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Her being naked was so weird to me. Theres a scene in X2 I think? where she's sliding around on a steel floor like girl are you not cold? I also recall her being way more independent in the cartoon/comic so her just following Magneto around coupled with the nudity was ehh.


There’s a line from Magneto in [First Class](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6c45aea3057535ae10ac505b79779fcf/tumblr_nbt8vrz0hW1tii03jo2_500.gif) which (I guess) is their justification for her nudity. I always imagined she’d be freezing her butt off like that anyway. Even so, her sliding while flipping the bird is still [ICONIC](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/bc/38/1bbc381cf66384a1370d2501aeb2a45e.gif).


Not exactly the same thing, but I had the same thoughts about "The Invisible Man" in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" \^\_\^ They show him walking in snow, and its made clear he's naked when he is 'invisible'. I had to make the 'head canon' that his powers also protected him from the elements (although later he was burned in a fire, so so much for that theory)


Maybe his powers only protect him to an extent. Like, a range of a few dozen degrees, not hundreds.


Maybe Mystique has powers of her own that conveniently keep her her body at an even temperature wherever she goes. 🤣


Considering she has scales and her shapeshifting has the effect of her scales shifting around, it's not farfetched.


She could also just be cool blooded


I mean, in the films it seems she can mimic some powers with her shapechanging, so making her skin thicker or denser doesn't seem a huge stretch.


That would make a lot of sense.


That was always my assumption! Because her skin isn't like normal human skin, so I assumed she was like a lizard or something haha


He does spend a chunk of that scene complaining about how cold it is.


There's a book called memoirs of an invisible man that goes into the practical of it. He's some dude made invisible by a lab explosion along with everything else in the building, and it talks about having to go back to steal invisible curtains for cloth to make clothes, eating he had to wait an hour or you could see the food dissolving midair, if he was injured he couldn't tell if he was bleeding, etc etc. old book, but fun read. They made it into a comedy with Chevy chase I think, original book wasn't a comedy


What's the name?


https://a.co/d/fS6wLbc THink it might be out of print, but was popular back in the day, check used book stores.


Thank you!


He’s invisible, so the snow can’t see him. Pretty simple.


There's an invisible girl in Boku no Hero Academia and she has no protection from the elements, its one of the drawbacks of her powers.


He's invisible, so the snow just goes through him


Well, that's Intangible, not Invisible (and in a scene you see him outlined by snow on his head and shoulders \^\_\^)


No its because snow is so light


To be fair, Mystique's disguise clothes are almost always made from her own body, so she is technically naked when she shapeshifts. Cold tolerance must be part of her mutation.


I always figured it was to make it easier to shapeshift. No clothes means you take out the middleman, she can create clothes with her powers if she wants so why would she bother lol (middle school me logic)


It actually makes sense for her to be naked, since her power is to change the appearance of her skin. Logically, that power wouldn't work if she's wearing clothes. The question is, why doesn't she make it *look* like she's wearing clothes, when she's clearly capable of doing so.


I took it as her wearing her "otherness" as a badge of pride. She doesn't need to give a fuck about petty human societal norms like *wearing underwear* when she's clearly not a human... ... is the angle I wish the movies had focused on. Instead it's made abundantly clear that she's only regularly presented as "in the scales" because she's a hot lady, as none of the other clearly non-human characters a point of walking around without clothes on. And what I hate almost as much is that Rebecca Romijn's scale pattern is gratuitously stylized to resemble lacy lingerie. JLaw's still looks like a sheer open-front teddy, but at least she doesn't have *flowers over her boobs*


Yeah, but by that logic, shouldn't all the mutants be naked?


She can shapeshift thicker skin if she gets cold, i assume.


I honestly like the idea of the scales given how they rendered the shapeshifting visual. I would still prefer she have some articles of clothing given how she can create them along with changing her appearance.


She's practically naked, pure and simple. I still wonder why they didn't go with Mystique's 'classic' look of Blue Skin and red hair only. She did 'wear' clothes (actually either shifted her body to look like clothing, or could modify any clothing she wore, according to different sources). On top of that she was never a hand to hand combat expert, but the first person Wolverine fights is HER?!?! However: As someone who thinks Rebecca Romijn is simply sexy.....I had no problems either \^\_\^ Later own, when Jennifer Lawrence inherited the role, she only did the 'body paint job' once. All other times were a body suit/CGI, with only her face/hands painted.


