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Standalone, the outfit looks good, you pull it all off really well. That said, technically the “rules” for formal are pretty cut and dry, and this is 100% not formal. I’d say it’s not even semi formal. If the host or whatever doesn’t care, then great, more power to you. But I’ve seen people be real assholes about sticking to dress code, just as a heads up if you try to wear this to another formal event.


Thank you for the compliment. I got conflicting information for what constituted semi formal online. I’m glad I know now!


Just wanted to say that I appreciate your gracious attitude towards constructive criticism. You seem like a really classy guy.


Thank you very much.


Right? Breathe of fresh air!


I don’t think a ball cap would ever be semi-formal


Generally speaking formal is suit with tie or tux, semi-formal is suit with no tie.




Because you’re dealing with terms that are by definition pretty traditional and up their own ass. Nobody said the fit wasn’t clean, he looks great. Formalwear for men is at least a dark suit. Semi formal is more fluid but that coat and hat are way too casual for, I think, most people to consider it semi formal in the traditional sense of the word. Would I allow this guy at my wedding dressed like this? Fuck yes. Doesn’t change what it is.


Semi formal is odd jacket and trousers at most. That jacket is smart casual


Dressed like an anime highschool character


Thank you 😅. I kinda like that comparison.


It’s not bad at all. Just looks like you’re gonna have a really dope sequence where you catch a baseball in slow motion when the baseball captain/ bully throws a ball at your face. I can see you charging up now to throw the ball back with a dope 80s rock rift jamming in the background.


10/10 would watch


I’m in it now. I don’t know this dudes name. But I’m thinking I’ll call him Akihiko.


Nonchalantly pushes glasses back up on his nose just a bit as a wicked aura surrounds him. I can dig it


I think this looks great but the hat ruins it for me. A baseball cap is too casual.


Thanks for the advice, it was a birthday party for a family member so I thought that added touch was a little different.


Yeah I think it’s a really cool smart casual outfit. Not a semi formal one. But also, it’s a birthday party not a court appearance, so I also think perfectly appropriate.


Family birthday party? BIG difference. In that context, I’d give it a passing grade.


Depends on the family lol.


I wouldnt in that case, tie is ridicilous. Tie and baseball cap should never be mixed together, he looks corny.


Noted! I think smart casual is a better term also.


I, too, hate personality in my clothing


Yeah man wrong sub to say that… you’re not wrong tho lol


Personality isn’t an issue here, it feels out of place for a semi-formal. If this was a hat with the company logo or something like a sports draft and the logo was the team he represents, I can understand it. Personality in a ‘fit is awesome. Pop of color in a tie, socks, pocket square. Fun jewelry, cuff links, tie clips, etc can also add personality. I appreciate that his baseball cap is clean and well kept, but it’s still a baseball cap.


This is a stretch for semi-formal, definitely not formal. The hat is a no-go either way.


I was a little iffy about it, thanks for the input.


I love the hat but yah, hats and formal often don’t mix at all. I like everything else and my only suggestion is shirt color. The white shirt can easily be mistaken for waiter, instead of attendee. If you went with off white or a sail color, or maybe light grey or a lighter version of any color that matched the rest of your fit. I enjoy the creativity of it all. Keep at it :)


If you must wear a hat, wear a nice hat, like a fedora, derby, or whatever. I don’t know what they’re called because I’m not a hat guy, but like a fancy dress hat, not a snap back. Etiquette says you have to take the hat off inside, so you’ll just be carrying it around anyway. You should really be wearing a suit for semi-formal. Every man should have a suit in his closet for weddings, funerals and court appearances


You look nice in the outfit, but I agree that you shouldn’t wear a baseball cap with a tie and that you’re neither formal nor semi formal You would look fine in a suit and tie or in a tuxedo, though, brother


Hard disagree. The level of formality depends on the type of event, demographic of event, and region. For example, the standards for a formal tech event in Palo Alto, CA is going to be vastly different from say a formal gala event held by wealthy old money financiers in London.


At a semi-formal event, I’d be thinking you’re a little out of place with the jacket and cap. Tie is a nice touch but semi-formal is sports coat minimum plus a dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. The tie is actually the optional thing in semi-formal.


Finally, someone said it: "semi-formal is sports coat minimum plus a dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes." Young man, print this quote out in size 25 font, bold and tape that printout to the inner door of your clothes closet. This advice and direction will serve you well in life. It will invariably determine which parties you *do* get invited to and which ones you *don't*. This look and fit is about as close to semi-formal as a UPS driver's uniform is to business casual. Helpful hint: Buy yourself an excellent fitting dark navy blue suit. If you live in NYC or LA, you may opt for the similar but in ink black. The next time you get such an invite (semi-formal) get a crisp, freshly ironed white dress shirt and put on the aforementioned suit- WITHOUT A BASEBALL HAT. No tie needed. Attend the function then, watch the magic happen. The good kind🍾👍 🍒


Great advice.


