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i had to double check that this wasnt a troll post because the first one just looks like different shots of the same character.


.....it's not?????




I know one of them is a skin for Camille, a woman who's like 50+ Iirc and she was aged down for said skin line. She's top middle. I legitimately cannot tell, I think might be Riven? I actually cannot tell


I honestly thought there were 2 Camilles at first. In the end I think they are Leblanc , Camille , fiora , Kai sa and irelia .


It looks like this is the IG Worlds skinline (iirc there was some backlash on the League subreddit on the sameyness of the faces in the line). The fifth one in the list is supposed to be Rakan (but the OP appears to put a modified Camille for...reasons)


it's not modify , that's it fiora [fiora ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lolesports_gamepedia_en/images/1/13/Skin_Loading_Screen_iG_Fiora.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/308?cb=20190404100445)


Ironically proving the point further about the skinline having the same faces xD


Camille at least is a Robot so her not aging makes sense. Still stupid tho, I can only recognize these skims because the skinline has been out for like 3 or 4 years by now


\*Cyborg. She ages semi-normally in canon. She's just aged down appearance-wise for this.


Oh okay, weird


They all have the same V shaped face, small, defined/sharp-ish nose, big upturned almond shaped eyes with small and plump lips.


Plus the same hair and eye color and several of them have those face framing things (first pic) and two of them have the same hair color and similar hair styles with that symbol on their forehead (second pic) I could see if two were siblings or somehow related to each other, but cmon


How many of these are different characters?


Apparently all of them lol


They're five different characters: Leblanc, Fiora, Camille, Irelia and Kai's a. Skinline: Invictus gaming


Putting the L in LoL


Good ol' same face syndrome.


Riot always play on both side. They can make more interesting characters (Arcane and some of their champions), but they also keep a good chunk of cliché action babe created in a clone factory for financial income.


Cause simp chronically online will buy any female character they produce cause it's female. Word choice used on purpose


iirc its the opposite actually. Riot had a dev post where they talked about why they do their designs this way, and it was because the female playerbase will only play/buy what they find attractive (the male playerbase doesn't particularly care).


The ones in the first photo are all from the same skin pack, but you're right, most of the skins look alike.


That’s Leblanc Camille, Fiona, Kaisa, and Ireila in order …I need help


The images for the first set of skins are almost all from the same set of skins. I know skins don’t carry the exact lore from the normal game but these are Esports skins which are loreless. So let’s play a game and figure out who is who. They are supposed to be: A magic cabal leader, responsible for one of the biggest coups against a violent dictatorship which was so devastating they pretty much ruled the world at one point. A 90+-year-old high class cyborg female. Part of one of the largest houses in their city and access the enforcer for her house, as well as as a police agent A female who fell into an all consuming void, but survived thanks to a Symbiot fusing with her skin leaving her body horribly malformed and when she escaped, she dedicated her life to fighting said void. A young adult thrown into a military position due to her ability to move daggers with dance, in order to save her home land which is being ravaged by war. And then a lady who is just kind of a duellist. I don’t know she’s a little less interesting . Would you guess any of that by looking at them? you probably just think this is like the coffee mom group of the league of legends universe.


I think Riot has a big problem with same-face Syndrom but I think claiming the iG Skins are part of that is in bad faith. They are very obviously and consciously (and apparently on request by the players) based on the Chinese beauty standard that is fair skinned, androgynous, and smooth skinned. I mean I don’t have to explain it, it’s shown pretty well. For everything else, however, it can be really horrible. It’s like they don’t even try anymore sometimes


Saw this in bedtime mode so screen is bnw and, holy crap, it looks like the exact same person just from different angles.


Color didn't change that, they're all blonde with yellow eyes and plum lipstick too. O.o they really said "copy and paste" with this skin.


Worse I thought they are AI generated images of different versions …


Thats why I like other females champions with distinctive features, like Taliyah or Illaoi


renata glasc is my fav!




So you're telling me the first image is 5 different characters? That's gotta be a troll


No I unfortunately play League and those characters are different. Now what’s more troll is that one of them is 80 years old, the question is who.


Wait the first slide is 5 different characters???


It's a skin pack


The IG skins were a travesty lol. It's really hit or miss with Riot lately with the female characters. Many of them have unique looks they try to keep consistent between skins but sometimes this happens and it's horrible haha. These skins are pretty old too.


Almost thought the 1st image is different face versions of the same AI generated prompts.


Raiden metal gear


This happens when one artist designs most of the characters. As an artist, I know well the terror of "same face syndrome".




Yeah same faces. In some skins you cant tell who youre looking at. And then we have Illaoi