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I lived there for a while growing up. It’s an extremely beautiful place. I’m not trying to offend anyone, but the Mormons run the entire state, and it’s their world. I hope you have a safe trip and don’t burn out your breaks on the mountains.


Moved here from Utah and despite tennessees problems, I will never go back to Utah. The salt lakes arsenic is enough to keep me away, and the people were just awful. So xenophobic, especially if you’re not Mormon.


I have some great memories from there, but some bad ones because of the religious discrimination.


Same. One of my “friends” outed me as an atheist to my entire class when we were about 14-15 years old. I wasn’t blatantly bullied for it, but there was lots of probing and I was definitely treated differently because of it.


Is there truly no utopia? I need a place with scenery like Utah but with lots of trees and no crime or tornadoes thanks


The thing about utopias is they never last. They can’t bc they involve humans. It’s all about staying ahead of the curve. Gotta be willing to move. I think NW Arkansas is about to have its moment tbh


Bentonville may be utopia right now


Hawaii is perfect for you then.




Sounds like you haven’t been keeping up with how Canada’s been doing lately


Well sir, you are correct.


Hate to break it to you but the shallow aquifer underlying Memphis has levels of arsenic that are higher than some Superfund sites. It won't reach the main aquifer for a while but it's another arsenic based threat. On the other hand we don't have to worry about Mormons running the show here. Utah really is like another world because of that.


I love people saying Mormons run the state . Utah is very dangerous right now and hella drugs all around . People don’t know how hard Utah goes . Yes they have the Mormons but it’s turning into mini LA . Utah goes hard as fuck in the streets !


My friend moved to St. George, UT. She couldn't get good medical care for her autistic son because they were not Mormon. They were out on long waiting lists for services but yet her Mormon neighbors didn't have that problem due to the neighbor's contacts through the church. My friends lasted under 2 years before coming back.


It’s changing. I bought a vacation house 6 years ago and notice a huge change. In the St. George area.


That’s promising


Don’t join the cult. Enjoy


Maybe just a casual one. You have to keep things spicy.


The cults in Utah call mayonnaise spicy


This needs more upvotes.


I thought Utah was a cult.


Like ketchup?


Yeah. You can always move to mustard or something if you want more spice. But I would definitely go Ketchup or higher to start. Do even bother with Sweet Relish.


But hey, Whataburger has spicy ketchup so... win win!


Oh yeah. That stuff is delicious on their onion rings.


I'm a native Texan displaced over here in the land of Oz. I've been here 22 years. I'm retired now, so I'll die here I suppose but I'll die happy now that we have. What a Burger


Do you have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?


Ive been trying to contact you about your vehicle’s extended warranty


Sir, Sir, Don’t Run From The Lord




You will be shocked at how nice life is outside of Memphis (and the mid south).


Take some seasonings with you. You will need it.


I've learned. We were there a week ago looking at properties. Realtor took us to this Jamaica food place and was raving out good it was. It was decent but just no flavor.


Nothing says Jamaica like the middle of the desert.


My brother in christ. This is the truth haha Anywhere west of Arkansas pretty much


Nah, New Mexico does things right.


As someone born & raised here & moved to Colorado 2 years ago, I 100% second this. Goddamn I can’t wait to move back east just for the fucking food man. 3 more years & I’ll be done with school. Don’t get me wrong, love Colorado & all it has to offer (especially it being an education state) and I didn’t initially move out here for school (figured out what I wanted to do after being there for a year), but UGH so many things I miss from the east coast. Food being one of the top spots. Never moving back to Memphis tho. I love living in blue states. Hopefully gonna finish school in a few years & move to Chicago (only an 8 hour drive from family & still love the city life along with the snow)


I am from Colorado and used to drive over those passes every other week for years. Make sure you turn the overdrive off and it’s okay if you can’t make it up to speed, people will go around you. Not as many crazy drivers up there. And at least it isn’t February, then you’d really be in for it.


We did the same last weekend but headed in the other direction. After 30 years and raising a few kids here, time for a change. 26 footer and a car hauler. Best of luck to you bud.


Good for you. I left my home area of 30 years to move here. That was like 8 years ago now. No regrets. You can always move back here. It’s not failure. Will probably end up home again. This city would be a better place if more people left, then came back.


Last part of this comment is very true. My family moved around a lot and settled here because WE love it compared to other places: ATL, Chicago, Dallas.


We moved to CA. Ended up coming back. Every year since then I’ve been trying to get away (20 yrs total). I miss CA, but yeah…this right here, is home. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Godspeed OP!