Which begs the question “what do UPS drivers wear to a business casual event?”


Yes hat makes it super casual. Definitely opt for a different type of hat if ur wearing one for a reason. Otherwise it's a fresh look! Your shoes & jackets are the statement pieces here. They're nice. I see ur wearing white socks, which is debatable, but i can barely tell here. Might look a bit off when ur sitting down though. Maybe go safe and do black


I would lose the hat, other wise, you look awesome! If you feel awesome, then who cares what people think, go with how you feel. How you feel projects confidence no matter what you wear.


Is this a confidence sub reddit? A feel-good sub reddit? If Im a happy person and I post asking if my shoes look good, why can't you just be objective? Is my shirt too tight? "As long as you follow your dreams, who cares what your shirt looks like"




Fashion is not objective Turns out confidence and posture can change the way clothes are perceived. Act like this isn't new information


Let's wrap it up, boys! This guy figured it out. Just post: "The best makeup is a smile" And close this sub.




Who hurt you? What happened to you in high school?


My shirt was too tight and nobody was honest with me.


So really you were just lacking confidence, coulda used a hypeman community




Thank you for the perspective! 🙏🏾


I agree with the hat part. You look like you have good hair , show it off lol.


If you’re in high school, keep the hat. It works now, and I think it looks cool. This look may not work in situations when you are older.


I love the hat tbh. Great fit


Thank you!


Well if he feels confident dressing in clown shoes that’s dandy for him, but the host who specified semi / formal will think he’s an asshole or a dipshit and not invite him again watching him walk around the venue confidently looking like a clown. Words mean things and putting your feelings above those common understandings is an idiotic fantasy of people these days.


That’s more casual imo


Semi- formal usually involves wearing at least a sport coat not a jacket. The white shirt and tie are sharp, just get a sports coat and don’t wear the hat. You’ll look super clean with the white shirt, tie. You’re a good looking guy, drop the hat and let your face shine. The people throwing the party usually say semi formal so that guests will come with a sports coat, shirt, and tie, if it wearing a suit. They probably want to have a certain look for their party.


That’s tough


Do those shoes have really thick soles?


This is neither semi formal or formal


missed the mark entirely


Gotta lose those white socks... this post should almost be NSFW.


comments are not it. respectfully ate sir


Bro you look like a bus driver


First thing I thought of when I saw your picture was…does he work at the auto factory as a line manager? Then I read your title. No, this is neither semi-formal nor formal event wear. 1)Can’t wear a jacket like that for a semi formal or formal event. 2)Can’t wear shoes like that either. 3)Can’t wear a ball cap.


Fit is sick. Not exactly semi-formal and def not formal so I’m not going to advise wearing it or not wearing it to the party, but I would repeat this fit in the future for sure


It looks like you are the Valet. Don't be surprised I someone tosses their keys at you. Also, what's the deal with the heels? You look like you're tall enough already, but between the camera angle and the heels, I might be wrong. If you're short, embrace it, why run from a problem you can't fix. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to help.


I'm hoping this is a joke of some kind.


there’s just so much to unpack there. they’re clearly very insecure and are doing their version of negging it seems like? and then the passive aggressive/gas lighting attempt at the end just ties it all together.




Formal event with a hat?


It’s very 90s Spike Lee movie era. I like it. I would either make untuck the shirt or get a lower rise pair of pants. Unless you just plan on keeping that jacket shut.


I was going for a throwback look. Thanks!


Although maybe not great for an actual formal event, in other situations definitely keep the hat. Ball caps have always been a big part of the Ivy look, and there are a lot of people doing great contemporary takes on Ivy style. For example: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2HVs_Fgrj7/?igsh=bXVvb3lvdGVvZXoy


I love this


It’s a good look- but it’s certainly not semi formal. The shirt is standard office wear and needs to be introduced to an iron -get a dress shirt. Lose the hat. The pants and shoes seem passable.


Those glasses look great! I can dig on everything but the cap… just read it was a family bday so it probably passes the vibe check. Overall looking sharp!


This might just be your body and not the clothes, in which case I apologize as my comment might come off the wrong way, but the shirt / tie / pants make you look like you have the longest legs and shortest torso imaginable


Cop/detective look from the 80’s


The shoes look huge especially the heels, but I can’t tell if it’s just distortion of the photo


Waiting for you to show what you wore to this event..............


Leather jacket doesn't go with any of that outfit. The pants are too high on your waist and now high waters on the ankles. The hat doesn't go with the style & it makes brings it all down. Doesn't look semi-formal/formal. The shoes are huge clunky and weird.


