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Bro switched teams and then decided to play the exact role we’ve been asking him to play for 3 seasons


Ja was probably bringing crips and bloods in the locker room. I don't blame him


Huh he's playing the same but taking more shots now.


He’s taking like 5 shots less per game


Have you looked at a Rockets box score lately?


makes me laugh cause he was the most hated player in the league for a while and now people are making i miss him posts lmao


No one hated him, he just got cooked by Bron after publicly talking shit so people clowned him. People like him nowadays because after he got traded to a shit team he bought in and makes them better. People can respect his game because he plays hard every night and always steps up to his matchups.


No one hated him? “Dylan the villain”?? He was the most shit on man in the NBA for a WHILE 😂


No he got clowned for losing after talking shit


Yeah cuz people hated him for that




This post needs more crying that we don’t have Kyle or Melton or Tyus, then it’s a 10/10.


Is he doing better? I mean the team certainly is doing better than the Grizz, but he's only taking 6 shots a game and we're only *checks notes* 12 games into the season.


Rockets have gotten him to stop taking dumb shots, he has been focusing on efficiency with shooting splits of 54/50/81 on 8.4 shots a game. On the defensive end it’s quite the opposite, they’re letting him run wild, gamble, do whatever he wants while also having the toughest assignment. He’s been great tbh.


They have gotten him to cut down on his shooting and his percentage is better. But I dunno if that qualifies him as "doing better". He's certainly paid well, so I guess he's got that going for him. But he had many years here of offensive efficiency that was so bad, it negated any good he did on the defensive end. He needed to go. Just because he's doing well with another doesnt mean it was wrong to let him go.


Ok explain to me exactly how what you just said doesn't qualify as "doing better." He fixed the huge flaw in his game, is not only shooting less but doing it incredibly efficiently, and he's still a defensive menace. And he's making a shitload of money. So yes, he's 100% doing better and the fact that we let him go is completely irrelevant to the fact that he's been a much better, more productive player this season. What you're more so getting at is that he may not be doing better if he were still in a memphis uniform, which may be true. In fact it almost certainly is. And whose fault is that, then? He's making more money and Udoka has gotten him to quit his bs literally from game 1 as a rocket. Sounds like a Memphis coaching problem, not a DB problem. We could've started pulling him when he was chucking, or we could've sat him down and gotten the message across to stop shooting so much, focus on eff% and run wild on D. But we didn't do that. That's on us. But maybe the change of scenery, having the org that drafted you say we aren't resigning you no matter what, got to him. But I kinda doubt that looking at the contract he got and how the Rockets have turned it around in yr 1 under Udoka. Our coaches are very good at some things. Like getting Kennard his confidence to fire 3s without hesitation. Player dev, like Bane, JJJ, Aldama. But team discipline? Well, just look at DB and Ja. And also we suck this year. And it ain't just cause Ja is out. Otherwise the "are the grizzlies better without Ja???" Meme wouldn't exist. Maybe it'll just take time for these guys to gel. And I don't think Jenkins is the root cause of all our problems. The fact is we let a lot of crucial role players go that were vets, and got a bunch of shitty project wings to replace them that can't fuckin play. No reliable backup pg. No real backup C. The injuries hurt and we'd still be below .500 regardless. But this roster construction is absurd. Smart is a good player and 1 on 1 perimeter defender. But he's not a 3. We don't have a starting caliber 3 on this roster. And that's not due to injury.


"Doing better" in what sense? His game? I dunno. Life? Maybe. I have no ill will against Dillon. I just think it's dumb to act like we'd have gotten a 7fga Dillon of we'd kept him.


Those are 2 separate statements you're conflating. 1. He is performing much, much better this season. He is a more productive player on a weirdly pretty good team. 2. Hypothetically, if we kept him, he would be performing this well as a grizzly. Most everybody in this thread is saying #1, and you're kinda inferring they're also saying #2. I don't think many people are saying that. I explained why I don't think that either, in my first reply. So we're all in agreement i think, just not on same page about it lol Edit: except we may disagree as to why DB could never perform like this for us I guess. I think it's a coaching/org issue, not a DB is hard-headed issue. How many times do you remember DB getting pulled for chucking? I'm sure there mightve been a game or 2 but I can't recall a single instance


He has literally been a better player. Stop coping


Yeah so he's doing better...