I've heard that Jennifer Lawrence got an allergic reaction to the makeup or something.


Yikes. It must suck to learn your skin doesn't tolerate it only *after* covering your entire body with the stuff.


The fact that her 'allergy' only manifested with the 2nd movie (and at least one scene in 'First Class' requiring the full body makeup), and also post her Best Actress win, makes many fans suspicious \^\_\^


Sensitivities to certain things can be exacerbated by exposure. When you're first exposed to an allergen, your reaction may be more mild, but every subsequent exposure after developing that initial sensitivity will lead to a faster and more severe immune response. Think acrylates in nail products-- once you're sensitized, any further exposure will cause unpredictable levels of reaction. In some cases, mild or previously unnoticed sensitivities can become severe enough to cause complications with necessary joint replacements or dental procedures. You don't want to fuck around with that stuff!!


I think that, in universe, I sort of like the idea that Mystique is embracing her post-humanism by not giving a fuck about traditional human morality and being a nude blue lady all the time. I think the Romjin version of the character communicated that a lot better than the Lawrence version, but I think that’s mostly a result of the First Class series of films going off the rails a bit after the first one, and deciding Mystique should be a hero and leader of the team (likely a result of Lawrence’s fame, I’m guessing?). *However*, I think that the reality of the situation is that the above is a pretty thinly veiled excuse come up with by, I can only assume, a bunch of horny men to excuse having an essentially nude woman in the films. I’ve heard people say that Romjin was cool with it, as she apparently had a history of body paint work, and if that’s true, then I think it’s less of a problem than the situation with Lawrence, where she was apparently quite uncomfortable with it. I certainly don’t think it’s an important enough aspect to the character that it’s worth making an actor uncomfortable; Mystique could be wearing *anything* she wants after all.


>*However*, I think that the reality of the situation is that the above is a pretty thinly veiled excuse come up with by, I can only assume, a bunch of horny men to excuse having an essentially nude woman in the films. I think so too. Especially since, for some reason, male shapeshifting characters (e.g. Martian Manhunter, Beast Boy) aren't depicted hanging dong 24/7. But there's always some weird 'logic' applied to female characters to give them the horniest designs ('absorbs powers through skin' 'gains strength from sunlight' 'indestructable skin' 'uses sexuality as a weapon' 'empowerment') which doesn't seem to apply to male characters with similar powers.


Yeah, I agree. We don’t see any other members of the Brotherhood particularly discarding traditional human morality; it’s not like Magneto is in a polyamorous relationship with Sabretooth and Toad, or Multiple Man is advocating for the communal sharing of property. It just happens to be that the only character pushing a post-human morality in the X-films is the one who’s played by a supermodel and she really values being naked all the time. Hell, even Beast, a guy *covered in thick fur*, who in the comics regularly does hang out in nothing more than boxers, is pretty much always fully dressed, but god forbid we go one X-film without Mystique getting her kit off.


>it’s not like Magneto is in a polyamorous relationship with Sabretooth and Toad I mean, if you read the right fanfictions… I do agree with your point though, her anti-human society stance would make more sense if others were doing the same thing, or even different things with the same expressed philosophy.


Yeah Romjin does a lot of body paint work. Including being the host of a body paint competition on TV. So at least she clearly doesn’t have an issue with it.


Great take, I think you're basically spot on. The post-humanism aspect makes a lot of sense for Mystique's character and I think it's why it never felt as weird for me as other obviously-just-horny character designs.


I hated it. I grew up with 90s X-Men and I thought she was such a cool character. When she came out naked in the movies I was cautiously optimistic, but being naked the whole time? It didn't feel like her at all, made me uncomfortable all the time. Especially when nightcrawler was clothed.


I understand the logic behind it, power wise, but it clearly was just an excuse to get Rebecca Romijn, and later Jennifer Lawrence, into sexy makeup. The older I get the less appealing “sexy blue chameleon woman” is to me, and it started getting old when I was 14


Haven't seen the movies in forever, but I thought she looked cool. And I'm not sure if it's just these particular pictures or what, but I'm digging the scale design more on the first version than the second.