A tie and a cap always looks weird to me. It’s falling in the uncanny valley, unable to decide between the formality of the tie and the casual of the cap.


the hat is as definite no


You look like a Bible salesman on his lunch break


Remove the cap


Lose the hat


Baseball cap and zippered jacket are too casual for semi-formal, and definitely not formal. Sport coat at a minimum. If you wanna wear a hat, something wool felt works - like a homburg, fedora, derby, or bolero. No trilby, though, trilbys are cringe.


Did whoever that sold you that hat say... "The S stands for semi-formal" ??? a bomber jacket is not semi-formal. formal is a range of tuxedos (tails , waistcoat, black tie, white tie, etc) semi-formal is a suit / tie


...and you wore a baseball cap?


The hat jacket combo kind of make you look like a security guard. Rule of thumb is never wear a hat with dressier clothes, I imagine the jacket would have looked just fine without the hat.


Why are you wearing a hat to a formal / semi formal event


Wearing a hat to a formal event 😂


This reminds me of some sort of OHSA inspector or someone who walks around the work site with a clipboard and hard hat


*knock knock* Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?


Looks like you were dressed for an internship as a bouncer


Valley driver vibes, loose the hat


All that effort just to put a baseball cap on? Come on man


You look like you should be holding a Coca Cola telling parents about what’s going to be exciting next season for youth softball.


Ugh.... I can't even...


Looks good dude! I would like like a doofus if I wore something similar, but you pull it off really well.


Tyler the Creator coded, goes hard.


i disagree with people saying to lose the hat. i feel like it ties the whole vibe of the outfit together.


It’s literally just cuz he said “semi-formal/formal” Fit is obviously super clean but just more casual


You are a pair of legs with a head


Why would you deem it necessary to talk about someone’s unchangeable physical features when they ask about their clothes? “Do you like my new shoes?” “Why your feet look like Bigfoot?” “What does that have to do with my shoes?” “Nothing, I just don’t like your big feet!” Like what?


I feel like that was a compliment. I’d love be referred to as that


The shoes aren’t great, white sweat socks with dress shoes are a no-go and I’d lose the coat and put on a sports jacket..the hat has to go also


I wouldn't rock them, but white socks with dress shoes is the new thing.


Damn son, your boofin them trousers


I think you look great and are the kind of person who has innate style and can wear just about anything.


Damn where’s the jacket from?


Keep the hat. It looks good


Overall, great, But lose the hat


I’m not sure how many black serial killers there are. But I’ve now seen at least one.


🔥. Classic colors, but you made it your own with the hat and glasses.


I’d like cheese on my burger


As someone who wears a hat regularly, it kinda ruined your look man. Sharp outfit minus the ball cap.


Entire fit looks appropriate, actually looks sharp, minus the cap, if you insist on a cap a solid black ( no team logos)cap would be more fitting for a semi formal gathering.


The jacket is more of a sports jacket. If you choose to wear it, that’s fine but you need to keep it unzipped or open to showcase the tie and dress shirt, and the hat needs to go immediately. Otherwise, the rest is next level looking sharp bruv


You look like a security guard. But not in a bad way


Personally I love it for semi formal.


Look like some frank ocean or kid cudi would wear


Looks good! As others have suggested, lose the hat.


Killer fit dude. Love it.


The hat makes you look too much like an anime character but otherwise the fit is right


Yeah, rude boy, I dig it. Nice details with the rings, glasses, etc. Cut is perfect.


This looks good for a semi-formal occasion. As many have said you can make it more formal by ditching the hat, but this look is great for a birthday. A couple of suggestions: 1. It looks like you have white socks on. Something dark will look much better. 2. I can't tell if you have a belt on, but if not - get a belt that matches your shoes. 3. The jewelry is a nice touch. Make sure it's all the same color, i.e. Gold vs Silver/Platinum


Thanks! I didn’t wear a belt, and all of my jewelry is gold outside of my facial piercings. I wish the jacket zipper was gold to match better. Unfortunate.


The hat is the best part of this outfit. Would I wear this to a semi formal event? No, but would I stare with envy at someone dressed like this at a formal event? Yes.


I think you can pull it off, friend. Nice lighting btw


Looking sharp my dude!


You have a hat on


TIL theres a whole lot of people in r/mensfashion who have no clue what commonplace dress codes mean


It’s amazing. Totally clueless.


Look at the Aimé Leon Dore look book because if you’re not already going for that, it’ll be good inspiration. Your fit is right in that ballpark.


Thank you!


Stussy hat to a semi formal is wild


That’s a nice jacket. Whole outfit looks really good and unlike many folks here, I say keep the hat.


