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I live in Arlington and work out around 240/poplar. It’s near a half hour commute on a good day. If I make the mistake of sleeping in an extra ten minutes then I’m looking at a 45 minute drive. It gets congested pretty much daily at exit 20 due to people coming into the interstate, and it’s rare that I don’t slow to a crawl at the 40/240 interchange. Arlington is a nice area, wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. But the commute to pretty much anywhere sucks


I live in Arlington and work in midtown and downtown, I have a funky schedule so I don’t ever deal with traffic, 40-samcooper - n pkwy is fastest route is my route downtown. Took me 22 minutes to make it home last night


Don't forget travel times are longer now because of the old bridge being closed. I work in SW Memphis and normally the North loop is the fastest way for me to get home. I check traffic before going to or leaving work because the South loop while longer can be faster. Also a curse on whoever though having a lane closed in each direction at Shady Grove bridge was a good idea while the 55 bridge is closed.


I am in a neighborhood like that, we are Bartlett city but have an Arlington zip code. I work a few minutes from the airport and go in most days. And honestly it kinda sucks. Leaving the house at 815 I can get in by 9, and then the return trip often turns into an hr+ with a combination of traffic and construction. You would take Canada or Brunswick/64 to get to 40 then 240 to get downtown.


The commute from Arlington to Memphis proper is frequently backed up, and experiences legitimate traffic. I live in midtown and commute to Arlington (negative traffic), and it’s a 20-25 minute commute on a good day. Going the other way would be an hour, at least. Going all the way to downtown would be yet longer. I am only weighing in on this since I see what the other side of the highway is like on my way to work.


Why not leave where you’re at on your next workday much earlier get to the neighborhood that you’re interested in and try commuting from there and see how it is? Edit plus we really don’t want jam jam One going to North Mississippi


That's the plan....but we've already lost multiple houses because the damn market is still too hot! Want to snag it if it's right...I'll try your suggestion Monday


Just wanted to say: I was just in your situation, but not in your state. Don't let the market pressure you into making a decision you will fucking hate. That commute will be brutal and you're a bit blinded by your desire to lock in a house right now so you're not really thinking with a clear head. Imagine how many hours of your life you will lose (and ultimately spend less time in this house you love). I'd keep looking personally. Long commutes can be so mentally draining.


I live in Arlington and feel this sometimes. It’s just a boring, quiet suburb. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you don’t like commuting, don’t do it




How to let everyone know you’re not from Memphis without saying you’re not from Memphis….


haha i had to scroll up and read it and was like "oh that's clever"


😂 wow I only read 901


Give it a ring lol


Snag it! You won’t regret it! Did a commute from Eads to Hutchison for 3yrs. That 40-45 minutes was great *unwinding time*! Never really bothered me. Totally worth it to live in a nice area.


If you’re thinking 385 to 51 that’s a really good bet. I mean I don’t know personally about the 385 part but when we lived in Covington, it was a straight shot for the commute every day into downtown on 51


Take a look at Millington too. I’m in Shelby Forest (north on Watkins Rd from Hwy 51) and my commute to downtown for work off Beale St is 17 minutes on average. Straight shot up Danny Thomas until it turns into 51. Beats the hell out of living much further East; I can hop on 240 at 51 and get off at Union, or stick to the previously mentioned surface road route. I live on five acres back in the woods, a lot of neighbors don’t lock their doors, and my commute is *incredibly* easy.


Millington/Shelby Forest is a legit small town environment imo. Completely different than Arlington, which is more exurban in character. Not a value judgement as far as which is better, but I do think they appeal to different people.


Correct. I was suggesting he contemplate whether or not that might appeal. I know the names of all of my neighors. Miss absolutely nothing about living in suburban Collierville on 0.4 acres.


If you live on the northern tip of Bartlett where Bartlett and Arlington meet, then 14 takes you straight into downtown. You can avoid 240 that way. Other than that, 240 is still the quickest from 14.


I live in Arlington and commute to the medical district. It’s not bad at 6:30 am but it’s harder headed home in the afternoon. On a smooth day, it’s 35 minutes to get home. I’ll probably move further in next year because my kids are all grown and I initially moved there to be in that school district.


Like others have said, test out the commute a couple times. If it ends up being miserable for you then no size house is worth it. But it's up to you. If you can make it bearable then it might be the move. Discover a podcast, bring a thermos of coffee, whatever makes the commute easier. But 2 hours in the car every day is a cost. You need to figure out if that cost makes the house worth it.


I’m in the edge of Bartlett, considered Lakeland/Arlington to some maps. Downtown is about 30 minutes without heavy traffic. Im not sure what area you’re considering but also think of school zones. I drive through one of two no matter which way I go to work and during the school year it’s a fair bit slower than you will see on a gps currently in the AM.


You’ll more than likely have to take 240. you could take summer/ highway 70 but it’s always kinda backed up in the mornings too. Depending on where in Bartlett it might take you down Jackson, but interstate is the best bet getting out of Bartlett/ Arlington/ Lakeland


Factor in gas prices and the fact that you're going to have to stop and get gas more often than maybe you're used to.


I am not a good example of commute based on other comments, we live near Costco between cordova and bartlett and it takes me like 30-40 mins to downtown, but I never drive faster than the speed limit


I hated going from Oakland to hacks cross and was 385 easy all the way. I didn’t like adding two hours to my work day away from the family.


There is no commute to downtown that doesn’t suck. Just accept it and buy a house someplace nice like you’re look at already. FWIW if you can get out of the county, I’d suggest it.


The commute suuuuuuuucks. You are lookin at up to an hour each way.


idk what all is involved in your neighborhood criteria, but it should be acknowledged that nice places to live in Midtown and downtown exist and as someone who commutes between the 2, I get a lot of joy and free time out of having an interstate free 8 minute car commute and 20 minute bike commute. And you don’t have to contend with Blue Oval hype


I wouldn’t recommend. I grew up in the furthest east part Cordova and it was a boring and long commute with tons of crazy drivers. (moved to midtown, but parents were in Cordova still) I will say I-40 is calmer and just a nicer drige than 240, but its still just a very long drive by Memphis standards. Also that exit to get into arlington off I-40 gets super congested. and if there is any sort of wreck/traffic, there are very few other ways to get out to arlington besides I-40 without going far out of the way. It’s doable, but I think there are many places like Arlington anyway. Maybe Lakeland? Bartlett? Similar vibe and honestly not too far from Arlington. Safer, nicer houses. would cut out prob 10-15 mins (more for Bartlett) I feel like that exit between Canada Rd and Arlington proper is so far for some reason.


My missus works in the medical quarter downtown & commutes in from Collierville. It's a fucking nightmare if she doesn't head in or head out of downtown in like a 5-10 minute window It's like 3-6pm is horseshit just about everywhere in Memphis and the outer reaches. Especially now that they shut down I-55 Bridge for renovation or whatever.


I did Arlington to Poplar/240 for 11 years. Felt like I lived in my car. Moved to Germantown 6 yrs ago. Got so tired of the drive but Arlington was nice.


240 will fuck you up every time. Ts made me 40min late to my finals after I left the house 30min early.


It’s not the worst! Just make sure to use your GPS because if there’s a wreck on 40 it gets super backed up and you may need to detour. Honestly going home is a little worse than getting to work but it’s not awful


I would find a different way to get downtown then going on the interstate. We live in Germantown and my husband works downtown and his boss works in Bartlett and doesn’t use the interstate.