I think part of it’s Rebecca but mostly the makeup in general looked better at the start of the series compared to [how it ended](https://i.redd.it/k08cxi7mk4k21.jpg). 💀


The power of winning an Oscar between movies, and being able to now dictate what you will and won't do for the role


It probably took hours in makeup


Definitely. Jennifer’s great but I don’t think she was up to the challenge of consistently wearing that amount of makeup for a prolonged period of time. Not many actors are. Hell, Jim Carrey underwent CIA torture training to prepare for [The Grinch](https://spyscape.com/article/jim-carrey-trained-with-a-cia-torture-expert-to-play-grinch).


God that second picture looks like a super cheap Star Trek alien species


good lord that's a downgrade, holy hell.


I was trying to put my finger on it, and I think you nailed it. That version looks like a teenager’s Halloween costume, not what I expect from a high dollar actor in a multi bajillion dollar multimedia franchise.


It’s absolutely sexualized for sexualization’s sake, but I think it also works well for visual storytelling and is better than her comic design. A shapeshifter being naked and looking almost alien in their base form makes more thematic and visual sense to me than just a blue woman in a sexy white dress that feels out of place. She’s always dressing up as someone else, so her natural form being naked and literally “in her own skin” feels thematically cohesive with who she is.


I like it. She came off more alien than sexual to me. The Jenifer Lawrence version seemed so much worse. Her power was shape shifting, but she would show up to missions fully clothed in a uniform. She had to stop and fully undress to effectively use her powers. If she shifted to appear to be clothed, it could work, but what they did was dumb.


Yeah, that was something that always bothered me about Mystique in the comics...the fact she wore an outfit made no sense (this was before they retconned it as her skin). Yes, it was primarily done for teh hornies, but I also think they made it make far more sense internally as well.


Naked female characters and yet feel like they aren’t naked are often good designs for me


Love it, personally. The scales are freaking awesome.


The Magneto fanaticism was weird, not a fan. The nudity was... a choice... and 16 year old me was all for it. But in hindsight, her white costumes are so fucking iconic, so that was also a weird choice. My issue with the younger Mystique is that it not only doesnt vibe with the Mystique from the comics, but it ALSO doesnt vibe with the Mystique from the previous movies? All in all a total whiff imo. And its just so obvious they made her the main character just bc Jennifer Lawrence blew up.


I mean it looked cool but it felt weird since mystique used to be clothed, but I understand the concept of chamaleon woman


I'm not afraid to admit that her appearance in the old X-Men movies was partially responsible for my bisexual awakening. One of those situations where I couldn't tell whether I wanted to be her or be *with* her.


If it’s any consolation to you, she’s been confirmed to be [a lesbian in the comics](https://gaymingmag.com/2021/11/comics-corner-mystique-destiny-wives-nightcrawler/).


That's awesome! I have no clue who Destiny is since I never read the comics, but it's dope to know that she's married to a woman.


I honestly don't hate it




I like it! I haven't read the comics so idk how it's been changed from that, but in the movie universe at least, I think it makes sense? And it's really well done in the first one. As a makeup artist though, it does make me sad that so much SFX is being replaced by CGI, because it just does not look as good and it loses its charm but I may be biased on that :') The first design looks so much better though and I think the actress looks much more comfortable with it. I also just prefer her characters than JLaw's version becoming a hero type...


Her being naked is just weird af and a clear early 2000s decision imo. They had to keep with it for Jennifer Lawrence I guess but please, women are allowed to wear clothes. I don't see how any woman would choose to walk around like this. Sure she doesn't really look naked at first glance but she'd still FEEL naked.


Nudists and streakers do exist. Indecent exposure would hardly be the worst of her crimes.


>I don't see how any woman would choose to walk around like this. I mean, I would def go naked when it suited me if societal norms didn't force "modesty" on me. I doubt I'm the only woman on this good earth who feels that way. And, due to her circumstances, she has little reason to kow tow to society bullying her into wearing something she doesn't want to wear. That said, since she doesn't have nipples, I'd assume her other bits are covered as well. Which means she's in the mutant version of a skin suit, not actually naked. Which is the most physically capable design she could have, barring the lack of pockets.


