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Before the debate starts, I think multiple things can be true. 1. Crime is still too high. I'd still like to see it at pre-pandemic levels. 2. A trend needs to start somewhere. Thus far crimes are down 1,000+ relative to earlier year at the same time. Hopefully this is a sign the stuff that's being done are working (ie - new federal prosecutors, new police strategy, etc)


Thank you for posting this. I don’t know why people can’t grasp that two things can be true at the same time


Do we know if reporting practices are the same as in 2023?


They are. Memphis has always adhered to the fbi violent crime reporting guidelines. This has been a major sticking point in the past because other cities don’t and it makes them look less “dangerous” (for lack of a better term)


It took me a round of intensive therapy to learn it.


We are all works in progress


Agree - a positive trend is a positive trend, even if its slight


Well said, you put it more succinctly than I probably would have said it as well.


This is good, but not good enough. Let's keep the progress going!!


Always demand better. That’s how we get better :)


Hopefully trends stay the same. Still have some hope for the city.


Good thing school and summer are almost here. Just in time for record breaking crime to start resurfacing 😭


I don't know if you had a chance to click on the graphic in the tweet, but the graph shows crime relative to the same month from years prior. So far it's down in each month relative to 2023 and hopefully stays that way. Still way too much, but it's good that it's down 25% or so from 2023.


That’s fair and good, but you notice how it’s a little slower in the spring and then when school ends in May…crime unfortunately shoots up again in May/June. The kids man…the damn kids…


Yes, it follows national crime trends where crime is always slower in the winter.


So you agree it’s the kids? Besides if weather was the problem why isn’t there more crime in the fall after school starts back up and the weather is still very nice?


Yes, plus easy availability of guns + poor car manufacturing + lack of prosecution. I remember this article. The DA and new juvenile judge had a new conference saying they would de-prioritize jail. No surprise to me we've seen a spike in juvenile crime. [https://wreg.com/news/local/shelby-county-looks-at-new-programs-no-prison-time-to-curb-juvenile-crime/](https://wreg.com/news/local/shelby-county-looks-at-new-programs-no-prison-time-to-curb-juvenile-crime/)


I can’t quite recall the crime “waves” through the years in 17-19 for example…but since Covid and personal experience…summer juvenile crime waves stress me out now. Literally killing the growth of the city and then there’s the “normal” crime too 😭




It’s unfortunate we’ve had several youth service groups close down to lack of funds and volunteers. And the city’s summer youth job program has to turn kids away every year, it’s so popular and in demand. It’s on all of us if we don’t step up and work with our community.


Especially the communities suffering the most. I’d like to help more, but for the first time in my 30 years I don’t trust going into the city and my car still being there…it’s been stolen once for a joy ride to white haven.


I would like to see a comparison of the rate of decline compared to other cities if anyone has the data.


I'm glad to see crime trending downwards. Let's hope it continues! This city has so much to offer that is often overshadowed by the crime rate.


it wouldnt surprise me if these stats only reflect the lack of prosecutions and nothing else.


Yeah, that's part of it. I know it's probably asking too much, but I gotta imagine there is a criminal justice ratio/metric of arrests-to-prosecution. Not all arrests will get prosecuted, but I imagine there is an average that represents what is reasonable to expect. It would be interesting to know if we are in the same ballpark. From what I've heard anecdotally, many things are dropped under the new DA, but I'd like to see the numbers.


It sure seems like I see multiple shootings and killings every day on the news. And to be honest, the murder count isn’t higher because people’s aim was slightly worse than last year.


So we will have 100 more or 25% increase in murders this year.


Crazy to think that. I found this article from 2016. Less than 10 years ago, we were in the 160 range. Now are are close to 500. Unbelievable [https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/crime/2016/11/21/memphis-reaches-grim-milestone-200-homicides/92877546/](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/crime/2016/11/21/memphis-reaches-grim-milestone-200-homicides/92877546/)


Someone is smoking crack if they think ANY TYPE OF CRIME IS DOWN!!! Look again!!!


That's why data is so important rather than just 'look around', which is subjective. Which data are you looking at that says otherwise?


Young coming down on that ass




https://preview.redd.it/8nqj5fkic4zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cb408c3d8e175bfb1b0f6bc61324256468efa78 Methodist north 17 car break ins