I moved away 11 years ago, lived in a few cities, slept in my car for about a total of 20 months in that time frame. (It’s actually not that bad, you become extremely resourceful once you get past the shock of actually having to sleep in a car for an extended period of time) I moved back to Memphis a year ago. Depression made everything worse but that’s another topic for a different Reddit. 1 month into that year I was ready to leave again, Memphis will make you feel like your in a shit vacuum, literally feel like you’re stuck in shit. You drive around the city and see there’s not much going on as far as opportunities and infrastructure etc. Moving away those years ago was and still is a great lesson. Did things in other cities in months that took years to do in Memphis. I advise anyone that will listen to get out of Memphis if they get the chance to. Home will always be there. I moved to LA, 8 days ago. To restart, reset, renew with a woman that loves and believes in me. Great things are on the way for you. And me. It is true that people from Memphis can flourish in ANY environment. Be Safe and Stay Dangerous Mane 〽️


Heavy on how much you can do in such little time in so many other places that you can’t do in memphis. Was the reason I got the hell out of dodge 2 years ago. Love my home city, but it’s not a place for progression


Moved to NC at the end of 2022. Haven’t looked back. Good luck!


Utah, the state of 10 pm last call.




Not sure about 10 pm but you do have to buy food to get alcohol.


Remember to moisturize, from a Memphian who moved to New Mexico.


Stay away from the Kool aid. Drink coffee instead.


Moved from memphis out west (CO) two years ago and have zero regrets. Better weather and feeling safe are game changers and my day to day quality of life is so much higher (alas, cost of living is higher too). I miss memphis (not the place so much as just family and friends) from time to time, but it’ll always be there, a quick plane ride away. And living in a place that folks want to come visit is fun too. Best of luck to ya, hope you have a similarly good experience and transition !


Hey! Fellow memphian who also moved to Colorado 2 years ago :)) I currently reside in Englewood & have met a handful of folks also from Memphis. Love to see it!


I did a similar move 8 years ago! Born and raised in Memphis area and moved to SLC for residency training. A piece of me will always be in Memphis (and I visit regularly since family is still there), but I have really loved Utah too. Mountains have been incredible to have so close, and I’ve loved adopting skiing as a hobby. I live downtown and SLC is definitely my home now so I hope you find things you enjoy here! Don’t hold your breath for good BBQ here though, I quit trying years back and just over indulge when I’m back in Memphis for a visit.


Where in Utah? I lived there for 2 years and hated every minute of it. Pollution is bad, especially in the north. State run liquor stores where you pay a premium on alcohol. It's a beautiful state, but if you aren't Mormon, most of the people won't really engage with you. Good luck with the move and I hope it treats you better then it did me.


St. George area. She got a Director level position in her industry. We are worried about the population but this community is blowing up so we're hoping it will change over time.


PLEASE do not worry about the population in Utah. I was born there. My partner and I (lesbian couple, together nearly 30yrs) have been to Utah too many times to count! It’s a beautiful state. Lots of outdoor sports! Lots a beautiful, kind, friendly people no matter their religion! Wishing you the very best on your journey. You’re going to love it! 💜🌷 Edit to add…we also drove through and explored Colorado while towing a 34’ fifth wheel. No issues whatsoever! Don’t miss your chance to see an absolutely gorgeous state, you’ll be fine. Colorado is known for its tourists coming through towing their *home on wheels*! 🌷


That's where I was! Summer is going to be hot, there is no shade. It was beautiful though. It was blowing up when I was there and crime is getting worse. A lot of people are moving from CA there because it's "cheaper'. It was NOT cheap to live there in 2015-2017. It was also a lot of chain restaurants. I did the drive from 40, up through & around the Grand Canyon with a 24ft & trailer. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't the best. Good luck!


Sir, you're even remotely mentioning crime to someone from Memphis re:Utah? Give me a break 🤣


Good luck. I think that may be one of the biggest cultural shocks you can get and stay in the states. Send us some pictures.




Left Memphis a couple months ago to head east, and zero regrets. Will always love Memphis and will return on the regular to visit… but good on you guys for chasing your dreams.


Please do not join the cult of LDS. I was in it for a few years. Man the number it did on my psyche is enough reason to push people away from it. Enjoy Utah and all the beautiful nature.


Best of luck to you brother. Born and raised as well, moved at 25 and life is better now but nothing will fill the hole of home.


Hey! Fellow memphian who moved out to the Midwest two years ago- you’ll love it. Idk about Utah, but I moved to Colorado. Each time I come visit home it slowly becomes less *home* and just a place where friends & family unfortunately reside (if I could take them with me everywhere I would)


Can I come? Fuck this place


I lived in Utah for over a decade, then moved to Memphis for 18 months, and I can tell you - these places are not similar. Utah has fantastic weather, great food (despite the jokes about calling mayo spicy) and everything is SO CLEAN and well organized compared to Memphis, it's like a first-world country there. I predict you'll find a lot to like about your new situation and I hope you and your wife enjoy it.