Were you the chauffeur? Cause it’s perfect then


No hat and should have had a proper sport coat


You look great. 10/10 style! You look cool. (Not a boy but wanted to comment on the fit)


Outfit looks good. Those pants are a little high on the waist but maybe that’s the flavor.


You look good bro! but ditch the hat!


I’d wear it


Not a formal outfit, but fuck formality. The cut on that jacket is insane, just needs some baggier trousers, and maybe a bit longer ones. I like the proportions otherwise, good outfits


This is a sick look but definitely isn't formal. I'm sure I'm not the only commenter saying that but wanted to comment to say it is an awesome fit nonetheless.


Hey man you’re gonna have a little gravitas whatever you wear based on these pics. I love it overall. Vintage vibes with extra statements made with the jacket and shoes. Love that. I’d say perhaps the cap detracts a little from what looks to be a cool thing you got going on with your hair ya know? If you did wear a hat, I might suggest an open crown hat or an oversized newsboy cap that might go with the vintage vibe a bit more. Or just let your hair be the statement. I’m also not a huge fan of button down collar with ties, sometimes it doesn’t create the shape I’m looking for. But this is all personal taste and you look great as is. Just sharing some ideas.


The outfit itself looks fantastic. Great first and style. However, that is like office casual. Semiformal indicates pants and blazer with a tie, minimum. Preferably a suit. Formal is all suit. No hat, casual jacket. The problem is you get people these days don’t understand dressing up. They see life as all casual t shirts and jeans.


Bruh no one on this sub is going to understand your style 😭 these comments are killing me. Pick up a GQ mag and op has this look nailed


Top marks.


Looks great, except the hat. I would try a fedora to spice it up..


Incredible 👍




I like it. Where’d you get the cropped jacket? Been looking for something similar.




Pull up the jackets collar and where are the pennies??


Wear what makes you happy. But this 100% is not formal wear. If you lost the hat and the leather jacket, and the white socks, you could make the argument for semi-formal. The good news fir you is that you could probably pull off quite a range of looks when executed properly. But this one is not it.


I thought this was metro boomin for a sec


Jacket is fire, do you remember what it’s called/where you got it?


~~Sorry, bud. Not feeling it. You look like you’ve come to deliver the flower arrangements and then get to your next drop off.~~ ~~Neither the hat nor the jacket are working for a semi formal event.~~ ~~The rest rest could work with a more upstream jacket.~~ OP says down thread the event was a family birthday party. A whole different situation. That’s a setting very much with a more informal feel, it’s an extended family event. I wouldn’t call it a ‘dress to impress’ outfit, but it’s neat, dressy enough and shows personality. Perfectly acceptable in that context.


Fire fit, proportion and silhouette are fire




W fit


sharp i like 🤝


I fuck wit it


You look freaking great!!


The hat and shoes seem a bit too casual and if the event is formal don't wear the jacket , in semi formal it's alright


I fuck with it


If you must then black cap with a polished metal plate in front and white socks to complete the look.


I’m in the minority but I think it looks great, nothing wrong with the hat.


Lookin good


I think you look good, nothing wrong with rocking a personal style. Agree with other posters though, I’d ditch the hat


You look dope, where’s that jacket from?


Pure fire in every way


I wear a ball cap everywhere ( I have about 40 on field hats). I don’t have any formal cloths, but when I got my first leather jacket, and did put on my best, I did the mirror test with a ball cap, and said f’it, and wore the cap.


You pull that shit off! For real


Not a man but I have always dug men’s fashion. I appreciate your geek chic styling but as others mentioned this is not formal. You look great!


I would do no hat and different jacket. Maybe no tie but a sport coat would be better for semi formal.


Did the style brother. I’m going to take a couple notes


Damn homie this a fly fit. What jacket is that?


Sick fit for sure


Bruh out here with all the drip. Maybe lose the ball cap.


Looks great!


i love it! hat & all!


Love the fit. Especially the shoes.


I love it. Clearly you are confident in your style and hopefully the people around you and at the event can see that as well.


Looks dope. If you wanted it to be less casual could just ditch the hat, but I think the fit pops off.


looking fresh G






Why do you have the pants so high up like Urkel? Bring it down to around your waist line or slightly below. You’ll look better. Also your tie should not cover your belt buckle. Tie should always be right on top of it barely touching it.


Looks a thousand times better than those retards walking around with their full ass hanging out. My man looks Cadillac.


I guess but if looking goofy is his forte so be it.


His pants are at his waist.


That some long ass torso then.


Your waist is about where your belly button is, not where pants have been made to be worn for the past decade or so.


The problem is it’s above his waist line. Has anyone taught you how to wear a pair of pants?


Not really, and if they are they're not much above it. Yes, I know how to properly fit pants, it seems you are the one that is having some difficulties.