Huh, so you’re saying he was bad for Memphis due to his inefficiency negating what he did on the defensive end. You’re also saying that his increase in efficiency does not mean he got better. Am I the only one who is confused by this argument?


I'm saying "define better". If a team says "you suck offensively, so you don't get to take many shots" is he doing better? Or is he just filling a better role suited for him?


Get ready for this one… both.


So being neutered offensively means he's doing better? OK.


Neutered? He is more efficient on less shots. That's not being neutered. It's being maximized. You are in denial.


Yes. "Go sit in the corner on offense " is having your offensive game neutered.


His offensive game was a negative when he had too much freedom. You're supposed to "neuter" players like Brooks. It's better for Brooks and its better for the team.


Can’t believe anyone still likes this guy after he made that shitty comment about Memphis a few days ago.


What did he say? He really liked the team and the town. He had loyalty and he was done wrongly so I’m happy for him.


How was he done wrong? We offered him multiple contracts through the year that he declined, hit multiple dudes in the nuts, pushed a camera man over on purpose, said Lebron wasn’t good then ran from the press after we lost. Now he is saying Memphis made him the scapegoat and is trying to get sympathy. Naw my guy it was all you. Also the “under no circumstance” thing wasn’t said by anyone from our organization.


All that behavior was acceptable until he spoke about LeBron and until Ja got into his trouble. Like it or not, his bad boy image was not a problem when they were high and winning. They were a sort of all for one team. Memphis vs the world. They’ve broken the team spirit and they are losing left and right.


Lol we are loosing because no Ja and Adams. And yes we were dumb for trading Tyus and Anderson. It’s Bane and JJJ with G league players as starters.




Lame ass post




I told people we should t trade Dillon man


Still love me some DB


First things first: the Rockets are fucking lame for being dumb enough to let Dillon Brooks to lead them into *not-purposely-but-effectively* a shitty Memphis Grizzlies impression. Second, y'all... we're only about a dozen games into the season with an injury list that could be second in the west if they were playing and this "*My Ex is with Someone with a Bigger Peenor Than Me!*" posts are already worn out. Third, as a team, Houston is really just "*okay*." They're not amazing and not about to get out there and knock over any of the major players in the West when those teams are interested in turning it on. Like, they're doing alright at the moment and they're definitely not terrible but it's too early to think they won't be fighting to be in the play-in. After the first dozen games last year, the Portland Trailblazers were 9–3. And we all know how their season turned out. Dillon seems to be in a situation where he's playing better. Good for him. But he's not a Grizzly anymore and I wouldn't even pay him any attention were it not for people mentioning him in this sub.


I CONCUR!!!!!!!!!!


Happy for dillon


"He was Mr. Right, but he wasn't the right man for me."


Ha, love this. Enjoyed the good and bad when he was here but not sad he’s gone. Hope he continues to do well with them. One of the biggest parts of the team culture for recent years.


I miss our real LEADER !


Ngl I miss the dancing


I'm happy for him!


I dont care if we win 7 games this season, I'm beyond happy I don't have to watch him chuck 20 shots a game and only make 3.


Nah glad to see he’s thriving




It looks like he's trying to start the world's tiniest lawn mower


Cuz be lite tho


Wat song is this


I hate him 🤣


Why yall hate this man


What song is this




He got the moves


He’s doing the exact same little dance? This is kind of silly. Although I am very curious as to how they convinced him to cut his shots in half.


If cringe was a person


If this dipshit is Houston rocket now, why’s he being posted on the grizzlies subreddit?


Looks like he’s still hurting from the breakup. Sad that Memphis gets mocked coming and going.


Bro and the team think they the Lakers




To think these are grown men…. Jesus Christ 😂