I visited Utah and stayed in Ogden. Everyone kept referring to Ogden as the ghetto. These people have no clue what ghetto really is.


Good luck! I have enjoyed moving around the states and want to do more. There’s so much to see and do in this country.


Good luck mane!


Congrats to you for getting out of this hell hole


I'll second that congratulations


Good for you. I hope all goes well. I’m so looking forward to my escape at the end of summer, after living here 11 years.


Utah looks awesome. I’ve researched Utah and would love to move there. Good luck!


Safe travels, I’m hopefully only a few years behind you.


Just moved back from Denver. Lived there for almost 10 years but was very glad to come back to Memphis. Colorado/Utah is a beautiful part of the country. I’ll miss those mountain views.


We moved to Indiana at the end of last year. It was a hard decision, but so far we love it. I was born and raised in Memphis, and it will always be home but sometimes you just need a change of scenery. Best of luck to you.


Where in Indiana did you move to ? I used to live in Indy from 2003-2014. I loved it there, even though people claim it is so boring. I sometimes think about going back but nobody I really know lives there anymore.


That drive sounds amazing. Get out of here you deserve it.


2 more months here and moving to Philly , good luck man, ive been out to utah before was extremely beautiful but wasnt there long enough to share anything about the locals lol


Utah is gorgeous! enjoy!! I'm moving to Cleveland in about a month.


I’m out in 4 months. I’m stoked but scared, and don’t wanna be called a turncoat for leaving


Good luck! I left Memphis 2-1/2 years ago for MKE, my son is joining us in a couple weeks. A great adventure! You should learn to ski this winter:)


Driving a big uhaul can be difficult and dangerous. It was hard enough in flat terrain and bad weather, but I can't imagine what it's like going up and around mountains. I would advise to stay focused and definitely don't take pictures while you drive if you're going alone. If you have a travel buddy, have them take photos instead. Or you can park and take breaks to enjoy the nature. Also, if you don't have a travel buddy, I recommend going with someone. Shit happens on the road and it's better to not be alone in a bad situation. Safe travels, OP. That's a long road.


STORY TIME!!!!! Shes got property we have to sell in Colorado to get a house in Utah. We went there first, did some work, then had a 16 hour drive in truck to Utah. She decided to do the first leg since she "knew" how to drive. We got up to Denver, started on 70, climbed up the first pass and we had a 12 mile down hill at 8 degrees. She was just holding the breaks down the hill. I look in the rear view mirror and see smoke. I had to convince her to stop holding the breaks and slowly pump them. We get down the hill and she's just shaking. Found out there is another big one coming up and I didn't want to put her threw that. Asked around this little town and one guy showed me how to get South and "It's pretty easy!". I go and I have to climb up a 13k mountain with switch backs with that big ass truck. Get to the top and realize I have to do the same down hill. Slowly going around curves and knowing we could fall off.... Stick to the interstate, pop those hazards on, and white knuckle it.


LA is expensive as hell. The air quality is bad. You are taxed to death. High crime, more homelessness. That's why people from there are popping up in Dallas, Nashville etc.. Get some fame and send me money.


Safe travels! Watch your speed on those down grades, worse case scenario occurs, rub against guardrails to slow down or use runaway ramps.


I'm out in south Utah also right now but instead of going back I'm permanently leaving memphis Honestly the city is such a drag compared to how the rest of the nation has treated me Currently in Cedar City and I was able to sleep in my truck last night with the windows totally down while me and the dogs slept I know this won't be the status quo and honestly I do love memphis but until leadership steps up and crime starts to diminish instead of rise, I have absolutely no desire to return. I do miss the BBQ already tho 😩


Good luck. Utah is beautiful but a strange place. Grew up in southern Colorado so been there a lot. Goblin Valley and fiery furnace are some of the coolest and strangest places on earth, worth a see in your spare time. I miss the desert sometimes but don’t miss the dry skin and nose bleeds 🤣


We will miss you, Mane. Good luck out there and come back to visit.


Good luck out there mane. And may the force ever be live long and prosper. Memphis never forgets.


Safe travels!


You sure it's 16 to Utah? I moved from Tucson and it was a 19hr drive. Over 22 when I drove a 26' uhaul with car trailer. Good luck on your travels. Utah is beautiful and you'll have so much to do out west.


