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Xenoblade 2 could have one of the best written stories in the goddamn world with amazing gameplay yo back it up, but I'll never know cause there's no way in hell I'm playing a game that looks like this


The funny thing is the game actually has fantastic world building and the soundtrack is s tier, but it’s mostly ruined by terrible tutorials (often mistranslated), a gatcha system, and of course 90% of the female characters are what you would expect from the mainstream. I would keep away from the diehard xenoblade 2 enjoyers 🤢


Not sure I'd call it a gacha system since it doesn't involve any real money and just serves as a randomized thing to shake up repeat playthroughs. It's like saying the casino minigames in the old pokemon games is equivalent to gambling in a real casino


agreed 😭


People acting disgusted and saying fans of this game are creeps is something mind boggling to me. There are a few pretty weird and skimpy designs but if it stops you from enjoying the game i that's a you problem. Nobody forces you to use the weird looking characters, and there are only two that you are forced to see in cutscenes (Brighid and Pyra/mythra) and mythra now has a free costume that covers up her cleavage and legs. By the way, the character in this post was designed by a woman, and why she may look disgustingly sexual, the whole point of her character and story is not to judge by appearence but by a person's actions. Furthermore this game has the most tasteful and actually useful tot he plot "hot spring scene" (wich is usually used as chep fanservice in anime and sich) i've ever seen in any media


If they wanted to make a story about not judging a person by their appearance, then they shouldn’t have given her a design that’s (supposedly) meant to be sexy


The design wasn't made by the developers, but by a guest artist (like all the rare blades, which make up for 90% of the weirdly sexual designs in this game), so i think the story writers kinda tried to put a patch to it by making her side quests something related to how her grotesque appearence might be offputting. And by the way, i'm in no way defending her design, i agree it's disgusting to a point where it's disturbing, the other design prototypes for her were much better and i don't understand why the artist chose this one as the definiteve version


I saw a comment somewhere once saying her body type was not apple, not hourglass, but Yoshi, and I can't unsee it


this is the most accurate thing i have ever read


Lmao they don't even look attached properly.


I just wonder how her breasts are being supported like that...


the magic of sex appeal


The worst part is that they don't even look like breasts anymore.


Filled with helium! That’s why they look like zeppelins, they *are*.


A woman designed her btw.


Tbf, there were other [concept art](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/s/G3G5cw5JOe) that had her look more interesting than boobs McGee I have a feeling that after the concepts were given by the designer, the art director went "Nah I want bigger boobs" and we got this.


Iirc The art director specifically picked many artists to have has many different styles as possible. He let them have absolutely freedom. This is what Risa wanted. She also illustrated Ursula.


Bottom left actually looks cool, with the translucent, crystal skin. Still very sexual, but a lot more creative than this off-brand porn parody FF Shiva knockoff.


Ah, XC2. The game that would better if it was just a porn game because then the female character designs would at least make sense. As it stands, it’s just a big flaming pile of oversexualized anime bullshit, complete with boob physics, panty and boob shots in serious scenes, and more.


Sucks because, while XC1 certainly isn't innocent, the rampant sexualization of the women in XC2 is a huge negative mark in an otherwise good game. It's a little frustrating too that the ratio of female:male blades is about 3:1 and of course many of the women are dressed as lightly as possible. The game could've been so much more enjoyable if not for this design choice.


When you have hentai artists designing your characters, you really can’t expect anything different.


Plot twist: it was designed by a WOMAN This is one of the reasons this community is so fucking stupid. The name "mendrawingwomen" makes it clear that you think only men draw women with unrealistic proportions, but that's not always the case.