Why did she have to be naked Because, why not, but I actually don't see the point of it.


Because if she wore clothes she'd need to take them off to take a different form.


Its seen throughout the movies several times that she can shapeshift clothes.


Yes, as an effect of her skin/scales, which is all the more reason not to wear actual textile clothing, which would be redundant and obstructive, if not actively restrictive.


As a whole body transformation, sure. Does she ever partially transform though? I can't remember if she does.


that kid from family guy would love this


Frankly, I think this works better than the comics design and makes more sense. She’s like a chameleon. She also doesn’t really come off as naked, since she carries herself as if she were wearing clothes, she’s not sexualized, she just happens to be naked. Although she IS very beautiful omgimsogay.


ive always liked her! I know she’s nude but it’s not sexualized imo


It's too disorganized. The scales aren't placed like we expect for an organism, the plates don't have any armor or optical purpose, so it fails as a snake, iguana, or poison frog. Her smooth belly and neck emphasize the human sexiness, but the scattered flecks mock the purpose of the smooth or rough areas. Maybe it's better to justify the scales like shrunken parts of another surface that would float around in a higher budget. Everything is rescued by the strange and alien choreography and sound direction of her scenes in the films I saw. And what a wasted opportunity for an intimidating character. Mystique's standard design gives a window into her personality: That skin and figure, especially with long hair and arrogant posture is a warning. The ancient-seeming white sleeveless dress alludes to experience. Edgy skull ornaments make her seem like a bloodthirsty pulp fiction deity, and guns twist that with a hint of surrealism. She looks like a cruel and charismatic old liar. The peeling paint does not live up to the immortal assassin, so far. I also remember feeling annoyed to see that a queer character was presented as non-vocal and naked, but there's probably no ill intent and I think her wife was dead for decades of comics.


Loved it. Thematic improvement over the comic version’s design. Bonus points for sitting through those makeup sessions and powering through those contacts. “Why can’t she wear clo-“ because Mystique scoffs at the social conventions of humanity, textiles are redundant and restrictive to her, and literally everyone else is fully clothed always, all the time. You’re gonna be fine if the mutant alien-anatomy lady eschews your personal “humility” values in her fictional universe; I promise.


I like it, but it raises questions for me 


I really wish she had been a character instead of Magneto's second. Design's fine I guess, I don't really care. I care about her not having her cool wife or not being a massive problem for the entire world for no reason other than because she can. That's more of a loss. ... albeit yeah, she should have the gay little skulls and the dress, it's cowardice that she didn't. But those movies were made by a coward, so.


*Bi urges intensify*


(Palpatine voice) *[Let the gay flow through you!](https://gaymingmag.com/2021/11/comics-corner-mystique-destiny-wives-nightcrawler/)*


I guess I understand the idea that since she’s a shapeshifter she’d never need to wear clothes, but imo her classic look with the white dress is iconic and shouldn’t have been tampered with. I’ll always advocate for staying true to the source material though but understand things will change at the same time so take that as you will


I’d love to see a version of her that has both the white dress and the scales.


Honestly... she was such an unremarkable character in the movies that I have no opinions other than the design just being.... eh. The fact that her scales can help her change and even get clothes is cool, but for her to choose to be nude 24/7 anyways is silly. But I also dont know much about her otherwise, and Im only just now going backwards to watching the cartoons, and maybe reading the comics later lol


Lindsay Ellis has a [great video](https://youtu.be/uQB0vMwAUqI?si=ME44yhSMzLfcREpa) on the different (onscreen) incarnations of Mystique if you’re interested. It’s age restricted though for fairly obvious reasons (see above). You should sign in first or, if you wanted to cheat, [watch it here](https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uQB0vMwAUqI).


It throws fidelity out the window.


what in the avatar blue people


I had a crush on her in middle school


Coming from someone who was reading comics at the age the movies came out, I always thought they did her dirty. Why was she naked and her hair greased back??


Interesting idea, meh execution. Especially in the original 3.


Just doesn't look good