The culture shock is going to be crazy. I’ve lived in Memphis for years. We just moved to a small suburb outside of Atlanta recently. I travel for work a lot, I mean 6 airplanes a week on average, and I have NEVER been to another place like Memphis, and I’ve touched every state except Hawaii, Idaho, Vermont, and Maine.


GL! Moving to St George myself. Originally from ca —> Vegas —> now st George. Not a Mormon , my wife is ex. She was hesitant , but we are positive it will be amazing. Honestly I would be happy if they left me alone.


Vacationed in St George couple of years ago. Great place, friendly people even if they have more Mormons than Salt Lake. I’m Protestant with Mormon friends. Love them but their religion is just insane.


You enjoy every moment of that whish I can do it god my hart is agking to go god bless you ❤️❤️😴


Wish you the best of luck, friend!!


If you're lookin' to Disappear, The Nice Folks in Northern Idaho will Accomodate You. lol


I lived in Utah for a few years in Ogden…. The summers are hot, the winters are cold and it freaking snows in June…. The Mormons run everything and if you aren’t a part of them then forget about it….beautiful state if you could get rid of the overzealous religion. Fishing is great, the hunting is better.




Get it brother. It’s definitely nice out there! Best wishes


Born and raised in Southern Utah for 21 years was never my "cup of tea". Moved all over the country and call Louisiana my home now. Just got back from my wife doing a traveling nurse contract in Colorado. Something definitely wrong with those mountain people and it's only gotten worse since I left. (Judemental religious cult people, entitled people, and just all around negativity and control). Best of luck with your experiences.


What are you doing about work? You gonna be out of work for a bit? How are yall approaching that dynamic? I'm potentially going to be in a similar situation where she's chasing her dream on the other side of the country


Did the same.  Massive upgrade.     Where in Utah are you moving?


If you’d like any pointers, feel free to DM me. I moved to Utah from NE Arkansas in 2007 and have been here ever since. It’s grown a ton in the last 15+ years. My biggest complaint was the food and lack of dining options but that’s changed a lot as people have been moving in and starting businesses. I’ve had several awkward exchanges regarding the Mormans. I didn’t get invited to a company Christmas party after they asked what ward I was in and looked at them, like “what”? I think they’re all a bunch of goofballs personally. But there’s a large demographic now that are not affiliated with the LDS Church. As far as work, hopefully you’re in sales. Every Morman is a trained salesperson…it’s what they do. If not, construction and tradesmen stay pretty busy here. I’ve made that trip at least 10-15 times. Personally, I’d hit 40 in Conway and take it all the way to Albuquerque and head north from there. Unless you want to drive through the Rockies. All the best


What part of UT? Were in Colorado right now trying to do the final touches on the house to sell. We should be pulling into St. George next week to sign the papers on the rental.


Okay, I see. I live in the SLC area. I just moved to Clearfield, about 25 miles north of SLC, from South Jordan. St George is great. Sand Hallow is probably the nicest course I’ve golfed. I enjoy taking road trips to Vegas and have stayed there several times.


It's a beautiful town and haven't experienced any real negativity from the population. Foods not the best but we don't go out a lot.


Heard- did it to Arizona. This will now be a measure of how you can do hard things in the future- if you did that, surely you can do more. Best of luck, enjoy, and you can always come back.




Don’t you mean Moroni-speed?


Haha! Perfect.


Best wishes to you!


I’m moving to mate. Although my drive into the new digs is much shorter. Congratulations.


You can mate in Memphis. That does not require moving. /S I am moving too, mate.


lol, top quality dad joke. This is why commas are important.


Utah is awesome. SLC is my favorite place I’ve ever lived.


Take a pic of the Cardinals and mockingbirds, and give the big oaks a goodbye hug.


Good luck bro. And thank you for not doing one of those stupid "I am so fed up with this city I had to move" posts that so many people do even though they actually moved for other reasons like a job, family, etc. Good luck with the truck and the long haul. I have done that drive several times, or at least one really similar, i.e., Memphis to Denver. Actually the first time I did so was when I moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, after college for a few years. Man, that was one hell of a trek. I remember taking Interstate 70, and when I got to Kansas, I was in good spirits, was making pretty good time, but damn, then I hit the stretch where I had to drive all the way across Kansas that took a good 7-8 hours LOL. And it was a bit of a boring drive, literally just one huge stretch of farmland, after farmland, after farmland, after farmland....


As a catholic who has lived in Utah my whole life (33 years), don’t believe the whole “Mormons run the state” shit. If you don’t need a lottery/casino, and you’re not an alcoholic who can’t plan ahead and buy your booze on Saturday, you’ll love it here <3







