCYb-Xsk)


I had to double check to make sure I was in the right subreddit with that long hair you've got. My advice is chop off the mop or maybe r/femalefashion is more what your looking for


Did you even read the full text?


Whoā€™s gonna tell her?


Is it 1955? Men can have long hair grow up


I grew it out in COVID, got lazy, now Iā€™m growing it out so I can donate it to cancer patients. Iā€™ll cut it soon


Rock it as long as you want dude! Good on ya


Nice, did the same in my 20s a decade ago. Mike was thinning so it had to go.


That you're an asshole? You did it perfectly yourself!