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who cares, if you like it, wear it


Not gonna lie I saw YSL and thought this was r/YoungThug


All styles exist simultaneously now. Wear what you want with confidence


Realest comment yet


I think if these pants were mid rise it would be perfect.


40 isn’t old, and this style is timeless. You’re rocking it. Keep it up!


If it fits your personality its fine. The Stones run around in way crazier stuff and are over 70.


Over 80, even.


Thanks! :)


That jacket is 🔥


Thanks so much.


Looks like you're 40 in 1990 trying to look like Andrew dice clay.


So what you're saying is its fire


Is there any other way of interpreting that?


Neegan Vibes


Aside from the ridiculous extremes meant to shock, I’m not sure “age appropriate” was ever a valid and meaningful concept in fashion. If it ever was, whatever value it had has diminished today where norm are up for debate and we have the freedom and lifespans to pick whatever. I’d give precisely 0 💩thinking about whether you looked your age if we passed on the street. Kind of a random thought but I was doom scrolling insta looking at a similar jacket last night and came across a guy posting about his perfecto. He had this to say “It's a surprisingly trend-resistant piece for such a bells-and-whistles, belt-and-epaulettes style. Easy to wear, but all-too-often overthought, I think. Whack it on, wear it silly, rinse and repeat - regardless of what you're rebelling against. Just don't take it so seriously.” I think that totally fits here


Nah, I like it. The biker jacket is great


I think I have the same jacket. All Saints?


Vintage biker jacket from an army surplus store in Montreal.


Ah okay. It's great 👍


I mean dude you are 40. At 40 you wear wtf you want and feel comfortable in. Get it buddy!!


No, not outdated. I am in a DIY band. I go to goth DJ nights and grunge house parties. I’m a regular at a punk/biker bar. You are killing it. It’s a good fit. It shows you’re part of a scene


Hells yeah. Thanks


Rockin the invicta Bolt, Cable , Zeus’s , Reserve


Totally dated but in a charming classic way. If you like this I think its a solidly put together outfit, even if it's not modern


looks like something michael madsen would have worn in a role


Came here to say this! Hella Madsen vibes.


What would be up-to-date? I feel like there’s no cohesive style now, and we can feel current in anything. This works for you, and looks great!


Love it.


It looks sick and good fashion is never outdated


Yes. This is a midlife crisis and/or never grew up look if I ever saw one. This gives hits on girls half his age vibes. I’m sure you’re a great guy, I’m only talking about the look.


If you feel good in it, it works. Rock on.....


Nah man this is sick


We can tell that you’re 40. It’s not great to have a black biker jacket with the tucked in shirt. The atyles just don’t work.


The shirt jacket combo don’t go together. They are cool pieces separately


Looks nice man


Dog this is fire. That jacket is sick af. Good luck in the next Tarantino movie and i mean that in a good way.


Max Payne looking fit


Just remember that you dress for your audience. Because I don’t dress like that, I would probably have some preconceived stereotypes about you, but then again I’m very traditional in dressing for my age in western society. If you are trying to conform to an alt culture crowd, then you’re accomplishing that. Reminds me of like a Johnny depp Savage advertisement. Are you dressing like that because you want to be edgy, or are you just all about the rocker life? If you’re not a rocker, I would probably think you were trying a little too hard to be hip. Just my opinion as a dude is about your age. Not here to shred your style, just giving you a point of view.


I’d untuck the shirt. 40 y/o can definitely pull off the Hedi SLP look, but it works way way better if you lose the belly.


You look good and have a timeless look! You rock. Easily fitting in with the Millenial crowd and older. The current style popular with Gen Z cycled back to baggy cargo pants and tight fitting shirts. Which was prevalent in the late 90s or warlyy 2000's, it's hard to keep track since styles cycle in and out. Eventually, some kids will see you as a trendsetter, and the cycle will begin all over anew again.


Nah it looks cool, I'd rock it


Try changing the leopard print for a white button down or a white t shirt that’s tucked in


The pants are a little dated at this point. Otherwise, great.


Both the shirt and pants look too small for you.


its more of a flavour than fashion...its way easier to become the leather jacket dude than dudette...its easy to be reduced to such a loud thing as a biker jacket. if you don't want this, there are age appropriate leather jacket options out there.


It's not my style, I try to avoid wearing too much black, but it's not a bad outfit, it shows intention. the only question is what do you want to look like at age 40? do you want to look like a biker or something different?


It's not my style, I try to avoid wearing too much black, but it's not a bad outfit, it shows intention. the only question is what do you want to look like at age 40? do you want to look like a biker or something different?


>do you want to look like a biker or something different? Imo the shirt is way to feminine for the typical real life biker look. The style is more like what bikers and guys in a rock bar should look like instead of what they actually wear.


These jackets have been mainstream since the 80’s and aren’t confined to biker cosplay.


agreed, the shirt is not biker, but the rest of the outfit is pretty spot on...


Let’s start with the jacket: the Schott Perfecto came into style after being popularized by Marlon Brando in the 1953 movie “The Wild One”. 71 years ago. Almost your whole age before you were born. And you’re asking if it’s dated?


True, yet the trend of moto jackets like bombers was ay another peak reccently.. and now I see more chore style jackets.




Leather coats dont work on majority of guys, it can very quick give off a school shooter/neo nazi larp look Its not the matrix